Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

Why does your god create gays?

If not your god, then who creates them?
God requires rest on the Seventh day, and that precludes all forms of work and faggotry.
Would that entity not be the one you should hate?

Why are you letting your genocidal god and gay creator off the hook?
Don't confuse Satan with God
prick of a god as a Christian perversion, shows the low moral caliber of your thinking.
And you require a more thorough observation of times and cutting around the corners of the beard for God?
That what may be what Christians believe but that's not what Jesus taught or believed.
It isn't what Christians believe, and it is what Jesus taught.
For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Uh, guess what. Heaven and earth passed away. Jesus said that, and then a few short decades later, heaven and earth passed away.

The temple is gone. The tribes are gone.

The new kingdom is here now.
Mar 30, 2016 · We’re no longer bound by the civil codes of Leviticus because God doesn’t have a nation-state on earth anymore.
We never were bound by Jewish civil code. Or Jewish ceremonial code or Jewish dietary code or any other Jewish code. Gentiles never were subject to temple law. And no one is subject to it now that it no longer exists.

That what may be what Christians believe but that's not what Jesus taught or believed.

"For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore, anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of Heaven; but whoever practices them and teaches others to do the same will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.…"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "anyone who sets aside the law, and teaches others to do the same, will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven see Genesis 3:14......

Matthew 5:18? Yep. but there is no reason for me to follow the laws and rituals of the Levites, nor do I believe in blood sacrifice.
I guarantee you, hobelim doesn't abide the temple law, either.
Don't confuse Satan with God

Gnostic Christians have always named your idol a genocidal prick.

Why do you honor Yahweh and St. Hitler?

Why do you pray for Jesus to return and use genocide on humans yet again?

What kind of a hole would think as Christians do?

Show why you honor fascism, homophobia, misogyny and evil. Please.

Moral people want to know so as to stay clear.

God requires rest on the Seventh day
Show scriptures that shows that god can get tired.

Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Nothing about god needing anything.

An omni everything god needing or wanting anything.

Dumb is as dumb thinks.

Try reading your bible some time and see Jesus tear the Sabbath apart and makes it yield to man.

What kind of a hole would think as Christians do?
We don't think there's any religion to discuss when your only aim is to sink you dirty dick into another man's butt against his will.
Show why you honor fascism, homophobia, misogyny and evil. Please.
Only so many whores and faggots at law in the federal court can press sex charges at once for refusal to submit to anal sodomy or oral sex.
What kind of a hole would think as Christians do?
We don't think there's any religion to discuss when your only aim is to sink you dirty dick into another man's butt against his will.
Show why you honor fascism, homophobia, misogyny and evil. Please.
Only so many whores and faggots at law in the federal court can press sex charges at once for refusal to submit to anal sodomy or oral sex.

I see that you are totally delusional and not at all talking of the sex between consenting adults that I am talking about.

You also accuse a hetero of being gay to show your age level and ability to argue coherently, you pathetic piece of human garbage.

Continue to discriminate without ever showing your just cause.

Those like you love to use inquisition tactics.

So the text found in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 does not exist?

Jesus never said a word about homosexuality according to all the gospels.

1 Cor. 6:9-10 was Pauls writing who on many key issues foundational to eternal life brazenly contradicted Jesus and deceptively promoted Pharisaic beliefs as if that's what Jesus taught..

He even wrote that good Christians should submit to roman civil authorities, including the emperor who was at the time Nero.

What does that tell you?

Tells me that you are "UNSTABLE".

Tells not only ME.......but everyone with the brain of a child that you presented nothing but subjective ad hominem rhetoric to project your opinion as Biblical Truth. No Book, Chapter or Verse used to measure your opinion for Christian Truth. This tells me that you "WREST with the words of the Holy Scriptures unto your own destruction...... when you fail to accept the authority that Paul had as an Apostle of Christ.

Tells me that you are attempting to privately interpret scripture to FIT YOUR PERSONAL AGENDA while claiming that "PAUL" did not speak for Jesus and was lacking when it came to the gifts of an Apostle of Christ. You do not accept the Holy Scriptures as "truth"..........but you expect others to accept YOUR PERSONAL OPINION as truth according to you void of having scripture to back up that opinion.

There is no private interpretation, especially when the prophecies in question were accompanied by Signs and Wonders. You refuse to declare Paul's clear and unambiguous text as "NOT REALLY" representative of Jesus Christ's teaching.

