Liberal child abuse: 7 year old tranny to be filmed

LOL! Filmed as in a documentary. The title sort of implies some sort of porno. :eek:

I'm not for sexual reassignment surgery - It usually has the effect of making a person un-datable later in life.

What's wrong with being the way you are? Embrace it and accept that you are different.
The parents of a seven-year-old transgender boy are in discussions with an independent film maker to chart the next decade of their child's life as he undergoes medical changes.

Born into a girl's body, Ben Brockwell-Jones' story hit the headlines last year after his parents Wes and Rebecca Jones made a controversial decision to start a process which would culminate in medically stopping the onset of female puberty....

..The 7-year-old has been been living and attending school as a boy for more than a year after telling his parents he was not the little girl born to them.

He will start undergoing pyschological assessments as early as June in order to "kick-start" the process of receiving the drugs which will only be prescribed if he is found to be mentally stable and once doctors are able to determine when he will start puberty.

The child is adamant he wants his progress charted on film and, his mother says, to receive the life-altering drugs.

"Even though I'm a real little kid I can make up my own mind. I'm little but I can speak for myself if I want to," said Ben. "I want to help others. One reason I do it is because it's fun and I like it and another reason is to help other people."

Law enforcement officer reading this thread: Please seek and obtain a warrant for the arrest of Wes and Rebecca Jones for blatant child endangerment and psychological abuse, BEFORE it becomes physical abuse with the assitance of "medical doctors".

There, now I can't be arrested for failing to act to protect a child when obvious and compelling reasons to suspect abuse are directly before my eyes.
FDR dressed like a girl til age 6 and became a very successful politician. :)

Was he told he was a girl? Was he raised as a girl? FDR was dressed as was the fashion of the time for children, not because his parents wanted him to be female.

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