Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

lol...diversion from my post.

Im ok with it.

Even at the darkest moment I would never do something I assured someone I wouldnt do.

Shows your lack of integrity.

And I am OK with that as well.

Lack of integrity?

Ok, you stated how many posts ago you'd block me?


You couldn't stay away.

your integrity is lost. You're an overly obsessed partisan who, as an actual fucking hobby, likes to argue for no reason.

You didnt even know about the exemption for the first 30 employees, but are magically in a thread about the effects of aca.

You admittedly didnt even know how the aca defined large business.

Fuck outta here. You pick your arguments, do the research later. you're working backwards, tired assed gremlin.

lol....the visual I got was you banging on your keyboard...not pretty.

Sure...I blocked you out of anger from your insults...but I opted to give it a second shot....sorry that disturbed you.

As for arguing as a hobby...

Take note....I responded to Jillian and explained to her how I was a business owner with many employees and I dont go on $100,000 vacations...and you chimed in knocking my industry and how we are a racket and how I am nothing but a recruiter...blah blah blah....

The point was never about my industry...the point was that there are plenty of companies out there of 200, 300, 500 employees where the owner does not make millions of dollars.....but you opted to attack me and my industry...

As for not knowing about the ACA...never claimed I did...I bowed out of business before it became a factor....earlly on, my Obama supporter mind you....gave me bits and pieces about it per my request...and many of his answers gave me reason to finally bow out...and some of his answers gave me reason to stay in....but I opted to bow out.

I came in the thread to the op...commented on it...then g5000 or whatever his name is told me to read his post. I did...thanked him...asked some questions...did some research...and now know more...for this is a debate board where if I am wrong, and someone can show me where I am wrong, I can learn from I did today.

As for the rest of your rant...take a chill pill.

As for proimising not to do something and doing it anyway out of frustration? Shit hard feelings. I was wrong...not a sign of lack of intergity. Simply an error during a frustrating moment. I dont hold it against you. you pits.

Lack of integrity?

Ok, you stated how many posts ago you'd block me?


You couldn't stay away.

your integrity is lost. You're an overly obsessed partisan who, as an actual fucking hobby, likes to argue for no reason.

You didnt even know about the exemption for the first 30 employees, but are magically in a thread about the effects of aca.

You admittedly didnt even know how the aca defined large business.

Fuck outta here. You pick your arguments, do the research later. you're working backwards, tired assed gremlin.

lol....the visual I got was you banging on your keyboard...not pretty.

Sure...I blocked you out of anger from your insults...but I opted to give it a second shot....sorry that disturbed you.

As for arguing as a hobby...

Take note....I responded to Jillian and explained to her how I was a business owner with many employees and I dont go on $100,000 vacations...and you chimed in knocking my industry and how we are a racket and how I am nothing but a recruiter...blah blah blah....

The point was never about my industry...the point was that there are plenty of companies out there of 200, 300, 500 employees where the owner does not make millions of dollars.....but you opted to attack me and my industry...

As for not knowing about the ACA...never claimed I did...I bowed out of business before it became a factor....earlly on, my Obama supporter mind you....gave me bits and pieces about it per my request...and many of his answers gave me reason to finally bow out...and some of his answers gave me reason to stay in....but I opted to bow out.

I came in the thread to the op...commented on it...then g5000 or whatever his name is told me to read his post. I did...thanked him...asked some questions...did some research...and now know more...for this is a debate board where if I am wrong, and someone can show me where I am wrong, I can learn from I did today.

As for the rest of your rant...take a chill pill.

As for proimising not to do something and doing it anyway out of frustration? Shit hard feelings. I was wrong...not a sign of lack of intergity. Simply an error during a frustrating moment. I dont hold it against you. you pits.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: laugh at my hypocrisy I assume?

I admit I reacted out of anger...and told you to take a chill pill as it was quite obvious YOU were angry..

That is not hypocrisy....that is admitting being wrong and suggesting another not to do the same.

