Lgbt propaganda in middle school

Wicked Local Arlington : LGBT group performs at Ottoson Middle School

Curious do they bring up the much higher std risk for gay males ?

Do they bring up the safety factors for being a gay female?

you get beat less by your partner and get fewer sexually contracted shit
Aw, sadly and shockingly, you're wrong again:


  • One out of four to one out of three same-sex relationships has experienced domestic violence.
  • By comparison, one in every four heterosexual women experiences domestic violence in her lifetime."
Lesbian couples have a higher rate of dv.

Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community | Center for American Progress
So Seahag , let me ask you - do you believe your fellow queers should be deprived of the right to love a child in their own way?

I've already answered your question. I already stated what I personally believe that the age of consent should be.

Refresh our memories if you would be so kind - what age is that ?

Do you have a memory loss problem. I was quite clear when I said the age should be 18 across the board...and that includes any pigs you want to fuck.

Shall I go back into statistical analysis and percentages again, do you need a refresher course . Gays comprise what percent of the population ?

How many have Children ? and what percentage of those Children get abused and molested ?

Exclude Lesbians - because child abuse is extremely rare and there are zero known cases of sexual abuse among your genre of perverts , but your male counterparts - Oy Vay - fahgedaboutit !!!

Why "fahgedaboutit", since it's not true.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

You only help the side of marriage equality...

Actually, this thread isn't about Marriage equality, that's another thread. This thread is about homosexual infiltration of the school systems, more specifically LGBT propaganda in Mid. School.

No, it's about a gay troupe that teaches tolerance. You still help our side with each post you make regardless.

Seriously dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you high?

I once took a course pertaining to Gender analysis in linguistics. There are experts proficient enough in this "science" who can ascertain from a sampling as short as a few paragraphs whether the author is a male or female, sexual orientation is not all that relevant.

Women and men have different speech styles, defined as "rapport-talk" and "report-talk," Women in conversations - primarily verbal, but written as well adhere to slightly diff. linguistic norms .

Looking over a dozen or so of your past posts, it appears to me that you are a male not a female - If you truly are a female - you must be one serious Bull-Dyke.

:lol: go with that. Bull dykes so often carry 5 babies to term. :rolleyes:
"'s about a gay troupe that teaches tolerance..."
America doesn't want what you're selling... elements of the Gay Agenda... in a 'tolerance' disguise.

"...You still help our side with each post you make..."
You really don't think that the 3% can fly in the face of the 97% indefinitely, do you?

Huge numbers of Americans (indeed, a huge percentage of people worldwide) are disgusted by homosexuality and its sexual practices and social manifestations and behaviors, and resent recent government-imposed relaxations of traditional prohibitions on the open intrusion of gays into decent society.

Enjoy your occasional phyrric victory... there are ways to re-interpret Constitutional implications... there are ways to reverse some of those gains, much as we see Abortion Rights now being reversed or greatly hindered in so many jurisdictions after having free rein for several decades...

Where there's a will, there's a way, and 'your side' is in for some nasty and unpleasant surprises in the years to come... the price that will come-due for 'your' present arrogance, and shoving the Gay Agenda down the throats of decent folk who have been feeling powerless to stop it, and therefore have not resisted in the past.

Comes a time when people get pissed-off enough to start demanding an end to degeneracy and government-sponsored insanity.
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I've already answered your question. I already stated what I personally believe that the age of consent should be.

Do you have a memory loss problem. I was quite clear when I said the age should be 18 across the board..

18 - Okay - That's acceptable

.and that includes any pigs you want to fuck.

Sorry seahag, I don't get into bestiality - thats something Gay people do.

Why "fahgedaboutit", since it's not true.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger

The Author betrays his agenda at the very beginning of his argument {See Quote paraphrased below}. This type of "paper" is common among Gay Activists - it presents a charade of scientific objectivity and then proceeds to distort factual evidence to arrive at pre-determined conclusion.

"Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger .Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. In a similar fashion, gay people have often been portrayed as a threat to children."

