LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

Your entire concept is absurd. Just because someone is bisexual and is attracted to members of either gender does not mean that they must be attracted to them at the same time and act upon those attractions at the same time.

Can you be attracted to more than one person at time? Why are you denying yourself bigamy?

Why do you continue to point the mirror away from you and direct it to me?

A bisexual can, and many do, find themselves attracted to members of both genders.

It seems to me that it is I that seeks full equality for all sexualities under the law. You are satisfied for 98% equality.

And to the poster who attempted to bring beastiality into this, how does an animal consent, how does it sign the appropriate contract? Please enlighten me.

One person at a time. You're arguing for bigamy. Why should bigamy apply more to bisexuals? Can you be attracted to two people of the opposite sex? Why can't you marry both of them?

Animals, children, dead people and inanimate objects cannot consent and are irrelevant.

Bigamy? That's a very heterosexual, traditional concept

Let's draw the picture

Two bisexuals, one male, one female meet, fall in love and after discussion think that marriage is a good idea. One benefit is that they both desire a biological child. So they marry and soon have the child.

Later she meets a female that she's attracted to, and they fall in love. She introduces her to her husband and he admits he's attracted to her also. This seems perfect for all concerned. As time goes by, the female and the husband also fall in love and have a child. They all are happy with the arrangement, but they can't marry?

You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

You are a very adaptable "recounter" frigidweirdo. How can you choose that which is innate? How can you be geneticaly gay but also not genetically gay at the same time? how can you be both gay and straight? Or is it that the reproductive urges are the only thing innate and the mount/thrust affect gets displaced via conditioning to form the compulsive behaviors known as "gay"?

Remember this conversation? Of course you do...

Blacks are a race and LGBT cult behaviors around compulsive avoidance of the reproductive gender. I don't see the comparison?

Race does not equal behavior. Quit running with your false premise.

Sure you don't, you make definitions to suit an agenda, you won't find similarities.
If you actually want to be sensible about this, then you don't need to push your agenda, and you can look at human beings getting on with their lives.

Black people were treated differently before, they were a different race and this was enough for white people to make claims that they weren't fully human and the like. They did just what you're doing.

Black people are a race.
Gay people are a sexuality

What's the difference? Well, one gained civil rights in the 1960s, and while certain people have still treated them with disdain, they have progressed since then and have equal rights under law with white people. Gay people DON'T have equal rights.

That's the difference.

Pedophiles are "a sexuality". So are necrophiliacs. Bulimia is "a type of eating". Just as a compulsive liar has a "different recounting affect"...and on that just said:

Sure you don't, you make definitions to suit an agenda, you won't find similarities.

Which is the exact same thing I could say about you making up that acquired compulsive behaviors are equivalent to a innate physical structure such as race.
Why do you continue to point the mirror away from you and direct it to me?

A bisexual can, and many do, find themselves attracted to members of both genders.

It seems to me that it is I that seeks full equality for all sexualities under the law. You are satisfied for 98% equality.

And to the poster who attempted to bring beastiality into this, how does an animal consent, how does it sign the appropriate contract? Please enlighten me.

One person at a time. You're arguing for bigamy. Why should bigamy apply more to bisexuals? Can you be attracted to two people of the opposite sex? Why can't you marry both of them?

Animals, children, dead people and inanimate objects cannot consent and are irrelevant.

Bigamy? That's a very heterosexual, traditional concept

Let's draw the picture

Two bisexuals, one male, one female meet, fall in love and after discussion think that marriage is a good idea. One benefit is that they both desire a biological child. So they marry and soon have the child.

Later she meets a female that she's attracted to, and they fall in love. She introduces her to her husband and he admits he's attracted to her also. This seems perfect for all concerned. As time goes by, the female and the husband also fall in love and have a child. They all are happy with the arrangement, but they can't marry?


What you're describing is bigamy/polygamy. Good luck getting it legal status. Really, I wish you the best of luck. I loved Big Love.
Case pending in Utah right now that would allow polygamy. Ironic since Utah's entry into the US was conditioned on giving up polygamy.
So its coming right behind "gay marriage."