But seeing as you just want to conitnue acting like a child...I will bow out and let you have all the fun you want.
lol....the visual I got was you banging on your keyboard...not pretty.

Sure...I blocked you out of anger from your insults...but I opted to give it a second shot....sorry that disturbed you.

As for arguing as a hobby...

Take note....I responded to Jillian and explained to her how I was a business owner with many employees and I dont go on $100,000 vacations...and you chimed in knocking my industry and how we are a racket and how I am nothing but a recruiter...blah blah blah....

The point was never about my industry...the point was that there are plenty of companies out there of 200, 300, 500 employees where the owner does not make millions of dollars.....but you opted to attack me and my industry...

As for not knowing about the ACA...never claimed I did...I bowed out of business before it became a factor....earlly on, my Obama supporter mind you....gave me bits and pieces about it per my request...and many of his answers gave me reason to finally bow out...and some of his answers gave me reason to stay in....but I opted to bow out.

I came in the thread to the op...commented on it...then g5000 or whatever his name is told me to read his post. I did...thanked him...asked some questions...did some research...and now know more...for this is a debate board where if I am wrong, and someone can show me where I am wrong, I can learn from I did today.

As for the rest of your rant...take a chill pill.

As for proimising not to do something and doing it anyway out of frustration? Shit hard feelings. I was wrong...not a sign of lack of intergity. Simply an error during a frustrating moment. I dont hold it against you. you pits.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: laugh at my hypocrisy I assume?

I admit I reacted out of anger...and told you to take a chill pill as it was quite obvious YOU were angry..

That is not hypocrisy....that is admitting being wrong and suggesting another not to do the same.

But seeing as you just want to conitnue acting like a child...I will bow out and let you have all the fun you want.

You couldnt make me angry if you threw dirt on my dead relatives or my living loved ones, on a message board.

I dont catch feelings like that, bro. laugh at my hypocrisy I assume?

I admit I reacted out of anger...and told you to take a chill pill as it was quite obvious YOU were angry..

That is not hypocrisy....that is admitting being wrong and suggesting another not to do the same.

But seeing as you just want to conitnue acting like a child...I will bow out and let you have all the fun you want.

You couldnt make me angry if you threw dirt on my dead relatives or my living loved ones, on a message board.

I dont catch feelings like that, bro.


Then your approach is confusing....for it most certainly came across as anger.

So tell threw in that little item of mine that you assured you would keep to yourself with total control of your emotions?
Some people tend to put the best interest of their country ahead of their personal wealth. Warren Buffet supported Obama. He'll find ways to build his businesses, and probably figure out ways to leverage the improved health of his workers.

If someone I paid to manage my business came to me and said we can't grow because we're moving toward universal health care, I'd think about hiring someone who told me how I can grow. I'd prefer hiring a systems thinker, who thought of the here and now, and gave me an optimal strategy. I wouldn't want some pea brain partisan hack telling me how I voted limited my growth potential. Too bad managers aren't required to take course work in operations research.

I've worked for, and managed groups for, companies who did quite a bit of work for federal, state, and city governments. When we grew to the point where small business set asides were at risk, we didn't whine about not growing. The task was to figure out how to grow. Maybe you're not cut out to be a manager.

This is like saying, when the Nazi's came and imprisoned, then slaughtered the Jews, the Jews got exactly what they deserved because they were not "systems thinkers" and too stupid to figure out an "optimal strategy" for their current conditions :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, you can't make this shit up. This is how fucking stupid the idiot liberal dumbocrats are. On one hand, they cry, whine, piss, and moan that they can't get ahead because the evil rich have all the advantage. Then, when government over steps it's authority with actual dictatorial oppression, because it's their side of the aisle, they say "figure out how to operate against oppression". It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

Dumbocrats can't figure out how to operate in the open, free market. But expect conservatives to figure out to operate under pure, unadulterated communism. laugh at my hypocrisy I assume?

