#LetThemDie ? Well apparently not.

Aside from our military, which has already been slashed to a dangerous level. There is not an agency in the Federal government which cannot provide the same or better service with a 20% cut in their funding, some much more or eliminated.

Any one of them will scream and cry bloody murder when it is THEIR ox being gored, THEIR KINGDOM!

Personally, I would be ecstatic if we adopted zero-based budgeting as opposed to our pathetic baseline budgeting which ASSUMES that every agencies budget MUST increase each year. Just insane.

How can we possibly cut into our debt when every budget, MUST BY LAW, increase each year?

President Donald Trump, giving agonizing heartburn to Progressives and Democrats by DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE PROMISED!

Our military is bigger than the next eight nations combined. We spend 42 cents out of every defense dollar on earth

Where is our threat?

Stand behind the gun ... then, you'll know where the threat is.
It doesn't work like that
You build your military to counter the existing threat. Which country is a threat to our military?
So Republicans...

Billionaire Trump cuts funding to a program that delivers food to shut-ins so he can pay for a tax cut for billionaires

Tone deaf
from your link...

Estimated Costs for a Specific Presidential Trip to Illinois and Florida What GAO Found GAO estimated that the major costs incurred by the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the President’s
travel to Chicago, Illinois, and Palm Beach , Florida, from February 15, 2013, through February 18, 2013, were about $3.6 million, of which about $2.8 million in costs were incurred by DOD and $0.77 million by DHS (specifically, the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Secret Service) . These costs consisted of the (1) operating expenses of the President’s aircraft, supporting aircraft, and U.S. Coast Guard small boats; and (2) travel expenses, which include per diem"

So what were you saying?

The trips to Chicago was for a speech. Presidents do that occasionally. The trip to Palm Beach was expensive, but was not made every weekend. At Trump's rate, he will have cost as much in 8 months as Obama's trips cost in 8 years.
nope, you don't get to make that claim.

BTW, what is that cost again for Nancy Pelosi?

Sure I do. That's how arithmetic works. What does Pelosi have to do with this?
so how is the math different?

Also, it seems your concerned with tax dollars being spent on government officials. How long has she been in office and how many times has she flown back and forth from DC to the west Coast on her 757? why isn't that bothering you?

She doesn't have a 757. Get the facts right lest you appear as dumb as a liberal.
Nancy Pelosi’s Personal Jet

"her own 757-size jet, have been floating around for almost two years. The claims were revived when Democrats complained that CEOs of the Big Three U.S. automakers had used their corporate jets to come to Washington to seek billions in federal aid. But the rumors are incorrect. Spokespeople for Pelosi and Andrews Air Force Base say that the speaker has used the big Air Force jet once, but she normally uses a much smaller plane, the same one used by the previous speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert."
So Republicans...

Billionaire Trump cuts funding to a program that delivers food to shut-ins so he can pay for a tax cut for billionaires

Tone deaf

And to think the RW'ers around here say I'm wrong when I point out that the primary purpose of conservative economic policy is to widen the gap between rich and poor.
Trump spends 3.5 million of our money each weekend that he flies to his place in Florida to play golf, and his wife is costing us .5 million each and every day because she doesn't live at the whitehouse. He wants to cut Meals on Wheels for senior citizens. What a pig.

How nice to see you admitting, apparently proudly, that you advocate forcing young children to change schools according kyour diktats! What else to advocate for, forcing kids to eat Messiahette Moochell'sshare-crop grown arugula rather than meat?
The trips to Chicago was for a speech. Presidents do that occasionally. The trip to Palm Beach was expensive, but was not made every weekend. At Trump's rate, he will have cost as much in 8 months as Obama's trips cost in 8 years.
nope, you don't get to make that claim.

BTW, what is that cost again for Nancy Pelosi?

Sure I do. That's how arithmetic works. What does Pelosi have to do with this?
so how is the math different?

Also, it seems your concerned with tax dollars being spent on government officials. How long has she been in office and how many times has she flown back and forth from DC to the west Coast on her 757? why isn't that bothering you?

She doesn't have a 757. Get the facts right lest you appear as dumb as a liberal.
Nancy Pelosi’s Personal Jet

"her own 757-size jet, have been floating around for almost two years. The claims were revived when Democrats complained that CEOs of the Big Three U.S. automakers had used their corporate jets to come to Washington to seek billions in federal aid. But the rumors are incorrect. Spokespeople for Pelosi and Andrews Air Force Base say that the speaker has used the big Air Force jet once, but she normally uses a much smaller plane, the same one used by the previous speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert."