Your Article is worthless

It presents a number of statistics re: Public percepions that have been changed in the past several decades ... for instance

"...a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women "

Perceptions are irrelevant to reality and can be altered by mind programming aka media manipulation - which has been demonstrated to be a real issue and has been mastered by Liberals and Gay Agendaites.

It also utilizes the Gay Myth that because pedophiles aren't always interested in older men , they shouldn't be classified as homosexuals but exclusively pedophiles - More Bullshit courtesy of the Gay Agenda - A Queer is a Queer and a Dyke is a Dyke plain and simple - the article attempts to link the absence of female {Lesbian} incidents of pedophilia to its argument that Pedophilia isn't a Gay Problem

"..In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259)."

No, it's about a gay troupe that teaches tolerance. You still help our side with each post you make regardless.

Not Really - they pervert the argument in their favor and attempt to clear a path for more Gay infiltration under the guise of "Tolerance"

:lol: go with that. Bull dykes so often carry 5 babies to term. :rolleyes:

Perhaps ... perhaps not .... hows that nose thing working out ?
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And they're killing themselves because other children see them as freaks and weirdoes...and the leftist *solution* is to have them more clearly identify as freaks as weirdoes at ever younger ages.

Well what do you expect from the baby killing lobby? Children are secondary to their own depraved lifestyles. If kids must die, then kids must die. Viva la difference! Embrace death!
And they're killing themselves because other children see them as freaks and weirdoes...and the leftist *solution* is to have them more clearly identify as freaks as weirdoes at ever younger ages.

Well what do you expect from the baby killing lobby? Children are secondary to their own depraved lifestyles. If kids must die, then kids must die. Viva la difference! Embrace death!

How do other children see the offspring of divorced parents?

Kids today are more gay tolerant than their parents
And they're killing themselves because other children see them as freaks and weirdoes...and the leftist *solution* is to have them more clearly identify as freaks as weirdoes at ever younger ages.

Well what do you expect from the baby killing lobby? Children are secondary to their own depraved lifestyles. If kids must die, then kids must die. Viva la difference! Embrace death!

How do other children see the offspring of divorced parents?

Kids today are more gay tolerant than their parents

I sincerely doubt that kids would give a brats ass about Divorced Parents.

Kids today pretend to be more Gay Tolerant - failure to adhere to Big Brothers directive results in punishment .

The punishment and reward tactics work well in training Dogs , apparently Liberals and Gays think kids are no different.
I've already answered your question. I already stated what I personally believe that the age of consent should be.

Refresh our memories if you would be so kind - what age is that ?

"Do you have a memory loss problem. I was quite clear when I said the age should be 18 across the board...and that includes any pigs you want to fuck."

18? That's a bit high if puberty can begin at young as 9. 9 years of being told you have to wait to enjoy sex when your body's screaming it's ready to rok n roll would drive anyone nuts. That most rampage shooters are under 30 I often wonder if this unrealisticly forced waiting to have sex is to blame.

That global age of consent varies so much reveals it isn't based on science or psychology. Lowest stated age is I believe 12 (excluding locales where you must be married) and as high as think 21. So unless we're to believe some countries have more or less evolved human beings, the ages aren't coming from anywhere scientific.

Think the way some countries handle it should be adopted everywhere. Have one age for legal sex with anyone of any older age, then another for if 'with parental permission' like in Japan, and many European countries. Age for with any is usually around 16, with parental permission is as young as 12 (The Netherlands.)

Biblically, 12/13 was the age you could get married (girls/boys respectively.) And was also the age you became accountable for following religious laws. I think how quickly people in the ancient world matured vs those today is considerably different though. So maybe 13 for with parent consent and 16 otherwise would be sensible. Marriage age at 18 (age for other legal contracts) is fine as-is.

