LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

The whole process of a society is to draw lines on differing opinions and allowable behavior.

The cake is part of the SSM process, a process the people in question do not believe in.

No, we can't. But we can't just ignore free exercise entirely and force people to do things they don't want to do.
When you have principles, you don’t have to draw arbitrary lines. The arbitrary nature simply allows you to force your will on others.

The cake is not part of the “process”. That’s ridiculous.

I bet you’re one of those guys that thinks the government can force social media companies to carry content they don’t like.
When you have principles, you don’t have to draw arbitrary lines. The arbitrary nature simply allows you to force your will on others.

The cake is not part of the “process”. That’s ridiculous.

I bet you’re one of those guys that thinks the government can force social media companies to carry content they don’t like.

And absolutism allows you to think you have to get 100% of everything to get your way.

It is according to the person making and selling it under contract for explicitly a Same Sex Marriage.

in the social media case it would either require the government to force them to hold up to their terms of service, which all claim they are open platforms, or declare certain social media formats a digital commons.

The social media argument is different from this due to the nature of social media holding and fermenting public discourse in the modern world, something a wedding doesn't do.
And absolutism allows you to think you have to get 100% of everything to get your way.

It is according to the person making and selling it under contract for explicitly a Same Sex Marriage.

in the social media case it would either require the government to force them to hold up to their terms of service, which all claim they are open platforms, or declare certain social media formats a digital commons.

The social media argument is different from this due to the nature of social media holding and fermenting public discourse in the modern world, something a wedding doesn't do.
“It’s different” because it’s what you want.

You have no principles outside of tribalism. Christian bakers are in your tribe. Social media companies aren’t.

The anger at oppressive government only extends to situations when that government is opposed to your tribe. When you oppose someone, you have no problem using oppressive government to achieve your goals.
We force them to do things with a compelling government interest, and sorry, but a gay couple having to spend 10 minutes finding another contracted baker isn't compelling enough to allow government to ruin the baker "or else".

We force people not to murder people without consequences. Just showing the idiocy of your argumentum ad absurdum on the concept of use of force.
Your example was absurd, but it didn't provde any information on my remark.
We force them to do things with a compelling government interest, and sorry, but a gay couple having to spend 10 minutes finding another contracted baker isn't compelling enough to allow government to ruin the baker "or else".

I would love to see the look on someone's face ...
When they try to eat something they forced me to prepare for them against my will.

It wouldn't kill them necessarily ...
But I am liable to be very creative with the ingredients ...
They are going to have paid way too much for whatever it is I give them ...
And it will stand a good chance of being the worst choice they ever made.

First, they have to know who is a Christian and who is not. Are they going as far as to asking each person about their religion status whenever they go walking through the door?

God bless you always!!!

So let's review.

The staff didn't refuse to serve them because they were Christians, they refused to serve them because they were homophobic and misogynist.

Regardless of that, the group has a pretty good case for breach of contract. They don't have a public accommodation suit.

The owner can argue reasonably that his staff revolt was an issue out of his control.
You have the freedom of expression, to express what you believe
This means you have the freedom to not express what you do not believe.
This is a basic fundamental freedom, protected from laws to the contrary by the 1st amendment.
It's that simple.
Point out where they are trying to do so in this country.


Yet everyone knows what the Muslim fundamentalists would do to your rights ALL AROUND THE WORLD if they could.
Seems like you guys are all without borders when it suits your needs, but not when it comes to a situation like this, it's the usual BUT BUT BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................
What the Supreme Court is doing is allowing business to discriminate against gays while hiding behind claims of religious belief and now “artistic freedom”

What is surprising is that they are willing to have this discrimination only apply to gay marriage and not race, religion or political affiliation

There are many passages in the Bible that people violate. Is the Supreme Court willing to enforce those too?

I’m not sure this is correct. I believe it has to do with her distaste of doing same sex pages, regardless of sexuality.

I’m sure she would have provided a page for a gay couple as long as they were opposite sex.

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