Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

Big difference is: you dollar is not taxed twice, or three times. The original investment is clear of the Capital Gains tax.

I cant believe you dont understand that.

Well, not surprisingly, you're not a good judge of what I understand

You care to explain how it's a double or triple tax on the same dollar, then?

I mean really, you clearly can't because it's not.

You stuck on this idea that it's just a dollar and that what you do with it shouldn't make a difference. If you use your income to buy McDonalds products you pay no additional income tax on it, but if you buy McDonalds stock, you get taxed again.
:lol: ^

You're such a loser, bro. Wreak of prissy femininity.

You're not an accountant, bro.

You're the HR for the Companies who contract with you. You're Debbie, with the curlers in and the thick glasses reviewing resumes and giving interviews. stfu, seriously.

Your "employees" in the traditional sense are your staff, not the staff you find to fill positions for your clients. Those are still legally your employees, but for OBVIOUS reasons to anyone with a brain, do *not* make an apt. comparison when comparing your salary with that of a typical small business owner.

Anyone who has the slightest bit of intellectual honesty knows that, and anyone with a modicum of common sense knows why the comparison is fraudulent.

Yep. A jealous moron with the education of a 6th grader and nothing more.

One who has to make fun of the success of another and how that person acheived success is truly displaying jealousy.

This "Debbie" reviewing resumes was running a weekly payroll of over 400K. This chick in curlers had employees on sites of clients who had MBA's and were doing financial analyses.....and some, yes, were doing word processing. This "recruiter" had to deal with fraud and court appearances/hearings when temps forged signatures. This "good little HR boy" had to deal with unannounced field audits by the DoL......

You dont know the first thing about running a business....yet you are so quick to downplay what is involved.

Any busienss owner knows that one of the biggest headaches is dealing with the HR stuff...and would NEVER criticize or minimize the importance of it.

And again....why is an accountant considered an employee of an accounting firm, but an accountant I send to a client for a 6 month assignment NOT the same thing to me?

You still dont get why it's not an apt comparison.

I'm betting if you think really really into the pits of why it might not be an apt just MIGHT find a clue or two, dork.

You started about your last ten posts directed at me with insults, BEFORE I insulted you once. You're getting reciprocal treatment, numbnuts. Deal with it. Your little prissy comments dont bug me one bit ya freaky fucking swinger. Grow a set of balls. refuse to get why it IS an apt copmparison.

I ran a company. I had 325 employees at its peak. I had operating costs associated with 325 employees. I had payroll associated with 325 employees. I had the leagal iussues associated with 325 employees. I had to train them. I sometimes had to dress them..(uniforms required by clients).

I had to worry about them....and THAT was more of a burden than if they worked on MY premises...

If one had a fight with another on my big deal. One of mine with another on the premises of a client? REALLY big deal.

One on my premises fucks big deal. One fucks up on the premises of a client? I may lose the client.

One doesnt show up for work on my big deal.

One doesnt show up for work on the prmises of my client? A REALLY big deal.

I dont know why you think running my business is any different than running any is idenitcal in almost all aspects....and in many cases as I just demonstrated...even MORE stressful
actually, yes it is, compared to the size of a mega corp of which she was speaking in terms of bonuses, etc. People familiar with business operations internally know this. Unless they have an unlimited well of resources it will be tough for many. People honestly have know idea the expenses within a company just to employ someone. Their prfit margins are much less than many ever realize.
Here is something for you to chew on -

Now you increase the cost of an employee by 10%, where does that leave you? Does it leave you the ability to withstand a downturn in an economy? Does it leave you the ability to actually expand with that small of a margin? Look deeply at the facts and you will see what is as stake here. People seem to think that margins are high- for most businesses it is not and they can be just one disaster away from failure.
One other factor that is not beling looked at is those that have fuel costs. The cost of fuel, whether in utilities, or gas, rising cost of materials, food, etc. is also cutting into those slim profit margins.

these terms like "small business" have's not..."well, small when compared to:"

"small business" isn't any more rigidly define than "short person"

WRONG! There is a set, legal definition of "small business". If the government was taxing height, there'd be one for "short person", too.