Identified as Fake News years ago
The Trump version of Meals on Wheels

The trips to Chicago was for a speech. Presidents do that occasionally. The trip to Palm Beach was expensive, but was not made every weekend. At Trump's rate, he will have cost as much in 8 months as Obama's trips cost in 8 years.
nope, you don't get to make that claim.

BTW, what is that cost again for Nancy Pelosi?

Sure I do. That's how arithmetic works. What does Pelosi have to do with this?
so how is the math different?

Also, it seems your concerned with tax dollars being spent on government officials. How long has she been in office and how many times has she flown back and forth from DC to the west Coast on her 757? why isn't that bothering you?

She doesn't have a 757. Get the facts right lest you appear as dumb as a liberal.
Nancy Pelosi’s Personal Jet

"her own 757-size jet, have been floating around for almost two years. The claims were revived when Democrats complained that CEOs of the Big Three U.S. automakers had used their corporate jets to come to Washington to seek billions in federal aid. But the rumors are incorrect. Spokespeople for Pelosi and Andrews Air Force Base say that the speaker has used the big Air Force jet once, but she normally uses a much smaller plane, the same one used by the previous speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert."

She is not the Speaker of the House and has not been for over 6 years.
An amazing thread where liberals repeat lie after lie about Trump to each other, while patting each other on the back and feeling good about how honest and truthful they are.

At least, it would be amazing if they hadn't used this tactic on nearly every issue they find or invent. :suck: :smiliehug:
An amazing thread where liberals repeat lie after lie about Trump to each other, while patting each other on the back and feeling good about how honest and truthful they are.

At least, it would be amazing if they hadn't used this tactic on nearly every issue they find or invent. :suck: :smiliehug:
What lie has been told about Trump?

As a Trump supporter, do you even know what a lie is?
Why? Why did Trump take away my dinner?

Umm, why aren't you preparing meals for your elderly mom? Instead of simply dumping the responsibility on Government, "daughter"?

Who exactly is being "hard-hearted" here?
Because the daughter lives in Boise Idaho and her mom lives in Lower Buttfuck Michigan
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.

I haven't used anything they provide cense I stopped watch Sesame Street about 45 years ago, could I get my $1.38 times 45 back now, I didn't realize I've lost that much on that, we could have funded meels on wheels with that,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like it's time for the family to make an adjustment, the kind that families make every day in response to normal family problems. Maybe it's time for Mom to move in with the daughter who dumped her off on Government, wouldn't you say?

BTW, little that photo doesn't show an elderly woman who is hungry. It shows one who is mentally ill. That's where it came from. Maybe that's why she thinks government is supposed to take care of her, instead of her family doing it?

But little rightwinger doesn't mind lying about that, just as he doesn't mind lying about everything else he says. As long as it makes Republicans look bad, it doesn't matter that it's not even true.
Oh, my.
The liberals sure got quiet in a hurry, once personal responsibility and freedom were brought into the conversation, didn't they? :ack-1:
An amazing thread where liberals repeat lie after lie about Trump to each other, while patting each other on the back and feeling good about how honest and truthful they are.

At least, it would be amazing if they hadn't used this tactic on nearly every issue they find or invent. :suck: :smiliehug:
What lie has been told about Trump?

As a Trump supporter, do you even know what a lie is?

As an expert in being a LAIR, why don't YOU explain what lie is?
Trump spends 3.5 million of our money each weekend that he flies to his place in Florida to play golf, and his wife is costing us .5 million each and every day because she doesn't live at the whitehouse. He wants to cut Meals on Wheels for senior citizens. What a pig.

How nice to see you admitting, apparently proudly, that you advocate forcing young children to change schools according kyour diktats! What else to advocate for, forcing kids to eat Messiahette Moochell'sshare-crop grown arugula rather than meat?

Yes, when it costs the tax payers .5 million per day for 1 student to attend a particular school, I think he should either change schools, or his parents should pay for it.
Why dont lib Sens and Reps come up with some cuts eh......Can anyone argue that a 4 trillion dollar budget has nothing to cut........

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