Libeating a nation vs. Liberating the World - why nationalism is Fraud explained


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Let's say you manage to create a new government for your nation, or you liberate your nation. everything decided locally, by the people, controls it's own money supply, no outside interference, government that represents interests of YOUR people, not some outside bankers....BEAUTIFUL... But let us look at a bigger picture of what will happen NEXT.... Not long after your revolution, international bankers from some other nation will sneak in and begin bribing your officials, not with your own money, but with unlimited goodies that they can get in other nations (for their unlimited money). And long story short, the history will very soon REPEAT itself - now YOU may come out as a winner and a hero for the time being, for liberating your nation, you may go into history books, but in reality, you achieve NOTHING....AND I.....(and I think most other people) prefer to live under the corruption that we have now, than to have to go through all the turbulence, and essentially for nothing. (we've seen it all before)

Now if you are SERIOUS about bringing change, ending corruption, the scheme of international bankers - you will stop talking about nationalism, about your nation, you will stop trying to look like a patriot, and you will be honest enough to realize that this disease can only can only be eliminated WORLD WIDE, and not in any one nation. because no one nation is strong enough to defend itself against this disease of international bankers:

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There is no other way, and there is no argument about what I say.
There is no other way, and there is no argument about what I say.

Wrong! Your premise is faulty, and therefore, your conclusions are faulty. Bankers, and any other wealthy enterprises, will only be willing to bribe government officials, if those government officials have something to sell that is worth buying. Consequently, if one sets up a government that has nothing to sell, that government will stay pretty well corruption free.

Bankers are, and have been for over a century, in league with our federal government, but not in the way most of you liberals think. They do not control most government functions, and do not desire to control most government functions. They just work to ensure that government protects the big banks. They get their people appointed to key financial positions in the administration, and those people ensure that the government does nothing that hinders the big banks from making money. The Dodd/Frank bill is ample evidence of that.

Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution, and half of the corruption will disappear, right along with about half the lobbyists.

Return the 10th amendment to its rightful meaning, and return the general welfare clause to its rightful meaning, and most of the remaining corruption and lobbyists will disappear.

We, the people, have allowed politicians to set up a criminal enterprise in our federal government, and we need to stop it. We can not do it at the federal level, because we have lost control of the federal government. We have to do it at the state level by forcing our state politicians to pass constitutional amendments that will bring the federal government back under our control.

Then, the next asshole that shouts "democracy must rule", should be shot on sight.
There is no other way, and there is no argument about what I say.

Wrong! Your premise is faulty, and therefore, your conclusions are faulty. Bankers, and any other wealthy enterprises, will only be willing to bribe government officials, if those government officials have something to sell that is worth buying. Consequently, if one sets up a government that has nothing to sell, that government will stay pretty well corruption free.

Bankers are, and have been for over a century, in league with our federal government, but not in the way most of 1. you liberals think. They do not control most government functions, and do not desire to control most government functions. They just work to ensure that government protects the big banks. They get their people appointed to key financial positions in the administration, and those people ensure that the government does nothing that hinders the big banks from making money. The Dodd/Frank bill is ample evidence of that.

Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution, and half of the corruption will disappear, right along with about half the lobbyists.

Return the 10th amendment to its rightful meaning, and return the general welfare clause to its rightful meaning, and most of the remaining corruption and lobbyists will disappear.

We, the people, have allowed politicians to set up a criminal enterprise in our federal government, and we need to stop it. We can not do it at the federal level, because we have lost control of the federal government. We have to do it at the state level by forcing our state politicians to pass constitutional amendments that will bring the federal government back under our control.

Then, the 2. next asshole that shouts "democracy must rule", should be shot on sight.
1. WRONG - I am not a liberal.
2. So why is Bush who wanted to "bring democracy to the Iraq" is still alive?

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