Letter from a Former Roman Catholic

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Perhaps one of the most magnificent letters I have ever read in my life. This letter from James M. Houston, a former Catholic, is written to CHRISTIANITY TODAY Magazine - a Magazine that has been suspected of being a front for the Roman Catholic Church - by believing Christians (such as myself) and has yet to prove otherwise. In my opinion.

This is a portion of the letter written to Christianity today in response to their having sided with a false church against genuine Christians defending the faith, namely Jack T. Chick and Alberto Rivera. There was, in fact, no evidence to present for what they were claiming as if it were truth. Here is the response. Please take the time to read it through and consider that Mr. James M. Houston is absolutely correct in his letter to this Magazine.

A former Roman Catholic, James M. Houston, responds to Christianity Today Magazine:

Here is part of the letter:

I have read your three page article exposing J.T. Chick's 'Alberto' to be a fraud ( See Christianity Today, March 13, 1981) I would like to make the following comments on the same hoping that God in His sovereignty would allow this letter to be printed (in full) in a future issue of Christianity Today:

1. Considering evidence set forth in your article, though I find many things stated of which Alberto Rivera may or may not be guilty, I find no evidence in the article that proves him to be a fraud, unless of course, I'm misunderstanding the word 'fraud.'

You do state what Rome herself has to say about Alberto. Who in a right frame of mind (unless they are totally ignorant of history) would give heed to her words in the light of the following evidence:

a.) her teaching that 'the end justifies the means' allows her the freedom to lie, just as long as it propagates her cause.
b.) H. G. Wells, noted historical, in his book, CRUX ANSATA, states:

Page 105 - "Roman Catholicism is a broken and utterly desperate thing, capable only of malignant mischief in our awakening world.' Page 155 - "I think that it stands for everything most hostile to mental emancipation and stimulation of mankind. It is the completest most highly organized system of prejudices and antagonisms in existence. Everywhere in the world there is ignorance and prejudice, but the greatest examples of these, with the most extensive prestige and the most intimate entanglement with traditional institutions, is the Roman Catholic Church. It presents many faces towards the world, but everywhere it is systematic in its fight against freedom."

c.) Lord Macaulay, says on page 548 of his 1852 ESSAYS ON RANKE'S HISTORY OF THE POPES:

It is impossible to deny that the polity of the Church of Rome is the very masterpiece of human wisdom....the experience of 1200 eventful years, the ingenuity and patient care of forty generations of statesmen, have improved that polity to such perfection, that, among the contrivances which have been devised for DECEIVING AND CONTROLLING MANKIND, IT OCCUPIES THE HIGHEST PLACE.

"But even with such a great cloud of witnesses, one might be tempted to ask the following question, "Has not Rome changed recently?"

To answer this most vital question, I turn again to the message of D. Martin Lloyd Jones:

'Ah, but you say, 'has not the Roman Catholic Church changed? You are simply looking back, you are speaking as if you lived in the 16th century - don't you realize that you are living in the 20th century? My answer is quite simple.
The proudest boast of the Roman Catholic Church is this, that she never changes, Semper eadem.

How can she change? If she changes she will be admitting that she was wrong in the past - but she was saying than that she is infallible, and that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and cannot make a mistake. If she says that she is capable of change she is denying her central claim!

She does not say that she is changing and she never will. The Church of Rome remains the same.

If anything, she is even worse. She has 'added' things to what she taught in 16th century, such as Papal infallibility,ect.

No, there is no change in the Church of Rome. And if there ever is one great world Church, it will be because the Church of Rome has absorbed all the rest and swallowed them in their ignorance! In the light of all of this evidence, should we give any credence to what Rome has to say about the persons of Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera? God forbid!

"Secondly, getting back to Alberto Rivera and your accusation against him and the Chick organization, I do not believe that Jack Chick would jeopardize his well grounded ministry without some definite leading of the Holy Spirit. Surely he would never put himself in such jeopardy unless he was quite sure Alberto was genuine.

"Just a small consideration of what Rome has done to those who exposed her in the past tells me that Chick has laid his very life on the line. And what of his dear family?

Has he not also jeopardized them?

"Thirdly, I must consider Alberto himself. Why would he put himself and his dear family in such jeopardy? What could he possibly gain by such a move?

