Liberal elitists won't go in public without armed guards, but claim the rest of us don't need guns i

Extra security at the Golden Globe awards. In this dangerous world, the elite demand more security and that means good guys with badass guns. Many of the same liberals support gun control that would make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to keep their homes safe, let alone having the ability to protect themselves in public. Notice the type of guns required by security. Apparently, only wealthy people can justify being protected by big guns. It's not just Hollywood. You would never see Hillary, Obama or their families go anywhere without being surrounded by armed guards. Yet, they hate people being allowed to carry weapons outside their home. They know there is danger out there and they know that going out without security means they are defenseless and they would never settle for that.

Of course, they cite the crazies and the criminals shooting people as the reason behind their policies. And they don't have the common sense to realize that those who pose a danger to the public aren't going to be affected by laws. If criminals know that people are unarmed, that makes them a preferred target. Shootings happen in places where people aren't allowed to carry weapons. You don't see mass shooters going into gun shows or any place where concealed or open carry are allowed. It's a deterrent to allow responsible people to carry weapons, but the left continues to push laws that only affect the responsible and would make life easier for the nut jobs. Meanwhile, they make sure the criminals don't mess with them by being surrounded with visible security. The rest of us are not allowed to protect ourselves in schools, theaters and many other places. It's clear that the whackos are well aware of where the sitting ducks are.

"You see, what these hypocrites fail to understand is that they can afford this sort of security on a daily basis thanks to the bloated paychecks they receive to play pretend.

The average American — who works paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to pay rent — cannot hire private security around the clock to ensure their safety. Hence, the reason why the Second Amendment exists.

The right to own a firearm allows a person to protect themselves and to truly love their neighbor by having the means to defend their lives should something awful happen.

If you take away their right to own a gun, they — along with their neighbor — will be defenseless against evil, and that, my friends, is the very epitome of moral indecency."


Explain to us how you're just as much of a target of a crazed fan as any one of these people.
why should he have to explain anything to you. But if you really want to look at the numbers, look at how many non celebrities are murdered by guns vs celebrities. I would say you might find that based on percentage he has a greater need to protect himself.

Crime stats prove that the average person is in greater danger, especially if they live in high crime cities. Hard to say what the exact odds are at any given moment, but violent criminals are dangerous to anyone who crosses their path. I doubt celebrities hang around or live in high crime areas.

Fact is that people get killed every day, many in their own homes. And in cases where a gang breaks into a home, a handgun might not be enough. While the left wants to outlaw assault rifles, they still want those same weapons in the hands of those around them.
Are you prevented from having an armed guard?
armed guards are not what the 2nd is about.
but if the negros and lefties can claim that voter ID is wrong because some cant afford to get the ID, then by extension anything that puts a dollar between the gun and the owner is wrong.

So the Constitution obligates the government to buy you a gun.

Goddam that's funny.
not sure I said that but it is typical of a worthless liberal to see things that are not there.
but in light of that, does the constitution obligate the government to give you a cell phone, a house, electric, food, a car?
Of the two which one is in the constitution,, lets see, Guns or paying the way for you mooches... Might have to consult someone on this one.
Can anyone tell me if owning a gun is a protected right?? anyone? anyone? Bueller?

You've never been hungry have you......I can spot one of you elitist ass holes a mile away!
Ive been hungry. I was hungry tonight, you know how I fixed it?
When I left my JOB, I used some of my EARNED income to stop and BUY MY OWN FOOD.
I think I just solved hunger.

I think you're a goddamned liar....that's what I think. Is this a picture of you?

Why don't you ask that of the victi
Extra security at the Golden Globe awards. In this dangerous world, the elite demand more security and that means good guys with badass guns. Many of the same liberals support gun control that would make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to keep their homes safe, let alone having the ability to protect themselves in public. Notice the type of guns required by security. Apparently, only wealthy people can justify being protected by big guns. It's not just Hollywood. You would never see Hillary, Obama or their families go anywhere without being surrounded by armed guards. Yet, they hate people being allowed to carry weapons outside their home. They know there is danger out there and they know that going out without security means they are defenseless and they would never settle for that.

