#LetThemDie ? Well apparently not.

Chelsea went there 8 years. The Obama kids went there 8 years. You STILL haven't reached two decades yet.

10 years is a decade, once you exceed 10 years, it spans "decades" So yes, 16 years is decades. You can look it up if you want.

Once again, you are trying to use time to exaggerate and disguise the fact that only three children attended there and there was an 11 year gap between them.
Big stink about proposed cuts to Meals on wheels has turned out to be another Liberal whine about much of nothing. The Majority of its funding comes from Corporate and personal charity the Fed only provides around 3 percent of its funding. Time to shine Libs bring out those wallets or don't worry Conservatives will come to rescue like they charitably always do.

I fucking hate the hashtag bullshit its still a pound sign to me and this silly crap doesn't sound so cool and trendy if your old enough to remember that.

Despite outrage over cuts, federal funds are fraction of Meals on Wheels budget

Trump spends 3.5 million of our money each weekend that he flies to his place in Florida to play golf, and his wife is costing us .5 million each and every day because she doesn't live at the whitehouse. He wants to cut Meals on Wheels for senior citizens. What a pig.
If you have issue with that please start a movement to ask Obama to repay the 10's of millions he spent on golfing and such. No ? Yes ?

You're talking about over an 8 year period. Obama didn't vacation every weekend and his wife and children didn't stay in Chicago cost taxpayers even more money.

Who is vacationing every weekend? No one. Your point? Lost!

Trump has been president for 8 weeks. He has spent the last 7 weekends at his resort in Florida.
Big stink about proposed cuts to Meals on wheels has turned out to be another Liberal whine about much of nothing. The Majority of its funding comes from Corporate and personal charity the Fed only provides around 3 percent of its funding. Time to shine Libs bring out those wallets or don't worry Conservatives will come to rescue like they charitably always do.

I fucking hate the hashtag bullshit its still a pound sign to me and this silly crap doesn't sound so cool and trendy if your old enough to remember that.

Despite outrage over cuts, federal funds are fraction of Meals on Wheels budget

They have to focus on irrelevant bullshit because it's all they have. They portrayed Trump as Hitler and now have to attempt to preserve that image. Unfortunately, they are making themselves look like complete tools in the process.

Apparently, we have parents and grandparents and we don't abandon them to be fed by the government.

For the record, my father and all my grandparents are deceased, but my mother lived with my brother and my adult daughter until she became too ill to be independent, at which point she was taken to live with my sister and brother-in-law (my sister has medical training and experience, which my brother and daughter do not). My sister and BIL have purchased a new house, which is in the process of construction, primarily for the purpose of providing more space for my mother to have her own private living quarters.

And THAT is the difference between leftist "compassion" and conservative responsibility, in a nutshell.
To whom does the Constitution give the responsibility to make laws?

Laws are written by congress and signed into law by the president. Congress also delegates regulatory responsibility to the agencies of the executive branch. Regulations being executive interpretation of the laws, and the rules by which they carry out the intent of congress.

Why don't you show me where the Constitution allows Congress to delegate that authority.

I think that's actually the part of the Constitution that say the Executive Branch executes the laws. Hence the name, "EXECUTIVE Branch".
Why? Why did Trump take away my dinner?

Umm, why aren't you preparing meals for your elderly mom? Instead of simply dumping the responsibility on Government, "daughter"?

Who exactly is being "hard-hearted" here?
Because the daughter lives in Boise Idaho and her mom lives in Lower Buttfuck Michigan
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.
Breaking up the Traditional Three-Generation Family

Shouldn't Social Security benefits be limited to those who don't have adult children to take care of them? After all, the elderly took care of their sons and daughters in childhood and are owed something back.
Why? Why did Trump take away my dinner?

Umm, why aren't you preparing meals for your elderly mom? Instead of simply dumping the responsibility on Government, "daughter"?

