Lgbt propaganda in middle school

Wicked Local Arlington : LGBT group performs at Ottoson Middle School

Curious do they bring up the much higher std risk for gay males ?

It's a middle school, Mary. They should already know what "gay" means, unless of course they have homophobic parents like you.

Considering the number of questions about bullying, it looks like the days of bigots like you are numbered.
Novasteve has never been laid which is why he is so clueless on the topic of sex and why he is so interested in what goes on in other consenting adult's bedrooms.
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OMG...NOOOOOO! Kids learning about diversity and tolerance? Where will it end!

If the nutters get their way?
Right now.

Bet if sickos like trannysteve tell the truth, they'd rather see kids be bullied into suicide.

That kind stuff doesn't need to be taught in schools. Schools are not for teaching morals.

If you want your morals taught, are you willing to have mine taught as well?
OMG...NOOOOOO! Kids learning about diversity and tolerance? Where will it end!

If the nutters get their way?

Right now.

Bet if sickos like trannysteve tell the truth, they'd rather see kids be bullied into suicide.

That kind stuff doesn't need to be taught in schools. Schools are not for teaching morals.

If you want your morals taught, are you willing to have mine taught as well?

They aren't teaching morals, they're addressing bullying as they should.
OMG. Education in SCHOOLS?? Where will it end?
Apparently, it's becoming more important that kids learn about the perversion and aberrant behaviors and sexual practices associated with homosexuality, sooner rather than later, so that they can recognize it for what it is, when they encounter such degeneracy on their own. Education, indeed.
OMG. Education in SCHOOLS?? Where will it end?
Apparently, it's becoming more important that kids learn about the perversion and aberrant behaviors and sexual practices associated with homosexuality, sooner rather than later, so that they can recognize it for what it is, when they encounter such degeneracy on their own. Education, indeed.

If only you had some kind of education in school. You wouldn't be such a knuckle dragging homophobe.
How dare they address bullying against gays. Now how are we going to get gay kids to commit suicide? :eusa_hand:
OMG. Education in SCHOOLS?? Where will it end?
Apparently, it's becoming more important that kids learn about the perversion and aberrant behaviors and sexual practices associated with homosexuality, sooner rather than later, so that they can recognize it for what it is, when they encounter such degeneracy on their own. Education, indeed.

If only you had some kind of education in school. You wouldn't be such a knuckle dragging homophobe.
Typical Gay Lobby (and sympathizers) response...

Someone expresses traditional disdain for homosexuality, and suddenly they're a monster...

Folks need to have the courage to stand up to that kind of brickbat in public...

I am expressing the same sort of legitimate sentiments that a great many Americans (indeed, people worldwide) hold towards homosexuality...

They are genuinely-held and sincere opinions, of straight folk born before the Metrosexual Generation and its force-fed diet of politically correct pablum...

And they were expressed specifically for the enjoyment of folk such as yourself...

Bon appetit...
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Safer sex practices are a tricky subject in a public-school setting. Best instruction is a graphic demonstration via sex video, but is guarding against kids getting STI/HIV enough of a reason to expose them to such things? Ideally, parents would provide such education, but since many adults don't even have that knowledge, expecting them to educate their own children is perhaps hoping for a bit too much. But is it then for a government school to do it?

Some less-graphic version seems the compromise solution but are euphamisms and 'beating around the bush' going to help protect kids from what's out there? Tricky.

You could use the same BS to justify showing kids snuff films. Sick.
Assuming replies were accurate and they distributed pamphlets titled "How to F* Safely" would seem to be. But was speaking more generally, about sex ed overall. It's a tricky subject balancing practical, actually useful information with not sitting kids down to watch porn at school.

What? That's not the story in the OP...that was a 15 year old story someone dredged up.

Actually it's one of about a dozen spanning a relatively long period of time.
If the nutters get their way?

Right now.

Bet if sickos like trannysteve tell the truth, they'd rather see kids be bullied into suicide.

That kind stuff doesn't need to be taught in schools. Schools are not for teaching morals.

If you want your morals taught, are you willing to have mine taught as well?

They aren't teaching morals, they're addressing bullying as they should.

The bullying and tolerance/diversity nonsense is as a facade, a charade - I don't hear anyone complaining about the fat kid getting bullied, or the white kid in a black school or anything other than protect the fruit cakes. It's a non-issue and it's about LGBT getting into schools to mess with the minds of children - it's a complete facade !
That kind stuff doesn't need to be taught in schools. Schools are not for teaching morals.

If you want your morals taught, are you willing to have mine taught as well?

They aren't teaching morals, they're addressing bullying as they should.

