Liberal friends, if we regain power

Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
What you fucking need to do is tell us how you will finance your Christmas list or is 100 trillion in debt okay?

If you reduce the amount of people in prisons and spend it on education, how much extra money will the US have?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

The US has an incarceration rate of 693 per 100,000. Compare this to England and Wales with 143.

That's about 2.3 million people.

With a UK rate the US would have 480,000 people in prison, not 2.3 million

What Are America’s Prisons Costing Taxpayers?

Average cost per inmate is $31,286 a year.

That's 1.82 million people at a cost of $31,286 a year, that's $56 billion a year.

Pump $56 billion a year into education, and you'll work wonders. Also, the amount of tax that 1.8 million people would be generating for the govt would also add significantly to this. If you pump this money into dealing with mental illness, it would have a significant impact on the country too.

All your statistics show is that we have more criminals than other countries. What does that prove?

The US already spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world. How did it get that way? Because liberals kept telling us our education system would be better if we pumped more money into it. Never happened. In fact, we have mediocre results to show for all the money we put in.
Ayn Rand Quotes. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
There is no such thing as a crime against any liberal.

Whatever might be done to or against one it's simply fair retribution for what they did to America in eight years of incompetence, apology and bumbling stupidity.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
True, dead people do tend to "thirst" for Democratic leadership and thus vote for Democrats which probably explains why you gub'mint worshipers are so keen on pursuing policies that lead to short life spans.

4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
Been there, done that, 2009 $787 Billion in infrastructure spending and government "investments" in alternative energy, not to mention $16 billion a year in DOE spending, the results speaking for themselves.

"The Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein

5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
You need more than a congressional majority buckwheat, you need 60 votes in the Senate and the Presidency, personally I think we should auction off Puerto Rico to the highest bidder and apply the proceeds to the federal debt.

6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.
Why stop there? if raising the minimum wage is such a panacea why not make it $50, $100, $200 an hour? If you're going to be a completely anti-free market, central planning cheerleader don't be half assed about it.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
Uh-huh because the choice is between the Scumbag Democrats and "Archaist" whatever the fuck that is.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

You gotta love Matilda, lololol!

His list-------->

1. Free the crooks and return them to crook from Americans more.

2. Legalize his drug of choice so he can sit in his parents basement and theorize more wonderful changes to make.

3. Single payer, so you pay more, and he pays less.......while sitting in his parents basement, theorizing more wonderful changes to make.

4. Infrastructure is a new buzzword. Maybe he lives under a bridge instead of his parents basement-)

5. Make another broke and in debt entity our responsibility. Spend, spend, spend!

6. Put more burger flippers out of jobs, so they to can sit in their parents basements or under a bridge, and contemplate how to make you pay for more of their stuff!

What an agenda. Waltzing Matilda should promote this as the far leftist agenda. We may take back New York, lololol!
oh, y'all will be back in power at some point, I have no doubt

Take it FWIW, but I am viewing this time in history as a respite before our nation falls apart and goes the way of the old Roman Empire

we cannot sustain the financial burden we have created for ourselves & we have lost our way insofar as morality and common sense.

I am not sure that 8 years of Trump will be enough to right the ship & undo the damage done before he came in


1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....

I pretty much agree with this & have said as much in several threads on this forum. In fact, this issue is why I am not 100% thrilled with Sessions as AG.

I do like Sessions & believe him to be an honorable man of good character & integrity, but I do not like his aggressive posture re: the war on drugs

3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.

this is just a really bad idea - have you seen the numbers coming out of California?

They are looking to implement this single payer nightmare & the 1st estimates are that it would more than DOUBLE the state budget. And we all know that initial government estimates on costs are always grossly understated

Cali is already struggling to pay its bills, this would wreck them in a way that I am not sure they could recover from

We cannot be all things to all people, we just can't.

Seriously, how the hell do you think we are going to pay for this?

I can get on board with finding a way to provide basic health services to everyone (immunizations, basic check ups & maybe even access to antibiotics; but when it comes to major surgeries & access to cutting edge new medical developments; those that have worked hard & behaved prudently with their money SHOULD have more access

Good decisions should be rewarded. We do not live in a socialist utopia & such a system is truly unsustainable

This idea is a financial train wreck & will ultimately be the destruction of this country

4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.

you have not been paying attention to Trump, have you?