What case is that?

Got a link?


It'll also allow you to marry your TV, and is that in the bible? No it isn't, so it must be bad. The evidence that this will happen is clear*.

*clear to anyone who isn't interested in reality, that is.
You are a very adaptable "recounter" frigidweirdo. How can you choose that which is innate? How can you be geneticaly gay but also not genetically gay at the same time? how can you be both gay and straight? Or is it that the reproductive urges are the only thing innate and the mount/thrust affect gets displaced via conditioning to form the compulsive behaviors known as "gay"?

Remember this conversation? Of course you do...

How do we get stuck to the Earth and not fly off? Damn if I know, I do know it's called gravity, I do know it happens, I don't know why it happens.

I do know people are bisexual, I don't know what it's like, and I don't know how it happens.

But you use the word "innate". Do you know what is innate within someone? Why can bisexuality not be innate? Did you decide what is innate or not?

You seem to be looking for some simple black and white solution to any problem. Anything which is more complex is scary for you?

Try this.....

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How can any person be both male and female?

Oh, wait, it happens. Or are you going to deny this because someone with both female and male parts simply isn't "normal", and clearly God didn't make people who aren't normal, so they must be faking it.

Humans aren't black and white, they have defects, like a lack of certain limbs, or lack of mental power, or a brain that is wired "wrong" or differently.

You can accept this, or you can go around making people, whose lives are probably hard enough dealing with this sort of thing, feel small and uncomfortable just do you can make yourself feel bigger.

It's your choice.
What you're describing is bigamy/polygamy. Good luck getting it legal status. Really, I wish you the best of luck. I loved Big Love.

The answer is, he's a wind up merchant, he's doing it for the kicks, pretending to be ignorant and asking dumb questions to get a response.
What you're describing is bigamy/polygamy. Good luck getting it legal status. Really, I wish you the best of luck. I loved Big Love.

The answer is, he's a wind up merchant, he's doing it for the kicks, pretending to be ignorant and asking dumb questions to get a response.

No, what I asked just made complete sense. You just don't like to admit it. So you must minimize it.

I get that.
No, what I asked just made complete sense. You just don't like to admit it. So you must minimize it.

I get that.

Except that nothing you say makes any sense to anyone but those who believe in winding people up. And what would a wind up merchant do when someone tells them they are one? They'd say it all makes complete sense what they're saying, which is EXACTLY what you're doing.

You haven't written one post on this topic that has any value to the debate at all. Making comments about bisexual people not being equal is just ridiculous, you just sit back and chuckle and people try and respond to your stupid claims.
But we are basing this on sexuality. One and One is not the nature of bisexuality.

What am I missing?

You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

Let's recap this shall we?

You think that bisexuals will be happy choosing just one gender for a lifetime partner.

Is that a correct statement?

For you reference:

Shall we continue?
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How do we get stuck to the Earth and not fly off? Damn if I know, I do know it's called gravity, I do know it happens, I don't know why it happens.

I do know people are bisexual, I don't know what it's like, and I don't know how it happens.

But you use the word "innate". Do you know what is innate within someone? Why can bisexuality not be innate? Did you decide what is innate or not?

You seem to be looking for some simple black and white solution to any problem. Anything which is more complex is scary for you?

You don't make abnormal behavior "normal". You don't make the exception the rule. That's what's going on with marriage. LGBT seek to remove the clear robust icon and flatten it into a muddy freeforall of mental anomolies playing at man and wife. That's what happens when you allow a cult to tamper with mainstream values. The ripple effects run deep. Deeper than you will allow yourself to think. Speaking of keeping your blinders on from fear...
You don't make abnormal behavior "normal". You don't make the exception the rule. That's what's going on with marriage. LGBT seek to remove the clear robust icon and flatten it into a muddy freeforall of mental anomolies playing at man and wife. That's what happens when you allow a cult to tamper with mainstream values. The ripple effects run deep. Deeper than you will allow yourself to think. Speaking of keeping your blinders on from fear...