Title 13, Part 121 of the Code of Federal Regulations - 500 or fewer employees for most manufacturing and mining industries (a few industries permit up to 750, 1000 or 1,500 employees)

100 or fewer employees for all wholesale trade industries

$6 million per year in sales receipts for most retail and service industries (with some exceptions)

$27.5 million per year in sales receipts for most general & heavy construction industries

$11.5 million per year in sales receipts for all special trade contractors

$0.5 million per year in sales receipts for most agricultural, forestry and fishing industries
Well, not surprisingly, you're not a good judge of what I understand

You care to explain how it's a double or triple tax on the same dollar, then?

I mean really, you clearly can't because it's not.

You stuck on this idea that it's just a dollar and that what you do with it shouldn't make a difference. If you use your income to buy McDonalds products you pay no additional income tax on it, but if you buy McDonalds stock, you get taxed again.

^ Ignorance.

If you use your income to buy McDonalds products, you are taxed a sales tax. (but that part is irrelevant)

If you use your income to PURCHASE MORE INCOME, which is what playing stocks in effect is, only the NEW income is taxed. Not the original income that was already taxed.

New income
Minus original investment
=taxable amount.

Next, I'm seriously opening up paint and drawing you a little picture with crayons and glitter glue.
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Well, not surprisingly, you're not a good judge of what I understand

You care to explain how it's a double or triple tax on the same dollar, then?

I mean really, you clearly can't because it's not.

You stuck on this idea that it's just a dollar and that what you do with it shouldn't make a difference. If you use your income to buy McDonalds products you pay no additional income tax on it, but if you buy McDonalds stock, you get taxed again.
Only if you make money. You can stick it under your mattress, Frances, and never be taxed again.

Are you lying or just ignorant? This is a serious question.
Yep. A jealous moron with the education of a 6th grader and nothing more.

One who has to make fun of the success of another and how that person acheived success is truly displaying jealousy.

This "Debbie" reviewing resumes was running a weekly payroll of over 400K. This chick in curlers had employees on sites of clients who had MBA's and were doing financial analyses.....and some, yes, were doing word processing. This "recruiter" had to deal with fraud and court appearances/hearings when temps forged signatures. This "good little HR boy" had to deal with unannounced field audits by the DoL......

You dont know the first thing about running a business....yet you are so quick to downplay what is involved.

Any busienss owner knows that one of the biggest headaches is dealing with the HR stuff...and would NEVER criticize or minimize the importance of it.

And again....why is an accountant considered an employee of an accounting firm, but an accountant I send to a client for a 6 month assignment NOT the same thing to me?

You still dont get why it's not an apt comparison.

I'm betting if you think really really into the pits of why it might not be an apt just MIGHT find a clue or two, dork.

You started about your last ten posts directed at me with insults, BEFORE I insulted you once. You're getting reciprocal treatment, numbnuts. Deal with it. Your little prissy comments dont bug me one bit ya freaky fucking swinger. Grow a set of balls. refuse to get why it IS an apt copmparison.

I ran a company. I had 325 employees at its peak. I had operating costs associated with 325 employees. I had payroll associated with 325 employees. I had the leagal iussues associated with 325 employees. I had to train them. I sometimes had to dress them..(uniforms required by clients).

I had to worry about them....and THAT was more of a burden than if they worked on MY premises...

If one had a fight with another on my big deal. One of mine with another on the premises of a client? REALLY big deal.

One on my premises fucks big deal. One fucks up on the premises of a client? I may lose the client.

One doesnt show up for work on my big deal.

One doesnt show up for work on the prmises of my client? A REALLY big deal.

