Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

The reality is we're dealing with HYPOCRISY. People will be hypocrites, other people will point out to the rest of the world that they're hypocrites. They're allowed to be hypocrites.
The reality is that we're dealing with personal standards. When I am marching to a different drummer, I cannot expect everyone or even anyone to fall into step with me.

As I said before, get the cake to the point the baker is able to go. The finishing touches shouldn't be a problem, so don't make it one.
They're allowed to look at Leviticus 18 and be like "the Bible is always right", and they're allowed to look at Leviticus 20 and be like "we don't take the Bible literally all the time".
I think you know that the Bible is complex--and even contradictory. People are more so. Hypocrisy can also be the insistence on having things all one's way--while not respecting the same for another person. In such situations, compromise is the answer. I think you know there are bakeries who don't mind who the the couple being wed are. That's one option. If the heart is set on a particular bakery, then compromise so both sets of principles are respected.
The problem here is the US went to this point, had black people excluded from businesses because they were black. It's not right.
The difference is that Blacks couldn't go into the business at all. This is different from someone going into a business and asking for something the business doesn't provide. The easiest example is the bakery: No one is denying anyone a cake available to anyone else. They are denying the type of cake they would deny to anyone else, too. As for photography: I am merely an amateur photographer, but if the subject doesn't truly interest me, that reflects in my work. For example, house cats. If you are paying someone to photograph a special event, you want someone enthusiastic about it.

I've done a few weddings for friends/family. The one where everyone arrived under the influence and proceeded from there is some of my worst work ever.
The problem was those who hated gays had the same response as those who hated blacks.
You can pass all the laws you want, but you can’t make me serve them.
So, if a community didn’t approve of gay marriage they would not provide locations for wedding receptions, hotel rooms, cakes, invitations, flowers…
Any local merchant who supported a gay wedding would risk boycott
The ridiculous lie is that a Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is somehow ‘endorsing’ or ‘condoning’ homosexuality, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
What about if it is not endorsing or condoning? Ever notice in a disagreement how there is a tendency to change words not being used in order to try to give an edge to one side of the argument or another? The simple fact is wanting someone to do something outside their comfort zone (or standards, if you prefer). If, "Make this type of cake because I say so; take this type of photo because I say so" is outside the creator's zone, then one is not acting like a customer there to purchase what the business provides, acting like a slave master who gets to call all the shots diminishes the person(s) who are the customer(s).
A Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is in no manner ‘compromising’ his beliefs; a Christian business owner subject to public accommodations laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation is not having his religious liberty ‘violated.’
You wanting this to be so doesn't make it so. Once again, no business is denying anyone of anything that business offers. It's the specifics being demanded that are on the table. This can be compared to someone going into a store, asking for an item a store of that type would normally have and be told, "We don't carry that item/brand." The potential customer then finds something comparable or leaves and finds a retailer that carries precisely what s/he is after.

I don't know about anyone else, but if someone doesn't want to serve me, whether it is something big or something as small as coffee, I go elsewhere. People's behaviors are their own bugaboo. I don't have the time or inclination to make them mine.
‘Religious liberty’ with regard to accommodating gay and transgender Americans is but a façade behind which Christians attempt to conceal their unwarranted bigotry and hate.
It may have nothing to do with bigotry or hate. It is more likely to do with a way of life. For example, I am uncomfortable in big cities, noise, and crowded events (such as concerts or even roaring waterfalls). Therefore I create my life around smaller towns or cities and quiet events. I avoid large, noisy crowds, not because of any bigotry or hate, but because they make me uncomfortable. I have no problem with others joining in on the fun, but don't drag me into it with you.

Again it is about respecting the foibles of each other instead of insisting on dragging everyone into them.
You wanting this to be so doesn't make it so. Once again, no business is denying anyone of anything that business offers
Not true

The lesbian couple wanted a basic wedding cake. The business normally provided wedding cakes but refused one for a same sex couple
So, if a community
We are talking about private individual businesses. Neither corporations, governments, etc. qualify under this umbrella.

You don’t understand how a community works.
Think Jim Crow

Those businesses that provided services to gay weddings would face boycotts from local citizens, not the government
Christians don't follow all the laws of Leviticus.
Christians are not required to follow all the laws in Leviticus.

