LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:

My knowledge on the topic is unsurpassed and irrefutable, which you have apparently learned, and is why you refuse to address the content of my posts - primarily because you know you will torn apart.

That might be true elsewhere, but USMB is not chained by the Liberal Mob and as has been demonstrated , is one of the few places on the web where true freedom of speech reigns - I know that Queers, Dykes , Liberals and Nazis such as yourself hate freedom of speech - but get used to it - it's coming back

If the topic is bovine feces, I agree. If the topic is gay parenting...what you know wouldn't fill a thimble.

Just a word of caution, Bean...keep away from gay=pedophile. It's wrong to start with and you've already gotten in trouble for it. Our kid are fine, leave the subject alone.

Just a word of caution, Bean...keep away from gay=pedophile. It's wrong to start with and you've already gotten in trouble for it. Our kid are fine, leave the subject alone.

No I haven't , and yes , when speaking of Gay males / percentage wise, it is true Gay does Equal Pedophile statistically speaking of course. That is not to say that every Gay male is a baby boinker - but a very large percentage is.

We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked
We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked

Kind of seems to be the mentality of some people. They post something, claim they have proven it, and then stick their figures up and say they've won.

How someone can win when their posts are just insult filled nonsense I don't know.
We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked

Kind of seems to be the mentality of some people. They post something, claim they have proven it, and then stick their figures up and say they've won.

How someone can win when their posts are just insult filled nonsense I don't know.

Actually you probably DO know, since you and Seawytch routinely resort to insults and diversions and nonsense.

All you need to know, read or consult when debating this is how the US Supreme Court last Summer just declared the realm of decision making on gay marriage as the "unquestioned authority" of each of the sovereign states with preference given to the broadest consensus possible within each state. That federal or other judges are questioning that authority is in full contempt of last Summer's Ruling. And it is in fact sedition.
We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked

Kind of seems to be the mentality of some people. They post something, claim they have proven it, and then stick their figures up and say they've won.

How someone can win when their posts are just insult filled nonsense I don't know.

Actually you probably DO know, since you and Seawytch routinely resort to insults and diversions and nonsense.

All you need to know, read or consult when debating this is how the US Supreme Court last Summer just declared the realm of decision making on gay marriage as the "unquestioned authority" of each of the sovereign states with preference given to the broadest consensus possible within each state. That federal or other judges are questioning that authority is in full contempt of last Summer's Ruling. And it is in fact sedition.

And you'll keep believing that until the SCOTUS strikes down all anti gay marriage laws.
We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked

Kind of seems to be the mentality of some people. They post something, claim they have proven it, and then stick their figures up and say they've won.

How someone can win when their posts are just insult filled nonsense I don't know.

Actually you probably DO know, since you and Seawytch routinely resort to insults and diversions and nonsense.

All you need to know, read or consult when debating this is how the US Supreme Court last Summer just declared the realm of decision making on gay marriage as the "unquestioned authority" of each of the sovereign states with preference given to the broadest consensus possible within each state. That federal or other judges are questioning that authority is in full contempt of last Summer's Ruling. And it is in fact sedition.

I think the federal judges have read the SCOTUS ruling and have a far better understanding of it than you do. Judges don't normally make decisions that they know are going to be overturned.
Kind of seems to be the mentality of some people. They post something, claim they have proven it, and then stick their figures up and say they've won.

How someone can win when their posts are just insult filled nonsense I don't know.

Actually you probably DO know, since you and Seawytch routinely resort to insults and diversions and nonsense.

All you need to know, read or consult when debating this is how the US Supreme Court last Summer just declared the realm of decision making on gay marriage as the "unquestioned authority" of each of the sovereign states with preference given to the broadest consensus possible within each state. That federal or other judges are questioning that authority is in full contempt of last Summer's Ruling. And it is in fact sedition.

