LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

My position is what the SC seems to be leaning toward: you should accommodate people but you cannot force messages or artistic endeavors. In other words, you should not put a sign on your door that says, "we do not serve gays" or whatever. But if you do not want to use your time and talents to support gay WEDDINGS, or photograph gay WEDDINGS, you should have that right.

In this case, it would seem the staff was required to serve a Christian EVENT, so the same would apply. They should not have to serve it, by law. But now will the same faction that wanted to force the baker and photographer to work say the same for these servers??? Shouldn't they be FORCED to serve it?

Over to you, Leftists
Seems to me that this is similar to the gay wedding cake issue. So it seems fair and therefore fine with me.

The baker opened up this whole can of worms and, whether we like it or not, we’re probably going to see a whole lot of issues like this start to pop up.
Seems to me that this is similar to the gay wedding cake issue. So it seems fair and therefore fine with me.

The baker opened up this whole can of worms and, whether we like it or not, we’re probably going to see a whole lot of issues like this start to pop up.

Unless we wise up. The left is looking for a religious based fight.

It’s really quite simple, in my opinion if you don’t want to make a cake for a same sex wedding, just make it clear that you do not make same sex wedding cakes, regardless of the sexuality of the couple:

Fun fact # 1. Straights are allowed to marry their own sex as well. It is not a right exclusive to gays.

Then also make it clear that that you do make wedding cakes for opposite sex couples, regardless of their sexuality. They can both be gay, or one gay, one straight.

Fun fact #2: gays can and have married the opposite sex, regardless of the partner’s sexuality
Unless we wise up. The left is looking for a religious based fight.

It’s really quite simple, in my opinion if you don’t want to make a cake for a same sex wedding, just make it clear that you do not make same sex wedding cakes, regardless of the sexuality of the couple:

Fun fact # 1. Straights are allowed to marry their own sex as well. It is not a right exclusive to gays.

Then also make it clear that that you do make wedding cakes for opposite sex couples, regardless of their sexuality. They can both be gay, or one gay, one straight.

Fun fact #2: gays can and have married the opposite sex, regardless of the partner’s sexuality
fun fact
if you're straight and marry the same sex
fun fact
if you're straight and marry the same sex

Huh, if two straight guys married, they wouldn’t have to have sex. Hell, they could still date women.

I don’t see the downside in many applications.
then why would they marry?

Why would any guy marry another guy? But really, it’s none of my business

I could see a cheap health care plan from one of the partners job, getting ongoing spousal support from a pension plan? Hell, why the hell not. It’s not like you have to live together or anything.

Lol, are you going to bring in traditional marriage values????
Why would any guy marry another guy? But really, it’s none of my business

I could see a cheap health care plan from one of the partners job, getting ongoing spousal support from a pension plan? Hell, why the hell not. It’s not like you have to live together or anything.

Lol, are you going to bring in traditional marriage values????
nope just one word


  1. make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.
nope just one word


  1. make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.

Non consumation of a marriage does not make a marriage void, it makes it voidable. The best part it is the partners that would have to declare it void, not the state.

Two words:

Nice try.
It’s really quite simple, in my opinion if you don’t want to make a cake for a same sex wedding, just make it clear that you do not make same sex wedding cakes, regardless of the sexuality of the couple:
The precedent has been set. You don’t need to make it clear, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Just say you don’t want to serve their kind and you’re good to go. Just don’t whine when it comes around and bites you back, just like here.
Non consumation of a marriage does not make a marriage void, it makes it voidable. The best part it is the partners that would have to declare it void, not the state.

Two words:

Nice try.
I'm just going along with your absurd notions. I wanted to see what lengths you'd go to to defend absolute stupidity.
if noticing altruistic stupidity makes me a bigot then I'm guilty.

No, your denial of my rights to marry who I wish, for whatever reason I want, makes you a bigot, or so I’m told.

For the record, so not to sound like a bigot, I oppose same sex marriage, regardless if the couple is straight, gay or mixed sexuality.
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No, your denial of my rights to marry who I wish, for whatever reason I want, makes you a bigot, or so I’m told.
as far as I'm concerned if you crave cock it ain't my business, when you spout complete bullshit on a message board then I'll make THAT my business. stick to dick debate isn't your thing.
as far as I'm concerned if you crave cock it ain't my business, when you spout complete bullshit on a message board then I'll make THAT my business. stick to dick debate isn't your thing.

I think I am sticking to the subject. It’s rough realizing the truth though. We are here to help you get over it.

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