Levin sounds like someone just died

Levin is Jewish. The Jews hate Trump.

Trump's daughter and his grandchildren are Jews....I believe you're mistaken, BUT Jews that have taken up LIBERALISM as their MAIN RELIGION do hate Trump!
The Jews want to wipe out white Americans by flooding America with poor Arabs Muslims Chinese Indians and Mexicans.

That's what anti immigration folks tell me

No, we like the Chinese, I had some of their food for lunch...DELICIOUS!
Would you be surprised to know there are more illegal Chinese illegals in America than there are Mexican ones?
Can you link me to the last Chinese that raped, murdered, or killed American citizens driving illegally while drunk in America?
Levin has been for Cruz from the get go. Tonight will not be a good night for Mark.

Cruz is doing better than the polls were expecting him to do.
Are you kidding? Republicans all know full well that super Tuesday is very important. Anyone who cares voted and Cruz and rubio lost to Donald Trump and kasich lost to carson.

Kasich and carson need to drop out and cruz should too.
But not Rubio who is losing to Cruz?
Oh I thought rubio beat Cruz tonight.

But yes because Cruz has zero chance. He just lost evangelicals. Done

Cruz is beating Rubio, dumbass. He's already won 2 states and he may end up with 3 or 4. Rubio will end up with nada.
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
most likely the overall marxist theme

Yeah....some "marxist"...



Yo, can you tell us all? Which "Socialist Progressive Democrats" are making a killing on the Market?
Follow the money?

Levin hates Savage and Savage supported Trump early. Savage has Trump on his show all the time- as late as today I think- I bet thats just some of the reason Levin detests Donald.
Levin is Jewish. The Jews hate Trump.

Trump's daughter and his grandchildren are Jews....I believe you're mistaken, BUT Jews that have taken up LIBERALISM as their MAIN RELIGION do hate Trump!
The Jews want to wipe out white Americans by flooding America with poor Arabs Muslims Chinese Indians and Mexicans.

That's what anti immigration folks tell me

No, we like the Chinese, I had some of their food for lunch...DELICIOUS!
Would you be surprised to know there are more illegal Chinese illegals in America than there are Mexican ones?
Can you link me to the last Chinese that raped, murdered, or killed American citizens driving illegally while drunk in America?
Are you saying you defend illegals as long as they don't commit any other crimes? Now you're sounding like John McCain again.
Levin is Jewish. The Jews hate Trump.

Trump's daughter and his grandchildren are Jews....I believe you're mistaken, BUT Jews that have taken up LIBERALISM as their MAIN RELIGION do hate Trump!
The Jews want to wipe out white Americans by flooding America with poor Arabs Muslims Chinese Indians and Mexicans.

That's what anti immigration folks tell me

No, we like the Chinese, I had some of their food for lunch...DELICIOUS!
Would you be surprised to know there are more illegal Chinese illegals in America than there are Mexican ones?
Can you link me to the last Chinese that raped, murdered, or killed American citizens driving illegally while drunk in America?
Are you saying you defend illegals as long as they don't commit any other crimes? Now you're sounding like John McCain again.
levin and his callers were more pissed with rubio that he would not drop out. Levin said that Cruz beats Trump by a lot head to head, but "won't get that chance". lmao.
Hmm... that's actually a frightening concept...

If the status quo remains then Trump is a shoo-in. But if Rubio drops out... where will his votes go?

My guess is both, but more Trump- hes too far ahead now anyway.
Levin has been for Cruz from the get go. Tonight will not be a good night for Mark.

Cruz is doing better than the polls were expecting him to do.
Are you kidding? Republicans all know full well that super Tuesday is very important. Anyone who cares voted and Cruz and rubio lost to Donald Trump and kasich lost to carson.

Kasich and carson need to drop out and cruz should too.
But not Rubio who is losing to Cruz?
Oh I thought rubio beat Cruz tonight.

But yes because Cruz has zero chance. He just lost evangelicals. Done

Cruz is beating Rubio, dumbass. He's already won 2 states and he may end up with 3 or 4. Rubio will end up with nada.
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I was listening to him earlier. He'd transformed the whole show into a last desperate plea for people to go vote for Cruz.

oldschool- holy crap! we agree!
Trust me, I want Trump to be the GOP nominee as much as, if not moreso, than you do.

but NEW polls show Trump can beat Hillary one on one.
Trump is the least dangerous GOP candidate, and the easiest one for Hillary to beat. And if she loses to him, better him than the others. I'll rest a lot easier with Trump as the GOP nominee than if it's Cruz the ideological lunatic, or Rubio the pussy who will be controlled by the neo-cons.
Trump's daughter and his grandchildren are Jews....I believe you're mistaken, BUT Jews that have taken up LIBERALISM as their MAIN RELIGION do hate Trump!
The Jews want to wipe out white Americans by flooding America with poor Arabs Muslims Chinese Indians and Mexicans.

That's what anti immigration folks tell me

No, we like the Chinese, I had some of their food for lunch...DELICIOUS!
Would you be surprised to know there are more illegal Chinese illegals in America than there are Mexican ones?
Can you link me to the last Chinese that raped, murdered, or killed American citizens driving illegally while drunk in America?
Are you saying you defend illegals as long as they don't commit any other crimes? Now you're sounding like John McCain again.
I asked you a question, NO ANSWER, apparently you lied...again!
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I was listening to him earlier. He'd transformed the whole show into a last desperate plea for people to go vote for Cruz.

oldschool- holy crap! we agree!
Trust me, I want Trump to be the GOP nominee as much as, if not moreso, than you do.

but NEW polls show Trump can beat Hillary one on one.
Trump is the least dangerous GOP candidate, and the easiest one for Hillary to beat. And if she loses to him, better him than the others. I'll rest a lot easier with Trump as the GOP nominee than if it's Cruz the ideological lunatic, or Rubio the pussy who will be controlled by the neo-cons.

imho I think Trump will keep a lot of his promises to the voters. He has no interest in lobbyists; he cannot be bought- just my opinion of course. But if he beats Hillary I truly believe he will do a lot of good for the country.

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