I dont know why you think running my business is any different than running any is idenitcal in almost all aspects....and in many cases as I just demonstrated...even MORE stressful

^ blocked me how many posts ago?

fuck off, bro. your insults got the best of this conversation and that's all you'll be treated to here on out, swinger.
You still dont get why it's not an apt comparison.

I'm betting if you think really really into the pits of why it might not be an apt just MIGHT find a clue or two, dork.

You started about your last ten posts directed at me with insults, BEFORE I insulted you once. You're getting reciprocal treatment, numbnuts. Deal with it. Your little prissy comments dont bug me one bit ya freaky fucking swinger. Grow a set of balls. refuse to get why it IS an apt copmparison.

I ran a company. I had 325 employees at its peak. I had operating costs associated with 325 employees. I had payroll associated with 325 employees. I had the leagal iussues associated with 325 employees. I had to train them. I sometimes had to dress them..(uniforms required by clients).

I had to worry about them....and THAT was more of a burden than if they worked on MY premises...

If one had a fight with another on my big deal. One of mine with another on the premises of a client? REALLY big deal.

One on my premises fucks big deal. One fucks up on the premises of a client? I may lose the client.

One doesnt show up for work on my big deal.

One doesnt show up for work on the prmises of my client? A REALLY big deal.

I dont know why you think running my business is any different than running any is idenitcal in almost all aspects....and in many cases as I just demonstrated...even MORE stressful

^ blocked me how many posts ago?

fuck off, bro. your insults got the best of this conversation and that's all you'll be treated to here on out, swinger.

lol...diversion from my post.

Im ok with it.

Even at the darkest moment I would never do something I assured someone I wouldnt do.

Shows your lack of integrity.

And I am OK with that as well. refuse to get why it IS an apt copmparison.

I ran a company. I had 325 employees at its peak. I had operating costs associated with 325 employees. I had payroll associated with 325 employees. I had the leagal iussues associated with 325 employees. I had to train them. I sometimes had to dress them..(uniforms required by clients).

I had to worry about them....and THAT was more of a burden than if they worked on MY premises...

If one had a fight with another on my big deal. One of mine with another on the premises of a client? REALLY big deal.

One on my premises fucks big deal. One fucks up on the premises of a client? I may lose the client.

One doesnt show up for work on my big deal.

One doesnt show up for work on the prmises of my client? A REALLY big deal.

I dont know why you think running my business is any different than running any is idenitcal in almost all aspects....and in many cases as I just demonstrated...even MORE stressful

^ blocked me how many posts ago?

fuck off, bro. your insults got the best of this conversation and that's all you'll be treated to here on out, swinger.

lol...diversion from my post.

Im ok with it.

Even at the darkest moment I would never do something I assured someone I wouldnt do.

Shows your lack of integrity.

And I am OK with that as well.

Lack of integrity?

Ok, you stated how many posts ago you'd block me?


You couldn't stay away.

your integrity is lost. You're an overly obsessed partisan who, as an actual fucking hobby, likes to argue for no reason.

You didnt even know about the exemption for the first 30 employees, but are magically in a thread about the effects of aca.

You admittedly didnt even know how the aca defined large business.

Fuck outta here. You pick your arguments, do the research later. you're working backwards, tired assed gremlin.
Look at the people that thanked the OP's lie: Avorysuds (Today), boedicca (Today), chesswarsnow (Today), Claudette (Today), CrusaderFrank (Today), Freewill (Today), healthmyths (Today), kwc57 (Today), Newby (Today), Si modo (Today), TNHarley (Today), tooAlive (Today)

I have to admit I am always surprised when wingnuts applaud the lies of other wingnuts. I just don't understand it.
Look at the people that thanked the OP's lie: Avorysuds (Today), boedicca (Today), chesswarsnow (Today), Claudette (Today), CrusaderFrank (Today), Freewill (Today), healthmyths (Today), kwc57 (Today), Newby (Today), Si modo (Today), TNHarley (Today), tooAlive (Today)

I have to admit I am always surprised when wingnuts applaud the lies of other wingnuts. I just don't understand it.