The lesbian couple wanted a basic wedding cake. The business normally provided wedding cakes but refused one for a same sex couple
How did the bakery know the cake was for a same sex couple? I mean, when I ordered my wedding cake who I was marrying didn't even enter into the transaction. No one even checked to see if there was to be an actual wedding.
Those businesses that provided services to gay weddings would face boycotts from local citizens, not the government
Are you talking about very small towns? I live in a small city, where I am sure people are getting married every weekend. Who they are hiring for the event doesn't even hit the radar of the average citizen.
The lesbian couple wanted a basic wedding cake. The business normally provided wedding cakes but refused one for a same sex couple
How did the bakery know the cake was for a same sex couple? I mean, when I ordered my wedding cake who I was marrying didn't even enter into the transaction. No one even checked to see if there was to be an actual wedding.

The Bakers got on Facebook and bragged about how they had refused to bake a wedding cake for gay couple. The bakers made a huge show of it. .. that's how it became a lawsuit.
The Bakers got on Facebook and bragged about how they had refused to bake a wedding cake for gay couple. The bakers made a huge show of it. .. that's how it became a lawsuit.
As in that particular case, it should have.
Do you know what they call people who demands the right to tell people who to vote for? Fascist. Idea! If you do no like a certain candidate......DON'T VOTE FOR HE/SHE. This is a representative republic.......not a socialist democracy. The "majority" reserves the right to establish morality.......not special interest group minorities. When the majority cease to reserve that right.......you no longer are living in a free state. If you want the perverted act of homosexuality to be accepted mainstream, get a majority of your fellow citizens to accept it as such. All the rights in this republic have came about through the will of the MAJORITY.......not one law, not one civil right has been enacted void of majority acceptance. The only law that defies the ideology comes from rouge judges who draft law from the bench.

Homosexuality does not reserve the right to declare it deserves "special" treatment for the type of sex they decide to engage.

All sexual acts are engaged by CHOICE.....if not YOU HAVE JUST BEEN RAPED. Homosexuals are not a RACE of PEOPLES, its simply a mental disorder where sexual development has been retarded......in other words homosexuals never mature in psychological manner.

Why is the ordinary man or woman opposed to homosexual activity? There is any number of logical and reasonable problems associated with same sex activity.

1. When someone opposes the condemnation of homosexuality the homosexual supporters call that a defense of belief. When a Christian opposes homosexuality.........its called HATE.

2. Scientific Study after Study reveals that homosexuality can take 3 decades off the lifespan of an average human being. Whether male or female. Funny these same people who defend homosexuality make a great outcry concerning the free will choice of using tobacco products which on average takes 7-10 years from the human lifespan.....where are all the liberals pointing out how dangerous it is to engage in same sex relationships?

3. Another study from the CDC (the center for disease control) determined that sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS......is transmitted in the homosexual community at a 50x greater rate than with heterosexual relationships.

4. Logic and Reason. Homosexuality is not how the human reproduction system was designed. The human body was designed for heterosexual intercourse. All homosexuals must find a way to imitate natures design to find sexual release. Nature defines itself.........people are born about 1/2 male and 1/2 female for a reason, if one or the other genders declined from this natural ratio....the human race would soon become extinct.

5. The only thing that homosexuals care about are emotional releases ...i.e., self pleasure even to the point of pretending LOVE to garner these pleasures. Homosexual couples rarely last in a so called monogamous relationship.....some say, "Oh, we just believe in an open relationship...." Yeah right...........

6. Personally.........I do not care how anyone gets their "jolly's" ...........but please don't urinate down my back and then tell me to relax ITS ONLY RAIN.
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Do you know what they call people who demands the right to tell people who to vote for? Fascist. Idea! If you do no like a certain candidate......DON'T VOTE FOR HE/SHE. This is a representative republic.......not a socialist democracy. The "majority" reserves the right to establish morality.......not special interest group minorities. When the majority cease to reserve that right.......you no longer are living in a free state. If you want the perverted act of homosexuality to be accepted mainstream, get a majority of your fellow citizens to accept it as such. All the rights in this republic have came about through the will of the MAJORITY.......not one law, not one civil right has been enacted void of majority acceptance. The only law that defies the ideology comes from rouge judges who draft law from the bench.

