Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

Name one human right that any homosexual is lacking?
Until we fixed it
The right to marry the person they love
Make heart decisions for their partner
Visit their partner in the hospital
The facts point out that "love" is rarely a truth in any homosexual relationship.......its all about "PERSONAL PLEASURE". Homosexual couples rarely stay together regardless of the attempts made by all those HATERS who have bent over backwards to allow homosexuals the same rights to "visit their partners in the hospital", "make heart decisions for their partner" and lastly "the right to marry the person they supposedly LOVE......called a CIVIL UNION instead of a traditional marriage."

Homosexual couples rarely take advantage of the US legal system.......they just whine.

You are making an argument based upon a STRAWMAN presentation. "...but only IF....gays could marry, they'd be more faithful and or monogamous"? But this logic or rather lack thereof flies in the very face of the homosexual argument concerning marriage. Homosexuals argue that Marriage is not some sacred institution but something that people just do for legal reasons (as per your strawman argument), BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. Then in the next breath you are defining the legal reasons why its hate and discrimination not to allow same sex marriage because of the LEGAL benefits. Again........your very words, with no ambiguity whatsoever.......just demonstrated that LOVE takes a back seat personal benefits.

Again..........homosexuals have the exact same rights as does the heterosexual........they can legally marry, in any state in the UNION.......a person of the opposite gender.

I argue that marriage cannot be considered TRUE for both subjects. 1. Marriage can be an institution that by its very nature help partners be more faithful. (One truth). 2. Marriage as argued by the homosexual proponent, is an institution that is not really sacred and does not mean anything except the garnering of legal benefits......sacred religion has nothing to do with the needs of the homosexual community.

The "Law of the Excluded Middle" applies here. Nothing can take the position of being both true and false at the same instant. Its one of the first laws of logic. Either Marriage is traditional and religiously sacred or about the legalize......it cant be both. Or.......you can't have your cake and it also.

But again REALITY rears its ugly head with the homosexual argument about marriage helping same sex couples. If homosexuals REALLY DESIRED the same kind of commitment as provided in a traditional marriage then common sense would expect them to take advantage of the legal recourse open to the homosexual as relating to relationships which provide much the same benefits as does traditional marriage....................


The argument you just attempted is based not upon REASON and LOGIC.........but BS emotionalism, because all those benefits you say that are being denied can be HAD with just a few strokes of a lawyers pen. You just want to attack traditional marriage....which is traditionally and religiously defined as a union between a "male" and a "female".

Your problem? The majority of the people in this republic define marriage in a traditional manner, thus the bums rush by the militant special interest groups to the radicalized court system.
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Name one human right that any homosexual is lacking?
Until we fixed it
The right to marry the person they love
Make heart decisions for their partner
Visit their partner in the hospital
The facts point out that "love" is rarely a truth in any homosexual relationship.......its all about "PERSONAL PLEASURE". Homosexual couples rarely stay together regardless of the attempts made by all those HATERS who have bent over backwards to allow homosexuals the same rights to "visit their partners in the hospital", "make heart decisions for their partner" and lastly "the right to marry the person they supposedly LOVE......called a CIVIL UNION instead of a traditional marriage."

Homosexual couples rarely take advantage of the US legal system.......they just whine.

You are making an argument based upon a STRAWMAN presentation. "...but only IF....gays could marry, they'd be more faithful and or monogamous"? But this logic or rather lack thereof flies in the very face of the homosexual argument concerning marriage. Homosexuals argue that Marriage is not some sacred institution but something that people just do for legal reasons (as per your strawman argument), BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. Then in the next breath you are defining the legal reasons why its hate and discrimination not to allow same sex marriage because of the LEGAL benefits. Again........your very words, with no ambiguity whatsoever.......just demonstrated that LOVE takes a back seat personal benefits.

Again..........homosexuals have the exact same rights as does the heterosexual........they can legally marry, in any state in the UNION.......a person of the opposite gender.

I argue that marriage cannot be considered TRUE for both subjects. 1. Marriage can be an institution that by its very nature help partners be more faithful. (One truth). 2. Marriage as argued by the homosexual proponent, is an institution that is not really sacred and does not mean anything except the garnering of legal benefits......sacred religion has nothing to do with the needs of the homosexual community.

