LGBTQ dems and the gay pride movements are taking things far too far now

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Eh, no. Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?

Cause: a so-called journalist harrasses my relatives in an effort to dox me, to make my physical address known to violent actors in society who disagree with me politically.

Effect: those bad actors come to my address to act out their twisted morality on me, and they get shot in the process.

This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
No, but reality seems to be.
It means that if poor little Timmy learns of the existence of gay people his face will melt.
Is that a good thing? Why can't sodomites exist in the greatest most tolerant Country in the world like everyone else without shoving fake pussies in the faces of kindergarteners?
Whatever, I'm out of this thread.

The topic was lost before I even got here.

And iceberg probably thinks that .223 bullets explode on impact.

I'm done. I have food to eat, and nobody whose sentiments I feel like stroking tonight.
No, you are choosing to act like the Chicoms always pay you to act.

Not once have you ever posted anything that did not serve them.
They appreciate your lifetime of voting in their favor far more than my inconsequential posting on this nonsene internet forum
So arrogance would be hard for me to grasp? Yeah I guess I do have depression.

Actually, you have a clear grasp of it. Putting words in my mouth, attributing positions to me I didn't take, etc and etc. Natural for a troll on this board. Natural for you.
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