Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

shaws Supermarket on the east coast really won't hire more fulltimers and mostly hires part timers now in order to save money.
the place i work for now, the only full time are the Manager and assistant manager.

So in reality you sort of can, expand on this set-up.

As for the Op, you should have been fired, you let your politics get in the way of your work. You should have said, I don't think it is wise to expand just yet. Lets see how Obamacare fleshes out and in 6 months if its all ok i would say go for it.

You made it into something it didnt need to be.

Hear that, Blue? You should have been fired for telling the truth, instead of "putting your politics out of the way" and happymouthing Obamacare so that you could kick the can down the road six months, the way the politicians do.

yes he should have been fired for speaking how he did. He didnt guide them, he let politics get in the way of logic.
Naturally a dipshit like you can't grasp that concept.

It's always amusing to hear telling the truth called "letting politics get in the way" and lying to your bosses and fucking them over for personal gain referred to as "logic".
Hear that, Blue? You should have been fired for telling the truth, instead of "putting your politics out of the way" and happymouthing Obamacare so that you could kick the can down the road six months, the way the politicians do.

yes he should have been fired for speaking how he did. He didnt guide them, he let politics get in the way of logic.
Naturally a dipshit like you can't grasp that concept.

It's always amusing to hear telling the truth called "letting politics get in the way" and lying to your bosses and fucking them over for personal gain referred to as "logic".

well it wasnt any of that so we don't have to be concerned with that.
You end up creating a hiring manager position when you use that many part-timers. That person is a fixed cost in your new model and creates no profit.

Not to mention that your workforce becomes a lot more transient, and you spend more time and money training new people every time you turn around.
In other words, you'd lie to them

thats not lying, thats saying wait and see.....Its smart, you lose nothing in the end. See if Obamacare does exactly what he thinks it will do, or watch it do nothing and all your worries where for not. Then you can expand or not based on where you are money wise then.

This is why you got the election wrong. You are so fucking full of yourself. someday maybe you might actually wake up and realize you have been doing this thing called life all wrong. I doubt it, but who knows

It's entirely possible that his employers are as piss-stupid as you are, and will never realize that he lied to them for six months with "wait and see" when he already knew full well that it wasn't going to happen. But it's unlikely, which is why it's NOT smart, and he WILL lose something: his job. Believe it or not, the private sector - even the parts owned by dipshit liberals who foolishly vote against their own best interests - does not pay to be nodded at like a bobblehead doll; they pay to be told the truth. Wasting six months of the business's time in a holding pattern of hoping and expecting to expand, instead of promptly instituting a plan for the future you KNOW is coming is irresponsible.

It's not but what I would expect from a leftist, though, since you're all such a greedy, self-absorbed lot of me-monkeys.

This is why we got the election wrong: we underestimated just how much the nation had been dumbed-down into a bunch of spoiled little toddlers, whining and needing their asses wiped.

you really don't understand this do you?

If he says wait and see 6 months from now. a few things will happen. Their money will stay constant. They may actually loose money and not be able to expand anyways. Or they will see profits rise and they can expand regardless.

That's not why you lost, but you keep eating that talking point up as if it was horseshit being fed to you by the shovel full.

You stupid twat.
OP, what are your credentials to be giving such business advice?

thats my first question.
well i think they can risk it because there is so much competition from the other stores, that they a\have to do something to find money.
this is a prime example when capitalism eats itself.

If there is a lot of competition, most likely the only way adding a store will help is if the product can be bough in more volume at a greater discount. Most independents in the grocery business join a group for these discounts, so they probably already do that.

Competition exists because someone feels they can offer the product at a higher quality, better service or cheaper.
In other words, you'd lie to them

No, HE probably wouldn't have any idea how Obamacare is going to "flesh out" in six months. The left persists in thinking that mathematical and economic projections are nothing but blind guesswork, because that's what THEIR economists give them, and they're completely mystified when they see someone taking the available facts and figures and producing a solid analysis. It seems to be news to them that not everyone is willing to be bullshitted, and then told six months later that "it's a huge, unforeseen surprise" when they get the truth.

oo a partisan answer from a hack. Whats to say on the right this isnt the case as well? That you are blind because you are given the info they want you to see? sure i will see sometype of stupid excuse as to why is not. Liberty and freedom type answer.....

The fact of the matter is Blue would be better able to give a better outlook after we are 6 months in then now.

I understand using hard data and evidence goes against your natural instinct to use your speculation as truth, but most people who live in reality like to use facts.