The "Law of the Excluded Middle" applies here. Nothing can take the position of being both true and false at the same instant. Its one of the first laws of logic. Either Marriage is traditional and religiously sacred or about the legalize......it cant be both. Or.......you can't have your cake and it also.

But again REALITY rears its ugly head with the homosexual argument about marriage helping same sex couples. If homosexuals REALLY DESIRED the same kind of commitment as provided in a traditional marriage then common sense would expect them to take advantage of the legal recourse open to the homosexual as relating to relationships which provide much the same benefits as does traditional marriage....................


The argument you just attempted is based not upon REASON and LOGIC.........but BS emotionalism, because all those benefits you say that are being denied can be HAD with just a few strokes of a lawyers pen. You just want to attack traditional marriage....which is traditionally and religiously defined as a union between a "male" and a "female".

Your problem? The majority of the people in this republic define marriage in a traditional manner, thus the bums rush by the militant special interest groups to the radicalized court system.
Stopped reading after the first sentence

You wasted your time on the remaining screed
I don't put too much stock in any book that discriminates against people.

the main reason Christians don't like homosexuality is that it means there will be fewer little Christians in the world
No...not correct in the slightest way.

We don't like it because it's against God...a sin that is internal in nature. It's self serving and prideful.
As long as there have been people there has been a percentage of the population that was homosexual.

And if a god really did create everyone then he also created homosexuals.

And everything humans do is self serving in one way or another. People don't have children for a god they do it for themselves to carry on their own lineage.
God created us male and female and commanded us at the very beginning to marry and to multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality thwarts the plan of God for his children. For this reason it is an abomination. Adultery destroys the family unit and through a family unit that is bound by love and respect, children can have a proper upbringing and much joy and happiness can be found by following the counsel of God in following his designed pattern. Other sexual perversions from God's plan, such as fornication, can lead to the case of Fatherless children. Our prisons have been packed by those who have grown up fatherless. God's commandments were designed not to be a hinderance to our lives but to show us the way to find greater joy and happiness.

A family of love and respect for God and his commandments and for one another within the family unit is the proper way to raise a family. When we stray from these basic principles is when we run into many problems.

1 Corinthians 11:11

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
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Name one human right that any homosexual is lacking?
Until we fixed it
The right to marry the person they love
Make heart decisions for their partner
Visit their partner in the hospital
The facts point out that "love" is rarely a truth in any homosexual relationship.......its all about "PERSONAL PLEASURE". Homosexual couples rarely stay together regardless of the attempts made by all those HATERS who have bent over backwards to allow homosexuals the same rights to "visit their partners in the hospital", "make heart decisions for their partner" and lastly "the right to marry the person they supposedly LOVE......called a CIVIL UNION instead of a traditional marriage."

Homosexual couples rarely take advantage of the US legal system.......they just whine.

You are making an argument based upon a STRAWMAN presentation. "...but only IF....gays could marry, they'd be more faithful and or monogamous"? But this logic or rather lack thereof flies in the very face of the homosexual argument concerning marriage. Homosexuals argue that Marriage is not some sacred institution but something that people just do for legal reasons (as per your strawman argument), BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. Then in the next breath you are defining the legal reasons why its hate and discrimination not to allow same sex marriage because of the LEGAL benefits. Again........your very words, with no ambiguity whatsoever.......just demonstrated that LOVE takes a back seat personal benefits.

Again..........homosexuals have the exact same rights as does the heterosexual........they can legally marry, in any state in the UNION.......a person of the opposite gender.

I argue that marriage cannot be considered TRUE for both subjects. 1. Marriage can be an institution that by its very nature help partners be more faithful. (One truth). 2. Marriage as argued by the homosexual proponent, is an institution that is not really sacred and does not mean anything except the garnering of legal benefits......sacred religion has nothing to do with the needs of the homosexual community.

The "Law of the Excluded Middle" applies here. Nothing can take the position of being both true and false at the same instant. Its one of the first laws of logic. Either Marriage is traditional and religiously sacred or about the legalize......it cant be both. Or.......you can't have your cake and it also.

But again REALITY rears its ugly head with the homosexual argument about marriage helping same sex couples. If homosexuals REALLY DESIRED the same kind of commitment as provided in a traditional marriage then common sense would expect them to take advantage of the legal recourse open to the homosexual as relating to relationships which provide much the same benefits as does traditional marriage....................