I think the federal judges have read the SCOTUS ruling and have a far better understanding of it than you do. Judges don't normally make decisions that they know are going to be overturned.

See that is where you are wrong. Everyone doesn't understand the Windsor ruling except for Silhouette.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - who noted in court documents that - the Windsor decision DOES NOT address whether states can say "no" and only confirms that if States say "Yes" it is unconstitutional for the Federal government to say "No".

The California Supreme Court didn't understand the Windsor decision when they refused to issue a further stay of SSCM in California because Windsor really means that Prop 8 was invalid even though the SCOTUS allowed the District Court decision to remain in effect.

The California Governor and Attorney General allowed SSCM to resume in California because Windsor really means that Prop 8 was invalid even though the SCOTUS allowed the District Court decision to remain in effect.

The SCOTUS didn't understand it's own ruling in the Windsor decision when they refused to issue a further stay of SSCM in California because Windsor really means that Prop 8 was invalid even though the SCOTUS allowed the District Court decision to remain in effect.

The Federal Judge in Utah didn't understand the Windsor decision.

The Federal Judge in Oklahoma didn't understand the Windsor decision.

The Federal Judge in Kentucky didn't understand the Windsor decision.

The Federal Judge in Virginia didn't understand the Windsor decision.

The Federal Judge in Texas didn't understand the Windsor decision.

The Federal Judge in Michigan didn't understand the Windsor decision.​

See, they are all wrong, from the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court to state officials and to District Court Judges. None have the legal acumen to match those of Sil. She's right, everyone else is wrong.

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If the topic is bovine feces, I agree. If the topic is gay parenting...what you know wouldn't fill a thimble.

Just a word of caution, Bean...keep away from gay=pedophile. It's wrong to start with and you've already gotten in trouble for it. Our kid are fine, leave the subject alone.

Just a word of caution, Bean...keep away from gay=pedophile. It's wrong to start with and you've already gotten in trouble for it. Our kid are fine, leave the subject alone.

No I haven't , and yes , when speaking of Gay males / percentage wise, it is true Gay does Equal Pedophile statistically speaking of course. That is not to say that every Gay male is a baby boinker - but a very large percentage is.

We understand you say these things out of sheer ignorance, but you've been proven wrong already so it's now willful ignorance. That's sad.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked

!.} Being Gay is a Choicee - Not scientifically proven either way. There is No "Gay Gene" , but there is still a possibility that some Gay Men have am enzyme imbalance in their Brains which leads to more feminine than masculine traits and drives. This is not true of all Gay men, and doesn't apply to obnoxious Dykes such as yourself - who are simply foul and decadent perverts. A question to any Faggots reading this - why is Homosexuality referred to as an "Alternative lifestyle" - alternative implies choice ?

2.} Gay parents aren't as good as a father and a mother - the article you cited is obviously written by another Dyke, as it doesn't even breach the subject and has not the slightest shred of credibility in this assertion - and you have failed to address or even come close to refuting my initial post on this thread re: this topic . Stop being so pathetically ignorant of the knowledge available , or do you possibly fear that the knowledge available may become COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

3.} Most pedophiles are gay The fact is that Most Pedophiles are NOT GAY. About 95% of the Population is NOT GAY . Somewhere between 3 and 5% of the Population is Gay

Gay activists have strenuously argued that there is no connection between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of children. They point out that the majority of child molestation cases are by heterosexuals. But they neglect a pivotal fact: Homosexuals comprise only a small percentage of the population], yet account for an extraordinarily high percentage of offenses against children.

Now consider a report from the Journal of Sex Research which noted that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses, even though they are outnumbered by heterosexuals 20 to one. Less than four percent of the population commits one-third of the offenses against children!