Homosexuality does not reserve the right to declare it deserves "special" treatment for the type of sex they decide to engage.

All sexual acts are engaged by CHOICE.....if not YOU HAVE JUST BEEN RAPED. Homosexuals are not a RACE of PEOPLES, its simply a mental disorder where sexual development has been retarded......in other words homosexuals never mature in psychological manner.

Why is the ordinary man or woman opposed to homosexual activity? There is any number of logical and reasonable problems associated with same sex activity.

1. When someone opposes the condemnation of homosexuality the homosexual supporters call that a defense of belief. When a Christian opposes homosexuality.........its called HATE.

2. Scientific Study after Study reveals that homosexuality can take 3 decades off the lifespan of an average human being. Whether male or female. Funny these same people who defend homosexuality make a great outcry concerning the free will choice of using tobacco products which on average takes 7-10 years from the human lifespan.....where are all the liberals pointing out how dangerous it is to engage in same sex relationships?

3. Another study from the CDC (the center for disease control) determined that sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS......is transmitted in the homosexual community at a 50x greater rate than with heterosexual relationships.

4. Logic and Reason. Homosexuality is not how the human reproduction system was designed. The human body was designed for heterosexual intercourse. All homosexuals must find a way to imitate natures design to find sexual release. Nature defines itself.........people are born about 1/2 male and 1/2 female for a reason, if one or the other genders declined from this natural ratio....the human race would soon become extinct.

5. The only thing that homosexuals care about are emotional releases ...i.e., self pleasure even to the point of pretending LOVE to garner these pleasures. Homosexual couples rarely last in a so called monogamous relationship.....some say, "Oh, we just believe in an open relationship...." Yeah right...........

6. Personally.........I do not care how anyone gets their "jolly's" ...........but please don't urinate down my back and then tell me to relax ITS ONLY RAIN.

Minorities are often protected from majorities.
Do you know what they call people who demands the right to tell people who to vote for? Fascist. Idea! If you do no like a certain candidate......DON'T VOTE FOR HE/SHE. This is a representative republic.......not a socialist democracy. The "majority" reserves the right to establish morality.......not special interest group minorities. When the majority cease to reserve that right.......you no longer are living in a free state. If you want the perverted act of homosexuality to be accepted mainstream, get a majority of your fellow citizens to accept it as such. All the rights in this republic have came about through the will of the MAJORITY.......not one law, not one civil right has been enacted void of majority acceptance. The only law that defies the ideology comes from rouge judges who draft law from the bench.

Homosexuality does not reserve the right to declare it deserves "special" treatment for the type of sex they decide to engage.

All sexual acts are engaged by CHOICE.....if not YOU HAVE JUST BEEN RAPED. Homosexuals are not a RACE of PEOPLES, its simply a mental disorder where sexual development has been retarded......in other words homosexuals never mature in psychological manner.

Why is the ordinary man or woman opposed to homosexual activity? There is any number of logical and reasonable problems associated with same sex activity.

1. When someone opposes the condemnation of homosexuality the homosexual supporters call that a defense of belief. When a Christian opposes homosexuality.........its called HATE.

2. Scientific Study after Study reveals that homosexuality can take 3 decades off the lifespan of an average human being. Whether male or female. Funny these same people who defend homosexuality make a great outcry concerning the free will choice of using tobacco products which on average takes 7-10 years from the human lifespan.....where are all the liberals pointing out how dangerous it is to engage in same sex relationships?

3. Another study from the CDC (the center for disease control) determined that sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS......is transmitted in the homosexual community at a 50x greater rate than with heterosexual relationships.

4. Logic and Reason. Homosexuality is not how the human reproduction system was designed. The human body was designed for heterosexual intercourse. All homosexuals must find a way to imitate natures design to find sexual release. Nature defines itself.........people are born about 1/2 male and 1/2 female for a reason, if one or the other genders declined from this natural ratio....the human race would soon become extinct.

5. The only thing that homosexuals care about are emotional releases ...i.e., self pleasure even to the point of pretending LOVE to garner these pleasures. Homosexual couples rarely last in a so called monogamous relationship.....some say, "Oh, we just believe in an open relationship...." Yeah right...........

6. Personally.........I do not care how anyone gets their "jolly's" ...........but please don't urinate down my back and then tell me to relax ITS ONLY RAIN.