I admit I reacted out of anger...and told you to take a chill pill as it was quite obvious YOU were angry..

That is not hypocrisy....that is admitting being wrong and suggesting another not to do the same.

But seeing as you just want to conitnue acting like a child...I will bow out and let you have all the fun you want.

You couldnt make me angry if you threw dirt on my dead relatives or my living loved ones, on a message board.

I dont catch feelings like that, bro.


Then your approach is confusing....for it most certainly came across as anger.

So tell threw in that little item of mine that you assured you would keep to yourself with total control of your emotions?

I fight fire with fire, there's no empathy for the enemy and once you start swatting at my integrity of my saying I'm employed and shit? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeert, sorry but, Homey don't play that (circa Wayans bros, In Living Color).

Sorry, but for places like Papa Johns and Walmart, it IS about greed.

And their positions aren't doing them any favors...

Papa John's Obamacare Stance Costs Company Its Reputation: Study

Sorry Sewytch, but for idiot liberal dumbocrats, it IS all about greed. No matter how much you parasites take, it is never enough. Why don't you educated yourself for once and look at "poverty" in America. This is the idiot liberal dumbocrats idea of "poverty"... :rofl:. And you guys want MORE...

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox
The Looney Lefties never cease to amaze me!!!

Someone posts a logical item about the sheite being forced upon employers and the Libturds instantly start their screaming rants about how it's a lie or the person posting it should not be in the position s/he holds. :mad:

They are entirely incapable of discussing it in an open and civil manner.

READ THE LAW! Not portions that suite your Libturd ideals but the entire thing that will wipe out tens of thousands of small bussinesses and put millions either on part-time or on the unemployment lines - which is EXACTLY what Obozo wants!!! :mad:
You couldnt make me angry if you threw dirt on my dead relatives or my living loved ones, on a message board.

I dont catch feelings like that, bro.


Then your approach is confusing....for it most certainly came across as anger.

So tell threw in that little item of mine that you assured you would keep to yourself with total control of your emotions?

I fight fire with fire, there's no empathy for the enemy and once you start swatting at my integrity of my saying I'm employed and shit? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeert, sorry but, Homey don't play that (circa Wayans bros, In Living Color).



so the need to fight fire with fire even if it means going back on your word....I can understand that in real life. I would likely do the same..

But on a messageboard? Where nothing gets you angry? Nothing is really important? There you find the need to fight fire with fire and go back on your word?

Well take this board WAY too seriously...and obviously more seriously than you want us to believe.

Then your approach is confusing....for it most certainly came across as anger.

So tell threw in that little item of mine that you assured you would keep to yourself with total control of your emotions?

I fight fire with fire, there's no empathy for the enemy and once you start swatting at my integrity of my saying I'm employed and shit? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeert, sorry but, Homey don't play that (circa Wayans bros, In Living Color).



so the need to fight fire with fire even if it means going back on your word....I can understand that in real life. I would likely do the same..

But on a messageboard? Where nothing gets you angry? Nothing is really important? There you find the need to fight fire with fire and go back on your word?

Well take this board WAY too seriously...and obviously more seriously than you want us to believe.

:lol: oh, aight bro.

It couldnt be that - I dont cater to those I dont respect, and I dont respect someone who gets down like that. N'aw, nuttin' like that. I was uber mad and gushing with rage.
So I have to share this because it really pisses me off. So I manage a business for two owners who are absolutely fabulous people...I mean wonderful people and I love them to death...but they are flaming liberals and can't see their hand two inches past their nose. So prior to the election they tasked me with setting up a plan fo expansion into a second location. Now I know the books and so the other day we meet and ask my plan and my response was: "I don't think we can expand now"

"Why not?" they asked confused.

"Well," I said. "Right now our company has 47 employees. Expanding to a second locaton will put us over the 50 employee limit on Obamacare and we will have to pay health benefits for every one of our employees or pay the fine to avoid it. After looking at the books, that will bankrupt us." I explained.