4.} 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked-- Gay Relationships don't last - Possibly the article you cited got one out of 5 assertions right but considering that the author lied and stretched the truth on the other four I take any further claims made by it with a grain on salt

5.} Animals are all Straight This has been previously discussed , and is one of the many topics on which you thoroughly got your butt stomped - not once but twice ! The fact is that most animals will fuck just about anything that has the right pheromone scent be it another species or an inanimate object.
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Ok, I'm trying to stay civil

Your argument is that because some within the subset of Hetero and homosexual marriage will stray outside the marriage I t's OK that bisexuals MUST to be completely fulfilled

The argument then could be that marriage between only a male and a female is acceptable because anyone can stray outside the marriage to be sexually fulfilled.

You are putting a Burden on one group NOT placed on the other two and call that equitable?

No, i'm not putting the burden on anyone.

Either you have polygamy or you don't.

Your argument is that straight and gay people can be sexually fulfilled within the marriage and bisexual people can't. This is complete nonsense.

Straight people might not like being with just one person. So you're advocating polygamy.

Every person should be able to marry a consenting adult of their choice, unless it harms others, which would be incest.

You're bring sex into this issue. What does sex have to do with all of this?

Many people get married and sex outside of marriage, you don't need to be married to have sex, and you can be married and agree to have sex with other people, it happens.

So, i'll ask some questions.

Will a straight person ALWAYS be sexually fulfilled in a marriage with a person of the opposite sex?

Will a gay person ALWAYS be sexually fulfilled in a marriage with a person of the same sex?

Will a bisexual person NEVER be sexually fulfilled in a marriage with only one person?

Does a bisexual person have to have sex with both males and females in order to be sexually fulfilled?

Then I see no reason that a number need to really apply.

Can't see a compelling state interest in limiting a contractual arrangement to just two.
Then I see no reason that a number need to really apply.

Can't see a compelling state interest in limiting a contractual arrangement to just two.

So you're talking polygamy then?

This isn't the issue here, but you should push for polygamy.
LOL at the white proles from flyover country here trying to seem cosmopolitan by adopting the most avant-garde liberal values. :rolleyes:
LOL at the white proles from flyover country here trying to seem cosmopolitan by adopting the most avant-garde liberal values. :rolleyes:

How very arrogant of you, good job! You must be patting your own back.


Described you to a tee. Most of the dumb bumpkins here haven't spent so much time outside of their podunk town and think faggotry is edgy, when it is in fact mainstream. These warped and emotionally scarred proles are playing right to the script of the some sundance film festival movie. Fucking Utah, lol.
LOL at the white proles from flyover country here trying to seem cosmopolitan by adopting the most avant-garde liberal values. :rolleyes:

How very arrogant of you, good job! You must be patting your own back.


Described you to a tee. Most of the dumb bumpkins here haven't spent so much time outside of their podunk town and think faggotry is edgy, when it is in fact mainstream. These warped and emotionally scarred proles are playing right to the script of the some sundance film festival movie.

Sir, I am not arguing traditional values, it appears that would be someone else.

I appear to be agreeing, gays should be treated equally, the question is, what that equality is.
How very arrogant of you, good job! You must be patting your own back.


Described you to a tee. Most of the dumb bumpkins here haven't spent so much time outside of their podunk town and think faggotry is edgy, when it is in fact mainstream. These warped and emotionally scarred proles are playing right to the script of the some sundance film festival movie.

Sir, I am not arguing traditional values, it appears that would be someone else.

I appear to be agreeing, gays should be treated equally, the question is, what that equality is.
Sir, lol

Equality, lol

How gay...
Described you to a tee. Most of the dumb bumpkins here haven't spent so much time outside of their podunk town and think faggotry is edgy, when it is in fact mainstream. These warped and emotionally scarred proles are playing right to the script of the some sundance film festival movie.

Sir, I am not arguing traditional values, it appears that would be someone else.

I appear to be agreeing, gays should be treated equally, the question is, what that equality is.
Sir, lol

Equality, lol

How gay...


Scuze me
State law, despite Sil's greatest wish to have her desires trump facts, may not contradict the Constitution's protect of civil liberties.

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