Lgbt propaganda in middle school

The Gorham incident is one of many , many others were never reported or never brought to Media attention.

And you just "know" this in your heart of hearts right? :lol:

Do you have school age children? I do.

I sincerely pity your poor Children, judging by your avatar image I assume you're a Dyke - so where'd the kids come from - did you screw up some poor guys life to satiate your self centered needs or was it your gay partner ?

Why do you pity my kids? They don't pity themselves. They're quite happy. My daughter, in fact, remarked the other day that she'd nominate both of her Mom's for Mother of the Year. And my son? He lamented the other day that he's the only kid in his class that doesn't come from a broken home and how hard it was to spend any time with his friends on the weekend because they had to shuffle from home to home. Now tell me again why you "pity" my happy, healthy and well adjusted children?

My children were born of donated sperm from a close personal gay male friend. I have also born 3 children for another couple, a gay male couple. Anything else you want to know?
And you just "know" this in your heart of hearts right? :lol:

Do you have school age children? I do.

I sincerely pity your poor Children, judging by your avatar image I assume you're a Dyke - so where'd the kids come from - did you screw up some poor guys life to satiate your self centered needs or was it your gay partner ?

Why do you pity my kids? They don't pity themselves. They're quite happy. My daughter, in fact, remarked the other day that she'd nominate both of her Mom's for Mother of the Year.

She doesn't know any better

And my son? He lamented the other day that he's the only kid in his class that doesn't come from a broken home and how hard it was to spend any time with his friends on the weekend because they had to shuffle from home to home. Now tell me again why you "pity" my happy, healthy and well adjusted children?

Broken homes due to the damage Liberal indoctrination has done to society in the past several decades - feminazis are a large part of that , and the war on the Family has dealt some devastating blows.

My children were born of donated sperm from a close personal gay male friend. I have also born 3 children for another couple, a gay male couple.

Well, there's no such thing as a Gay Gene - so at least that won't cause the poor kids to be "Born Gay" but I'm sure you'll do everything in your power to pervert their impressionable young minds

Anything else you want to know?

Yeah - Is your nose growing as you type ? And if so , perhaps you should run and get your partner - you can pretend it's a phallic instrument - the more you type the bigger it gets - RIGHT ? :eusa_hand:
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"...You know kids are killing themselves and others over school bullying, don't you?"
School bullying has existed since the combination of Child + School first appeared. Dealing with school bullying is something that most kids have to face sooner or later. The vast majority of children survive such experiences, and come out of it stronger and wiser. A matter of Natural Selection, operating under the aegis of so-called civilization. It always sucks when we lose one who goes over the edge, but we're bound to lose a couple here and there. And all the legislation and policy and bully-pulpit lecturing in the world isn't going to change that.

Wrong. Addressing the bullying is reducing the bullying.

Students Experience Less Bullying, Fear at School, New Data Show


Then again...

The world got along just fine for centuries, without the sort of simpering touchy-feelie 'sensitivity training' that we're beginning to subject our young folk to, in the present day...

The world got along just fine for centuries without the wussifying, pussifying effects of such sustained and collective brainwashing...

An occasional knock-down fight behind the school used to be part of every young man's education and character-building...

Let's think about this before we start turning our young people into Lotus Eaters...
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I sincerely pity your poor Children, judging by your avatar image I assume you're a Dyke - so where'd the kids come from - did you screw up some poor guys life to satiate your self centered needs or was it your gay partner ?

She doesn't know any better

Meaning what? She doesn't see other families portrayed on television? She doesn't have friends with parents? She has nothing to compare it to? If ANY child said to their parent "you're the best Mom/Dad in the whole wide world"...they "don't know any better" either.

Broken homes due to the damage Liberal indoctrination has done to society in the past several decades - feminazis are a large part of that , and the war on the Family has dealt some devastating blows.

Seriously? The liberals are breaking marriage? Broken homes are usually due to someone cheating. You can't blame liberals for that.

