LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

Yes, just the text was enough to let us know that, no signature needed. Pretty much everything Sil has posted has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Beanie's too. They don't care if they're wrong as long as they are really loud and really angry about it, someone will pay attention. It's like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the parking lot.
I'd like to know what your definition of "debunked" is?

I cite prestigious institutions. You cite nobody. You think that you are right so "ergo" I am debunked?

You cite hogwash that parasites off reputable institutions and research. You and Green Snow and the rest are engaged in "consensus" criticism that clearly indicates you know nothing, Sil Snow.
Incorrect. To seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights is in fact motivated only by animus toward gay Americans. Just as was the case with Colorado’s Amendment 2, Utah’s Amendment 3…

And they call that motivated animus bigotry don't they?

Calling a bigot a bigot isn't anything like calling gays pedophiles, but they're out of bullets and throwing the gun at this point.

Yet you refuse to address the statistics that disprove your point of view. You yourself, other than being the whipping boy of my pointed barbs, are probably an admirable woman and have a little Klan of happy ,healthy and well cared for Children - I never doubted that and wish you and your little ones happiness and longevity.

However, the people you allie yourself with , the dark side of the Gay Realm are devious degenerates as case after case has pointed out and statistics have proven. I do apologize for stepping over the line and aiming personal attacks on you and by default your family members [And my wife got really pissed off when she read them also - OY VAY !] So long as you allie yourself with this sick agenda you will be the target of sane peoples ire. Shalom

Green Bean Snow, there are far more on the dark side of the Straight Realm as devious degenerates as the LBGT side.

Human nature has a dark side for all of us. You need to admit it.
I'd like to know what your definition of "debunked" is?

The same as everyone else:

to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated…

Debunked | Define Debunked at

Which perfectly describes the unsubstantiated and subjective nonsense you’ve cited; and why such ‘evidence’ has been appropriately rejected by the courts.

The Courts are a poor gauge of social injustce, on the topic of Mental Illness / Sexual Dysphoria which is exactly what the Gay Issue is truly about , pure science -OBJECTIVE SCIENCE - is the only true measurement of what seperates fact from fiction.

The so called "justice" system is a travesty which continuossly reverses and contradicts itself and a facet of Government which very few Americans have any confidence in.

You folks are in no position to gauge what is and is not pure science -OBJECTIVE SCIENCE
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Yes, just the text was enough to let us know that, no signature needed. Pretty much everything Sil has posted has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Beanie's too. They don't care if they're wrong as long as they are really loud and really angry about it, someone will pay attention. It's like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the parking lot.
I'd like to know what your definition of "debunked" is?

I cite prestigious institutions. You cite nobody. You think that you are right so "ergo" I am debunked?

You cite hogwash that parasites off reputable institutions and research. You and Green Snow and the rest are engaged in "consensus" criticism that clearly indicates you know nothing, Sil Snow.

I agree....much like "consensus" science.
Keep it civil and addressing the OP.
I'd like to know what your definition of "debunked" is?

I cite prestigious institutions. You cite nobody. You think that you are right so "ergo" I am debunked?

You cite hogwash that parasites off reputable institutions and research. You and Green Snow and the rest are engaged in "consensus" criticism that clearly indicates you know nothing, Sil Snow.

I agree....much like "consensus" science.

Oh lookie lookie peachy kean - more queer calvary rushing in to the rescue LMAO
The same as everyone else:

Which perfectly describes the unsubstantiated and subjective nonsense you’ve cited; and why such ‘evidence’ has been appropriately rejected by the courts.

The Courts are a poor gauge of social injustce, on the topic of Mental Illness / Sexual Dysphoria which is exactly what the Gay Issue is truly about , pure science -OBJECTIVE SCIENCE - is the only true measurement of what seperates fact from fiction.

The so called "justice" system is a travesty which continuossly reverses and contradicts itself and a facet of Government which very few Americans have any confidence in.

You folks are in no position to gauge what is and is not pure science -OBJECTIVE SCIENCE

You are in no position to advise anyone re: Objectivity and the scientific principal , the quality of your posts [OR LACK THEREOF] and your absolute ignorance speaks for itself . I realize you have a pressing disdain for the truth - I realize it must be psychologically painful knowing that your entire pathetic gay existence is a sham.

Those of us who argue and educate against the Gay Militias warped agenda do so out of Patriotism and a sense of societal obligation. Silhouette , has brilliantly beaten down just anout every argument you sad excuses for human beings can throw at him - If it were a street brawl not a single one of you pansies would be standing, yet there you lie flat on your backs, bloodied, bruised, battered beating your chests like you've accomplished something .
And here we have the "violent approach" with a pinch of "you're a terrorist if you disagree with the Harvey Milk Cult" and a dash of "you're not a patriot if you don't approve of two people of the same gender role-playing "mom and dad" to impressionable and confused kids."

