Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

Are you suggesting these bills didn't happen?
Listen up Miss. Guns are banned, and we do what we're ordered to do by the cops because we don't want to be shot and killed. That's all the passes for law anyways in America anymore. Nobody even pays attention to any of the shit they pass as "laws" on the books anymore anyways. If they want us in prison they dump child pornography on us or else a federal felony charge for a 0.5mg of marijuana with intent to distribute, or whatever they want to cook up at the fed shop.

I'll take you inability to answer any of my questions as "yes, these laws are on the books". What I don't get is why you're trying to deflect.

What the fuck do "Gun are banned" have to do with this topic in the slightest?
What the fuck do "Gun are banned" have to do with this topic in the slightest?
Because the dude who wants to fuck butt in the middle of the night has to go to court with a mental health docket and make sure his victim isn't allowed to own any weapons.
If you do, and use it to pound on gay people,
Who, specifically, is pounding on gay people, and specifically, what are they doing? It may just be where I live, but no one is pounding on gay people who are treated more kindly than those who voted for President Trump.

"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
What a surprise..............individuals who do not believe in God's word are attempting to judge those who do. Is it not a grand thing to live in a nation with such liberty? Yet........those who preach fascism attempt to limit those freedoms based upon the self confessed ideology that they themselves do not accept as truth? One should as a Christian forfeit his/her right to cast a vote based upon the judgement of those who condemn the Holy Scriptures.?

What do you call it other than fascism when someone demands to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves?

How much hypocrisy can be observed without LAUGHTER? On one hand they do not accept the Word of God as a resource to determine MORALITY..........yet they demand the freedom to use that same resource to judge others? Priceless.

These same individuals are the very first to preach about separation of church and state....yet, insist upon injecting religion when they want to make judgements on others?

And they are always complaining about Homosexual rights, civil rights, etc. and how others are attempting to judge them. When the reality points to the fact as held in the very archived posts of sites such as this...........its the Homosexual special interest groups that by majority STARTS THREADS invading the privacy of those who are simply exercising the same freedoms they reserve for themselves. Again........priceless.
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If you do, and use it to pound on gay people,
Who, specifically, is pounding on gay people, and specifically, what are they doing? It may just be where I live, but no one is pounding on gay people who are treated more kindly than those who voted for President Trump.

"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
What a surprise..............individuals who do not believe in God's word are attempting to judge those who do. Is it not a grand thing to live in a nation with such liberty? Yet........those who preach fascism attempt to limit those freedoms based upon the self confessed ideology that they themselves do not accept as truth? One should as a Christian forfeit his/her right to cast a vote based upon the judgement of those who condemn the Holy Scriptures.?

What do you call it other than fascism when someone demands to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves?

How much hypocrisy can be observed without LAUGHTER? On one hand they do not accept the Word of God as a resource to determine MORALITY..........yet they demand the freedom to use that same resource to judge others? Priceless.

These same individuals are the very first to preach about separation of church and state....yet, insist upon injecting religion when they want to make judgements on others?

And they are always complaining about Homosexual rights, civil rights, etc. and how others are attempting to judge them. When the reality points to the fact as held in the very archived posts of sites such as this...........its the Homosexual special interest groups that by majority STARTS THREADS invading the privacy of those who are simply exercising the same freedoms they reserve for themselves. Again........priceless.

Everyone gets to judge. Not just Christians.

And I'm not trying to limit freedoms, I'm saying that people who have a book in the Bible that they claim says gay people are bad, should then not go and vote for adulterers when that same book says adulterers should be STONED TO DEATH.
"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
I don't have a problem with Christian bakers, photographers, florists, etc. who don't care to be involved with the sexual peccadilloes of their clientele. I doubt if any of these businesses would want to bake a cake, due photography, etc. for adulterous activities, either. I don't expect businesses to do things my way--I simply go to businesses who do. It is because I love freedom so much that I would never insist anyone else give up one of their freedoms to bow to one of mine. If a bakery can only go so far with a cake, I have no problem adding the finishing touches. If a photographer is not comfortable photographing what I want, I'll find another. Let's work with one another. "I provide a service to everyone up to this point..." is fine.

