#LetThemDie ? Well apparently not.

Meals on Wheels also receives state and local funding as well as private donations. It relies on volunteers to provide many of its services.

Community Development Block Grant program supports a variety of community-development and anti-poverty programs.

Those include Meals on Wheels, which provided 219 million meals to 2.4 million seniors in 2016.
If Trump stopped his weekend vacations at Mara Lago we could afford to feed grandma
The billions being cut have mostly been spent in wealthier neighborhoods, not for programs for the poor, like Meals on Wheels. The funding for that comes from other sources. Only a very small percent of spending from the CDBG. Cutting that program will not stop Meals on Wheels but will stop what looks like a slush fund. As usual, fake news is sounding false alarms because that's all they've got these days.

"The money often is not going to Meals on Wheels or even to the neediest communities. As a Reason Foundation analysis also from 2013 shows, wealthier communities get the larger chunks of the money, particularly counties that—what a coincidence!—are in proximity to Washington, D.C….Check out this audit from Riverside County, California, for their CDBG expenditures for 2016, and there's neither a meal nor a wheel to be found. Of the $761,744 the county received, nearly all of it went to improve a playground and the sidewalks of a single local elementary school. And note that the reason they were audited by Housing and Urban Development was because they hadn't provided proper documentation of their expenses.

Meals on Wheels does get some money from the CDGB. But the vast majority of its funding comes from elsewhere, and as even the leftists over at Snopes state, “the effect of CDBG cuts on local Meals on Wheels groups is uncertain.” Only 3 percent of the Meals on Wheels budget nationally comes from the federal government at all, and only a portion of that comes from the CDBG. Walter Olson of the Cato Institute explains that 35 percent of federal funding for Meals on Wheels comes from the Older Americans Act, not the CDBG; no cuts have been contemplated to that program yet.

So, Trump isn’t killing Meals on Wheels."

FAKE NEWS: Did Trump Just Kill Meals On Wheels? Not Even Close.

Whatever the story is, the impact has been huge. The charity reports it has received millions in donations.
The billions being cut have mostly been spent in wealthier neighborhoods, not for programs for the poor, like Meals on Wheels. The funding for that comes from other sources. Only a very small percent of spending from the CDBG. Cutting that program will not stop Meals on Wheels but will stop what looks like a slush fund. As usual, fake news is sounding false alarms because that's all they've got these days.

"The money often is not going to Meals on Wheels or even to the neediest communities. As a Reason Foundation analysis also from 2013 shows, wealthier communities get the larger chunks of the money, particularly counties that—what a coincidence!—are in proximity to Washington, D.C….Check out this audit from Riverside County, California, for their CDBG expenditures for 2016, and there's neither a meal nor a wheel to be found. Of the $761,744 the county received, nearly all of it went to improve a playground and the sidewalks of a single local elementary school. And note that the reason they were audited by Housing and Urban Development was because they hadn't provided proper documentation of their expenses.

Meals on Wheels does get some money from the CDGB. But the vast majority of its funding comes from elsewhere, and as even the leftists over at Snopes state, “the effect of CDBG cuts on local Meals on Wheels groups is uncertain.” Only 3 percent of the Meals on Wheels budget nationally comes from the federal government at all, and only a portion of that comes from the CDBG. Walter Olson of the Cato Institute explains that 35 percent of federal funding for Meals on Wheels comes from the Older Americans Act, not the CDBG; no cuts have been contemplated to that program yet.

So, Trump isn’t killing Meals on Wheels."

FAKE NEWS: Did Trump Just Kill Meals On Wheels? Not Even Close.

Whatever the story is, the impact has been huge. The charity reports it has received millions in donations.
How much did Trump donate?
We also could save $2.8 billion by not funding the wall which is unnecessary. Also 1,500 ICE agents are not needed. Wasted money.
Trump is starving old people so he can pay for a wall

A big, beautiful wall. best wall ever made.....believe me

Can you please smack yourself for posting that?

If not, I'd be mighty glad to oblige.

Much bull,deserves hard smacking.
Trump is starving old people so he can pay for a wall

A big, beautiful wall. best wall ever made.....believe me

Can you please smack yourself for posting that?

If not, I'd be mighty glad to oblige.