Who exactly is being "hard-hearted" here?
Because the daughter lives in Boise Idaho and her mom lives in Lower Buttfuck Michigan
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.
Breaking up the Traditional Three-Generation Family

Shouldn't Social Security benefits be limited to those who don't have adult children to take care of them? After all, the elderly took care of their sons and daughters in childhood and are owed something back.

The elderly ALSO paid into that piece of shit Ponzi scheme their entire lives, while being explicitly promised they would get something back, so . . .
Look, here's the thing. My mom still gets her Social Security, and I believe some of my father's, now that he's passed on. Does she need it because she's desperately trying to keep a roof over her head and food on her table? No. Her children and adult grandchildren provide for her needs more than adequately, and even spoil her quite a bit, and we will continue to do so. That piddly little check they send her every month (and I believe it actually is reduced because she has other people to make sure she's cared for, but I couldn't say, because I don't nose around in my mother's personal finances) provides her exactly one thing that we can't: a sense of continued independence, which is invaluable in elderly people if you don't want them to just fade away and die on you.

Social Security taxes were first collected the same year my mother was born, when my father was 9 years old. They both started working at the age of 18, and worked their entire lives until my father's brain damage became too extensive (in his case) and until my father died (in her case). That entire 40-some odd years, the federal government helped itself to part of every single paycheck they earned, will-they or nil-they, and mouthed promises about how it was going in a "trust fund" and a "lockbox" and how they were "investing in their retirement" and would get it back when they got old, and yada yada yada. My parents never asked for or took a single red cent from the government.

And now, because the government decided it needed to hand checks to every slacker, drug user, and immigrant who managed to wander across the border, she's supposed to say, "Oh, that's okay. You just keep the money you took from me. I'll become completely dependent on my children, feel like a burden, and revert to being a helpless child"? Screw that.

If you really want to cut off someone's Social Security, how about you start with the people who never paid anything into it to begin with?
Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Our military is bigger than the next eight nations combined. We spend 42 cents out of every defense dollar on earth

Where is our threat?

Stand behind the gun ... then, you'll know where the threat is.
It doesn't work like that
You build your military to counter the existing threat. Which country is a threat to our military?
Wrong .... absolutely 100% Grade ! wrong.

To do as you suggest is to be reactive .... you are always a day late and a dollar short.

You build a military to intimidate your opposition, to convince them that there is no possible way they could win a military conflict.
Why? Why did Trump take away my dinner?

Umm, why aren't you preparing meals for your elderly mom? Instead of simply dumping the responsibility on Government, "daughter"?

Who exactly is being "hard-hearted" here?
Because the daughter lives in Boise Idaho and her mom lives in Lower Buttfuck Michigan
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.
Breaking up the Traditional Three-Generation Family

Shouldn't Social Security benefits be limited to those who don't have adult children to take care of them? After all, the elderly took care of their sons and daughters in childhood and are owed something back.

The elderly ALSO paid into that piece of shit Ponzi scheme their entire lives, while being explicitly promised they would get something back, so . . .
At least Social Security is better than investing in ungrateful children and getting nothing at all back from them.
Why do you think presidents children for decades have gone to the same washington dc school?

False. Only Obama's kids went to that school.

The Bush (43) kids did not because they had already graduated. Bush 41s kids were much older (see Bush 43). Reagan's kids had kids of their own by then. Carter's daughter Amy went to public schools in DC.

Barron Trump — Columbia Grammar and Preparatory. ...
Sasha Obama — Sidwell Friends School. ...
Malia Obama — Sidwell Friends School. ...
Chelsea Clinton — Sidwell Friends School. ...

Amy Carter — Stevens Elementary School and the Rose Hardy Middle School.

Well, in fairness, I understand that Sidwell Friends is an excellent school, and they apparently have a lot of children of important government officials attending, so they're accustomed to accommodating security personnel, which would be an important consideration for the President's children.
Umm, why aren't you preparing meals for your elderly mom? Instead of simply dumping the responsibility on Government, "daughter"?