Mix with vigor, simmer and hope people are still in "herd think" mode... :cuckoo:
Well, that didn't make any sense. I never said anything about Harvey Milk. I said that the American Republican Taliban party is a bunch of terrorists who threaten America with violence to get what they want, even when what they want is based on misinformation, disinformation, and half-truth.

You seem to think that kids think that two mommies or two daddies is "strange". Kids don't think that. Kids raised by a same-sex couple think of two mommies or two daddies as two mommies or two daddies who love them very much and want to educate them and protect them from harm as any parent should try to do for their children. Your irrational fear of what you don't understand is the only reason that you oppose gay marriage. You need to stop. It is not your right to impose your psychotic worldview on the rest of American society. You are wrong. You need to learn that. But if you could learn then you wouldn't be a Conservative Christian.
And here we have the "violent approach" with a pinch of "you're a terrorist if you disagree with the Harvey Milk Cult" and a dash of "you're not a patriot if you don't approve of two people of the same gender role-playing "mom and dad" to impressionable and confused kids."

Mix with vigor, simmer and hope people are still in "herd think" mode... :cuckoo:
Well, that didn't make any sense. I never said anything about Harvey Milk. I said that the American Republican Taliban party is a bunch of terrorists who threaten America with violence to get what they want, even when what they want is based on misinformation, disinformation, and half-truth.

You seem to think that kids think that two mommies or two daddies is "strange". Kids don't think that. Kids raised by a same-sex couple think of two mommies or two daddies as two mommies or two daddies who love them very much and want to educate them and protect them from harm as any parent should try to do for their children. Your irrational fear of what you don't understand is the only reason that you oppose gay marriage. You need to stop. It is not your right to impose your psychotic worldview on the rest of American society. You are wrong. You need to learn that. But if you could learn then you wouldn't be a Conservative Christian.

It is not your right to impose your psychotic worldview on the rest of American society. You are wrong. You need to learn that. But if you could learn then you wouldn't be a Conservative Christian.

of, denoting, or suffering from a psychosis.
"a psychotic disturbance"
synonyms: insane, mad, deranged, demented, crazed, psychopathic; More
noun: psychotic; plural noun: psychotics
a person suffering from a psychosis.

Psychosis refers to an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from psychosis are described as psychotic.

People with psychosis may have one or more of the following: hallucinations, delusions, catatonia, or a thought disorder, as described below. Impairments in social cognition also occur.

....These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination....

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

So do you feel that Silhouettes opinions are persecuting you ?

It is a perceived sense of Discrimination you feel when he speaks his mind very eloquently ?

Sounds like a probable psychosis to me . :cuckoo:
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Well, that didn't make any sense. I never said anything about Harvey Milk. I said that the American Republican Taliban party is a bunch of terrorists who threaten America with violence to get what they want, even when what they want is based on misinformation, disinformation, and half-truth.

You seem to think that kids think that two mommies or two daddies is "strange". Kids don't think that. Kids raised by a same-sex couple think of two mommies or two daddies as two mommies or two daddies who love them very much and want to educate them and protect them from harm as any parent should try to do for their children. Your irrational fear of what you don't understand is the only reason that you oppose gay marriage. You need to stop. It is not your right to impose your psychotic worldview on the rest of American society. You are wrong. You need to learn that. But if you could learn then you wouldn't be a Conservative Christian.

You should say something about Harvey Milk. Since he stands as the icon for the LGBT movement across the nation and the world, and since LGBT is about sexual behavior, you should pay close attention to the sexual behavior Harvey Milk was engaged in as "representative" of that cult-sex movement. It was sodomy upon homeless teen boys who were vulnerable and addled on drugs; also mentally ill. So much for consensual sex as being part of that movement.

A cult based on statutory rape is a terrible place to base a social movement.

And those children you talk about will one day pick up a book about their mommies' or daddies' hero and read what he did to children.

And those children you talk about will one day pick up on the biology class they just took where it takes a man and a woman to produce a baby, a baby like themselves.

And those children you talk about will wonder why one of their mommies dresses like, talks like and walks like a man, when for a fact she is not a man an the child knows it.

And those children you talk about will wonder why one of their daddies lisps more than the other and talks in falsetto, wiggling his hips like a woman, when for a fact he is not.

And those children who grow ever more sophisticated in their questioning nature as they age into adolescence, will begin to wonder why it is that one of their mommies who claims to be attracted to women is with a woman who looks, acts, walks and talks like a man.

