Letting boys in girls locker room has girl scared refuses to attend gym class

I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

You lying sack of shit.

You didn't hear anything of the sort.

Transgenders don't roam public restrooms in packs.

They also don't announce to everyone there that they're trans.

Transgenders look like any other member of their chosen gender, meaning that you aren't going to see women that are 6'6', 275# with a five o'clock shadow and a voice like James Earl Jones.

If anyone does hear of anyone being frightened by someone that's been eating estrogen for the past couple years, post a fucking working link to verify your tale.

You might want to read the articles I linked earlier in this thread.

I accept your apology and you should really watch the potty mouth, is unbecoming for a lib to be so vulgar. Especially when they are full of shit.
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

"I heard ..."

You and Drumpf.

What a lot of to-do over nothing.

Same fools who lie to scare kids would think nothing of leaving them with a priest. Hypocrits.
So, you use the lady's room Neddie?
i wonder how Anthony Weiner feels about this issue
No doubt he thinks hard about the little girls room.....:lol:
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

You lying sack of shit.

You didn't hear anything of the sort.

Transgenders don't roam public restrooms in packs.

They also don't announce to everyone there that they're trans.

Transgenders look like any other member of their chosen gender, meaning that you aren't going to see women that are 6'6', 275# with a five o'clock shadow and a voice like James Earl Jones.

If anyone does hear of anyone being frightened by someone that's been eating estrogen for the past couple years, post a fucking working link to verify your tale.

Maya Dillard Smith sends her regards. She think you are a lying sack of shit....just passing that along
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

"I heard ..."

You and Drumpf.

What a lot of to-do over nothing.

Same fools who lie to scare kids would think nothing of leaving them with a priest. Hypocrits.
So, you use the lady's room Neddie?
i wonder how Anthony Weiner feels about this issue
I just "followed" you for that and your avatar!!!:lmao:
Libs are more concerned about where .3% of the population takes a piss than the black on black murder rate in many cities.

ACLU donors drive their agenda.
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.

"I heard ..."

You and Drumpf.

What a lot of to-do over nothing.

Same fools who lie to scare kids would think nothing of leaving them with a priest. Hypocrits.
So, you use the lady's room Neddie?
i wonder how Anthony Weiner feels about this issue
No doubt he thinks hard about the little girls room.....:lol:
i am pretty sure there are at least 100 male democrats who dont see a problem going into the little girls room.
Its possible that the VERY occasional trans peed next to you and you never knew it. The bigger concern is the sickos checking people's pee pees instead of minding their business. Now THAT is really very sick.
No! This statement is perverted thinking. Anybody believing this shit is a pervert or a pervert enabler. Which one are you?
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.
trans males have vaginas.


You are misrepresenting the story. It's that instance which made her for trans people using the right bathroom
ROTFLMAO? Makes don't have viginas.
I heard a chapter President of the ACLU say that she QUIT the ACLU after she and her young daughters were terrified when a group of trans males used the ladies bathroom they were using.

This was a couple months ago on the radio, but it was VERY interesting.

Once it PERSONALLY affected her and her young girls, she realized it was wrong. When it was just theory and not HER DIRECTLY being impacted, she didn't care.

It's a sad commentary on humanity that it had to DIRECTLY AFFECT her in order to change her mind...but she did ultimately do the right thing.
trans males have vaginas.


You are misrepresenting the story. It's that instance which made her for trans people using the right bathroom
ROTFLMAO? Makes don't have viginas.
trans males do.
We are living in very sick times. There was a time when parents would march into the administrators office and raise hell over this. But sadly we live in a time where the sicker and more disgusting a movie or song is the better we like it. We allow Netflix and HBO to dump filth into our homes and we say nothing. Soon when a parent stands up and says no! my daughter will not shower with male teachers and coaches that parent will be called a bigot.

In that time, no school administrator would even think of pulling such sick crap as this.

Now, it's the law, here in California. A perverted boy who claims that he “identifies as a girl” has to be allowed to use the girls' locker room. Actual girls, who don't want to undress and shower in front of creepy male perverts don't get any say.

All of this brought to you by the side that is fond of falsely accusing its opposition of waging a “war on women”.
Males don't have vaginas.
trans males do.

“Trans males” are not males. They are female.
Bull shit. If you have male plumbing, and a x/y chromosomes, you are male. And there is nothing that can be done about it.

I do not disagree with you. You seem to be confused about the terminology.

A “trans male” is someone who is biologically female, but who claims to be male, and who may or may not even have had surgical and hormonal mutilations to make h'orsh'/itself appear more masculine. A “trans male” has female plumbing, unless h'orsh'/it has had that plumbing surgically-mutilated into a nonfunctional caricature of male plumbing.

When someone calls h'orsh'/itself a “trans ••••”, the “••••” represents what that person claims to be, in opposition to what that person actually is.
We are living in very sick times. There was a time when parents would march into the administrators office and raise hell over this. But sadly we live in a time where the sicker and more disgusting a movie or song is the better we like it. We allow Netflix and HBO to dump filth into our homes and we say nothing. Soon when a parent stands up and says no! my daughter will not shower with male teachers and coaches that parent will be called a bigot.

The ridicule is the reason people stay silent. Everyone is afraid they'll be targeted by the rabid liberals who falsely claim they have the moral high ground.

Alinsky and Cloward-Piven call for this sort of ridicule to shut down dissenters. The left literally goes by the playbook.

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