US elections are too complex to say, "If you agree with Leviticus about this point, then you must agree with all points in Leviticus" doesn't make sense. I can take something as simple as a recipe and while agreeing it calls for the right amount of cinnamon, I don't feel mandated to use the recipe's amount of nutmeg if I feel it is too much for my taste. Therefore, if a candidate has just the right amount of homosexuality and no adultery, but if I don't like the amount s/he favors abortion or more regulations, my vote will go elsewhere. (Probably poorly phrased, but I'm certain you take my point.)
"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
I don't have a problem with Christian bakers, photographers, florists, etc. who don't care to be involved with the sexual peccadilloes of their clientele. I doubt if any of these businesses would want to bake a cake, due photography, etc. for adulterous activities, either. I don't expect businesses to do things my way--I simply go to businesses who do. It is because I love freedom so much that I would never insist anyone else give up one of their freedoms to bow to one of mine. If a bakery can only go so far with a cake, I have no problem adding the finishing touches. If a photographer is not comfortable photographing what I want, I'll find another. Let's work with one another. "I provide a service to everyone up to this point..." is fine.

US elections are too complex to say, "If you agree with Leviticus about this point, then you must agree with all points in Leviticus" doesn't make sense. I can take something as simple as a recipe and while agreeing it calls for the right amount of cinnamon, I don't feel mandated to use the recipe's amount of nutmeg if I feel it is too much for my taste. Therefore, if a candidate has just the right amount of homosexuality and no adultery, but if I don't like the amount s/he favors abortion or more regulations, my vote will go elsewhere. (Probably poorly phrased, but I'm certain you take my point.)

The problem here is the US went to this point, had black people excluded from businesses because they were black. It's not right.

People shouldn't be forced to be second or third class citizens in their own country. If a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding, then they shouldn't be making cakes for weddings at all. Shouldn't be allowing people to make such choices.

They had that option, they chose not to do it, so they suffer because of it, and they did agree to those terms, it's what happens when you make a business in the US. Accommodation laws.

The reality is we're dealing with HYPOCRISY. People will be hypocrites, other people will point out to the rest of the world that they're hypocrites. They're allowed to be hypocrites.

They're allowed to look at Leviticus 18 and be like "the Bible is always right", and they're allowed to look at Leviticus 20 and be like "we don't take the Bible literally all the time". But fuck those evil people.
If you do, and use it to pound on gay people,
Who, specifically, is pounding on gay people, and specifically, what are they doing? It may just be where I live, but no one is pounding on gay people who are treated more kindly than those who voted for President Trump.

"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
What a surprise..............individuals who do not believe in God's word are attempting to judge those who do. Is it not a grand thing to live in a nation with such liberty? Yet........those who preach fascism attempt to limit those freedoms based upon the self confessed ideology that they themselves do not accept as truth? One should as a Christian forfeit his/her right to cast a vote based upon the judgement of those who condemn the Holy Scriptures.?

What do you call it other than fascism when someone demands to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves?

How much hypocrisy can be observed without LAUGHTER? On one hand they do not accept the Word of God as a resource to determine MORALITY..........yet they demand the freedom to use that same resource to judge others? Priceless.

These same individuals are the very first to preach about separation of church and state....yet, insist upon injecting religion when they want to make judgements on others?

And they are always complaining about Homosexual rights, civil rights, etc. and how others are attempting to judge them. When the reality points to the fact as held in the very archived posts of sites such as this...........its the Homosexual special interest groups that by majority STARTS THREADS invading the privacy of those who are simply exercising the same freedoms they reserve for themselves. Again........priceless.

Everyone gets to judge. Not just Christians.

And I'm not trying to limit freedoms, I'm saying that people who have a book in the Bible that they claim says gay people are bad, should then not go and vote for adulterers when that same book says adulterers should be STONED TO DEATH.

I'm going to be honest: I get so tired of these regurgitated inane threads from posters who make no attempt to understand.

I'm going to ask one question to test just how honest this thread is. Why do you think Christians do not stone homosexuals in the modern era? Do you know? Can you explain it.

If you can explain it, we can commence. If you cannot, I leave you to your Biblical ignorance.
That what may be what Christians believe but that's not what Jesus taught or believed.
It isn't what Christians believe, and it is what Jesus taught.
For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Uh, guess what. Heaven and earth passed away. Jesus said that, and then a few short decades later, heaven and earth passed away.

The temple is gone. The tribes are gone.

The new kingdom is here now.

Nonsense. The kingdom of God has always been and will always be in power. the ten tribes are everywhere.

You are under the curse of the Law, for not complying with its instruction as revealed by Jesus.