Well, there's no such thing as a Gay Gene - so at least that won't cause the poor kids to be "Born Gay" but I'm sure you'll do everything in your power to pervert their impressionable young minds

While there is likely a genetic predisposition for homosexuality, there are also environmental and societal factors involved in sexual orientation. Humans are actually a lot more sexually fluid than our puritanical roots allow us to be, IMHO. But I digress...

Pervert their minds how? What are you implying?

Anything else you want to know?

Yeah - Is your nose growing as you type ? And if so , perhaps you should run and get your partner - you can pretend it's a phallic instrument - the more you type the bigger it gets - RIGHT ? :eusa_hand:

Why would my nose be growing? Don't need a long nose for sex anyway...fingers and tongues have served us just fine for 18 years.
Meaning what? She doesn't see other families portrayed on television? She doesn't have friends with parents? She has nothing to compare it to? If ANY child said to their parent "you're the best Mom/Dad in the whole wide world"...they "don't know any better" either.

Seriously? The liberals are breaking marriage? Broken homes are usually due to someone cheating. You can't blame liberals for that.

While there is likely a genetic predisposition for homosexuality, there are also environmental and societal factors involved in sexual orientation. Humans are actually a lot more sexually fluid than our puritanical roots allow us to be, IMHO. But I digress...

Pervert their minds how? What are you implying?

Why would my nose be growing? Don't need a long nose for sex anyway...fingers and tongues have served us just fine for 18 years.


I'll address the rest of your post tonight - I'm running late for a Gay Bashing Rally
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I'll address the rest of your post tonight - I'm running late for a Gay Bashing Rally

You didn't address any of my post other than to post a picture of Pinocchio. Again implying that I'm lying I suppose, but oddly won't pin down exactly what you believe I'm lying about.

Like I said...we don't need fake phallic symbols (not that there's anything wrong with that for you couples that do...and apparently there's a lot)...we do just fine with what god gave us to work with.
The homo bloc just can't keep sexual imagery and children separated. Pinocchio's nose is not phallic.

Here's a mural thought to be appropriate in a Swedish middle school....

You know, the swedes? The ones you members of the homo bloc are always telling us we should emulate?


Naw, you're not interested in sexualizing children. It's all about EDUCATING them so they WON'T engage in underaged sex.

And how to do that? Why expose them to porn, of course! Explain to them the specifics of anal sex and whatnot!

Smiling Vagina School Mural Lives To Smile Another Day
You didn't address any of my post other than to post a picture of Pinocchio. Again implying that I'm lying I suppose, but oddly won't pin down exactly what you believe I'm lying about.

Lying - my dear seahag whatever gave you that idea ? perhaps a guilty conscience ?

Like I said...we don't need fake phallic symbols (not that there's anything wrong with that for you couples that do...and apparently there's a lot)...we do just fine with what god gave us to work with.

If by god, you mean what nature Gave you to work with - your finger is not intended for that - it's a versatile instrument - you can pick your nose , pick your ears with it - flip me off like you'd probably like to do with one of them -or stick it up your petute - you have my permission. Anyway - I really dont give a rats butt about your Life of Sodomy - enjoy yourself . NOW ENOUGH WITH THE PERSONALS ? - Did I touch a nerve - good that was the intent - DONT LIKE IT ? I would think not - nor do real people / normal people/ heterosexual people care for you dykes and queers pushing your perversion on Children under the guise of Tolerance - gimme a friggin break - wallow in your own shit and stop flinging it at normal people !
The homo bloc just can't keep sexual imagery and children separated. Pinocchio's nose is not phallic.

Here's a mural thought to be appropriate in a Swedish middle school....

You know, the swedes? The ones you members of the homo bloc are always telling us we should emulate?


Naw, you're not interested in sexualizing children. It's all about EDUCATING them so they WON'T engage in underaged sex.

And how to do that? Why expose them to porn, of course! Explain to them the specifics of anal sex and whatnot!

Smiling Vagina School Mural Lives To Smile Another Day

gay activists in Seattle distributed over 500 packets outside Seattle high schools. The packets contained a booklet entitled 'How to Fuck Safely', it contained nauseating and vivid photographs which included two men performing oral sex.
Lying - my dear seahag whatever gave you that idea ? perhaps a guilty conscience ?

