Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

The real question is why do supporters of homosexuals "attack" religious people who quote from the text in the Holy Bible that condemns homosexuality?
This is a lie.

Defending gay and transgender Americans from the bigotry and hate of theists is not to ‘attack’ theists.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose theists’ efforts to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans; theists who use religious dogma to ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.
I believe slavery is a moral position. So is capital punishment
And I believe the more moral position is to free those slaves of yours. As far as the prison system: I think we can do better, but I would certainly begin at the ground up with more minor offenses and work my way up to capital punishment.
The correct interpretation is that those humans who wrote the Bible were products of their times. They accepted slavery and Capital Punishment as societal norms and had their Gods accept them too. (What did Jesus think of Capital Punishment while he suffered on the cross?)
Do You understand the conditions of owning a slave according to these laws?
It's not employee minus, most business owners would go broke.

You can't even sleep on a better bed than Your slave, and the punishment for hurting one is much worse than damages paid to average employee today. Slaves who escape cannot be returned. Many of these actually meant to discourage it.

The same as conditions for 'rebellious child', are virtually inapplicable, and rather meant to bring parents to psychoanalysis before the elders in the community.

Have some humility, the times were different,
but these people weren't any less wise than yourself.
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I always find it amusing when someone charges others of being some type of bigot for wanting to find fault with one group while defending another.
Christians exhibit their bigotry when they seek to enact secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans using their religious beliefs as ‘justification.’
Proving what? That we live in a "free republic" that is populated more by Christians than members of the LGBT(Queers)? In a free society laws are reflected by the social more's established by the majority...........morality is reflected by law not established by law. All the rights in this nation to include all the civil rights came about by the will of THE MAJORITY.

If a majority consensus establishes truth in a position such as Global Warming............can a majority consensus establish truth in relation to homosexuality? If not, WHY NOT? Goose/Gander Pot/Kettle
Proving that Christians exhibit their bigotry when they seek to enact secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans using their religious beliefs as ‘justification.’
Literally, EVERYONE KNOWS Trump cheated on his wives.
Why does that make it any of my business?
It shouldn’t.

Just as being gay shouldn’t be anyone’s business – unfortunately, and yet again, far too many Christians and other theists make it their business when they work to enact secular laws that discriminate against gay Americans.
Are you trying to say that you'd vote for a gay person, unless you'd seen him or her having gay sex? Because until they've been SEEN, it didn't happen for you?
Naturally, I am not saying that. What an idea. I merely brought up a point of Hebrew law at the time of Leviticus. It seems Old Testament law, in these cases, protected homosexuals, even though the result was making them what we call "closet homosexuals". Wonder how many people "knew" who were homosexuals, but let the matter be? In my experience, people as a whole are generally kind, although enough humans are also incredibly cruel.

The reality is we can see who the cruel people are, they go to church, they present this image of themselves, but when it comes down to it, they're just spiteful bigots who like nothing better than elevating themselves by putting others down.
Proving that Christians exhibit their bigotry when they seek to enact secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans using their religious beliefs as ‘justification.’
Stop fucking people in the butt, and you'll have a slightly better chance of avoiding that secular prison term.
Non sequitur.

Also note that Christian bigotry isn’t limited to the enactment of laws – Christian business owners use their ‘faith’ as ‘justification’ to discriminate against gay patrons.
If someone voted for Trump, but would refuse to vote for a gay person, this is getting into their business.
So you are upset because people voted for Trump? Why do you think he received so many votes?

Did I say I was upset?

This is about hypocrisy.

Either you follow this part of the Bible or you don't.

If you do, and use it to pound on gay people, then clearly you shouldn't have voted for Trump too.
If you do, and use it to pound on gay people,
Who, specifically, is pounding on gay people, and specifically, what are they doing? It may just be where I live, but no one is pounding on gay people who are treated more kindly than those who voted for President Trump.
Non sequitur.

Also note that Christian bigotry isn’t limited to the enactment of laws – Christian business owners use their ‘faith’ as ‘justification’ to discriminate against gay patrons.
I don't think the bakers were "discriminating" against lesbian customers by refusing to bake a cake and decorate it to celebrate some sort of woman-to-woman "love" if you can call it that.

They would have gladly sold cakes decorated with other less controversial . messages or allowed the customers to decorate it themselves.

A woman doesn't need to be in bondage to another woman with a tongue piercing, and other women are going bake a cake to celebrate some sort of unnatural carnal act on mutilated body parts.
Mar 30, 2016 · We’re no longer bound by the civil codes of Leviticus because God doesn’t have a nation-state on earth anymore.
We never were bound by Jewish civil code. Or Jewish ceremonial code or Jewish dietary code or any other Jewish code. Gentiles never were subject to temple law. And no one is subject to it now that it no longer exists.

That what may be what Christians believe but that's not what Jesus taught or believed.

"For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore, anyone who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of Heaven; but whoever practices them and teaches others to do the same will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.…"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "anyone who sets aside the law, and teaches others to do the same, will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven see Genesis 3:14......

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