The ten tribes were never 'lost' they just left for more sane parts of the world and said fuck this to the corruption of temple worship after the death of solomon
Ha ha! Ignorance.

No one is subject to an ancient, obsolete law. Not even the primitive Christians, i.e., the Jewish converts who once were (Rom 6:14; Gal 3:10-13).

No one stones women for their infidelity or gays for their deviances. No one sacrifices animals in a temple. The Levitical priesthood is gone. There is no law.
What do you call it other than fascism when someone demands to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves?
This is called a lie – no one is demanding to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose the efforts of authoritarian theocrats to violate the privacy rights of women and the due process rights of gay Americans.

Religious liberty is not the liberty to deny others their freedoms through force of law.

Religious liberty is not ‘justification’ to ignore or violate otherwise just and proper laws.

And requiring theists to follow just and proper laws is not a ‘violation’ of theists’ religious liberties.
I don't have a problem with Christian bakers, photographers, florists, etc. who don't care to be involved with the sexual peccadilloes of their clientele.
They’re not – the notion that they are is a lie.

A Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is in no manner ‘involved’ with that patron’s sex life, any more than with a heterosexual patron.

The ridiculous lie is that a Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is somehow ‘endorsing’ or ‘condoning’ homosexuality, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

A Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is in no manner ‘compromising’ his beliefs; a Christian business owner subject to public accommodations laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation is not having his religious liberty ‘violated.’

‘Religious liberty’ with regard to accommodating gay and transgender Americans is but a façade behind which Christians attempt to conceal their unwarranted bigotry and hate.
What do you call it other than fascism when someone demands to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves?
This is called a lie – no one is demanding to limit the freedom of others while reserving that same freedom for themselves.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose the efforts of authoritarian theocrats to violate the privacy rights of women and the due process rights of gay Americans.

Religious liberty is not the liberty to deny others their freedoms through force of law.

Religious liberty is not ‘justification’ to ignore or violate otherwise just and proper laws.

And requiring theists to follow just and proper laws is not a ‘violation’ of theists’ religious liberties.

Is this about the stupid cake?

Cool. Then gay bakers should be forced to bake cakes with the Leviticus verse on it. Right?

Maybe we can stop hiding behind "discrimination" laws and stop being jerks to one another. That might be a step in the right direction. Maybe we could have ONE brave judge who would say, no, you don't need a cake from THIS baker when you could go round the corner. You're a jerk. NEXT
No one stones women for their infidelity or gays for their deviances.
But theists do seek to violate the privacy rights of women and equal protection rights of gay Americans using their religious beliefs as ‘justification.’
I don't have a problem with Christian bakers, photographers, florists, etc. who don't care to be involved with the sexual peccadilloes of their clientele.
They’re not – the notion that they are is a lie.

A Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is in no manner ‘involved’ with that patron’s sex life, any more than with a heterosexual patron.

The ridiculous lie is that a Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is somehow ‘endorsing’ or ‘condoning’ homosexuality, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

A Christian business owner who accommodates a gay patron is in no manner ‘compromising’ his beliefs; a Christian business owner subject to public accommodations laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation is not having his religious liberty ‘violated.’

‘Religious liberty’ with regard to accommodating gay and transgender Americans is but a façade behind which Christians attempt to conceal their unwarranted bigotry and hate.

IF they are baking a cake for A GAY WEDDING, then yes they are. You don't get to say what violates their religious convictions. They are THEIR convictions.

How about this. Gay marriage is LEGAL. There are plenty of venues who WILL bake a cake for a gay wedding.

So stop being a JERK. How about anti-jerk laws? That's what we really need. (By this I mean: the people FORCING Christians to violate their beliefs. BAKE ME A CAKE!! That's jerk behavior. They don't agree with your lifestyle; so what. Leave them alone. They are leaving you alone. Enough said.)
The problem here is the US went to this point, had black people excluded from businesses because they were black. It's not right.
The difference is that Blacks couldn't go into the business at all. This is different from someone going into a business and asking for something the business doesn't provide. The easiest example is the bakery: No one is denying anyone a cake available to anyone else. They are denying the type of cake they would deny to anyone else, too. As for photography: I am merely an amateur photographer, but if the subject doesn't truly interest me, that reflects in my work. For example, house cats. If you are paying someone to photograph a special event, you want someone enthusiastic about it.

I've done a few weddings for friends/family. The one where everyone arrived under the influence and proceeded from there is some of my worst work ever.

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