No, logic moves me to conclude that he is being led by the Holy Spirit of our dear Lord. God bless his brave heart!

"Fourthly, I must consider Satan's part in all this, in the light of what Jesus says in Matt. 12:25,26:

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.....And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?

"In the light of the much proven fact that Rome has always been a devilish system and the curse of everything it touches, I doubt very seriously that the Devil himself would author a book that at least has started people once again thinking about the great evil of Rome. The Devil may not be wise, but he is shrewd and cunning.

"Fifthly, I must also consider the true, holy, living Christians that I personally know, And though they be few, yet they are in agreement that this is of God.

"Sixthly, though Rome has proven herself to be the greatest fraud ever put off on mankind, I do not recall your magazine going to any great length to expose her as such, even though such a move on your part would be a most blessed benefit to all of mankind, especially the body of Christ.

"Again, I must ask the question, why is your magazine so anxious to expose dear Alberto?

A good question, for even if I though for a moment that this book, ALBERTO, was set forth in pretense, could not my heart rejoice (as the Apostle Paul does in Philippians 1:18) that once again this 'mother of all spiritual whoredoms' is being brought again to the attention of the TRUE sheep of God?

I must say that I am very suspicious of your motive in printing this article.

Also, I noted on the second page of your article where the Roman Catholic Editor of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR states........ The sad thing is that Chick's lies are hard to refute.

It may be that they are hard to refute simply because they are true! Amen!

And last, I must consider the fact that to my remembrance (and I read extensively) I have never read anything against J.T. Chick UNTIL he attacked Rome.

The devil's mad and I'm glad! Hallelujah!

I could go on, but I'm afraid I may have laboured you too much already, so I will stop. I do pray that this letter will be received in the spirit in which it is written, and God willing, that the truth set forth in it reach the hearts of many DEAR souls, lest they end up with the mark of the Beast.

May God encourage your heart to search this matter out diligently, lest you be found to be fighting against the very Spirit of Truth, Himself, even our dear Lord.

Written by one who loves Jesus and hates the DEVOUT enemies of Jesus with that PERFECT hatred that David speaks of in Psalm 139:21-22, I remain,
Someone who is praying for you,
(Signed) Mr. James M. Houston
What a magnificent and historical letter Mr. Houston wrote. I praise God for this man who took the time to prove - with much historical evidence - that the true history of the Roman Catholic Institution is utterly evil and the people should rejoice that once again there is a reminder before us. The book "Alberto" published by Jack T. Chick Publications.

To God be the glory and praise for having raised up such humble and obedient servants of God - such as Jack T. Chick and Alberto Rivera. The Body of Christ should be very grateful for such men who risked everything to once again bring forth the truth and warn the world of the Antichrist Roman Catholic System and the tremendous danger it represents to us all. Amen.


No, I feel great compassion for those lost in Catholicism, Irish Lass. I realize they have been deceived by a very clever satanic organization and they are held in it by control and fear - thus the reason the Roman Institution is identified as Nicolaitans. In Revelation - by Jesus Christ - last book of the bible - (Controllers of the Laity - they are gatekeepers that claim without our church you cannot get to God without being a member of the Roman Catholic Institution you cannot get into heaven - you must go through us to obtain salvation - you must go through us to get out of purgatory - a fictitious place - it is Cult teaching 101- Jehovah Witnesses teach the same thing - so does Islam ) So what can be done for those who are trapped in a cult and do not realize it, Lass? They must be given the truth that is found in Scripture. They must be shown that the religion they are following is taking them to hell - not heaven and they must be presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have no hatred in my heart for Catholics. I hate false doctrines and the enemy of Jesus Christ who is Satan. He is the one who established the Roman Catholic Institution. It is pagan in its roots and utterly satanic in its teachings. I do pray that you will take the time to read the King James Bible and learn the truth. You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic Institution. It is not possible. You must make a choice. To serve and obey Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Or to serve and obey the Pope and the Doctrines of demons the RCC teaches its people. Their Doctrine is not of Christ. It is of Satan.