And those children who grow ever more sophisticated in their questioning nature as they age into adolescence, will begin to wonder why it is that one of their daddies who claims to be attracted to men is with a man who looks, acts, walks and talks like a woman...

Crazy-making ideas like these cannot be a sanctioned part of the formative years of children of the next few generations we are raising as a villiage to keep this villiage intact for years to come. Children are not objects merely to be protected from harm by well-meaning [if non-reflective] parents. Children are our future society. They are spirits in their own right. They are vulnerable beings forming into their own independent minds, using logic to cipher their world and navigate it effectively. That's why questions from children can be so maddening. Here's an example of one. [and don't tell me this won't happen because we've seen that it does in the adult world of the LGBT cult inquisition every single day]

Child: "Mommy, you know how you say you aren't into men and you are attracted to my other mommy"?

Lesbian mom: "yes dear, I do"

Child: "Well, some kids at school were noticing that other mommy dresses like and looks like a man, and acts like one. Many of them thought she was a man until I told them."

Lesbian mom: [laughing it off] "oh yes dear, that's just her style".

Child: [using the logic in all childrens' minds] "Well then how come if she looks like and acts like a man and you say you like women, you are attracted to her?"

Lesbian mom: [voice tightening, scowling now] "Never mind! She's a woman and I love her for that!"

Child: "but mommy she doesn't look like a lady.."

Lesbian mom: "Enough! Now go outside and play!" [Exasperated, pours a tall glass of wine]

Of course the last few sentences of that dialogue can twist and turn a bit longer, depending on the LGBT's level of sophistication in manipulating language. But inevitably as the child ages and learns hypocrisy, the conversation will end the same way. Which is essentially telling the child that THEY are crazy or imagining things and that obvious logical dichotomies ought not to be explored!

Which is a longer way of saying "gaslighting the child".
Well, that didn't make any sense. I never said anything about Harvey Milk. I said that the American Republican Taliban party is a bunch of terrorists who threaten America with violence to get what they want, even when what they want is based on misinformation, disinformation, and half-truth.

You seem to think that kids think that two mommies or two daddies is "strange". Kids don't think that. Kids raised by a same-sex couple think of two mommies or two daddies as two mommies or two daddies who love them very much and want to educate them and protect them from harm as any parent should try to do for their children. Your irrational fear of what you don't understand is the only reason that you oppose gay marriage. You need to stop. It is not your right to impose your psychotic worldview on the rest of American society. You are wrong. You need to learn that. But if you could learn then you wouldn't be a Conservative Christian.

You should say something about Harvey Milk. Since he stands as the icon for the LGBT movement across the nation and the world, and since LGBT is about sexual behavior, you should pay close attention to the sexual behavior Harvey Milk was engaged in as "representative" of that cult-sex movement. It was sodomy upon homeless teen boys who were vulnerable and addled on drugs; also mentally ill. So much for consensual sex as being part of that movement.

A cult based on statutory rape is a terrible place to base a social movement.

And those children you talk about will one day pick up a book about their mommies' or daddies' hero and read what he did to children.

And those children you talk about will one day pick up on the biology class they just took where it takes a man and a woman to produce a baby, a baby like themselves.

And those children you talk about will wonder why one of their mommies dresses like, talks like and walks like a man, when for a fact she is not a man an the child knows it.

And those children you talk about will wonder why one of their daddies lisps more than the other and talks in falsetto, wiggling his hips like a woman, when for a fact he is not.

And those children who grow ever more sophisticated in their questioning nature as they age into adolescence, will begin to wonder why it is that one of their mommies who claims to be attracted to women is with a woman who looks, acts, walks and talks like a man.

And those children who grow ever more sophisticated in their questioning nature as they age into adolescence, will begin to wonder why it is that one of their daddies who claims to be attracted to men is with a man who looks, acts, walks and talks like a woman...

Crazy-making ideas like these cannot be a sanctioned part of the formative years of children of the next few generations we are raising as a villiage to keep this villiage intact for years to come. Children are not objects merely to be protected from harm by well-meaning [if non-reflective] parents. Children are our future society. They are spirits in their own right. They are vulnerable beings forming into their own independent minds, using logic to cipher their world and navigate it effectively. That's why questions from children can be so maddening. Here's an example of one. [and don't tell me this won't happen because we've seen that it does in the adult world of the LGBT cult inquisition every single day]

Child: "Mommy, you know how you say you aren't into men and you are attracted to my other mommy"?

