Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

Example one: Obamacare would make healthcare affordable. Note double digit percentage increases for 2013 in premiums.

Its not on the market in 2013 genius

True, but if it actually had cost reduction elements, we would see the results already. For example, tort reform.

There are cost reduction elements. When theres people out on the exchange shopping, ins. Companies for the first time actuall have to do some real competing witb each other. And as far as health costs themselves, there are all kinds of incentives in there to shift to preventative care as opposed to what we have now..and thats cheaper also.
He manages the business.

and I asked for his credentials, maybe you should read a bit more. See, you should not be giving this sort of advice unless you are qualified. I have a feeling he is not qualified.
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He manages the business.

and I asked for his credentials, maybe you should read a bit more. See, you should not be giving this sort of advice unless you are qualified. I have a feeling he is not qualified.

Yet his employers pay him for said services and he still has his job. Further, the owners are taking his advice. Note he gave several options. I have a feeling your a worthless drunk, but you proving otherwise is pointless.
OP, what are your credentials to be giving such business advice?

thats my first question.
He's a head chef, a restaurant owner, a college professor, and now apparently a business consultant.

Maybe he's just stretching himself too thin...:lol:
Read the OP, its part of his job. I charge after the first stupid question.

unless the OP has a degree in Business Admin and or a similar degree, he or she should STFU and do that upper management asks.

Which is why no one is offering to pay YOU to manage their businesses for them. Thank you, and you may go now.
Which is why no one is offering to pay YOU to manage their businesses for them.

hahahah what? why so defensive?

First off I work for NASA as a radar and SATCOMM specialist, I have no need to run a business, im a IC engineer by training, not a Business scholar. I just know in my world, I dont take advice from uneducated co workers.
Come on nutters........come one, come all. Defend the lying fuck who wrote the OP and then watched as you dupes filed in on cue.
He manages the business.

and I asked for his credentials, maybe you should read a bit more. See, you should not be giving this sort of advice unless you are qualified. I have a feeling he is not qualified.

That IS a credential, dimwit. He's the manager. He gets paid to give them the advice they ask for and keep their business from going under. Doesn't matter if he's got a degree or not; they HIRED him to run the thing, not just nod his head at them like a puppet with cut strings.

I have a feeling you're not qualified to be let out of the house without a babysitter.
It's entirely possible that his employers are as piss-stupid as you are, and will never realize that he lied to them for six months with "wait and see" when he already knew full well that it wasn't going to happen. But it's unlikely, which is why it's NOT smart, and he WILL lose something: his job. Believe it or not, the private sector - even the parts owned by dipshit liberals who foolishly vote against their own best interests - does not pay to be nodded at like a bobblehead doll; they pay to be told the truth. Wasting six months of the business's time in a holding pattern of hoping and expecting to expand, instead of promptly instituting a plan for the future you KNOW is coming is irresponsible.

It's not but what I would expect from a leftist, though, since you're all such a greedy, self-absorbed lot of me-monkeys.

This is why we got the election wrong: we underestimated just how much the nation had been dumbed-down into a bunch of spoiled little toddlers, whining and needing their asses wiped.

you really don't understand this do you?

If he says wait and see 6 months from now. a few things will happen. Their money will stay constant. They may actually loose money and not be able to expand anyways. Or they will see profits rise and they can expand regardless.

That's not why you lost, but you keep eating that talking point up as if it was horseshit being fed to you by the shovel full.

You stupid twat.

I understand you just fine. I don't comprehend you at all, any more than I could wrap my brain around thinking like a tapeworm or some other parasite.

If he lies and says, "We might be able to expand, let's talk about it in six months", HE HASN'T DONE HIS JOB. His job is NOT to pat them on the back and tell them Obamacare MIGHT not be a disaster for their business. His job is not to sit on his thurmbs and hope "maybe" business will be good enough to offset Obamacare, and his bosses will never find out he lied. It's to TELL THEM THE TRUTH.

You are a prime example of why we lost: because we insist on pretending that brain-damaged dumbfucks are responsible adults who should be allowed to vote just like they know their asses from their elbows.

And if you think any of us missed that not a single one of your "maybes" about Blue's situation included the possibility that Obamacare might not suck like a Godzilla-sized Electrolux, you're SADLY mistaken. fucking moron.

I mean holy shit. Seriously did you ignore the warnings from doctors that you needed to wear a helmet as a child because you where so fucking stupid you would inflict self harm on yourself?
He manages the business.

and I asked for his credentials, maybe you should read a bit more. See, you should not be giving this sort of advice unless you are qualified. I have a feeling he is not qualified.

Yet his employers pay him for said services and he still has his job. Further, the owners are taking his advice. Note he gave several options. I have a feeling your a worthless drunk, but you proving otherwise is pointless.

I'm not really surprised that so many leftists think that it's appropriate for a manager to withhold the truth from his employers, and simply smile and nod and agree with whatever they say. After all, these are people who thought it was okay for the President of the United States to declare something "above his pay grade". I'M sorry, but what management positions are there "above" President of the United States? God?
well, im not drunk, far from it. You are one of those know it all I guess.

The OP is clearly not qualified. My first assessment is the OP is using politics to form a business decisions. Secondly, the OP just does not make sense as the facts cited are not true. Sounds like the owners are getting advice from a uneducated hack.

Its is there business so they are entitled to do as they please. I bet good money they will seek a second opinion that is not politically motivated.
you really don't understand this do you?

If he says wait and see 6 months from now. a few things will happen. Their money will stay constant. They may actually loose money and not be able to expand anyways. Or they will see profits rise and they can expand regardless.