Let's see who thanks you for that
You care to explain how it's a double or triple tax on the same dollar, then?

I mean really, you clearly can't because it's not.

You stuck on this idea that it's just a dollar and that what you do with it shouldn't make a difference. If you use your income to buy McDonalds products you pay no additional income tax on it, but if you buy McDonalds stock, you get taxed again.
Only if you make money. You can stick it under your mattress, Frances, and never be taxed again.

Are you lying or just ignorant? This is a serious question.
Too much of a wuss to answer is Frances.
The only people I know right now complaining about Obamacare are Liberals. Republicans already know what is it and have moved on. Liberals are just finding out now what is in it. Irocnic ain't it? LOL

The OP is a Liberal?

Technically, the OP wasn't complaining about Obamacare. He was complaining about his liberal employers just now figuring out what they voted for and bitching about it.
Here's the thing. :D

If you are an employee working in a high income job, your employer probably sponsors your health insurance to the tune of at least $10,000 a year. That is on top of your income. And you are not taxed for any of that $10,000 benefit. That's a tax free gift from Uncle Santa to you worth a box full of ObamaPhones.

Under ObamaCare, you are fucked. Because if your employer decides to no longer insure you, the MOST he will be fined is $2,000. That is a lot less than your current $10,000 health insurance benefit coming out of his pocket.

And chances are that your employer won't be fined a single cent since you are being paid more than 400 percent above poverty level and therefore won't qualify for a federal subsidy.

If you work for a business that does not pay the big bucks, and your employer does not insure you, you will qualify for a federal subsidy and your employer will be fined $2,000.

ObamaCare is a boon to big businesses that want to kill their smaller competitors. It's win/win for them.

That's an interesting way of looking at it and I'm surprised that Republicans didn't embrace it if true. Oh wait, they did when it was there idea back when Clinton was president.
I made sure this reached the level of its intended end user, lmaO....

You stuck on this idea that it's just a dollar and that what you do with it shouldn't make a difference. If you use your income to buy McDonalds products you pay no additional income tax on it, but if you buy McDonalds stock, you get taxed again.
Only if you make money. You can stick it under your mattress, Frances, and never be taxed again.

Are you lying or just ignorant? This is a serious question.
Too much of a wuss to answer is Frances.

So, as I've said many, many times already, no investment = no tax.
I made sure this reached the level of its intended end user, lmaO....


Yeah, that's about what I expected from you.

If you still don't get it, I can do a fly-over on a small air craft....or hire a monkey to fling pooh towards a diagram.

The dollars aren't taxed two and three times, bro. Might wanna admit when you're wrong, once in a while, and instead of your stupid fucking quips try explaining to all of us know nothings how the same buck is in effect being taxed two and three times, as you claimed.
Here's the math problem formation:

Aftertax dollar number one, creates new income. We call this dollar number two.

So your account now has $2.

You cap gains isnt taxed on $2.

It's taxed on $1. The new one.
So I have to share this because it really pisses me off. So I manage a business for two owners who are absolutely fabulous people...I mean wonderful people and I love them to death...but they are flaming liberals and can't see their hand two inches past their nose. So prior to the election they tasked me with setting up a plan fo expansion into a second location. Now I know the books and so the other day we meet and ask my plan and my response was: "I don't think we can expand now"

"Why not?" they asked confused.

"Well," I said. "Right now our company has 47 employees. Expanding to a second locaton will put us over the 50 employee limit on Obamacare and we will have to pay health benefits for every one of our employees or pay the fine to avoid it. After looking at the books, that will bankrupt us." I explained.

"But our business is ready to take the next step." they said to me.

"Yes it is," I responded "but we can't afford to anymore. The good old days of expanding according to sales and demand are over." I explained. "That's not the way it works anymore."