The bullying and tolerance/diversity nonsense is as a facade, a charade - I don't hear anyone complaining about the fat kid getting bullied, or the white kid in a black school or anything other than protect the fruit cakes. It's a non-issue and it's about LGBT getting into schools to mess with the minds of children - it's a complete facade !

Then you aren't listening. All bullying is addressed in schools...but some folks freak out if the bullying of "the gheys" (or those perceived to be gay) is addressed.

Oh, and the bullying experienced by Middle School kids is not a charade.
Good god! :eek:

I hope none of those kids catch the ghey
They aren't teaching morals, they're addressing bullying as they should.

The bullying and tolerance/diversity nonsense is as a facade, a charade - I don't hear anyone complaining about the fat kid getting bullied, or the white kid in a black school or anything other than protect the fruit cakes. It's a non-issue and it's about LGBT getting into schools to mess with the minds of children - it's a complete facade !

Then you aren't listening. All bullying is addressed in schools...but some folks freak out if the bullying of "the gheys" (or those perceived to be gay) is addressed.

Oh, and the bullying experienced by Middle School kids is not a charade.

Playground spats are blown out of proportion and branded 'bullying', the extent of bullying is being grossly exaggerated by activists, who apply the "Bully" label to childhood squabbles which were previously assumed to be part of growing up.

A recent directive from "Big Brother" - Government guidance to schools, urges school officials to record all instances of bullying and report the findings to their local "Commisar" the council. The Bullies are to be incarcerated and re-programmed
The bullying and tolerance/diversity nonsense is as a facade, a charade - I don't hear anyone complaining about the fat kid getting bullied, or the white kid in a black school or anything other than protect the fruit cakes. It's a non-issue and it's about LGBT getting into schools to mess with the minds of children - it's a complete facade !

Then you aren't listening. All bullying is addressed in schools...but some folks freak out if the bullying of "the gheys" (or those perceived to be gay) is addressed.

Oh, and the bullying experienced by Middle School kids is not a charade.

Playground spats are blown out of proportion and branded 'bullying', the extent of bullying is being grossly exaggerated by activists, who apply the "Bully" label to childhood squabbles which were previously assumed to be part of growing up.

A recent directive from "Big Brother" - Government guidance to schools, urges school officials to record all instances of bullying and report the findings to their local "Commisar" the council. The Bullies are to be incarcerated and re-programmed

You know kids are killing themselves and others over school bullying, don't you?
Then you aren't listening. All bullying is addressed in schools...but some folks freak out if the bullying of "the gheys" (or those perceived to be gay) is addressed.

Oh, and the bullying experienced by Middle School kids is not a charade.

Playground spats are blown out of proportion and branded 'bullying', the extent of bullying is being grossly exaggerated by activists, who apply the "Bully" label to childhood squabbles which were previously assumed to be part of growing up.

A recent directive from "Big Brother" - Government guidance to schools, urges school officials to record all instances of bullying and report the findings to their local "Commisar" the council. The Bullies are to be incarcerated and re-programmed

You know kids are killing themselves and others over school bullying, don't you?

Rarely - and the cases that do occur are amplified within the Media .

Bullying needs to addressed within school - Yes
It is and always has been a problem- part of Growing up

Keep the Gays out of the Schools, activists see this a way to get their foot in the door and promote their agenda directed at kids - the lessons go far beyond Diversity and Tolerance which are merely a facade.

The same Genre of Behavioral Modification is being perpetrated elsewhere by Liberal Jack-Asses , but in these cases they are actually fertilizing the grounds for harassment and Bullying to promote their Agenda ....

"One prime example is an American Diversity class taught at Delavan-Darien High School in Wisconsin, as well as other schools nationwide. The students are basically taught if you are white, youre oppressing. If youre non white, youve been a victim. Young Americas Foundation staff member Brendan Pringle, labeled the course as race-baiting."

Violence against non-minority students in these districts was shown to increase , but of course that's not a hate crime.
What would happen if these kids meet gays and lesbians and find out they are not as strange and repulsive as their parents have been teaching them?
Then you aren't listening. All bullying is addressed in schools...but some folks freak out if the bullying of "the gheys" (or those perceived to be gay) is addressed.

Oh, and the bullying experienced by Middle School kids is not a charade.

Playground spats are blown out of proportion and branded 'bullying', the extent of bullying is being grossly exaggerated by activists, who apply the "Bully" label to childhood squabbles which were previously assumed to be part of growing up.

A recent directive from "Big Brother" - Government guidance to schools, urges school officials to record all instances of bullying and report the findings to their local "Commisar" the council. The Bullies are to be incarcerated and re-programmed

You know kids are killing themselves and others over school bullying, don't you?

kids are killing themselves and others over drugs and were talking about legalizing the shit :eek:

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