That's not why you lost, but you keep eating that talking point up as if it was horseshit being fed to you by the shovel full.

You stupid twat.

I understand you just fine. I don't comprehend you at all, any more than I could wrap my brain around thinking like a tapeworm or some other parasite.

If he lies and says, "We might be able to expand, let's talk about it in six months", HE HASN'T DONE HIS JOB. His job is NOT to pat them on the back and tell them Obamacare MIGHT not be a disaster for their business. His job is not to sit on his thurmbs and hope "maybe" business will be good enough to offset Obamacare, and his bosses will never find out he lied. It's to TELL THEM THE TRUTH.

You are a prime example of why we lost: because we insist on pretending that brain-damaged dumbfucks are responsible adults who should be allowed to vote just like they know their asses from their elbows.

And if you think any of us missed that not a single one of your "maybes" about Blue's situation included the possibility that Obamacare might not suck like a Godzilla-sized Electrolux, you're SADLY mistaken. fucking moron.

I mean holy shit. Seriously did you ignore the warnings from doctors that you needed to wear a helmet as a child because you where so fucking stupid you would inflict self harm on yourself?

I realize that you're incapable of comprehending that "Obamacare is FABULOUS; no matter what, it's AMAZING and WONDERFUL" is not the baseline of truth that the whole world must start from. I get that, I honestly do. But try to grasp that the time to say, "You don't really know. Let's wait and see how it's going to be implemented and worked out. We have to pass the bill to see what's in it" is OVER. Past. It's gone.

The facts and figures are now available to be cranked into people's actual, real-world calculations for the future. The IRS has told businesses EXACTLY how this is going to work and what's going to be done, and what they need to do to prepare themselves to be in compliance. Speculation is DONE.

Which means that the TRUTH is exactly what Blue told them it was: you can't expand your business. Your plan for the next six months should NOT include any expectation of expanding in that period of time.

And that makes saying anything OTHER than that . . A LIE.

I know you want to believe otherwise. I KNOW you want to keep your eyes shut and mutter, "Obamacare will be okay. It'll all be fine. It'll work like I want it to" over and over. Go ahead. I don't think for a second that what you think and believe is going to make a damned bit of difference to anyone at this point, because I doubt there's anyone stupid and liberal enough to take your business advice.

But the rest of the world doesn't get the luxury of holding their breath and hoping, or kicking it down the road for six months and THEN making a business plan. They have to do business RIGHT NOW, and then tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. And they need a plan to do it by RIGHT NOW, not six months from now, when hopefully all the facts, figures, and regulations the IRS handed out MIGHT turn out to have been wrong.

He told them the truth. Just because it wasn't what you reallyreallyreallyREALLY wished it would be doesn't mean it wasn't the truth.
well, im not drunk, far from it. You are one of those know it all I guess.

The OP is clearly not qualified. My first assessment is the OP is using politics to form a business decisions. Secondly, the OP just does not make sense as the facts cited are not true. Sounds like the owners are getting advice from a uneducated hack.

Its is there business so they are entitled to do as they please. I bet good money they will seek a second opinion that is not politically motivated.

"The OP is clearly not qualified"? Clear in what way? Because he said something that you didn't want to hear? Anyone who doesn't think Obamacare is God's gift to the private sector is an uneducated hack? Is that how it works?

My first assessment - and my second and third, by now - is that YOU use politics to replace facts, ergo anything that suggests that Obamacare isn't the best thing for business since the invention of the wheel cannot possible be fact or true.

Why don't you share with us, oh great and qualified one, what facts the OP cited that were not true? And you had better be ready to cite us chapter and verse on WHY they're not true, so I hope you're up on the latest IRS tax regulations.

Of course they're entitled to do as they please. And only a dipshit who's never owned or run a business thinks that a business owner wants his manager to be a "yes" man, or "does as he pleases" and ignores the advice of the people he hired to advise him.

If they decide, as you have, that any opinion that disagrees with them is "politically motivated" and pay to get second opinions until someone says what they want to hear, they deserve to go bankrupt.

Get on explaining yourself, because your airy-fairy "You don't like Obamacare, so you're just stupid" act has hit the end of its road. Provide some substance, or hit the bricks.
Nice rant, cecile...but the op was shown to be based obscure view of reality or a lie....all throughout the thread, and the law was even cited, chapter and verse. You came in late and are rehashing something you could have easily found out already.
And if you want specifics, he said the fine would bankrupt them. The fine is only imposed after the first thirty employees. If he has 55 employees, the fine is $50k overall. $50k if the avg employee only makes $25k per year , for example, is only a $20 per paycheck reduction per employee to cover the fine. Bankrupt ? Thats why his story is bullshit, its pretty evident.
Nice rant, cecile...but the op was shown to be based obscure view of reality or a lie....all throughout the thread, and the law was even cited, chapter and verse. You came in late and are rehashing something you could have easily found out already.

Sorry, but no. Unlike some people, I do read the thread before addressing it. Nowhere has the OP been "shown to be based on an obscure view of reality", unless your idea of an obscure view of reality is "anything that suggests Obama isn't perfect".

I'm well aware of the way leftists "cite the law, chapter and verse" to "support" their position, and have yet to be impressed or convinced of anything except that leftists should never, EVER die of colon cancer, because they should spot the tumors right away, what with having their heads up there all the time.

If you think you can do a better job, knock yourself out. But don't hold up pages worth of "No, you're wrong, Obamacare is GREAT, you poopyhead" as some shining example of "proof".

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