"But our business is ready to take the next step." they said to me.

"Yes it is," I responded "but we can't afford to anymore. The good old days of expanding according to sales and demand are over." I explained. "That's not the way it works anymore."

"Well why not?" they asked sincerely.

"Well because of the Affordable Health Care Act" I said. I then explained all the implications and do you know what their response was? These flaming liberals who voted for Obama and pounded the "health care is a human right" angle? Know what they said to me? They said "Well we have to find a loophole to get out of this. We can't afford that. it will end our business."

I was tempted at that point to reach across the table and strangle them both screaming "this is what you voted for mother fuckers!!!!" but I kept my cool. I said slowly "the business landscape has changed. Now here are our options.....#1 cut every employee to below 30 hours a week. If they go over 30 hours we fire them on the spot."

"Well how will they support their families on only 30 hours a week?" they asked.

"If they go over 30 hours after the expansion," I explained "then you will support their families directly from your own pocket because the business cannot sustain the expense incurred by Obamacare." I got incredulous at this point. "Jesus fucking Christ have you not been paying attention?" I was met with silence.

"Now the other option is to expand to the new location but to sub-contract labor to a different entity. Technically, you will have no new employees and be under the 50 cap. On the other hand you have to entrust your labor to a totally different business...and don't even think about creating a dummy corporation yourself to hire those workers under unless you want a nice battle with the IRS for fraud. It will have to be a completely unrelated business with totally unrelated ownership."

So after a while of them thinking they looked at me and asked.

"So what you are saying is that we can't expand our business unless we slash the hours of our employees who need every hour they can get, sub-contract out our labor an allow an independent business to control our labor, or just say fuck it and not expand at all?"

i said "Yep"

"THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT" they screamed

"That's what you voted for" I said calmly risking my job.

I didn't get fired. The expansion will not take place. 45 jobs set and ready just got lost thanks to Obamacare.

"Well why not?" they asked sincerely.""
Puhleeze.....That story is what is bullshit. But that's a nice copy n' paste from the rightwing email loop you are on.
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I'm editing my post to include g5000's total debunking of your thread, see below. It would be nice if you came back and admitted that you are full of shit.

What is it?

First, I will quote the relevant bits from Section 1513 of the PPACA. Then, I will explain what it means.

You need this:

And this:

‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The number of individuals employed
by an applicable large employer as full-time
employees during any month shall be reduced by 30
solely for purposes of calculating—
‘‘(I) the assessable payment under subsection
(a), or
‘‘(II) the overall limitation under subsection
‘‘(ii) AGGREGATION.—In the case of persons treated
as 1 employer under subparagraph (C)(i), only 1 reduction
under subclause (I) or (II) shall be allowed with
respect to such persons and such reduction shall be allocated
among such persons ratably on the basis of the
number of full-time employees employed by each such

What this means is that a company that does not provide health insurance is susceptible to penalties only if the employees get federal subsidies to buy their health insurance. But in addition to that, to avoid the very kind of disincentive Blue Phantom made up in the OP, whereby an employer with 49 employees decides not to hire more people because it would push him over the 50 employee floor, the second part that I quoted means that for purposes of the penalties, the first 30 employees are not counted toward the penalties.

Wow! Talk about "making shit up". G500's interpretation is here is pure, unadulterated bullshit. He's really hoping that someone won't take the time to read the legal jargon or his own assessment of it. :lol:

Just because "the first 30 employees are not counted toward the penalties" doesn't mean a damn thing. There STILL will be penalties, and the entire cost of this unconstitutional monstrosity, coupled with the costs of not adhering to this uconstitutional monstrosity, makes the entire thing prohibitive to expansion, as outlined by the OP.