Who exactly is being "hard-hearted" here?
Because the daughter lives in Boise Idaho and her mom lives in Lower Buttfuck Michigan
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.
Breaking up the Traditional Three-Generation Family

Shouldn't Social Security benefits be limited to those who don't have adult children to take care of them? After all, the elderly took care of their sons and daughters in childhood and are owed something back.

The elderly ALSO paid into that piece of shit Ponzi scheme their entire lives, while being explicitly promised they would get something back, so . . .
At least Social Security is better than investing in ungrateful children and getting nothing at all back from them.

No, I can honestly say that "investing" in a monolithic, faceless bureaucracy is not better than anything, let alone one's own family.
My grandfather before passing received his food from meals on wheels. A lot of elderly people eat because of them.

Not to say anything bad about Meals on Wheels, because they're certainly a good charity for those who have no other recourse, but may I ask why your family wasn't handling the meal situation for your grandfather?
My grandfather before passing received his food from meals on wheels. A lot of elderly people eat because of them.

It is a good program, but should not be funded by the federal government.
That seems to be contradictory. Good program, but not worth paying for. You could make the same argument for the military and save $500 billion a year by having the army run on charity.

You leftists really don't understand the difference between "not worth funding" and "shouldn't be handled by the federal government", do you?
Do you think the Secret Service maintained a presence and security at that school from 2001 to 2009 when no presidential children went to school there? That's almost a decade right there you would need to subtract from your total.

Yes, the school is also noted for the children of politicians and diplomats.

That is not the Secret Service's job. Thank you for admitting your error.

Actually, it IS their job, depending on which politicians and diplomats you're talking about.
My grandfather before passing received his food from meals on wheels. A lot of elderly people eat because of them.

Not to say anything bad about Meals on Wheels, because they're certainly a good charity for those who have no other recourse, but may I ask why your family wasn't handling the meal situation for your grandfather?

He was a proud man. He never took a cent from his kids. My mom actually wanted him to move in with her and my dad but he refused to give up his independence.

He was a stubborn ass, but I miss him.
My grandfather before passing received his food from meals on wheels. A lot of elderly people eat because of them.

Not to say anything bad about Meals on Wheels, because they're certainly a good charity for those who have no other recourse, but may I ask why your family wasn't handling the meal situation for your grandfather?

He was a proud man. He never took a cent from his kids. My mom actually wanted him to move in with her and my dad but he refused to give up his independence.

He was a stubborn ass, but I miss him.

Ah. See, that makes sense, given what I said about why my mom insists on continuing to get the money that she paid into Social Security. Elderly people can be fierce in defense of their own feelings of independence and not being reverted to childhood.
Nancy Pelosi’s Personal Jet

"her own 757-size jet, have been floating around for almost two years. The claims were revived when Democrats complained that CEOs of the Big Three U.S. automakers had used their corporate jets to come to Washington to seek billions in federal aid. But the rumors are incorrect. Spokespeople for Pelosi and Andrews Air Force Base say that the speaker has used the big Air Force jet once, but she normally uses a much smaller plane, the same one used by the previous speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert."

She is not the Speaker of the House and has not been for over 6 years.
And so? How was I fking wrong? Apologize you ass

You brought up something from years ago that is no longer true, and by your own admission was exaggerated.
Doesn't mean it didn't happen she took trips back and forth for years

So what does that have to do with anything NOW?
I explained in the post I included it. Are you the message board police or something? tell me why you think I owe you an explanation exactly? but excuse me while I ......
Do you think the Secret Service maintained a presence and security at that school from 2001 to 2009 when no presidential children went to school there? That's almost a decade right there you would need to subtract from your total.

Yes, the school is also noted for the children of politicians and diplomats.

That is not the Secret Service's job. Thank you for admitting your error.

Actually, it IS their job, depending on which politicians and diplomats you're talking about.

Diplomats are not under the purview of the Secret Service. That would be the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS).

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