Minorities are often protected from majorities.
The problem being is the fact that homosexuals demand the right to claim that they deserve the same protections as "other" races of people....when in reality homosexuals are made up of all races of people with the only defining difference being the type of sex they choose to engage.

The choice of sex is not a civil right..........you don't need sex to live yet they demand SPECIAL TREATMENT from the rest of society. You don't need sex to find shelter, food, healthcare treatment, employment etc., Sex is a free will choice, as I stated before if its not......you have just been raped. Homosexuality is a choice.......sex is not required to sustain life only reproduce life.

Personally I would have no problem with classifying those who choose to engage in sex with the same gender.....as SPECIAL, they deserve the same rights ad do all handicapped individuals. Special license plates states "this individual is homosexually challenged".......special parking places....special lines to vote....etc.,

Anyone that states that its NORMAL to place a round peg into a square hole has some issues.
Do you know what they call people who demands the right to tell people who to vote for? Fascist. Idea! If you do no like a certain candidate......DON'T VOTE FOR HE/SHE. This is a representative republic.......not a socialist democracy. The "majority" reserves the right to establish morality.......not special interest group minorities. When the majority cease to reserve that right.......you no longer are living in a free state. If you want the perverted act of homosexuality to be accepted mainstream, get a majority of your fellow citizens to accept it as such. All the rights in this republic have came about through the will of the MAJORITY.......not one law, not one civil right has been enacted void of majority acceptance. The only law that defies the ideology comes from rouge judges who draft law from the bench.

Homosexuality does not reserve the right to declare it deserves "special" treatment for the type of sex they decide to engage.

All sexual acts are engaged by CHOICE.....if not YOU HAVE JUST BEEN RAPED. Homosexuals are not a RACE of PEOPLES, its simply a mental disorder where sexual development has been retarded......in other words homosexuals never mature in psychological manner.

Why is the ordinary man or woman opposed to homosexual activity? There is any number of logical and reasonable problems associated with same sex activity.

1. When someone opposes the condemnation of homosexuality the homosexual supporters call that a defense of belief. When a Christian opposes homosexuality.........its called HATE.

2. Scientific Study after Study reveals that homosexuality can take 3 decades off the lifespan of an average human being. Whether male or female. Funny these same people who defend homosexuality make a great outcry concerning the free will choice of using tobacco products which on average takes 7-10 years from the human lifespan.....where are all the liberals pointing out how dangerous it is to engage in same sex relationships?

3. Another study from the CDC (the center for disease control) determined that sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS......is transmitted in the homosexual community at a 50x greater rate than with heterosexual relationships.

4. Logic and Reason. Homosexuality is not how the human reproduction system was designed. The human body was designed for heterosexual intercourse. All homosexuals must find a way to imitate natures design to find sexual release. Nature defines itself.........people are born about 1/2 male and 1/2 female for a reason, if one or the other genders declined from this natural ratio....the human race would soon become extinct.

5. The only thing that homosexuals care about are emotional releases ...i.e., self pleasure even to the point of pretending LOVE to garner these pleasures. Homosexual couples rarely last in a so called monogamous relationship.....some say, "Oh, we just believe in an open relationship...." Yeah right...........

6. Personally.........I do not care how anyone gets their "jolly's" ...........but please don't urinate down my back and then tell me to relax ITS ONLY RAIN.

Minorities are often protected from majorities.
The problem being is the fact that homosexuals demand the right to claim that they deserve the same protections as "other" races of people....when in reality homosexuals are made up of all races of people with the only defining difference being the type of sex they choose to engage.

The choice of sex is not a civil right..........you don't need sex to live yet they demand SPECIAL TREATMENT from the rest of society. You don't need sex to find shelter, food, healthcare treatment, employment etc., Sex is a free will choice, as I stated before if its not......you have just been raped. Homosexuality is a choice.......sex is not required to sustain life only reproduce life.

Personally I would have no problem with classifying those who choose to engage in sex with the same gender.....as SPECIAL, they deserve the same rights ad do all handicapped individuals. Special license plates states "this individual is homosexually challenged".......special parking places....special lines to vote....etc.,

Anyone that states that its NORMAL to place a round peg into a square hole has some issues.

Other "races"?? I have never seen anything remotely like that.

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