It only takes an ounce of fuck'n common sense (which is why the idiot liberal dumbocrat doesn't understand this) to realize just what a massive negative impact this will have on businesses ability to operate and expand if you just look at how many "waivers" have been granted by the Obama Administration to their liberal pals. In one month alone (April of 2011), the Obama Administration issued an astounding 204 waivers, over 20% of which went to Nancy Pelosi's district. How odd that the people who pushed the hardest for Obmacare and who WROTE Obamacare are issuing waivers to their political allies... There are literally THOUSANDS of waivers now nation wide. Why? I thought Obamacare was a "good" thing that was going to "help"? I thought it was going to LOWER cost? Why would anyone want a waiver from lowering their own costs of doing business? I thought it was going to CREATE jobs? Why would anyone want a waiver from creating jobs?

No matter how hard you guys try to push your spin, I'll be right here debunking the myth and exposing the b.s. for what it is.
I fight fire with fire, there's no empathy for the enemy and once you start swatting at my integrity of my saying I'm employed and shit? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeert, sorry but, Homey don't play that (circa Wayans bros, In Living Color).



so the need to fight fire with fire even if it means going back on your word....I can understand that in real life. I would likely do the same..

But on a messageboard? Where nothing gets you angry? Nothing is really important? There you find the need to fight fire with fire and go back on your word?

Well take this board WAY too seriously...and obviously more seriously than you want us to believe.

:lol: oh, aight bro.

It couldnt be that - I dont cater to those I dont respect, and I dont respect someone who gets down like that. N'aw, nuttin' like that. I was uber mad and gushing with rage.
Fair enough of a response. I also dont respect it...we gave it up a while ago. It was interesting as a novelty after 28 years of marriage....but we laugh about it now.

so the need to fight fire with fire even if it means going back on your word....I can understand that in real life. I would likely do the same..

But on a messageboard? Where nothing gets you angry? Nothing is really important? There you find the need to fight fire with fire and go back on your word?

Well take this board WAY too seriously...and obviously more seriously than you want us to believe.

:lol: oh, aight bro.

It couldnt be that - I dont cater to those I dont respect, and I dont respect someone who gets down like that. N'aw, nuttin' like that. I was uber mad and gushing with rage.
Fair enough of a response. I also dont respect it...we gave it up a while ago. It was interesting as a novelty after 28 years of marriage....but we laugh about it now.

I meant someone who gets down like you do, on this messageboard.

Not the act we're talking about. Thats a different story, maybe same reaction and maybe not - I'd let ya know that reaction when I feel disrespected again.
:lol: oh, aight bro.

It couldnt be that - I dont cater to those I dont respect, and I dont respect someone who gets down like that. N'aw, nuttin' like that. I was uber mad and gushing with rage.
Fair enough of a response. I also dont respect it...we gave it up a while ago. It was interesting as a novelty after 28 years of marriage....but we laugh about it now.

I meant someone who gets down like you do, on this messageboard.

Not the act we're talking about. Thats a different story, maybe same reaction and maybe not - I'd let ya know that reaction when I feel disrespected again.

trust me bro....dont respect it....freaking weird man...really weird.
Fair enough of a response. I also dont respect it...we gave it up a while ago. It was interesting as a novelty after 28 years of marriage....but we laugh about it now.

I meant someone who gets down like you do, on this messageboard.

Not the act we're talking about. Thats a different story, maybe same reaction and maybe not - I'd let ya know that reaction when I feel disrespected again.

trust me bro....dont respect it....freaking weird man...really weird.

I think the lack of jealousy (to THAT extreme) in a couple isn't all that healthy, really. But I could see all different sides to the argument so it's not something I'd argue.
I meant someone who gets down like you do, on this messageboard.

Not the act we're talking about. Thats a different story, maybe same reaction and maybe not - I'd let ya know that reaction when I feel disrespected again.

trust me bro....dont respect it....freaking weird man...really weird.

I think the lack of jealousy (to THAT extreme) in a couple isn't all that healthy, really. But I could see all different sides to the argument so it's not something I'd argue.

after 28 years of marriage and deep true love, jealousy has completely become non existant. .....see me in a few will see what I mean.

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