"Well why not?" they asked sincerely.

"Well because of the Affordable Health Care Act" I said. I then explained all the implications and do you know what their response was? These flaming liberals who voted for Obama and pounded the "health care is a human right" angle? Know what they said to me? They said "Well we have to find a loophole to get out of this. We can't afford that. it will end our business."

I was tempted at that point to reach across the table and strangle them both screaming "this is what you voted for mother fuckers!!!!" but I kept my cool. I said slowly "the business landscape has changed. Now here are our options.....#1 cut every employee to below 30 hours a week. If they go over 30 hours we fire them on the spot."

"Well how will they support their families on only 30 hours a week?" they asked.

"If they go over 30 hours after the expansion," I explained "then you will support their families directly from your own pocket because the business cannot sustain the expense incurred by Obamacare." I got incredulous at this point. "Jesus fucking Christ have you not been paying attention?" I was met with silence.

"Now the other option is to expand to the new location but to sub-contract labor to a different entity. Technically, you will have no new employees and be under the 50 cap. On the other hand you have to entrust your labor to a totally different business...and don't even think about creating a dummy corporation yourself to hire those workers under unless you want a nice battle with the IRS for fraud. It will have to be a completely unrelated business with totally unrelated ownership."

So after a while of them thinking they looked at me and asked.

"So what you are saying is that we can't expand our business unless we slash the hours of our employees who need every hour they can get, sub-contract out our labor an allow an independent business to control our labor, or just say fuck it and not expand at all?"

i said "Yep"

"THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT" they screamed

"That's what you voted for" I said calmly risking my job.

I didn't get fired. The expansion will not take place. 45 jobs set and ready just got lost thanks to Obamacare.
They obviously need one less incompetent employee.
^ blocked me how many posts ago?

fuck off, bro. your insults got the best of this conversation and that's all you'll be treated to here on out, swinger.

lol...diversion from my post.

Im ok with it.

Even at the darkest moment I would never do something I assured someone I wouldnt do.

Shows your lack of integrity.

And I am OK with that as well.

Lack of integrity?

Ok, you stated how many posts ago you'd block me?


You couldn't stay away.

your integrity is lost. You're an overly obsessed partisan who, as an actual fucking hobby, likes to argue for no reason.

You didnt even know about the exemption for the first 30 employees, but are magically in a thread about the effects of aca.

You admittedly didnt even know how the aca defined large business.

Fuck outta here. You pick your arguments, do the research later. you're working backwards, tired assed gremlin.

lol....the visual I got was you banging on your keyboard...not pretty.

Sure...I blocked you out of anger from your insults...but I opted to give it a second shot....sorry that disturbed you.

As for arguing as a hobby...

Take note....I responded to Jillian and explained to her how I was a business owner with many employees and I dont go on $100,000 vacations...and you chimed in knocking my industry and how we are a racket and how I am nothing but a recruiter...blah blah blah....

The point was never about my industry...the point was that there are plenty of companies out there of 200, 300, 500 employees where the owner does not make millions of dollars.....but you opted to attack me and my industry...

As for not knowing about the ACA...never claimed I did...I bowed out of business before it became a factor....earlly on, my Obama supporter mind you....gave me bits and pieces about it per my request...and many of his answers gave me reason to finally bow out...and some of his answers gave me reason to stay in....but I opted to bow out.

I came in the thread to the op...commented on it...then g5000 or whatever his name is told me to read his post. I did...thanked him...asked some questions...did some research...and now know more...for this is a debate board where if I am wrong, and someone can show me where I am wrong, I can learn from I did today.

As for the rest of your rant...take a chill pill.

As for proimising not to do something and doing it anyway out of frustration? Shit hard feelings. I was wrong...not a sign of lack of intergity. Simply an error during a frustrating moment. I dont hold it against you. you pits.

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