Lib Author: Christian Conservatives No Longer Moral Majority

Whether it's muslims or Christians liberal non believers are on their way to oblivion. They will kick and scream for awhile.
man oh man, what if someone said black PEOPLE can't keep hiding behind slavery and trying to make laws for the white people to bend their way...sheesh



In a phone interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, NBA legend Charles Barkley railed against Bible-believing "rednecks" for not being honest and simply admitting they hate gay people.

Upset over the latest religious freedom law in Indiana, Barkley claimed he was standing up against discrimination. "What's next?" he asked. Then he pondered if a Muslim customer will be next to face discrimination or perhaps a member of the military being denied service because a business owner is against war.

Barkley insisted that the religious freedom law "came after gay people" -- not the other way around. "This is just about discrimination," he insisted.

"They're not trying to trick you into their gay lifestyle," Barkley added. "They just want flowers."

Then, Barkley showed what it's like to not have a discriminatory bone in one's body:

Typical of the South, where I'm from, all these rednecks hide behind the Bible. That's what they do. That's one of the reasons the South is behind in everything. They always hide behind the Bible. It's strictly discrimination. They have selective amnesia. They just don't like gay people. I wish they would just say that.

Barkley did say that people have the right to be against same-sex marriage, but it can't be turned into a law.

Stating that cash speaks the loudest in America, the former NBA star stood behind his earlier statements asking for the removal of the Final Four and Super Bowl events from Indiana if the law isn't repealed.

Barkley said that it is "asinine" to think that discrimination against blacks can't be equated with discrimination against homosexuals. That brought him to the subject of race and to make the claim that black voices and gay voices are largely absent from these discussions:

We got all these straight people -- we got some of these religious nut jobs, I might add -- we got all straight people discussing gay problems, issues. That's why the system is wrong. That's like a bunch of white guys sitting around trying to make laws for black people.

all of it here:
Barkley All These Rednecks Hide Behind the Bible Truth Revolt
oh darn, one of the comments with Charlie Barkley barking;

Ummmm ok I will say it. Why do we give a crap what a dumb basketball player thinks about social or political issues? Did I miss something here? Are they teaching political science during timeouts at NBA games? Stick to what you know Chuck, bouncing a red ball and throwing it through a metal hoop.

Barkley All These Rednecks Hide Behind the Bible Truth Revolt
Maine, a liberal bastion, is having a resurgence of catholicism due to central American and African immigrants. New churches must be built to accommodate the newly arrived.

Why in fucks name would sun people migrate to Maine ?
If they are going that far north now, we truly are screwed forever.
Losing the majority doesn't bother me as much as losing g the morals
The terminology is so incurably mushy that no quantitative conclusion is possible.

What is a Christian conservative? The "Moral Majority" was never a statistical assertion, it was the name of an organization.

The Left has no "morals," per se. They deny the existence of Natural Law. They believe that only things that they believe are demonstrably harmful to people and treasured stuff are "evil." Moral concepts like the evil of lust, envy, and hate simply do not exist on the left, except as an accusation against people they don't like.

Christian morality - the prohibition or scorn directed at conduct that is defined as evil in the Bible - has been rapidly becoming extinct for the past fifty years, and much of this change is tolerated or even embraced by people who continue to call themselves "Christian."

When I was growing up, Christians were unanimous in their condemnation of pornography, divorce, abortion, and sodomy. Modesty was a virtue, and Christians generally refused to work on the Sabbath unless there was an extraordinary reason for doing so. Parents and people in authority were respected and obeyed even when their conduct was questionable. If you used expressions like, 'God damn," or used foul language you were punished. And you WERE punished, corporally if deemed necessary, and it was deemed the moral thing to do with your kids.

There is NFW that Christian morality prevails in this cultural shit-hole we call "America."

So believing that everyone should be treated equally under the law is immoral? Okay. But beating your kids is morally okay? Because logic?

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