As it stands in the US, lowest AoC for non-marital (so specified as often if married the age is younger) is 15 (New Hampshire,) and 18 tops as in California. Though states like my own of Misouri enable marriage at 15 with parental consent in which case the AoC drops to 15, and is a provision for younger still if with judicial approval. So there's already precedence for a dual age system involving parental consent in place albeit for marriage. Simply changing that to include recreative sex would be very sensible. Kids are gonna have sex anyway, not forcing them to hide it so they can obtain birth control and health services would be much more beneficial than detrimental keeping it illegal.
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And they're killing themselves because other children see them as freaks and weirdoes...and the leftist *solution* is to have them more clearly identify as freaks as weirdoes at ever younger ages.

Well what do you expect from the baby killing lobby? Children are secondary to their own depraved lifestyles. If kids must die, then kids must die. Viva la difference! Embrace death!

How do other children see the offspring of divorced parents?

Kids today are more gay tolerant than their parents

I sincerely doubt that kids would give a brats ass about Divorced Parents.

Kids today pretend to be more Gay Tolerant - failure to adhere to Big Brothers directive results in punishment .

The punishment and reward tactics work well in training Dogs , apparently Liberals and Gays think kids are no different.

In poll after poll, young Americans support gay marriage in areas where their parents do not

It is similar to interracial marriage 20 years, nobody (except racists) cares
The whole gay marriage issue is putting me off marriage itself moreso than eithe rgay or straight marriage. Can't help but object to any government involvement with it in the first place when it's supposed to be a religious rite. Why not just get married in your own church if it allows it, if not, live together anyway minus the monicker. No law preventing you from introducing your SO as husband or wife (afaik, though weirder laws do often exist hehe.) Only thing you loose out on are the 1400 economic benefits. But isn't love supposed to be about love and faith moreso than benefits? Until we see a pronounced movement doing this whether the government allows the gay marriage or not, it's hard to get riled up about it beyond an academic interest.

Move the goal and declare victory. It's inevitable that eventually gya marriage will be allowed in all 50 states. As a matter of basic civil rights that's a given. So rather than fixating on the current status declare victory and wait patiently.
The whole gay marriage issue is putting me off marriage itself moreso than eithe rgay or straight marriage. Can't help but object to any government involvement with it in the first place when it's supposed to be a religious rite. Why not just get married in your own church if it allows it, if not, live together anyway minus the monicker. No law preventing you from introducing your SO as husband or wife (afaik, though weirder laws do often exist hehe.) Only thing you loose out on are the 1400 economic benefits. But isn't love supposed to be about love and faith moreso than benefits? Until we see a pronounced movement doing this whether the government allows the gay marriage or not, it's hard to get riled up about it beyond an academic interest.

Move the goal and declare victory. It's inevitable that eventually gya marriage will be allowed in all 50 states. As a matter of basic civil rights that's a given. So rather than fixating on the current status declare victory and wait patiently.

We will soon meet the tipping point on gay marriage. With a third of the states allowing it, the destruction of civilization as we know it has not occured. Most Americans now see it as no big deal

Only a matter of time
Most of the civilized world already allows it. Only hold outs being the Arab world, Africa, and the USA - not the best company to be in. Even some former member states of the USSR allow it.
Most of the civilized world already allows it. Only hold outs being the Arab world, Africa, and the USA - not the best company to be in. Even some former member states of the USSR allow it.
"We should do it because 'most everybody else does" - is a really bad rationale to use in advocating for society-wide change.
Most of the civilized world already allows it. Only hold outs being the Arab world, Africa, and the USA - not the best company to be in. Even some former member states of the USSR allow it.

Gay Marriage is not the OP - that's another Thread -leave the fags and dykes to their own devices on that issue. They are grown people and if they choose to Marry other mentally disturbed fags and dykes than so be it !

The issue is Gay Activists in the Schools and their Ruse of "Tolerance" to gain a foothold in the Educational System - which has already proven quite successful in many areas.
Actually, a majority don't. They have to have it forced upon them by activist judges.
Oh, a highly scientific Post/ABC poll.

Debunked because they just poll all their self-identified homosexual employees...

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