You blatantly called me a liar and referenced Pinocchio a couple of times. Did you think you were being subtle?

If by god, you mean what nature Gave you to work with - your finger is not intended for that - it's a versatile instrument - you can pick your nose , pick your ears with it - flip me off like you'd probably like to do with one of them -or stick it up your petute - you have my permission. Anyway - I really dont give a rats butt about your Life of Sodomy - enjoy yourself . NOW ENOUGH WITH THE PERSONALS ? - Did I touch a nerve - good that was the intent - DONT LIKE IT ? I would think not - nor do real people / normal people/ heterosexual people care for you dykes and queers pushing your perversion on Children under the guise of Tolerance - gimme a friggin break - wallow in your own shit and stop flinging it at normal people !

Are you enjoying the conversation with yourself? It's very ironic that you're talking about touching nerves in your very angry, incoherent rant.

Obviously where I put my fingers and tongue does seem to touch a nerve with you, little feller 'cause you're all riled up over it.

If you don't believe that the tongue was meant to be used on the vagina...then I feel very sorry for your partners. (or you as the case may be) :(
gay activists in Seattle distributed over 500 packets outside Seattle high schools. The packets contained a booklet entitled 'How to Fuck Safely', it contained nauseating and vivid photographs which included two men performing oral sex.

Gosh...1991! Playing the hits aren't you? :lol: Is ACT UP even around anymore?
The homo bloc just can't keep sexual imagery and children separated. Pinocchio's nose is not phallic.

Here's a mural thought to be appropriate in a Swedish middle school....

You know, the swedes? The ones you members of the homo bloc are always telling us we should emulate?


Naw, you're not interested in sexualizing children. It's all about EDUCATING them so they WON'T engage in underaged sex.

And how to do that? Why expose them to porn, of course! Explain to them the specifics of anal sex and whatnot!

Smiling Vagina School Mural Lives To Smile Another Day

What does that mural have to do with being either lesbian or gay?

We all know the Swedes aren't as hung up about sexuality as we are. I don't see any societal impacts like we have gotten from sexually repressed morons such as yourself
We all know the Swedes aren't as hung up about sexuality as we are. I don't see any societal impacts like we have gotten from sexually repressed morons such as yourself we spend $8,000 to cover the breasts on fucking statues.

Justice Department covers partially nude statues


(They've since been removed we WASTED $8,000 in 2002 covering the tits on a statue. Fucking morons)
We all know the Swedes aren't as hung up about sexuality as we are. I don't see any societal impacts like we have gotten from sexually repressed morons such as yourself we spend $8,000 to cover the breasts on fucking statues.

Justice Department covers partially nude statues


(They've since been removed we WASTED $8,000 in 2002 covering the tits on a statue. Fucking morons)

Swedish middle school kids know what a vagina looks like......I can see why koshergrl is outraged
gay activists in Seattle distributed over 500 packets outside Seattle high schools. The packets contained a booklet entitled 'How to Fuck Safely', it contained nauseating and vivid photographs which included two men performing oral sex.

Gosh...1991! Playing the hits aren't you? :lol: Is ACT UP even around anymore?

Same bag of mixed nuts, different names. Except, now they don't have to sneak around outside schools and wait for kids so they can open their trench coats and state "hey - little girl - ya want some candy?" No, not at all - they've wormed their ways into the halls of juvenile academia courtesy of the Liberal Academia nuts. we spend $8,000 to cover the breasts on fucking statues.

Well if the statues are doing that - then perhaps they should be covered

Are you enjoying the conversation with yourself? It's very ironic that you're talking about touching nerves in your very angry, incoherent rant.

Obviously where I put my fingers and tongue does seem to touch a nerve with you, little feller 'cause you're all riled up over it.

If you don't believe that the tongue was meant to be used on the vagina...then I feel very sorry for your partners. (or you as the case may be)

I like Soo-she it's warm and goo-she hold the mayo and close the too-she

AS per the OP : dykes and queers pushing your perversion on Children under the guise of Tolerance - gimme a friggin break - wallow in your own shit and stop flinging it at normal people !

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