What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. (Heaven or Hell)
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No, I feel great compassion for those lost in Catholicism, Irish Lass. I realize they have been deceived by a very clever satanic organization and they are held in it by control and fear - thus the reason the Roman Institutions is identified as Nicolaitans. (Controllers of the Laity - they are gatekeepers that claim without our church you cannot get to God with us you cannot get into heaven - you must go through us - it is Cult 101- Jehovah Witnesses teach the same thing - so does Islam ) So what can be done for those who are trapped in a cult and do not realize it, Lass? They must be given the truth that is found in Scripture. They must be shown that the religion they are following is taking them to hell - not heaven and they must be presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have no hatred in my heart for Catholics. I hate false doctrines and the enemy of Jesus Christ who is Satan. He is the one who established the Roman Catholic Institution. It is pagan in its roots and utterly satanic in its teachings. I do pray that you will take the time to read the King James Bible and learn the truth. You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic Institution. It is not possible. You must make a choice. To serve and obey Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Or to serve and obey the Pope and the Doctrines of demons the RCC teaches its people. Their Doctrine is not of Christ. It is of Satan.

What you decide will determine where you spend eternity. (Heaven or Hell)
As I told you before, Lass. Blue crazy icons are not a rebuttal. It's a personal attack and you need to obey USMB rules. If the truth offends you this badly, don't read my threads.
As I told you before, Lass. Blue crazy icons are not a rebuttal. It's a personal attack and you need to obey USMB rules. If the truth offends you this badly, don't read my threads.

Stop trying to be a "mod", I'm not apt to listen to you. You sound like a bawl baby when you do that.
As I told you before, Lass. Blue crazy icons are not a rebuttal. It's a personal attack and you need to obey USMB rules. If the truth offends you this badly, don't read my threads.

Stop trying to be a "mod", I'm not apt to listen to you. You sound like a bawl baby when you do that.

If you are an adult - one would think you would be capable of moderating your own behavior - yet it does not appear to be the case as you repeatedly ignore the content of the OP and resort to baseless personal attacks against me. Why is that? I'll tell you why. You are incapable of attacking the message and so your only other alternative is to attack the messenger. As I told you before, you need to obey USMB rules, Irish Lass. Either address the OP or find another thread.
The Catholic church has been the largest church in the world for 2000 years. No Church can exist for so long and with so many members without having rough patches. Even the feel-good denominations of Christianity, which began branching off of the Catholic only 500 years ago, have dirty laundry.
Rough patches? Mass murder of over 100 million people is considered rough patches for the RCC? I beg to differ. It is not a church and it is an anti-Christ system that is the enemy of Jesus Christ. It's roots are in Paganism and it has nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's membership was all but dead prior to the wars they started to make a comeback. Look at their history and realize this important fact. A leopard doesn't change its spots and for those who forget history they will soon see it repeated!
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.

Had you read The Prophet by J.T. Chick you'd know that is not the reason at all. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it as impossible or untrue? Do you always condemn the evidence before examining it? If so you are guaranteed to remain in eternal ignorance over the matter. Address the OP and stop attacking Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera. They do not have the blood of over 100 million people on their hands. The Roman Catholic Institution does - the Inquisition alone they murdered 68 million people. The Inquisition alone - they are responsible for 68 million deaths. THINK.
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.
Jeri is a psychopath. Thank goodness she wasn't born in the middle east or she would've suicide bombed something years ago.

Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.
Jeri is a psychopath. Thank goodness she wasn't born in the middle east or she would've suicide bombed something years ago.

Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!
I'm going to be honest with you Jeri. You've seen many of my posts. You've commented on many of them. So you should know by now that I'm not the most religious person per say. I have no script, nor do I have any agenda I am trying to push.

Bottom line; Jeri you sound like a crazy person. All of the time. You might think you don't, but it's extremely rare for you to post something that doesn't come across as insane to most people.

So Jeri I have some advice for you. Tone down the rhetoric, stop copy and pasting crazy nonsense, and think before you post.

I think if you click this link it will help you:
Theory of mind - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Why has no one been able to address these questions the writer of the letter asks? In light of the fact that he proves beyond doubt the lack of moral character - the pattern of lies - of doctrines permitting lies - of false teachings by the Roman Catholic Institution - these are excellent questions! Have a look and see what explanation you can find to the following questions. The author asks:

In the light of all of this evidence, should we give any credence to what Rome has to say about the persons of Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera? God forbid!