Of course, they cite the crazies and the criminals shooting people as the reason behind their policies. And they don't have the common sense to realize that those who pose a danger to the public aren't going to be affected by laws. If criminals know that people are unarmed, that makes them a preferred target. Shootings happen in places where people aren't allowed to carry weapons. You don't see mass shooters going into gun shows or any place where concealed or open carry are allowed. It's a deterrent to allow responsible people to carry weapons, but the left continues to push laws that only affect the responsible and would make life easier for the nut jobs. Meanwhile, they make sure the criminals don't mess with them by being surrounded with visible security. The rest of us are not allowed to protect ourselves in schools, theaters and many other places. It's clear that the whackos are well aware of where the sitting ducks are.

"You see, what these hypocrites fail to understand is that they can afford this sort of security on a daily basis thanks to the bloated paychecks they receive to play pretend.

The average American — who works paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to pay rent — cannot hire private security around the clock to ensure their safety. Hence, the reason why the Second Amendment exists.

The right to own a firearm allows a person to protect themselves and to truly love their neighbor by having the means to defend their lives should something awful happen.

If you take away their right to own a gun, they — along with their neighbor — will be defenseless against evil, and that, my friends, is the very epitome of moral indecency."


Explain to us how you're just as much of a target of a crazed fan as any one of these people.
I bet the survivors of any mass shooting would love you to ask them that question

So this is the preamble to the Good Guy with a Gun lecture, huh?

No I never used that argument

Just saying that maybe of you ask a surviving victim of a gun shooting what they thought their chances of being the victim of a gun shooting were before they got shot they might tell you that had they been armed they might not have been victims
Why don't you ask that of the victi
Extra security at the Golden Globe awards. In this dangerous world, the elite demand more security and that means good guys with badass guns. Many of the same liberals support gun control that would make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to keep their homes safe, let alone having the ability to protect themselves in public. Notice the type of guns required by security. Apparently, only wealthy people can justify being protected by big guns. It's not just Hollywood. You would never see Hillary, Obama or their families go anywhere without being surrounded by armed guards. Yet, they hate people being allowed to carry weapons outside their home. They know there is danger out there and they know that going out without security means they are defenseless and they would never settle for that.

Of course, they cite the crazies and the criminals shooting people as the reason behind their policies. And they don't have the common sense to realize that those who pose a danger to the public aren't going to be affected by laws. If criminals know that people are unarmed, that makes them a preferred target. Shootings happen in places where people aren't allowed to carry weapons. You don't see mass shooters going into gun shows or any place where concealed or open carry are allowed. It's a deterrent to allow responsible people to carry weapons, but the left continues to push laws that only affect the responsible and would make life easier for the nut jobs. Meanwhile, they make sure the criminals don't mess with them by being surrounded with visible security. The rest of us are not allowed to protect ourselves in schools, theaters and many other places. It's clear that the whackos are well aware of where the sitting ducks are.

"You see, what these hypocrites fail to understand is that they can afford this sort of security on a daily basis thanks to the bloated paychecks they receive to play pretend.

The average American — who works paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to pay rent — cannot hire private security around the clock to ensure their safety. Hence, the reason why the Second Amendment exists.

The right to own a firearm allows a person to protect themselves and to truly love their neighbor by having the means to defend their lives should something awful happen.

If you take away their right to own a gun, they — along with their neighbor — will be defenseless against evil, and that, my friends, is the very epitome of moral indecency."


Explain to us how you're just as much of a target of a crazed fan as any one of these people.
I bet the survivors of any mass shooting would love you to ask them that question

So this is the preamble to the Good Guy with a Gun lecture, huh?