Much bull,deserves hard smacking.

Let poor grandma eat cat food

Trump has to pay for his wall. His initial plan?
Make Mexico pay for it

Plan B?
Make Grandma pay for it
If Trump stopped his weekend vacations at Mara Lago we could afford to feed grandma

So, in your supercilious opinion, no president should be able to spend time in his own home?

Curious. That must be the reason petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama never returned to the mansion he bought in Chicago with the help of convicted felon Tony Rezko.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Being that this is all you can whine and cry about you are clearly in need of help.

The truth is that Progressives and Democrats are in agony knowing that the policies of President Trump will succeed and succeed HUUUGGLLY!
The billions being cut have mostly been spent in wealthier neighborhoods, not for programs for the poor, like Meals on Wheels. The funding for that comes from other sources. Only a very small percent of spending from the CDBG. Cutting that program will not stop Meals on Wheels but will stop what looks like a slush fund. As usual, fake news is sounding false alarms because that's all they've got these days.

"The money often is not going to Meals on Wheels or even to the neediest communities. As a Reason Foundation analysis also from 2013 shows, wealthier communities get the larger chunks of the money, particularly counties that—what a coincidence!—are in proximity to Washington, D.C….Check out this audit from Riverside County, California, for their CDBG expenditures for 2016, and there's neither a meal nor a wheel to be found. Of the $761,744 the county received, nearly all of it went to improve a playground and the sidewalks of a single local elementary school. And note that the reason they were audited by Housing and Urban Development was because they hadn't provided proper documentation of their expenses.

Meals on Wheels does get some money from the CDGB. But the vast majority of its funding comes from elsewhere, and as even the leftists over at Snopes state, “the effect of CDBG cuts on local Meals on Wheels groups is uncertain.” Only 3 percent of the Meals on Wheels budget nationally comes from the federal government at all, and only a portion of that comes from the CDBG. Walter Olson of the Cato Institute explains that 35 percent of federal funding for Meals on Wheels comes from the Older Americans Act, not the CDBG; no cuts have been contemplated to that program yet.

So, Trump isn’t killing Meals on Wheels."

FAKE NEWS: Did Trump Just Kill Meals On Wheels? Not Even Close.

You're a goddam liar. If you wanna be a Republican at least stand up and face the heat. Did you know that one year after Reagan was elected there were more homeless on the street than at any time since the great depression? He cut all benefits to the poor and emptied federally funded institutions. Wake up and read the papers.
Trump tried to make Mexico pay for his wall.....they told him to go fuck himself

So he is making Grandma pay for his wall. Who cares?
She will be dead in a few years anyway
Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Our military is bigger than the next eight nations combined. We spend 42 cents out of every defense dollar on earth

Where is our threat?
Big stink about proposed cuts to Meals on wheels has turned out to be another Liberal whine about much of nothing. The Majority of its funding comes from Corporate and personal charity the Fed only provides around 3 percent of its funding. Time to shine Libs bring out those wallets or don't worry Conservatives will come to rescue like they charitably always do.

I fucking hate the hashtag bullshit its still a pound sign to me and this silly crap doesn't sound so cool and trendy if your old enough to remember that.

Despite outrage over cuts, federal funds are fraction of Meals on Wheels budget

Trump spends 3.5 million of our money each weekend that he flies to his place in Florida to play golf, and his wife is costing us .5 million each and every day because she doesn't live at the whitehouse. He wants to cut Meals on Wheels for senior citizens. What a pig.
GSA estimates they spend $161 million annually on ballpoint pens supporting government functions. What's your point?

A little dense aren't you? I have no idea how many pens are needed, I do know 3.5 million dollars per weekend, every weekend, for him to visit his resort in Florida is stupid, and we shouldn't be paying for that.
I wonder how much is being spent on refugees from terrorist nations to relocate here?
Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Our military is bigger than the next eight nations combined. We spend 42 cents out of every defense dollar on earth

Where is our threat?

Stand behind the gun ... then, you'll know where the threat is.
All the whinning on this thread just goes to show that the closet thing to imortality is a government program.
Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Our military is bigger than the next eight nations combined. We spend 42 cents out of every defense dollar on earth

Where is our threat?

In the minds of insane Republicans!

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