LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

Don't get this moron started, he'll waste hours of your time with his twisted logic about straight brothers getting married or something.

Now Joe, you know as well as I do that straight brothers can’t get married because they might have offspring with defective bloodlines.

I’m not sure this is correct. I believe it has to do with her distaste of doing same sex pages, regardless of sexuality.

I’m sure she would have provided a page for a gay couple as long as they were opposite sex.
You Goofy
Interesting. It would appear that the drive to marginalize those who hold hateful beliefs in the name of God continues.

Restaurant refuses service to Christian group, citing staff ‘dignity’

A restaurant in Richmond last week canceled a reservation for a private event being held by a conservative Christian organization, citing the group’s opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion rights.
“We have always refused service to anyone for making our staff uncomfortable or unsafe and this was the driving force behind our decision,” read an Instagram post from Metzger Bar and Butchery, a German-influenced restaurant in the Union Hill neighborhood whose kitchen is helmed by co-owner Brittanny Anderson, a veteran of TV cooking shows including “Top Chef” and “Chopped.” “Many of our staff are women and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community. All of our staff are people with rights who deserve dignity and a safe work environment. We respect our staff’s established rights as humans and strive to create a work environment where they can do their jobs with dignity, comfort and safety.”
The group, the Family Foundation, was set to host a dessert reception for supporters on Nov. 30, the group’s president, Victoria Cobb, wrote in a blog post describing the incident. About an hour and a half before it was slated to start, one of the restaurant’s owners called to cancel it, she wrote. “As our VP of Operations explained that guests were arriving at their restaurant shortly, she asked for an explanation,” Cobb wrote. “Sure enough, an employee looked up our organization, and their wait staff refused to serve us.”
The Family Foundation is based in Richmond and advocates for “policies based on biblical principles.” It has lobbied against same-sex marriage and abortion rights.
In an interview, Cobb said that since she posted about it, she has heard from people alarmed by the story and from other dining establishments making it clear they would be welcome. “A lot of people are outraged that a restaurant wants to make a litmus test at the door,” she said. “Everyone should be concerned that people are being denied service based on their politics.”
In her blog post, Cobb likened the restaurant’s move to establishments that refused to serve Black customers in the 1950s and ’60s, and she decried what she called a “double standard” by liberals who think a Colorado baker should not be allowed to refuse to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

Legal experts say neither of those are apt analogies. While it’s illegal to discriminate against someone because of their race or religion, the restaurant’s refusal had to do with the group’s actions, said Elizabeth Sepper, a professor at the University of Texas. “It’s about the overall positions and policies the group has taken — it’s not about Christian vs. non-Christian,” she said. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, D.C., Seattle and the Virgin Islands specifically protect people from being refused service because of their political affiliation or ideology.
You Goofy

No, straight people have just as much of a right to marry others of their own sex as anyone else does. It’s probably happening all the time, but since they don’t ask for sexuality on the license application, no telling the number that have.

And I support any that do!

That being said, the court was correct.
What the Supreme Court is doing is allowing business to discriminate against gays while hiding behind claims of religious belief and now “artistic freedom”

What is surprising is that they are willing to have this discrimination only apply to gay marriage and not race, religion or political affiliation

There are many passages in the Bible that people violate. Is the Supreme Court willing to enforce those too?

So then the gays are discriminating against Christians.

You're against that too. Right?
If you don't want to bake a cake or serve someone, that is your right......your employer can then fire you and hire someone who will serve their customers....if you own a business, you can work for whoever you want.......forcing people to work for you is slavery.

This is what I have always said. You do not sign yourself up to be a slave to any request that comes through the door once you own a business.

Period, end of sentence.

Working my way through this thread to see if even one "BAKE THE CAKE" leftist is upset that the servers wouldn't serve.
If it's a reserved room not part of the public part of the restaurant? Then yes.

If it's just a group of them sitting in the PA part of the restaurant? then no.

This is valid.

Refuse the EVENT, not the people.

However, the restaurant should have declined from the beginning--not 90 min before.
Your analogy still sucks. The Jewish deli doesn’t serve ham. They’re not denying me ham because of who I am, they just don’t serve ham.

The baker makes wedding cakes. They refused to make a cake for a gay couple because of who they were.

False. Baker makes bday, retirement, holiday cakes, cupcakes. Not JUST wedding cakes. Baker would have happily provided any one of these, proving that he does not discriminate against the PERSON but rather the EVENT
Whether I see them as equal isn’t relevant.

Maybe I think same sex marriage is superior to straight marriage.

That’s not the point.

The cake is a product that they’d sell to anyone else. They’re discriminating.


Christian bakers would not sell it to a man attempting to marry his mother, dog, daughter.
How are they participating in their marriage Marty?

They make and sell wedding cakes.

A couple, bought one.

Isn't that the scenario?

I'm all for religious freedom, but that kind of scenario seems just a bit too knit picky and not willing to give an inch to someone else's legal ability to shop in the market place, like everyone else can without fear of this kind of non courteous... to say the least, treatment.

Then you have the same opinion about the Christian group being denied service. Right?
Right now, that ship has sailed legally. The courts have said that the baker has the right to refuse service. Same with this restaurant.

Yes but were you or were you not with the "BAKE THE CAKE" contingent?

So are you now saying "SERVE THE CHRISTIANS" or are you just a florid hypocrite?

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