Letter to Pelosi

You're the sucker. Donald trump sucker-punched you Democrats in the face on 2016, and you're going to get another on in 2020.
Yes he and his pal putin How's it feel to have your president in debt to murdering russian swine?

Please explain what President Trump "owes" Putin.
Putin has pictures of trump taken in very sexual ways Trump is in putins pocket

You actually believe that, don't you? Dude, you are gonzo in the head.
I'm gonzo?? You support a swine, a man with no scruples ,a pos who cheats on 3 wives, sees prostitutes, lies, steals from whomever he can This is your ideal ? The ideal republican ? and judging from your posts you're just like him

Letter to Pelosi...
When I first read Donald Trump’s six-page letter to Speaker Pelosi, I marveled at the ease with which he shared what goes on in his mind openly, and without reservation. His letter is the quintessential example of how professional victims actually think. They turn the prosecutor into the persecutor.
Trump’s letter is just such an expression of entitled, delusional grievance. He accuses Pelosi of injuring his family, but it is his nepotism that exposes his older children to public scrutiny and his teenager (to whom he refers as “Melania’s son") to life in a fishbowl. More damning, in making her a public figure, he subjected the First Lady to humiliation. He knew full well he paid a stripper $130,000 not to talk about their affair and was surely aware that this and other unsavory behaviors would surface when he sought the presidency.
Trump is a con artist who succeeds by tricking his marks into not seeing the con. But the biggest mark — bigger than the GOP and his base — is himself. He believes the lies he tells, the delinquent traits he disavows. It’s what psychoanalysts call delusional projection. We see it the simple sentence he wrote to the speaker: “You view democracy as your enemy.” Trump confirms my findings published in "Trump on the Couch." But now his defenses are writ large, because instead of changing in moments of crisis, people become more the way they are. Trump has reverted to the most familiar means to cope with fears of being caught, punished and humiliated.
Finally, the letter is a treasure trove for psychiatric residents who want to study the psychotic mind. Trump’s paradoxical sleight of hand makes him think he can hide in plain sight. But he can’t anymore. This is why he accuses Pelosi of hating democracy: It is he who hates a system that promotes the idea that no one is above the law. And watch how the moron trumkins rush to support this moron
Complete nonsense coming from the folks that have claimed a perpetual state of victimhood since the election of Trump, the very reason for the faux impeachment that Pelosi knows full well the Senate will flush down the toilet where it belongs.
Trump smokes in the shower. Crazier'n a shithouse rat.

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