Letting boys in girls locker room has girl scared refuses to attend gym class

The ridicule is the reason people stay silent. Everyone is afraid they'll be targeted by the rabid liberals who falsely claim they have the moral high ground.

Alinsky and Cloward-Piven call for this sort of ridicule to shut down dissenters. The left literally goes by the playbook.

This is exactly the phenomenon that Hans Christian Andersen described, centuries, ago, in his classic tale of The Emperor's New Clothes—people being intimidated into playing along with what they can clearly see to be an outrageous lie, for fear of how they will be judged if they tell the truth.
We are living in very sick times. There was a time when parents would march into the administrators office and raise hell over this. But sadly we live in a time where the sicker and more disgusting a movie or song is the better we like it. We allow Netflix and HBO to dump filth into our homes and we say nothing. Soon when a parent stands up and says no! my daughter will not shower with male teachers and coaches that parent will be called a bigot.
What do you mean, soon? It's already happening, just not very publicly, yet.
This is exactly the phenomenon that Hans Christian Andersen described, centuries, ago, in his classic tale of The Emperor's New Clothes—people being intimidated into playing along with what they can clearly see to be an outrageous lie, for fear of how they will be judged if they tell the truth.
Hey, quit stealing my thunder! Just kidding. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have brought up the analogy.
What happened to all the posters who called me a liar without doing ANY research?

I am assuming the silence is admitting your errors.

Now that we all know the truth, maybe we can discuss FACTS.

I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

You lying sack of shit.

You didn't hear anything of the sort.

Transgenders don't roam public restrooms in packs.

They also don't announce to everyone there that they're trans.

Transgenders look like any other member of their chosen gender, meaning that you aren't going to see women that are 6'6', 275# with a five o'clock shadow and a voice like James Earl Jones.

If anyone does hear of anyone being frightened by someone that's been eating estrogen for the past couple years, post a fucking working link to verify your tale.

You might want to read the articles I linked earlier in this thread.

I accept your apology and you should really watch the potty mouth, is unbecoming for a lib to be so vulgar. Especially when they are full of shit.

NO ONE has posted ANY link in this thread that gives evidence to an actual confrontation having taken place.

You're lying.

Don't bother apologizing, no apology could be sincere coming from a shit-stirring liar like you.
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

You lying sack of shit.

You didn't hear anything of the sort.

Transgenders don't roam public restrooms in packs.

They also don't announce to everyone there that they're trans.

Transgenders look like any other member of their chosen gender, meaning that you aren't going to see women that are 6'6', 275# with a five o'clock shadow and a voice like James Earl Jones.

If anyone does hear of anyone being frightened by someone that's been eating estrogen for the past couple years, post a fucking working link to verify your tale.

You might want to read the articles I linked earlier in this thread.

I accept your apology and you should really watch the potty mouth, is unbecoming for a lib to be so vulgar. Especially when they are full of shit.

NO ONE has posted ANY link in this thread that gives evidence to an actual confrontation having taken place.

You're lying.

Don't bother apologizing, no apology could be sincere coming from a shit-stirring liar like you.

I heard her interviewed, and then I posted articles about her.

Please quote me where I said there was a "CONFRONTATION" GO ahead and quote exactly where I said there was a "CONFRONTATION".

Here is the QUOTE from the article:

"The head of Georgia’s ACLU chapter has resigned over President Obama’s directive for schools to let transgender students use the bathroom of their choice, after she said her daughters were frightened by running into three transgender individuals in the women’s bathroom."

Maya Dillard Smith, Georgia ACLU leader, resigns over Obama’s transgender bathroom directive

Now, tell me who the lying sack of shit is.
So she's saying she cant go to gym if there are Transgenders in there and no one bothered to ask "Is there Transgender kids in the gym? Or is this a hypothetical?"

No one?
They did ask. And what she said was the anxiety that a male could waltz into her shower/locker room at any time was disturbing enough to her that she can't disrobe in the gym. So, you know, she's experiencing a real mental distress at the idea that the authorities at her school would subject her to such an uncertain situation, such exposure. It sounds like she's experiencing a form of sexual harassment at the hands of school officials: "hey little girl, any time now we could let a boy in with you in the showers!" That's damned creepy. And I don't blame her.
So she's saying she cant go to gym if there are Transgenders in there and no one bothered to ask "Is there Transgender kids in the gym? Or is this a hypothetical?"

No one?
They did ask. And what she said was the anxiety that a male could waltz into her shower/locker room at any time was disturbing enough to her that she can't disrobe in the gym. So, you know, she's experiencing a real mental distress at the idea that the authorities at her school would subject her to such an uncertain situation, such exposure. It sounds like she's experiencing a form of sexual harassment at the hands of school officials: "hey little girl, any time now we could let a boy in with you in the showers!" That's damned creepy. And I don't blame her.

So she has an excuse for failing gym...an excuse that isn't real. Awesome...let's let her slide tho because it's not like people can make up shit on the fly.

If there isn't any Trans people there then it's bullshit. She can just say she scared of ghosts that live in the school. Boom!
So the lib playbook is to call people liars and sacks of shit and then just disappear when proven wrong?

Focking cowards.
So she has an excuse for failing gym...an excuse that isn't real. Awesome...let's let her slide tho because it's not like people can make up shit on the fly.

If there isn't any Trans people there then it's bullshit. She can just say she scared of ghosts that live in the school. Boom!

Let me put what you just said into perspective here. "Transgenders" make up on the fly that they feel like the wrong gender. A young woman just budding at her age is shy, reserved. The thought of officials allowing boys in to disrobe with her would cause any girl that age in such a state anxiety. Moreover, it is a real thing; known of for centuries, the shyness and awkwardness of adolescence. That officials would suggest to her they were going to condone or promote boys in her showers with her is in fact a form of sexual harassment on behalf of the school officials.

In my opinion, she has the wrong causes of action for a lawsuit. The cause of action should be "sexual harassment" and the case should be brought against the officials directly at her school forcing her to endure this anxiety. Also at the state level, and finally the Obama Administration.
So when totally busted for being full of shit, does anyone actually apologize on this site?

I'm referring to the poster "GRANDMA", of course.

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