Leviticus 18-20, yes or no?

The commandment against adultery and same sex sex remains (these are repeated in the New Testament books), but the commandment to stone those who practice those things does not.
The ancient Hebrews were stone masons, and they stoned people into prison cells for their crimes.

Forcible same-sex sodomy does need some kind of stoning punishment even to this day ...

Stone masons? Since when? The temple was built by the Phoenician king.
I always find it amusing when someone charges others of being some type of bigot for wanting to find fault with one group while defending another.
Christians exhibit their bigotry when they seek to enact secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans using their religious beliefs as ‘justification.’

Indeed, even the so called "secular" Israelis are orthodox.
The reform shenanigans is a recent American thing, short lived.

Now what does this have to do with application of Leviticus laws to gays?

Nothing. I just thought it was interesting .

In Setback for Religious Pluralism, Israel Denies Recognition to Reform Congregation in Guatemala
The Jerusalem court decision is the latest setback for emerging Jewish communities. In a related ruling, non-Orthodox converts from Brazil told they’re not eligible for aliyah.

Indeed, even the so called "secular" Israelis are orthodox.
The reform shenanigans is a recent American thing, short lived.

Now what does this have to do with application of Leviticus laws to gays?

Nothing. I just thought it was interesting .

In Setback for Religious Pluralism, Israel Denies Recognition to Reform Congregation in Guatemala
The Jerusalem court decision is the latest setback for emerging Jewish communities. In a related ruling, non-Orthodox converts from Brazil told they’re not eligible for aliyah.
They were not denied Aliyah for being gay.
Do you ever stay on topic?
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So how do you imagine this,

two guys get caught, twice warned,
brought to court, and say they even admit (not that it matters)
to having intercourse, being warned twice, and know full well of the punishment...

What's then - they're stoned?
Is that what you think?

Show me a case when someone was sentenced to stoning for homosexuality.
The homosexuality Jesus is talking about is not consensual, because the victim's consent is being obtained fraudulently or else the victim is being induced or compelled to consent.
Yet Christians use this dogma nonetheless to justify secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans.

Christians can’t have it both ways.
It was preached already in the 19th century that the devil of marriage lies in the large intestine.
Given the propensity for authoritarianism common to far too many Christians, secular laws are indeed far more superior to ‘Christian ‘law.
Christians, whatever they believe are going to preach from the pulpit and at the very worst tell you you are going to hell if you don't repent — that cannot be the voice of authoritarianism or any dictatorship of the proletariat — whereas secular laws intended to impose fines and inflict prison sentences are actively used to create a hell already on earth for suspects and defendants.

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. What are you talking about "kind of homosexuality"?
The homosexuality Jesus is talking about is not consensual, because the victim's consent is being obtained fraudulently or else the victim is being induced or compelled to consent.
Yet Christians use this dogma nonetheless to justify secular laws intended to discriminate against gay Americans.

Christians can’t have it both ways.
It was preached already in the 19th century that the devil of marriage lies in the large intestine.
Given the propensity for authoritarianism common to far too many Christians, secular laws are indeed far more superior to ‘Christian ‘law.
Christians, whatever they believe are going to preach from the pulpit and at the very worst tell you you are going to hell if you don't repent — that cannot be the voice of authoritarianism or any dictatorship of the proletariat — whereas secular laws intended to impose fines and inflict prison sentences are actively used to create a hell already on earth for suspects and defendants.

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. What are you talking about "kind of homosexuality"?
When u said "Jesus never said anything about homosexuality" you raised a key point. Many Christians eat cheeseburgers, even though that would also break with old testament laws. Would eating cheeseburgers be un-Christian?

What this all means is that there are many denominations of Christianity and there is theological controversy concerning things like homosexuality and cheeseburgers.
Show me a case when parents brought their 'rebellious kid'
to court to be sentenced to stoning?

Most project Christianity and Islam on Jewish law,
neither understanding where Freud's psychoanalysis originated.
Show me a case when parents brought their 'rebellious kid'
to court to be sentenced to stoning?

Most project Christianity and Islam on Jewish law,
neither understanding where Freud's psychoanalysis originated.

So what's the point of stating them as death penalty laws?
Show me a case when parents brought their 'rebellious kid'
to court to be sentenced to stoning?

Most project Christianity and Islam on Jewish law,
neither understanding where Freud's psychoanalysis originated.

So what's the point of stating them as death penalty laws?

That you understand the moral severity of the situation,
and basically come to psychoanalysis with the elders.

The law is aimed at the parents,
if there're such parents in a community, the elders should know,
and having to imagine to present a case against their child,
already provokes a totally different thought processes.

With homosexuality,
you can't sentence a crazy person,
and he is crazy if knowing the consequence,
commits the act despite being warned twice in the middle of it...nevermind probability.
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Well, I'd say there are two choices.

1) Hate on adulterers the same (or worse) than hating on gay people or:
2) Ignore Leviticus and don't hate gay people or adulterers.

Essentially if you voted for Trump, you'd have to be willing to vote for gay people.
Old Testament Law is that there has to be two witnesses to the act of committing adultery or homosexuality. King David: Seven hundred wives; three hundred concubines. He sent one of his generals off to be killed so he could have his wife; he even married his mother-in-law which was strictly forbidden. He did this while king. There were no reports of President Trump committing adultery while President, which cannot be said of two Presidents who were Democrats (Clinton and JFK). In addition, there are elected homosexuals in government, so it appears homosexuals are electable.

A point of etymology with the word 'hate' in the Bible is that it does not have the emotion we attribute to the word now. It's use is often closer to "love less" not "do not love at all".

Are you suggesting that every candidate's sex life be revealed and that we only vote into office those who have a sex life that is acceptable to our own sensibilities? Seems an odd way to elect people into office, wouldn't you agree?
Yet Jesus never condemned slavery. You would think it would be abhorrent to him
He didn’t believe women were his equals
He defended lepers but not homosexuals
He never condemned capitol punishment as a horrible act. Might have helped him at the end

Secular laws are more just
I disagree with your second statement. As for the others...aren't those political positions? Politics didn't seem to be on his radar when Jesus spoke to the crowds.

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