Liar. High Treason. trump. Liar. You, Sucker.

Keith Olberman??? BWAHAHAAHAHA. The reject ESPN sportscaster, reject MSNBC newscaster is spewing again!!
He is just as obnoxious and stupid as he ever was. Age has not mellowed his retarded rants. This is a hoot :rofl:
doesnt matter what the source is...all that matters is weather or not its true. You dont understand that.
and with the right flooding the air with false info it gets harder and harder to figure out what's true or a lie
The left is really becoming mentally unbalanced.
think it's the future president going bonkers,,,,,gets the worst of the worst on his cabinet
Not from what I'm hearing from people that actually know what they're talking about.
lets see the climate guy wants to take regs off so you can get poisoned ,,,the labor guy is against raising min wage ,,,the mad dog guy is as another general called him demented then you have a doctor taking care of housing etc etc etc now you tell me there's nothing wrong with that
and with the right flooding the air with false info it gets harder and harder to figure out what's true or a lie
What false info?
oh come now beale don't tell me a smart guy like you hasn't heard about all false info being tweeted or on fb?

Of course. That's not what I was asking though. Most of the fake stories are on your television and in the MSM.

I was curious if you could think for yourself, or if you were being told what is fake and what is not. . . .
The left is really becoming mentally unbalanced.
think it's the future president going bonkers,,,,,gets the worst of the worst on his cabinet
Not from what I'm hearing from people that actually know what they're talking about.
lets see the climate guy wants to take regs off so you can get poisoned ,,,the labor guy is against raising min wage ,,,the mad dog guy is as another general called him demented then you have a doctor taking care of housing etc etc etc now you tell me there's nothing wrong with that

Poisoned by what?

You do know that the minimum wage is a bad idea, right?

I can't argue with your analysis of a war monger. . . OTH, it might be a good idea to have enemies fear our top general, as long as they don't actually resort to war, right?

What sort of expert would you recommend take care of HUD?
He even got fired from Current!
Keith Olberman??? BWAHAHAAHAHA. The reject ESPN sportscaster, reject MSNBC newscaster is spewing again!!
He is just as obnoxious and stupid as he ever was. Age has not mellowed his retarded rants. This is a hoot :rofl:
The left is really becoming mentally unbalanced.
think it's the future president going bonkers,,,,,gets the worst of the worst on his cabinet
Not from what I'm hearing from people that actually know what they're talking about.
lets see the climate guy wants to take regs off so you can get poisoned ,,,the labor guy is against raising min wage ,,,the mad dog guy is as another general called him demented then you have a doctor taking care of housing etc etc etc now you tell me there's nothing wrong with that
Nope, is that what's CNN is reporting. Or do you go directly to the source and watch Saturday Night Live?

No one wants to soil your air or water, the EPA has grown in size and scope to the extent that they can take over a pond on your property.

Minimum wage increases can kill jobs. Grown men should have more skills, min wage is a starter wage so they can afford you.

A general calling another demented doesn't mean much, most seem to like the pick.

Carson ran a hospital, amongst other things he was famous for. Not spending your life on the public titty shouldn't be an automatic disqualifier.
The left is really becoming mentally unbalanced.
think it's the future president going bonkers,,,,,gets the worst of the worst on his cabinet
Not from what I'm hearing from people that actually know what they're talking about.
lets see the climate guy wants to take regs off so you can get poisoned ,,,the labor guy is against raising min wage ,,,the mad dog guy is as another general called him demented then you have a doctor taking care of housing etc etc etc now you tell me there's nothing wrong with that

Poisoned by what?

You do know that the minimum wage is a bad idea, right?

I can't argue with your analysis of a war monger. . . OTH, it might be a good idea to have enemies fear our top general, as long as they don't actually resort to war, right?

What sort of expert would you recommend take care of HUD?

I recommend a person who will follow the new president's vision for the agency.

Do you think someone with a leftist's agenda should be named?

If I was the president elect, I would be working to shut the agency down.

Cities incorporate because they want to control their own destiny. I say it;s time to let them do it.

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