What's to say that the economists on the right aren't issuing blind guesses? Only the fact that ours actually end up proven true. Of course, by that time, you've conveniently forgotten the original argument and are starting a NEW one based on the assumption that history just began the previous week, so it's next to impossible to get you to recognize that we told you so.

The fact of the matter is that Blue isn't paid to sit around, giving a play-by-play commentary of what's happening at the moment. He's paid to tell them what's GOING to happen before it does.

I understand that the fact that Blue is USING hard data and evidence goes against your natural instinct to believe that Obamacare is FABULOUS, no matter what, and the only reason anyone could object to it is partisan politics, but most people who live in reality know that you're a shit-eating Obama fluffer.
Example one: Obamacare would make healthcare affordable. Note double digit percentage increases for 2013 in premiums.
Read the OP, its part of his job. I charge after the first stupid question.

unless the OP has a degree in Business Admin and or a similar degree, he or she should STFU and do that upper management asks.
Heath coverage is a large component of benefits these days. We are looking at a 13% increase in January. Thanks for keeping it affordable Obama.

If you were actually in business and dealt with these type of issues, Blue's narrative makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, but if they were actually in business and dealt with these issues, they would be less likely to be progressives and more likely to be conservative or libertarian.

Or they would be like Blue's employers, and hire a conservative to run their business and patiently explain to them how they just voted to fuck themselves in the ass with sandy lube.

"Oh, you wanted to self-righteously vote for 'those greedy bastard business owners' to pay more money, and forgot that YOU are a 'greedy bastard business owner'? Congratulations, and bend over and grab your ankles, 'cause here comes Obama."

It's fascinating that both you and Avatar pretend that the OP hasn't been exposed as lying to his clients. If they actually exist.
thats not lying, thats saying wait and see.....Its smart, you lose nothing in the end. See if Obamacare does exactly what he thinks it will do, or watch it do nothing and all your worries where for not. Then you can expand or not based on where you are money wise then.

This is why you got the election wrong. You are so fucking full of yourself. someday maybe you might actually wake up and realize you have been doing this thing called life all wrong. I doubt it, but who knows

It's entirely possible that his employers are as piss-stupid as you are, and will never realize that he lied to them for six months with "wait and see" when he already knew full well that it wasn't going to happen. But it's unlikely, which is why it's NOT smart, and he WILL lose something: his job. Believe it or not, the private sector - even the parts owned by dipshit liberals who foolishly vote against their own best interests - does not pay to be nodded at like a bobblehead doll; they pay to be told the truth. Wasting six months of the business's time in a holding pattern of hoping and expecting to expand, instead of promptly instituting a plan for the future you KNOW is coming is irresponsible.

It's not but what I would expect from a leftist, though, since you're all such a greedy, self-absorbed lot of me-monkeys.

This is why we got the election wrong: we underestimated just how much the nation had been dumbed-down into a bunch of spoiled little toddlers, whining and needing their asses wiped.

you really don't understand this do you?

If he says wait and see 6 months from now. a few things will happen. Their money will stay constant. They may actually loose money and not be able to expand anyways. Or they will see profits rise and they can expand regardless.

That's not why you lost, but you keep eating that talking point up as if it was horseshit being fed to you by the shovel full.

You stupid twat.

I understand you just fine. I don't comprehend you at all, any more than I could wrap my brain around thinking like a tapeworm or some other parasite.

If he lies and says, "We might be able to expand, let's talk about it in six months", HE HASN'T DONE HIS JOB. His job is NOT to pat them on the back and tell them Obamacare MIGHT not be a disaster for their business. His job is not to sit on his thurmbs and hope "maybe" business will be good enough to offset Obamacare, and his bosses will never find out he lied. It's to TELL THEM THE TRUTH.

You are a prime example of why we lost: because we insist on pretending that brain-damaged dumbfucks are responsible adults who should be allowed to vote just like they know their asses from their elbows.

And if you think any of us missed that not a single one of your "maybes" about Blue's situation included the possibility that Obamacare might not suck like a Godzilla-sized Electrolux, you're SADLY mistaken.
well i think they can risk it because there is so much competition from the other stores, that they a\have to do something to find money.
this is a prime example when capitalism eats itself.

If there is a lot of competition, most likely the only way adding a store will help is if the product can be bough in more volume at a greater discount. Most independents in the grocery business join a group for these discounts, so they probably already do that.

Competition exists because someone feels they can offer the product at a higher quality, better service or cheaper.

no kidding....But sometimes they eat themselves and thus fail. Which is just life in capitalism

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