Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income
Bumping so we can get some more posters to tell us about their "singer player" choices. :D
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Not familiar with that, could you hum a few bars?
Man..when Bobby Darin was alive!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiGFZUnJgqU]Bobby Darin - Mack the Knife (Live 1970) - YouTube[/ame]
Can't forget Tony!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBMeAwqKXZM]Tony Bennett Sings - YouTube[/ame]
It's always a delight when Lovebear takes time out from looking for his baseball to drop in and fill us with awe and wonder at the brilliance of the typical modern day conservative.
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Not familiar with that, could you hum a few bars?

No pun intended

(work on it. Think Daniel Boone)
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Sure, my favorite SINGER [your word] (jazz) is James Darren. My favorite singer (rock) would be Springsteen. Female Vocals are Biily Holiday, Dianh Washington, Gladys Night and Laura Brannigan.

As for singles [Your Word], I have cd's mostly. As a kid I had 45's Lesley Gore, Lulu, Petula Clark and Linda Ronstadt.

Hope this helps.
Last edited:
Hatch: Obamacare Was Designed to Become Single-Payer System

March 20, 2013 - 12:56 PM

By Elizabeth Harrington

(CNSNews.com) – Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said Democrats set up the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, to “fail” in order to establish a single-payer health care system, “where the government controls everybody’s lives.”

“Let’s just be honest about it, the bill hasn’t triggered yet fully,” Hatch said of Obamacare, during a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. “And it doesn’t until the 1st of next year.”

“When the young people in this country find out that they are going to be the generation of debtors and there’s no way they’re ever going to get out from underneath this kind of stuff—I’ve got to tell you, people don’t even realize how crushing it’s going to be after the 1st of this next year,” he said.

“And I’ll predict that within that year—now I may be wrong on this—but within the immediate future the Democrats are going to throw their hands in the air and say, ‘It’s not working. It’s unaffordable. And we have to go to a single-payer system,’” Hatch said, adding, “where the government controls everybody’s lives.”

“That’s what’s behind all of this. And they know it’s going to fail,” he said. “It’s already failing, and it hasn’t even triggered yet, the big expenses.”

Hatch: Obamacare Was Designed to Become Single-Payer System | CNS News

Democrats set up the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, to “fail” in order to establish a single-payer health care system, “where the government controls everybody’s lives.”

“where the government controls everybody’s lives.”
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Not to worry, if they go single payer your premiums will be reduced, you will be able to keep your doctor, and you will get just as good of coverage as you have now.

How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Here's the problem with your premise.

Every country that has single payer spends LESS per Capita or as a percentage of their GDP than we do.



Partially because it cuts out the waste of CEO Salaries and investor returns and simply commits all spending to just providing care.

Partially because they lower the additional costs of litigation by assuring everyone lifetime care.

Partially beacuse valuable Emergency Room services aren't wasted on non-emergency visits.

Partially because every doctor's office doesn't need three clerks to file claims and know 100 different system.
Those of you off topic....PLEASE get back on the OP's topic of "singer payer". TIA
I prefer public option instead. Public option doesn't eliminate the private insurance companies, it merely competes with private insurance companies. Like Medicare, public option negotiates with providers for lower prices. Public option would be like Medicare for those under 65.
It's too bad that America is one of a very, very small percentage of countries that DOESN'T have the government negotiate with providers for the cost of healthcare/prescriptions and that's one very good reason, we in the USA are getting raped by the healthcare industry.
Look at the increase in healthcare insurance from 1999-2009 and then compare the cost per capita in America versus other wealthy nations.
Yaaa! We're Number 1 in the world in getting fucked in the ass by the healthcare industry by a country mile! And people are so brainwashed that they want to keep the status quo. Absolutely amazing.
Why? Anyone?


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