The argument you just attempted is based not upon REASON and LOGIC.........but BS emotionalism, because all those benefits you say that are being denied can be HAD with just a few strokes of a lawyers pen. You just want to attack traditional marriage....which is traditionally and religiously defined as a union between a "male" and a "female".

Your problem? The majority of the people in this republic define marriage in a traditional manner, thus the bums rush by the militant special interest groups to the radicalized court system.
Stopped reading after the first sentence

You wasted your time on the remaining screed
Of course you did..............LMAO, there is no refuting reason and logic with emotion.
Name one human right that any homosexual is lacking?
Until we fixed it
The right to marry the person they love
Make heart decisions for their partner
Visit their partner in the hospital
So...looked at the divorce rates for homosexual marriages lately?
Of course......... (never mind the evidence that proves that homosexuals have up to a 30 year shorter lifespan). Homosexuals will always lose the statistical battle) as their lifestyle leads to an early grave.......and then we have the left promoting immorality to the point that traditional marriages and family values are a thing of the past....then we wonder why the United States of America leads the world in incarceration per capita, just ahead of MOTHER RUSSIA.

What you are pointing to are the statistical facts...............its not that homosexuals are more faithful to their mates, its the documented fact that NORMAL marriage is in an immoral state of decline. Homosexual fidelity has not grown to meet heterosexual fidelity..........heterosexual infidelity continues to climb to meet the deviant standards established by the immoral members of our society.

As Mark Twain has been quoted, "Figures do not lie..........but liars sure as hell figure."

Moral people make moral laws, immoral people make immoral laws. There is no difference in defending immorality with either homosexuals or heterosexuals. The same point exists as truth, immorality is immorality (Sin is Sin and the wages are the same for everyone)...........the homosexual lifestyle is a drastic deviant style of life as compared to the majority that establishes the social norms of society. Its neither natural or normal.
God created us male and female and commanded us at the very beginning to marry and to multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality thwarts the plan of God for his children. For this reason it is an abomination. Adultery destroys the family unit and through a family unit that is bound by love and respect, children can have a proper upbringing and much joy and happiness can be found by following the counsel of God in following his designed pattern. Other sexual perversions from God's plan, such as fornication, can lead to the case of Fatherless children. Our prisons have been packed by those who have grown up fatherless. God's commandments were designed not to be a hinderance to our lives but to show us the way to find greater joy and happiness.

A family of love and respect for God and his commandments and for one another within the family unit is the proper way to raise a family. When we stray from these basic principles is when we run into many problems.

1 Corinthians 11:11

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
And if a person doesn't believe as you do?

Homosexuals have always existed therefore as part of the continuum on which all human behavior exists, it is normal human behavior for a small percentage of the population to be homosexual.
The great thing about the God of the Bible is that he believes in free will. He allows all of us to choose how we will live and what we will believe unless you find yourself under tyranny by an oppressor. However, the choices we make, will also determine where we will abide in eternity. God has given us a law and told us what we can expect if we live by the law or not. One can choose to not even believe in God, but if God is a true and real being, then you reap what you sow and the outcome of your choices go through the judgement of God.
The great thing about the God of the Bible is that he believes in free will. He allows all of us to choose how we will live and what we will believe unless you find yourself under tyranny by an oppressor. However, the choices we make, will also determine where we will abide in eternity. God has given us a law and told us what we can expect if we live by the law or not. One can choose to not even believe in God, but if God is a true and real being, then you reap what you sow and the outcome of your choices go through the judgement of God.
And if attraction to the same sex is not a choice for some people?

The fact is our behavior is influenced more by our genetics than people think and the interplay between nature and nurture is extremely complex
Obviously the mother and father's genetics had nothing to do with it since it didn't affect them.
I don't put too much stock in any book that discriminates against people.

the main reason Christians don't like homosexuality is that it means there will be fewer little Christians in the world
No...not correct in the slightest way.

We don't like it because it's against God...a sin that is internal in nature. It's self serving and prideful.
As long as there have been people there has been a percentage of the population that was homosexual.

And if a god really did create everyone then he also created homosexuals.

And everything humans do is self serving in one way or another. People don't have children for a god they do it for themselves to carry on their own lineage.
That would be incorrect on every point you just made.
Obviously you don't have an accurate history or accurate human nature norms to draw upon but only propaganda.

