LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

Just because YOU see SSM and traditional marriage as equal doesn't make them equal. SSM is a new concept less than 3-4 decades old.
Whether I see them as equal isn’t relevant.

Maybe I think same sex marriage is superior to straight marriage.

That’s not the point.

The cake is a product that they’d sell to anyone else. They’re discriminating.
The bigots of yesteryear used the Bible to defend segregation and laws against interracial marriage.

This isn't about religion. It's about hate.

Same shit, different decade.

The only hate is being shown by the government and the anti-religious bigots you are blowing.
Whether I see them as equal isn’t relevant.

Maybe I think same sex marriage is superior to straight marriage.

That’s not the point.

The cake is a product that they’d sell to anyone else. They’re discriminating.

So fucking what?

Anti-discrimination laws are not absolute. Free exercise protects these people, and in the case of a contracted, non essential, easily replaceable product or service such as this, wins out over any right to commerce.
How are they "forcing" anything? The only force is on the governments side saying "do this or be ruined
Because the baker isn’t doing anything “immoral”. They’re not getting married.

By refusing to bake the cake, they’re placing their moral beliefs on someone else’s behavior.
So fucking what?

Anti-discrimination laws are not absolute. Free exercise protects these people, and in the case of a contracted, non essential, easily replaceable product or service such as this, wins out over any right to commerce.
You have a lot of arbitrary lines you’re drawing because you have no principles.

A cake is not an exercise in religion.
Because the baker isn’t doing anything “immoral”. They’re not getting married.

By refusing to bake the cake, they’re placing their moral beliefs on someone else’s behavior.

That's up to them to decide, not you, and not government. Again, free exercise.

Again, so fucking what? That's what a free society is fucking about.

You want forced acceptance, not tolerance. That makes you the bad guy.

Also, just to let you know how much I despise people like you, I wish you a long life, but that you outlive any progeny you may have. Die alone like Michael Corleone.
You have a lot of arbitrary lines you’re drawing because you have no principles.

A cake is not an exercise in religion.

Line drawing is what this is about. You want a total win, so fuck you for that.

Free exercise is the involvement in the SSM process, which these people want nothing to do with. But your side can't accept that, so either force them to participate and ACCEPT, or go out of business and COMPLY.
That's up to them to decide, not you, and not government. Again, free exercise.

Again, so fucking what? That's what a free society is fucking about.

You want forced acceptance, not tolerance. That makes you the bad
We forced people to accept that black people were equals.
How about we make you attend Church?

Or make a Jewish deli sell pork?

The crazy involvement is thinking use of government force over chickenshit like this is the right way to handle it.

Meat is meat, like Marriage is Marriage.

Then go force a jewish deli to make you a ham sandwich.

Actually the baker never refused point of sale cakes, just contracted ones for one specific event against their moral code, but my analogy was just to show the idiocy of your equating SSM with traditional marriage like the two aren't different.

But it's just their view that pork is different than beef. It's all meat. and besides, now we can define pork as beef, and you can't say otherwise.

Well they should serve ham, because ham is no different than hamburger, because someone said so.

They don't want to participate in something they don't acknowledge as a marriage.

They have already been on record not denying point of sale goods to anyone.
Line drawing is what this is about. You want a total win, so fuck you for that.

Free exercise is the involvement in the SSM process, which these people want nothing to do with. But your side can't accept that, so either force them to participate and ACCEPT, or go out of business and COMPLY.
Arbitrary lines are arbitrary.

A cake is not part of the process of getting married. Nor is it a religious exercise.

But maybe we can redefine a religious exercise as anything we want so we can just ignore laws?
Well they should serve ham, because ham is no different than hamburger, because someone said so.

They don't want to participate in something they don't acknowledge as a marriage.

They have already been on record not denying point of sale goods to anyone.
How are they participating in their marriage Marty?

They make and sell wedding cakes.

A couple, bought one.

Isn't that the scenario?

I'm all for religious freedom, but that kind of scenario seems just a bit too knit picky and not willing to give an inch to someone else's legal ability to shop in the market place, like everyone else can without fear of this kind of non courteous... to say the least, treatment.
Arbitrary lines are arbitrary.

A cake is not part of the process of getting married. Nor is it a religious exercise.

But maybe we can redefine a religious exercise as anything we want so we can just ignore laws?

The whole process of a society is to draw lines on differing opinions and allowable behavior.

The cake is part of the SSM process, a process the people in question do not believe in.

No, we can't. But we can't just ignore free exercise entirely and force people to do things they don't want to do.
How are they participating in their marriage Marty?

They make and sell wedding cakes.

A couple, bought one.

Isn't that the scenario?

I'm all for religious freedom, but that kind of scenario seems just a bit too knit picky and not willing to give an inch to someone else's legal ability to shop in the market place, like everyone else can without fear of this kind of non courteous... to say the least, treatment.

They are contracted to provide the product for the specific celebration. This isn't point of sale for general use.

If we want to survive as a plural society we have better start getting nit picky, or one side will decide enough is enough and a real backlash will start.

What gives the same sex couple the right to a specific cake from someone who thinks their marriage is amoral above and beyond the right of the baker to not have to provide something celebrating a concept they see as sinful?

This isn't systemic discrimination, which was what PA laws were designed to fight, these are one off exercises of a person's rights.
I'm going with NO. The 1964 Civil Rights Act, buoyed by the ACW Amendments and the original power to regulate interstate commerce prohibit this prima facae. The relevant portion (my bolds):
I'm not sure that still applies. The baker was allowed to refuse to bake a cake for anyone who didn't share their religious beliefs on same sex marriage.
The whole process of a society is to draw lines on differing opinions and allowable behavior.

The cake is part of the SSM process, a process the people in question do not believe in.

No, we can't. But we can't just ignore free exercise entirely and force people to do things they don't want to do.
We force people to do things all the time. Every law on the books is there to force someone to do something he might not do otherwise.
We force people to do things all the time. Every law on the books is there to force someone to do something he might not do otherwise.

We force them to do things with a compelling government interest, and sorry, but a gay couple having to spend 10 minutes finding another contracted baker isn't compelling enough to allow government to ruin the baker "or else".

We force people not to murder people without consequences. Just showing the idiocy of your argumentum ad absurdum on the concept of use of force.

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