Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

The only people I know right now complaining about Obamacare are Liberals. Republicans already know what is it and have moved on. Liberals are just finding out now what is in it. Irocnic ain't it? LOL

The OP is a Liberal?
Frank was hired as an analyst by a guy who made the forbes 400.

Frank thinks, that when you spend one after-tax dollar on an investment, and the investment yields you a new, second dollar, you are then taxed on both of the dollars, which would be an essential second tax on the first dollar.

But Frank, only the gained dollar is taxed at that point, not the original dollar.

The original dollar is not taxed a second or third time.
A lot of Republicans believe the way Frank does. I've never been able to figure out if they are ignorant or just lying.
Frank was hired as an analyst by a guy who made the forbes 400.

Frank thinks, that when you spend one after-tax dollar on an investment, and the investment yields you a new, second dollar, you are then taxed on both of the dollars, which would be an essential second tax on the first dollar.

But Frank, only the gained dollar is taxed at that point, not the original dollar.

The original dollar is not taxed a second or third time.
A lot of Republicans believe the way Frank does. I've never been able to figure out if they are ignorant or just lying.

I think the only way he could wrap his brain around it is to draw him a little picture. Oh heck, I just might.
Frank was hired as an analyst by a guy who made the forbes 400.

Frank thinks, that when you spend one after-tax dollar on an investment, and the investment yields you a new, second dollar, you are then taxed on both of the dollars, which would be an essential second tax on the first dollar.

But Frank, only the gained dollar is taxed at that point, not the original dollar.

The original dollar is not taxed a second or third time.

It's a distinction without a difference.

You don't make the gain unless you make the investment.
Frank was hired as an analyst by a guy who made the forbes 400.

Frank thinks, that when you spend one after-tax dollar on an investment, and the investment yields you a new, second dollar, you are then taxed on both of the dollars, which would be an essential second tax on the first dollar.

But Frank, only the gained dollar is taxed at that point, not the original dollar.

The original dollar is not taxed a second or third time.

It's a distinction without a difference.

You don't make the gain unless you make the investment.

Big difference is: you dollar is not taxed twice, or three times. The original investment is clear of the Capital Gains tax.

I cant believe you dont understand that.
You're an idiot bro, that's all I can really tell you.

To compare the employees you find and "employ" to go "work" somewhere else, to a standard small business owner's employees, is just about as (puke) as you can get.

You are a finder's fee. truly are jealous. I cant believe it. Wow. Im flattered.

A finders fee is what I got as a recruiter...yes.

My temp agency did not get finders fees. We charged by the hour...billed by the hour....

And wh did we bill at a 40% -50% markup?


Now..I used the example of the accountant...he works at the office of the client and does his he not an employee of the accounting firm?


:lol: ^

You're such a loser, bro. Wreak of prissy femininity.

You're not an accountant, bro.

You're the HR for the Companies who contract with you. You're Debbie, with the curlers in and the thick glasses reviewing resumes and giving interviews. stfu, seriously.

Your "employees" in the traditional sense are your staff, not the staff you find to fill positions for your clients. Those are still legally your employees, but for OBVIOUS reasons to anyone with a brain, do *not* make an apt. comparison when comparing your salary with that of a typical small business owner.

Anyone who has the slightest bit of intellectual honesty knows that, and anyone with a modicum of common sense knows why the comparison is fraudulent.

Yep. A jealous moron with the education of a 6th grader and nothing more.

One who has to make fun of the success of another and how that person acheived success is truly displaying jealousy.

This "Debbie" reviewing resumes was running a weekly payroll of over 400K. This chick in curlers had employees on sites of clients who had MBA's and were doing financial analyses.....and some, yes, were doing word processing. This "recruiter" had to deal with fraud and court appearances/hearings when temps forged signatures. This "good little HR boy" had to deal with unannounced field audits by the DoL......

You dont know the first thing about running a business....yet you are so quick to downplay what is involved.

Any busienss owner knows that one of the biggest headaches is dealing with the HR stuff...and would NEVER criticize or minimize the importance of it.

And again....why is an accountant considered an employee of an accounting firm, but an accountant I send to a client for a 6 month assignment NOT the same thing to me?
Since we are making up stories....

I work for a conservative business owner

I told him that our employees do not have health insurance and will go bankrupt if they have a major illness. He said screw them, they are not my problem let the taxpayer pick up their healthcare costs

I explained that I agreed with him and that businesses should not be the ones providing healthcare and that it should be a government function. He jumped up and screamed THATS SOCIALISM

I explained that his attitude is just the problem that Obamacare faced, that no matter what solution was proposed, conservatives tried to block it

He replied....LET THEM DIE

^ that
you still dont know what capital gains taxes entail.