When you do some real study and research please feel free to come back and try again.
The great thing about the God of the Bible is that he believes in free will. He allows all of us to choose how we will live and what we will believe unless you find yourself under tyranny by an oppressor. However, the choices we make, will also determine where we will abide in eternity. God has given us a law and told us what we can expect if we live by the law or not. One can choose to not even believe in God, but if God is a true and real being, then you reap what you sow and the outcome of your choices go through the judgement of God.
And if attraction to the same sex is not a choice for some people?

The fact is our behavior is influenced more by our genetics than people think and the interplay between nature and nurture is extremely complex
The genetics are clear that what you are saying is false.

RNA of repeated self destructive behaviors causes DNA changes.... meaning that homosexuality is a choice that is self inflicted DNA rewrite to the point you don't have a choice.

IE repeated tobacco usage causes cancer.
Excessive running causes knee cartilage damage.
And etc
I don't put too much stock in any book that discriminates against people.

the main reason Christians don't like homosexuality is that it means there will be fewer little Christians in the world
No...not correct in the slightest way.

We don't like it because it's against God...a sin that is internal in nature. It's self serving and prideful.
As long as there have been people there has been a percentage of the population that was homosexual.

And if a god really did create everyone then he also created homosexuals.

And everything humans do is self serving in one way or another. People don't have children for a god they do it for themselves to carry on their own lineage.
That would be incorrect on every point you just made.
Obviously you don't have an accurate history or accurate human nature norms to draw upon but only propaganda.

When you do some real study and research please feel free to come back and try again.
The drive to reproduce is biological not theological it seems you need to do a little studying not me.

And there have been homosexuals as long as there have been people.
The great thing about the God of the Bible is that he believes in free will. He allows all of us to choose how we will live and what we will believe unless you find yourself under tyranny by an oppressor. However, the choices we make, will also determine where we will abide in eternity. God has given us a law and told us what we can expect if we live by the law or not. One can choose to not even believe in God, but if God is a true and real being, then you reap what you sow and the outcome of your choices go through the judgement of God.
And if attraction to the same sex is not a choice for some people?

The fact is our behavior is influenced more by our genetics than people think and the interplay between nature and nurture is extremely complex
The genetics are clear that what you are saying is false.

RNA of repeated self destructive behaviors causes DNA changes.... meaning that homosexuality is a choice that is self inflicted DNA rewrite to the point you don't have a choice.

IE repeated tobacco usage causes cancer.
Excessive running causes knee cartilage damage.
And etc
Your sexual activity doesn't rewrite your genes.

And in no universe does wear and tear on joints equate to sexual preference
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I cannot believe that in 2021 gay people and their allies are still WHINING about Christians not baking them a cake.
Gay Americans are appropriately defending themselves against discrimination in public accommodations by the bigoted, hateful Christian right; that gay Americans are still being subject to such discrimination in 2021 is reprehensible.
The facts point out that "love" is rarely a truth in any homosexual relationship.......its all about "PERSONAL PLEASURE". Homosexual couples rarely stay together regardless of the attempts made by all those HATERS who have bent over backwards to allow homosexuals the same rights to "visit their partners in the hospital", "make heart decisions for their partner" and lastly "the right to marry the person they supposedly LOVE......called a CIVIL UNION instead of a traditional marriage."
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to most on the Christian right.
I cannot believe that in 2021 gay people and their allies are still WHINING about Christians not baking them a cake.
Gay Americans are appropriately defending themselves against discrimination in public accommodations by the bigoted, hateful Christian right; that gay Americans are still being subject to such discrimination in 2021 is reprehensible.

If gay Americans purposely go into a shop owned by a Christian, when other shops are available, they are being whining babies. Full stop.
I cannot believe that in 2021 gay people and their allies are still WHINING about Christians not baking them a cake.
Gay Americans are appropriately defending themselves against discrimination in public accommodations by the bigoted, hateful Christian right; that gay Americans are still being subject to such discrimination in 2021 is reprehensible.

If gay Americans purposely go into a shop owned by a Christian, when other shops are available, they are being whining babies. Full stop.
And how is anyone to know if the owners of a store are Christian or not? And don't believe for a second that Christians wouldn't sue a store owner for refusing to serve them because they were Christian

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