"Secondly, getting back to Alberto Rivera and your accusation against him and the Chick organization, I do not believe that Jack Chick would jeopardize his well grounded ministry without some definite leading of the Holy Spirit. Surely he would never put himself in such jeopardy unless he was quite sure Alberto was genuine.

"Just a small consideration of what Rome has done to those who exposed her in the past tells me that Chick has laid his very life on the line. And what of his dear family?

Has he not also jeopardized them?

"Thirdly, I must consider Alberto himself. Why would he put himself and his dear family in such jeopardy? What could he possibly gain by such a move?

No, logic moves me to conclude that he is being led by the Holy Spirit of our dear Lord. God bless his brave heart!

"Fourthly, I must consider Satan's part in all this, in the light of what Jesus says in Matt. 12:25,26:

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.....And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?

"In the light of the much proven fact that Rome has always been a devilish system and the curse of everything it touches, I doubt very seriously that the Devil himself would author a book that at least has started people once again thinking about the great evil of Rome. The Devil may not be wise, but he is shrewd and cunning.

"Fifthly, I must also consider the true, holy, living Christians that I personally know, And though they be few, yet they are in agreement that this is of God.

"Sixthly, though Rome has proven herself to be the greatest fraud ever put off on mankind, I do not recall your magazine going to any great length to expose her as such, even though such a move on your part would be a most blessed benefit to all of mankind, especially the body of Christ.

"Again, I must ask the question, why is your magazine so anxious to expose dear Alberto?

A good question, for even if I though for a moment that this book, ALBERTO, was set forth in pretense, could not my heart rejoice (as the Apostle Paul does in Philippians 1:18) that once again this 'mother of all spiritual whoredoms' is being brought again to the attention of the TRUE sheep of God?

I must say that I am very suspicious of your motive in printing this article.

Also, I noted on the second page of your article where the Roman Catholic Editor of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR states........ The sad thing is that Chick's lies are hard to refute.

It may be that they are hard to refute simply because they are true! Amen!

And last, I must consider the fact that to my remembrance (and I read extensively) I have never read anything against J.T. Chick UNTIL he attacked Rome.

The devil's mad and I'm glad! Hallelujah!

So what would be the motive for an ex-Jesuit and a well known evangelist / minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to make up stories? There is no motive. They are both telling the truth.

And some people appear to be very upset about that! That should make the readers even more suspicious as to the motive of people such as Old School, in denying the truth that is put right before their very eyes. Why are they denying the truth? Because they fear that people are going to wake up and realize the Roman Catholic Institution is not at all what it is presenting itself to be. They fear people will suddenly wake up and leave - finding salvation in Jesus Christ. It is a sad fact that some people do not want the lost to be saved. They see an opportunity to merchandise the faith of others and would rather murder their opposition than to let the truth be known. After all, it would mean the end of their business! They could not longer make money off of the naive who think they can buy their loved ones souls out of purgatory. Buy their own salvation - that sort of thing. It is quite despicable but believe me. There is plenty of motive for what they do. PLENTY.
Why has no one been able to address these questions the writer of the letter asks? In light of the fact that he proves beyond doubt the lack of moral character - the pattern of lies - of doctrines permitting lies - of false teachings by the Roman Catholic Institution - these are excellent questions! Have a look and see what explanation you can find to the following questions. The author asks:

In the light of all of this evidence, should we give any credence to what Rome has to say about the persons of Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera? God forbid!

"Secondly, getting back to Alberto Rivera and your accusation against him and the Chick organization, I do not believe that Jack Chick would jeopardize his well grounded ministry without some definite leading of the Holy Spirit. Surely he would never put himself in such jeopardy unless he was quite sure Alberto was genuine.

"Just a small consideration of what Rome has done to those who exposed her in the past tells me that Chick has laid his very life on the line. And what of his dear family?

Has he not also jeopardized them?

"Thirdly, I must consider Alberto himself. Why would he put himself and his dear family in such jeopardy? What could he possibly gain by such a move?

No, logic moves me to conclude that he is being led by the Holy Spirit of our dear Lord. God bless his brave heart!

"Fourthly, I must consider Satan's part in all this, in the light of what Jesus says in Matt. 12:25,26:

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.....And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?