"So we have the prophetic word confirmed; which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (Jesus Christ) rises in your heart; KNOWING THIS FIRST THAT NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, FOR PROPHECY NEVER CAME BY THE WILL OF MAN, BUT HOLY MEN SPOKE AS THEY HAD BEEN MOVED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT." 2 Peter 1:19-21

What do the scriptures written by the Apostles have to say about the Apostleship of PAUL/SAUL? You claim that Paul had no authority to condemn some things as SIN?

What does PETER have to declare about the apostleship of Paul that you reject as scriptural truth?

"And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother PAUL also according to the WISDOM GIVEN UNTO HIM hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles (letters), speaking in them of these things, in which some things are hard to be understood; WHICH THEY THAT ARE UNLEARNED AND UNSTABLE WREST, AS THEY DO ALSO THE OTHER SCRIPTURES UNTO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION." -- 2 Peter 3:15-16
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Leviticus 18:22 (different versions)

"“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin."

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination."

"It is disgusting for a man to have sex with another man."

"“Men, you must not have sexual relations with another man as with a woman. That is a terrible sin!"

And Leviticus 20:10 (different versions)

"If any man commit adultery with the wife of another, and defile his neighbour's wife: let them: be put to death, both the adulterer and the adulteress."

"If anyone will have committed sexual acts with the wife of another, or will have perpetrated adultery with his neighbor's spouse, they shall die a death, both the adulterer and the adulteress."

"If a man commits adultery with the wife of a fellow-Israelite, both he and the woman shall be put to death."

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."

Two sections of the same part of the Bible. And yet the religious right manages to be extremely anti-gay because of Leviticus 18:22 but will elect a triple adulterer in spite of 20:10.

So, which is it? Are you pro-Leviticus or anti-Leviticus as a Christian?

I don't believe God approves of homosexuality or adultery however it is not my business, it is between your God and you. I have enough to do as it is. I don't treat people differently.
How do you not see adoring a genocidal prick of a god as a Christian perversion, shows the low moral caliber of your thinking.

I have said many times that a literal interpretation of the figurative words and hidden subjects in scripture make God seem like a capricious and puerile petty tyrant.

Like you, I would never bow down and worship such a being.

Those who do, become capricious and puerile petty tyrants.

Unlike you I do not think that the material universe is inherently evil.
What do the scriptures written by the Apostles have to say about the Apostleship of PAUL/SAUL? You claim that Paul had no authority to condemn some things as SIN?

Paul was a guilt ridden rabid anti christian murderer, a homophobic misogynist, and a perverse self loathing masochist who pretended to be blind then pretended to be cured and pretended to have a vision of Jesus appointing him, yeah right, to subvert and derail early Christianity, curse the gentiles, and insure that the Jewish people would dismiss Jesus out of hand for as long as his lies persisted that Jesus claimed to be God and the law was obsolete.
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That what may be what Christians believe but that's not what Jesus taught or believed.
It isn't what Christians believe, and it is what Jesus taught.
For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Uh, guess what. Heaven and earth passed away. Jesus said that, and then a few short decades later, heaven and earth passed away.

The temple is gone. The tribes are gone.

The new kingdom is here now.

Nonsense. The kingdom of God has always been and will always be in power. the ten tribes are everywhere.

You are under the curse of the Law, for not complying with its instruction as revealed by Jesus.

The ten tribes were never 'lost' they just left for more sane parts of the world and said fuck this to the corruption of temple worship after the death of solomon
What do the scriptures written by the Apostles have to say about the Apostleship of PAUL/SAUL? You claim that Paul had no authority to condemn some things as SIN?

Paul was a guilt ridden rabid anti christian murderer, a homophobic misogynist, and a perverse self loathing masochist who pretended to be blind then pretended to be cured and pretended to have a vision of Jesus appointing him, yeah right, to subvert and derail early Christianity, curse the gentiles, and insure that the Jewish people would dismiss Jesus out of hand for as long as his lies persisted that Jesus claimed to be God and the law was obsolete.
Paul was an Apostle of Christ lacking in nothing. As pointed out by the scriptures........"You wrest with that which you cannot understand due to a lack of knowledge and instability ..... TO YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION." As said once in Hollywood; whose fault is if you can't handle THE TRUTH? Its your soul and your responsibility to work out your own salvation. I would be lacking if I failed to point out the actual text of scripture that demonstrates your opinion to be invalid if you wish to enter the kingdom of God.

