Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

well, im not drunk, far from it. You are one of those know it all I guess.

The OP is clearly not qualified. My first assessment is the OP is using politics to form a business decisions. Secondly, the OP just does not make sense as the facts cited are not true. Sounds like the owners are getting advice from a uneducated hack.

Its is there business so they are entitled to do as they please. I bet good money they will seek a second opinion that is not politically motivated.

Politics tries to insert itself into business at every turn you alcoholic high school dropout.
Roughly 1,200 companies received waivers from part of the healthcare reform law, the Health and Human Services Department said Friday.

What part would that be, champ?

Hint: it's not the shared responsibility payment. They still have to offer insurance or pay the penalty.
Nice rant, cecile...but the op was shown to be based obscure view of reality or a lie....all throughout the thread, and the law was even cited, chapter and verse. You came in late and are rehashing something you could have easily found out already.

Sorry, but no. Unlike some people, I do read the thread before addressing it. Nowhere has the OP been "shown to be based on an obscure view of reality", unless your idea of an obscure view of reality is "anything that suggests Obama isn't perfect".

I'm well aware of the way leftists "cite the law, chapter and verse" to "support" their position, and have yet to be impressed or convinced of anything except that leftists should never, EVER die of colon cancer, because they should spot the tumors right away, what with having their heads up there all the time.

If you think you can do a better job, knock yourself out. But don't hold up pages worth of "No, you're wrong, Obamacare is GREAT, you poopyhead" as some shining example of "proof".

Umm, I wouldnt be calling geeky names and shit when youre actually one of the ones who doesnt know why the o-p is bullshit.

And I search this tiny little post in vain for any substantiation of your assertion.

Guess not. Maybe later.
Roughly 1,200 companies received waivers from part of the healthcare reform law, the Health and Human Services Department said Friday.

What part would that be, champ?

Hint: it's not the shared responsibility payment. They still have to offer insurance or pay the penalty.

If you hadn't conveniently chopped off the part where I explained that you'd know. Of course you knew that, so you took the liar's way out. Your a hack pure and simple. By allowing less coverage it obviously saves these companies money and buys time to stop Obamacare.
My recommendation to the OP scenario: FIRE BluePhantom and hire a competent manager!
If you hadn't conveniently chopped off the part where I explained that you'd know. Of course you knew that, so you took the liar's way out. Your a hack pure and simple. By allowing less coverage it obviously saves these companies money and buys time to stop Obamacare.

Ah, yes. Obamacare's buying time to stop Obamacare. :lol:
If you hadn't conveniently chopped off the part where I explained that you'd know. Of course you knew that, so you took the liar's way out. Your a hack pure and simple. By allowing less coverage it obviously saves these companies money and buys time to stop Obamacare.

Ah, yes. Obamacare's buying time to stop Obamacare. :lol:

Oh I'm sure they were smart enough to see the loophole. 1200+ companies did and were granted same.
Given how this is political I have the solution. Publisize those companies that are doing all they can to avoid health care for their employees. Worked for PapaJohns. Seems there are a lot of us out here that think that employee health care is an important consideration when we do our shopping.
Given how this is political I have the solution. Publisize those companies that are doing all they can to avoid health care for their employees. Worked for PapaJohns. Seems there are a lot of us out here that think that employee health care is an important consideration when we do our shopping.

So you took the job before you asked about benefits huh? That was your fault.
Because you are forcing me to take this the least you can do is pay for my health insurance....especially since you get to sit in your office and do nothing all day long while making millions of dollars while I have to be the one who is responsible for generating the revenue.

Thats how.

"Because you are forcing me to take this job" :cuckoo:

How can anyone force you to take a job?

The fact that you feel you are "exploited" by having a job and being gainfully employed is an inconvenience is a glaring example of the parasite mind set of the idiot liberal dumbocrat.
Sorry, but no. Unlike some people, I do read the thread before addressing it. Nowhere has the OP been "shown to be based on an obscure view of reality", unless your idea of an obscure view of reality is "anything that suggests Obama isn't perfect".

I'm well aware of the way leftists "cite the law, chapter and verse" to "support" their position, and have yet to be impressed or convinced of anything except that leftists should never, EVER die of colon cancer, because they should spot the tumors right away, what with having their heads up there all the time.

If you think you can do a better job, knock yourself out. But don't hold up pages worth of "No, you're wrong, Obamacare is GREAT, you poopyhead" as some shining example of "proof".

Umm, I wouldnt be calling geeky names and shit when youre actually one of the ones who doesnt know why the o-p is bullshit.

And I search this tiny little post in vain for any substantiation of your assertion.

Guess not. Maybe later.

Post #464, ya disengenuous lil devil, you.
And even if they didn't want to shift the $1310 per employee cost onto their employees, and it would "bankrupt them," does that mean that on average their employees don't net-profit them more than $1310 each, YEARLY? Wow, sounds they need a new Manager.

Oh yes, because that is the ONLY expense an employee represents huh? It costs me over two bucks to process your payroll check from start to finish each week. That is jsut a small cost. Imagine all the others you have no idea about. In your case, maybe you shouldn't, no need to invite a stroke.

Nobody said it's the only expense an employee represents. Try arguing with points that have been made.

The expenses you mentioned exist, with or without Obamacare. They're a constant in the equation. Your post meant dick-all to the one which you responded.
He manages the business.

and I asked for his credentials, maybe you should read a bit more. See, you should not be giving this sort of advice unless you are qualified. I have a feeling he is not qualified.

And ALL of us on USMB have a feeling that you are an asshole. No wait.... we know you are an asshole, because you've already proved it.
Because you are forcing me to take this the least you can do is pay for my health insurance....especially since you get to sit in your office and do nothing all day long while making millions of dollars while I have to be the one who is responsible for generating the revenue.

Thats how.

"Because you are forcing me to take this job" :cuckoo:

How can anyone force you to take a job?

The fact that you feel you are "exploited" by having a job and being gainfully employed is an inconvenience is a glaring example of the parasite mind set of the idiot liberal dumbocrat.

Maybe he's just a really clever double agent for the conservatives. Hard to believe someone is that partisan by accident. Hilarious!
fuck them. they voted for Obama and Im glad that they will be one of the first to suffer the consequences of their action.
Which is why no one is offering to pay YOU to manage their businesses for them.

hahahah what? why so defensive?

First off I work for NASA as a radar and SATCOMM specialist, I have no need to run a business, im a IC engineer by training, not a Business scholar. I just know in my world, I dont take advice from uneducated co workers.

Is anyone here that someone this stupid and this much of a parasite works for the government? :rofl:
Its not funny because we evolved, you had arrested development.

lol.....i guess you don't know how to make a woman quiver. Thats a good goal!

Real men don't have to brag about it. Insecure... that's another story.

lol...oh god the ignorance is too much. Seriously go back to the middle ages already and don't comeback.

insecure....In today's world women like to see a man knows what they are doing before just jumping in the sack. Confidence can be sexy.

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