Lesbian mom: "yes dear, I do"

Child: "Well, some kids at school were noticing that other mommy dresses like and looks like a man, and acts like one. Many of them thought she was a man until I told them."

Lesbian mom: [laughing it off] "oh yes dear, that's just her style".

Child: [using the logic in all childrens' minds] "Well then how come if she looks like and acts like a man and you say you like women, you are attracted to her?"

Lesbian mom: [voice tightening, scowling now] "Never mind! She's a woman and I love her for that!"

Child: "but mommy she doesn't look like a lady.."

Lesbian mom: "Enough! Now go outside and play!" [Exasperated, pours a tall glass of wine]

Of course the last few sentences of that dialogue can twist and turn a bit longer, depending on the LGBT's level of sophistication in manipulating language. But inevitably as the child ages and learns hypocrisy, the conversation will end the same way. Which is essentially telling the child that THEY are crazy or imagining things and that obvious logical dichotomies ought not to be explored!

Which is a longer way of saying "gaslighting the child".

I have a buddy lives in New York, a town called Sayville on Long Island, in the summer the human LGBT cockroaches descend on this little town as it is home to the Fire Island Ferries [Cherry Grove- Queer Capitol of the East] , last summer we sat and watched and counted 20 Dyke couples - 3 of those couples you would never know were dykes the others all consisted of a relatively attractive female with a Bull Dyke Butch Bitch - most looked more like a man than some men .

It seems to me that the feminine ones of these couples are truly attracted to men but suffer from some sort of psychosis which repulses them, so they seek out females with all the male equipment except a pecker. And the Butch Bitch actually craves to be a man, and suffers from an extreme case of Penis Envy. Sounds like SeaHag and Bodeccea to me ?
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Yet nobody can refute the facts I present -Nobody . Nobody can refute Silhouette - Nobody can refute , or debunk any of the Facts presented ovewr the pat several months - you just throw around noise and hope to detract from reality. You're one sorry ass pack of queer losers , you've lost of every topic thrown out every single MF topic.

The ad hom is the last refuge of failure. Yes, Sil and GreenBean Snow know nothing.

Their arguments have been refuted, debunked, and confounded.

You are on the losing side of history, guys.
"It seems to me that the feminine ones of these couples are truly attracted to men but suffer from some sort of psychosis" is the failed mantra of GreenBean Snow.
And they call that motivated animus bigotry don't they?

Calling a bigot a bigot isn't anything like calling gays pedophiles, but they're out of bullets and throwing the gun at this point.

Yet you refuse to address the statistics that disprove your point of view. You yourself, other than being the whipping boy of my pointed barbs, are probably an admirable woman and have a little Klan of happy ,healthy and well cared for Children - I never doubted that and wish you and your little ones happiness and longevity.

However, the people you allie yourself with , the dark side of the Gay Realm are devious degenerates as case after case has pointed out and statistics have proven. I do apologize for stepping over the line and aiming personal attacks on you and by default your family members [And my wife got really pissed off when she read them also - OY VAY !] So long as you allie yourself with this sick agenda you will be the target of sane peoples ire. Shalom

Green Bean Snow, there are far more on the dark side of the Straight Realm as devious degenerates as the LBGT side.

Human nature has a dark side for all of us. You need to admit it.

Yes, Human Nature certainly does have a dark side . Not the least of which is Homosexuality and related sexual dysphorias .

That grown people choose to engage in sexual perversions amongst themselves is of no consequence or concern to myself nor anyone else, Go in peace, Live long and prosper,and may the force be with you. Hopefully you'll all live a happy peaceful empty existence in your pineapples under the sea.

That hoardes of ducky boys and dikey girls organized by sinister forces infiltrate all levels of society and seek to force feed their wicked and perverted agenda on the rest of society is where the resistance is derived from. Despite all the efforts of the Ducky Boys and Dikey Girls on this thread and site - you've had your arguments deflated, your assertions skewered and your agendas rammed up your orifice where they shant see sunshine without the aid of a proctologist.
Yet nobody can refute the facts I present -Nobody . Nobody can refute Silhouette - Nobody can refute , or debunk any of the Facts presented ovewr the pat several months - you just throw around noise and hope to detract from reality. You're one sorry ass pack of queer losers , you've lost of every topic thrown out every single MF topic.

The ad hom is the last refuge of failure. Yes, Sil and GreenBean Snow know nothing.

Their arguments have been refuted, debunked, and confounded.

You are on the losing side of history, guys.

Wrong Again Ducky Boy , More Starkey Malarkey : Fascists and Faggots are on the losing side of History . You're still just throwing around noise and hoping to detract from reality.

PS: Great Video you posted about the Thai Guy .

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