No I never used that argument

Just saying that maybe of you ask a surviving victim of a gun shooting what they thought their chances of being the victim of a gun shooting were before they got shot they might tell you that had they been armed they might not have been victims

I can just see the five and six year olds at Sandy Hook wearing side arms and bullet proof vests. I think if one considers the fact that we're the only industrialized nation in the world where this kind of shit happens every few weeks we're kinda stupid if we can't come up with a fix for it.....arming everyone is some kind of "Whore's Dream"...........or nightmare!
Why don't you ask that of the victi
Extra security at the Golden Globe awards. In this dangerous world, the elite demand more security and that means good guys with badass guns. Many of the same liberals support gun control that would make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to keep their homes safe, let alone having the ability to protect themselves in public. Notice the type of guns required by security. Apparently, only wealthy people can justify being protected by big guns. It's not just Hollywood. You would never see Hillary, Obama or their families go anywhere without being surrounded by armed guards. Yet, they hate people being allowed to carry weapons outside their home. They know there is danger out there and they know that going out without security means they are defenseless and they would never settle for that.

Of course, they cite the crazies and the criminals shooting people as the reason behind their policies. And they don't have the common sense to realize that those who pose a danger to the public aren't going to be affected by laws. If criminals know that people are unarmed, that makes them a preferred target. Shootings happen in places where people aren't allowed to carry weapons. You don't see mass shooters going into gun shows or any place where concealed or open carry are allowed. It's a deterrent to allow responsible people to carry weapons, but the left continues to push laws that only affect the responsible and would make life easier for the nut jobs. Meanwhile, they make sure the criminals don't mess with them by being surrounded with visible security. The rest of us are not allowed to protect ourselves in schools, theaters and many other places. It's clear that the whackos are well aware of where the sitting ducks are.

"You see, what these hypocrites fail to understand is that they can afford this sort of security on a daily basis thanks to the bloated paychecks they receive to play pretend.

The average American — who works paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to pay rent — cannot hire private security around the clock to ensure their safety. Hence, the reason why the Second Amendment exists.

The right to own a firearm allows a person to protect themselves and to truly love their neighbor by having the means to defend their lives should something awful happen.

If you take away their right to own a gun, they — along with their neighbor — will be defenseless against evil, and that, my friends, is the very epitome of moral indecency."


Explain to us how you're just as much of a target of a crazed fan as any one of these people.
I bet the survivors of any mass shooting would love you to ask them that question

So this is the preamble to the Good Guy with a Gun lecture, huh?

No I never used that argument

Just saying that maybe of you ask a surviving victim of a gun shooting what they thought their chances of being the victim of a gun shooting were before they got shot they might tell you that had they been armed they might not have been victims

I can just see the five and six year olds at Sandy Hook wearing side arms and bullet proof vests. I think if one considers the fact that we're the only industrialized nation in the world where this kind of shit happens every few weeks we're kinda stupid if we can't come with a fix for it.....arming everyone is some kind of "Whore's Dream."

Funny that Sandy Hook could have been prevented by a steel door or a few teachers with side arms
armed guards are not what the 2nd is about.
but if the negros and lefties can claim that voter ID is wrong because some cant afford to get the ID, then by extension anything that puts a dollar between the gun and the owner is wrong.

So the Constitution obligates the government to buy you a gun.

Goddam that's funny.
not sure I said that but it is typical of a worthless liberal to see things that are not there.
but in light of that, does the constitution obligate the government to give you a cell phone, a house, electric, food, a car?
Of the two which one is in the constitution,, lets see, Guns or paying the way for you mooches... Might have to consult someone on this one.
Can anyone tell me if owning a gun is a protected right?? anyone? anyone? Bueller?

You've never been hungry have you......I can spot one of you elitist ass holes a mile away!
Ive been hungry. I was hungry tonight, you know how I fixed it?
When I left my JOB, I used some of my EARNED income to stop and BUY MY OWN FOOD.
I think I just solved hunger.

I think you're a goddamned liar....that's what I think. Is this a picture of you?

so you think Im a liar because I buy my own food?
I think you are an idiot.
tell me, in your ghetto crib, does anyone work or do you all just collect the check supplied paid for by others.

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