I deleted the post and ask that you do the same

Do you deserve a pittance? you come online in your daily life to ridicule others, who you perceive to be dumb or naive.

that attitude doesn't deserve anything from me, bro.


talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

You are an embarassment to anyone who cares about you.
Frank was hired as an analyst by a guy who made the forbes 400.

Frank thinks, that when you spend one after-tax dollar on an investment, and the investment yields you a new, second dollar, you are then taxed on both of the dollars, which would be an essential second tax on the first dollar.

But Frank, only the gained dollar is taxed at that point, not the original dollar.

The original dollar is not taxed a second or third time.

It's a distinction without a difference.

You don't make the gain unless you make the investment.

Big difference is: you dollar is not taxed twice, or three times. The original investment is clear of the Capital Gains tax.

I cant believe you dont understand that.

Well, not surprisingly, you're not a good judge of what I understand truly are jealous. I cant believe it. Wow. Im flattered.

A finders fee is what I got as a recruiter...yes.

My temp agency did not get finders fees. We charged by the hour...billed by the hour....

And wh did we bill at a 40% -50% markup?


Now..I used the example of the accountant...he works at the office of the client and does his he not an employee of the accounting firm?


:lol: ^

You're such a loser, bro. Wreak of prissy femininity.

You're not an accountant, bro.

You're the HR for the Companies who contract with you. You're Debbie, with the curlers in and the thick glasses reviewing resumes and giving interviews. stfu, seriously.

Your "employees" in the traditional sense are your staff, not the staff you find to fill positions for your clients. Those are still legally your employees, but for OBVIOUS reasons to anyone with a brain, do *not* make an apt. comparison when comparing your salary with that of a typical small business owner.

Anyone who has the slightest bit of intellectual honesty knows that, and anyone with a modicum of common sense knows why the comparison is fraudulent.

Yep. A jealous moron with the education of a 6th grader and nothing more.

One who has to make fun of the success of another and how that person acheived success is truly displaying jealousy.

This "Debbie" reviewing resumes was running a weekly payroll of over 400K. This chick in curlers had employees on sites of clients who had MBA's and were doing financial analyses.....and some, yes, were doing word processing. This "recruiter" had to deal with fraud and court appearances/hearings when temps forged signatures. This "good little HR boy" had to deal with unannounced field audits by the DoL......

You dont know the first thing about running a business....yet you are so quick to downplay what is involved.

Any busienss owner knows that one of the biggest headaches is dealing with the HR stuff...and would NEVER criticize or minimize the importance of it.

And again....why is an accountant considered an employee of an accounting firm, but an accountant I send to a client for a 6 month assignment NOT the same thing to me?

You still dont get why it's not an apt comparison.

I'm betting if you think really really into the pits of why it might not be an apt just MIGHT find a clue or two, dork.

You started about your last ten posts directed at me with insults, BEFORE I insulted you once. You're getting reciprocal treatment, numbnuts. Deal with it. Your little prissy comments dont bug me one bit ya freaky fucking swinger. Grow a set of balls.
It's a distinction without a difference.

You don't make the gain unless you make the investment.

Big difference is: you dollar is not taxed twice, or three times. The original investment is clear of the Capital Gains tax.

I cant believe you dont understand that.

Well, not surprisingly, you're not a good judge of what I understand

You care to explain how it's a double or triple tax on the same dollar, then?

I mean really, you clearly can't because it's not.
I deleted the post and ask that you do the same

Do you deserve a pittance? you come online in your daily life to ridicule others, who you perceive to be dumb or naive.

that attitude doesn't deserve anything from me, bro.


talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

You are an embarassment to anyone who cares about you.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Internetz battles are for bad persons! roaaaaarrrr!!!! :lol:

dry your vagina bro. we do this.
you still dont know what capital gains taxes entail.

I deleted the post and ask that you do the same

Do you deserve a pittance? you come online in your daily life to ridicule others, who you perceive to be dumb or naive.

that attitude doesn't deserve anything from me, bro.

Technically, I only ridicule the ones who really need it, if I ridiculed every dumb and naive person here I'd never leave.

Most of the time I laugh at the sheer, towering stupidity I'm treated to here daily, it's a comedy goldmine for me. Growing up, we're all trained to believe a lot of stuff that's just not true. But some of us grow up.
I deleted the post and ask that you do the same

Do you deserve a pittance? you come online in your daily life to ridicule others, who you perceive to be dumb or naive.

that attitude doesn't deserve anything from me, bro.

Technically, I only ridicule the ones who really need it, if I ridiculed every dumb and naive person here I'd never leave.

Most of the time I laugh at the sheer, towering stupidity I'm treated to here daily, it's a comedy goldmine for me. Growing up, we're all trained to believe a lot of stuff that's just not true. But some of us grow up.

Too bad that's not you, Birther.

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