Why do I even address fools as described in scripture? Do I want your ignorance and wickedness to be on my hands without warning you? Of course not......the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. ".........When I say to the wicked 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning..........nor speak to warn the wicked of his wicked way, to save his life, that same man shall die in his iniquity. BUT HIS BLOOD I WILL REQUIRE AT YOUR HAND. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way; he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul............................." Ez. 3:18-21

The Christian is instructed to always present the word in a truthful manner....always be ready to give an answer from the word of God, to rebuke lies and deceit (2 Tim 4:1-2)

Door number ONE: Do I accept your ad hominem rhetoric as truth?

Door number TWO: Do I accept scripture as true doctrine?

I choose door number TWO. Why? Its my soul, and I shall leave the fool to his/her own foolishness.

What are the scriptural characteristics of the fool?

A fool does not want to learn from a presentation of truth. (Prov. 1:22) The fool despises good advise (Prov. 15:15)
The fool my pretend to be listening, but when nothing changes we know he was never listening (Matt.7:26).
The fool always reveals his foolishness (Prov. 13:16). The fool is never interested in understanding..........the fool simply wants the attention from running his foolish mouth (Prov 18:3, Prov. 12:23)

Because the fool actually does not have anything worth saying, he attempts to make up for this lack of knowledge by using many words.......like the wind blowing (Eccl. 5:3). The fool never uses his reason, thus the fool is always led by his EMOTION (sounds much like the modern LIBERAL ....no? He believes everything he hears (truth or not.....gossip) (Prov. 14:15) He is easily led into sexual sin (Prov. 7:26-27).

The fool enjoys picking fights for the entertainment (Prov. 18:6-7). The fool is quick to anger, he attempts to hide his anger behind humor, he enjoys backstabbing (Prov.10:8). The fool is arrogant (Prov. 28:6). The fool mocks sin (Prov. 14:9).

The fool ignores evil (Prov. 22:3). He may pretend to be religious but refuses to live a righteous life (Luke 11:39-40).

Thus the fool attempts to convince himself there is no God nor Laws from God that must be obeyed (Ps. 53:1)
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I see that you are totally delusional and not at all talking of the sex between consenting adults that I am talking about.
You're promoting and compelling the involuntary administration of mind altering drugs on an openly confessed agenda of having sex, and you are arguing that the sexual or carnal act(s) you desire is consensual rather than non-consensual.
You also accuse a hetero of being gay to show your age level and ability to argue coherently, you pathetic piece of human garbage.
There are plenty of guys who are "gay" and they pick up whores — so I wouldn't pretend know whether being "gay" has anything to do with actual "homosexuality" one way or another.
Continue to discriminate without ever showing your just cause.

Those like you love to use inquisition tactics.
When a large group of homosexuals is actively pursuing or gang-stalking a targeted individual — then it is sometimes necessary to turn the tables and use their own tactics of inquisition against them.
If you do, and use it to pound on gay people,
Who, specifically, is pounding on gay people, and specifically, what are they doing? It may just be where I live, but no one is pounding on gay people who are treated more kindly than those who voted for President Trump.

"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."

This was made unconstitutional in the 1950s when it came to trying to keep black people as third class citizens in certain states. Now they're trying to do it to gay people.

And yet, they don't pass laws saying they can refuse service to ADULTERERS. In fact, all of these states voted for AN ADULTERER to be president.

62%, 56% and 61% of people in those states voted for an adulterer.
"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."
"Pink News" is mostly Communist Party.
They are promoting anti-trans bills by listing them on their site.

Does anyone really think leftist doctors, who make a living performing "the usual" butchery, mayhem, mutilation, vaccination, malicious disfigurement, with the usual motives of lust for the carnage of human flesh and blood, have anything to offer to transgender patients that would help them in any way, shape, or form? Absolutely not!
"There were four religious refusal bills that passed into law in Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. Such bills allow individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against LGBT+ individuals under the guise of religious freedom."
"Pink News" is mostly Communist Party.
They are promoting anti-trans bills by listing them on their site.

Does anyone really think leftist doctors, who make a living performing "the usual" butchery, mayhem, mutilation, vaccination, malicious disfigurement, with the usual motives of lust for the carnage of human flesh and blood, have anything to offer to transgender patients that would help them in any way, shape, or form? Absolutely not!

Are you suggesting these bills didn't happen?
Are you suggesting these bills didn't happen?
Listen up Miss. Guns are banned, and we do what we're ordered to do by the cops because we don't want to be shot and killed. That's all the passes for law anyways in America anymore. Nobody even pays attention to any of the shit they pass as "laws" on the books anymore anyways. If they want us in prison they dump child pornography on us or else a federal felony charge for a 0.5mg of marijuana with intent to distribute, or whatever they want to cook up at the fed shop.

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