"In the light of the much proven fact that Rome has always been a devilish system and the curse of everything it touches, I doubt very seriously that the Devil himself would author a book that at least has started people once again thinking about the great evil of Rome. The Devil may not be wise, but he is shrewd and cunning.

"Fifthly, I must also consider the true, holy, living Christians that I personally know, And though they be few, yet they are in agreement that this is of God.

"Sixthly, though Rome has proven herself to be the greatest fraud ever put off on mankind, I do not recall your magazine going to any great length to expose her as such, even though such a move on your part would be a most blessed benefit to all of mankind, especially the body of Christ.

"Again, I must ask the question, why is your magazine so anxious to expose dear Alberto?

A good question, for even if I though for a moment that this book, ALBERTO, was set forth in pretense, could not my heart rejoice (as the Apostle Paul does in Philippians 1:18) that once again this 'mother of all spiritual whoredoms' is being brought again to the attention of the TRUE sheep of God?

I must say that I am very suspicious of your motive in printing this article.

Also, I noted on the second page of your article where the Roman Catholic Editor of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR states........ The sad thing is that Chick's lies are hard to refute.

It may be that they are hard to refute simply because they are true! Amen!

And last, I must consider the fact that to my remembrance (and I read extensively) I have never read anything against J.T. Chick UNTIL he attacked Rome.

The devil's mad and I'm glad! Hallelujah!

So what would be the motive for an ex-Jesuit and a well known evangelist / minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to make up stories? There is no motive. They are both telling the truth.

And some people appear to be very upset about that! That should make the readers even more suspicious as to the motive of people such as Old School, in denying the truth that is put right before their very eyes. Why are they denying the truth? Because they fear that people are going to wake up and realize the Roman Catholic Institution is not at all what it is presenting itself to be. They fear people will suddenly wake up and leave - finding salvation in Jesus Christ. It is a sad fact that some people do not want the lost to be saved. They see an opportunity to merchandise the faith of others and would rather murder their opposition than to let the truth be known. After all, it would mean the end of their business! They could not longer make money off of the naive who think they can buy their loved ones souls out of purgatory. Buy their own salvation - that sort of thing. It is quite despicable but believe me. There is plenty of motive for what they do. PLENTY.
Jeri read post #17. You need to adapt your strategy.
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.
Jeri is a psychopath. Thank goodness she wasn't born in the middle east or she would've suicide bombed something years ago.

Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!
I'm going to be honest with you Jeri. You've seen many of my posts. You've commented on many of them. So you should know by now that I'm not the most religious person per say. I have no script, nor do I have any agenda I am trying to push.

Bottom line; Jeri you sound like a crazy person. All of the time. You might think you don't, but it's extremely rare for you to post something that doesn't come across as insane to most people.

So Jeri I have some advice for you. Tone down the rhetoric, stop copy and pasting crazy nonsense, and think before you post.

I think if you click this link it will help you:
Theory of mind - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I typed out the letter - no cut and paste - or I would have provided a link.

Let's get to the root of the problem here, Old School.

The truth is, you need Jesus Christ. I pray that you do open your heart to receive him because your problem is not one found in your mind but in your heart. You can study such topics as "Theory of the Mind" all the day long and it will not help you one whit.

Your trouble is with your heart. And those who have read your posts on this USMB board? Already know that. As to the personal attacks you posted on this thread............ No, your responses defending the Roman Catholic Institution come as no surprise to me, Old School. Not at all. Because the wicked always defend the wicked. It is just that way. A man is known by the company he keeps and the company you keep is known to behave as you do. Reprehensible.

You need to repent and then you need to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. The only question you need an answer to is - Where would you be if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell. You need to settle that matter and realize that is the answer you should be seeking to resolve. Not defending a false Catholic Institution that is intent on taking millions down to hell.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Humble yourself and admit to God that you are a sinner and you're lost. You need a Savior. His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ. It is not through Mary, it is not through the anti-Christ Romanist system, it is not through penance (that is another man made doctrine) it is only through Jesus Christ, you cannot earn it. The gift of salvation is free - any one can have it. The poorest of the poor can have it. And if you reject it you will spend the rest of eternity in hell wishing you had not.

(just like anyone else on this board who is rejecting Jesus Christ's offer of eternal life)
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