I don't need to even consider abnormal behaviour really.
If it's against the law, it's against the law and the law may deal with this.
If it's not against the law then the people should be able to do if they choose, it's not for me or you to tell them otherwise.

a "clear icon"? You what?

You don't want it to be a free for all? What does this mean? What, that blacks and poor people can marry? Oh come on, the vast majority of adults can marry another consenting adult as long and neither is married. But some can't.

It's already a free for all, even Muslims can marry, you know?

a cult? What cult? You think being born gay is being born into a cult? Where do you make this stuff up from?

As for "mental anomolies[anomalies]" again, it's none of your business how people are born, as a citizen of a country with human rights, you should really be promoting rights.

Ripple effects? What next? Black people taken out of slavery? Women allowed to vote? Women allowed out of their home without permission from their husband. God, the US could become a really decadent place if this happens. Right?

Let me sum up your argument.

You think gay people are someone wrong, and therefore you think you can treat them as people like you treated blacks, woman and native americans back in the past.
But we are basing this on sexuality. One and One is not the nature of bisexuality.

What am I missing?

You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

Let's recap this shall we?

You think that bisexuals will be happy choosing just one gender for a lifetime partner.

Is that a correct statement?

For you reference:

Bisexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shall we continue?

Why wouldn't they be? Just because a bisexual is attracted to both men and women does not mean they must act on their attractions. Have you ever been attracted to someone other than your life partner?
But we are basing this on sexuality. One and One is not the nature of bisexuality.

What am I missing?

You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

Let's recap this shall we?

You think that bisexuals will be happy choosing just one gender for a lifetime partner.

Is that a correct statement?

For you reference:

Bisexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shall we continue?

You may continue if you wish, with the understanding your ‘question’ has no bearing on the issue of equal protection rights.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with making anyone ‘happy,’ where you incorrectly perceive the case as being about ‘accommodating’ same sex couples, which it is not.

The case concerns the consistent application of 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the states must allow citizens access to laws they’re eligible and entitled to participate in, in this case marriage law.
You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

Let's recap this shall we?

You think that bisexuals will be happy choosing just one gender for a lifetime partner.

Is that a correct statement?

For you reference:

Bisexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shall we continue?

You may continue if you wish, with the understanding your ‘question’ has no bearing on the issue of equal protection rights.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with making anyone ‘happy,’ where you incorrectly perceive the case as being about ‘accommodating’ same sex couples, which it is not.

The case concerns the consistent application of 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the states must allow citizens access to laws they’re eligible and entitled to participate in, in this case marriage law.

All humans were eligible using the standard you seem to apply to bisexuals.

Sexuality would have no place in this discussion using your argument. Remember it is your standard that happiness does not apply.
All humans were eligible using the standard you seem to apply to bisexuals.

Sexuality would have no place in this discussion using your argument. Remember it is your standard that happiness does not apply.

Don't feed the troll people.
You do know that bisexual isn't having it off with more than one person at a time, right?

It's like being gay and straight at the same time, you just choose which one when it suits you. It's not a threesome.

Let's recap this shall we?

You think that bisexuals will be happy choosing just one gender for a lifetime partner.

Is that a correct statement?

For you reference:

Bisexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shall we continue?

Why wouldn't they be? Just because a bisexual is attracted to both men and women does not mean they must act on their attractions. Have you ever been attracted to someone other than your life partner?

A guess nobody has to act on their attractions?

Again, my equality is not in question.
All humans were eligible using the standard you seem to apply to bisexuals.

Sexuality would have no place in this discussion using your argument. Remember it is your standard that happiness does not apply.

Don't feed the troll people.

^^^^^you will starve. We don't want that, do we^^^^^**

Are the questions too tough for you. Seems to me you are not much of a forward thinker. You like relying on talking points.

Yep, I get that
Yes, the question are tough for frigidweirdo. Yet s/he accuses that others "don't want to go too deep from fear".
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