Infrastructure repairs were a cornerstone of his agenda

If liberals in power had any sense, they would be reaching out and finding a way to compromise on this issue - it is the right thing to do for the long term viability of this country - we could actually see a "win" that would benefit everyone if liberals would put aside their petty hatred for all things TRUMP and act in the people's best interest; especially on something like this where broad bi-partisan support could be found

invest more in science? I could go either way on this, but based on your #2; it seems that you think we can do this while taking away the financial reward for doing so - not sure if we can find real agreement here or not

Education? needs to be left to states & local governments. Our federal government is already too big & powerful, plus, they screw up just about everything they put their hands on

allow local communities more discretion in how this is addressed, you know, like the Constitution calls for - another issue we will likely not find common ground

5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.

no, just hell no

6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

another really bad idea

because economies suffer every time this is done

this would kill jobs and hurt the people you are trying to help

If you really believe there was damage done before Trump and that number 1, Trump is going to get 8 years and number 2, Trump is going to fix something, you've lost already.

The fact is you believe America was perfectly fine during Obama eight years as President.

You are like Obama and believe everything he did was perfect and those that do not agree are racist bigots.

It is sad that LBJ did more for the poor than Obama and let remember for two out of eight years Obama had the House and Senate and failed to get his promise on immigration reform done.

So right there he was a failure while bloating the government too much and wasteful spending as usual.

But let you dream of those eight years of Obama and please remember it was perfect and no one will tell you otherwise!

It's always an either/or with cons. Either you think like this or you believe Obama was perfect and you're just waiting for a handout.

That kind of thinking is both bizarre and and false. No one has ever said Obama was or is perfect. But given the piece of crumbling shit that was the economy in freefall that he was handed when he took office, he did a remarkable job.

He didn't get any big legislation done after 2012 because conservatives refused to pass anything ACA repeals. They especially refused to pass immigration reform. They wouldn't even discuss it.
oh, y'all will be back in power at some point, I have no doubt

Take it FWIW, but I am viewing this time in history as a respite before our nation falls apart and goes the way of the old Roman Empire

we cannot sustain the financial burden we have created for ourselves & we have lost our way insofar as morality and common sense.

I am not sure that 8 years of Trump will be enough to right the ship & undo the damage done before he came in


1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....

I pretty much agree with this & have said as much in several threads on this forum. In fact, this issue is why I am not 100% thrilled with Sessions as AG.

I do like Sessions & believe him to be an honorable man of good character & integrity, but I do not like his aggressive posture re: the war on drugs

3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.

this is just a really bad idea - have you seen the numbers coming out of California?

They are looking to implement this single payer nightmare & the 1st estimates are that it would more than DOUBLE the state budget. And we all know that initial government estimates on costs are always grossly understated

Cali is already struggling to pay its bills, this would wreck them in a way that I am not sure they could recover from

We cannot be all things to all people, we just can't.

Seriously, how the hell do you think we are going to pay for this?

I can get on board with finding a way to provide basic health services to everyone (immunizations, basic check ups & maybe even access to antibiotics; but when it comes to major surgeries & access to cutting edge new medical developments; those that have worked hard & behaved prudently with their money SHOULD have more access

Good decisions should be rewarded. We do not live in a socialist utopia & such a system is truly unsustainable

This idea is a financial train wreck & will ultimately be the destruction of this country

4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.

you have not been paying attention to Trump, have you?

Infrastructure repairs were a cornerstone of his agenda

If liberals in power had any sense, they would be reaching out and finding a way to compromise on this issue - it is the right thing to do for the long term viability of this country - we could actually see a "win" that would benefit everyone if liberals would put aside their petty hatred for all things TRUMP and act in the people's best interest; especially on something like this where broad bi-partisan support could be found

invest more in science? I could go either way on this, but based on your #2; it seems that you think we can do this while taking away the financial reward for doing so - not sure if we can find real agreement here or not

Education? needs to be left to states & local governments. Our federal government is already too big & powerful, plus, they screw up just about everything they put their hands on

allow local communities more discretion in how this is addressed, you know, like the Constitution calls for - another issue we will likely not find common ground

5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.

no, just hell no

6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

another really bad idea

because economies suffer every time this is done

this would kill jobs and hurt the people you are trying to help

If you really believe there was damage done before Trump and that number 1, Trump is going to get 8 years and number 2, Trump is going to fix something, you've lost already.

The fact is you believe America was perfectly fine during Obama eight years as President.

You are like Obama and believe everything he did was perfect and those that do not agree are racist bigots.

It is sad that LBJ did more for the poor than Obama and let remember for two out of eight years Obama had the House and Senate and failed to get his promise on immigration reform done.

So right there he was a failure while bloating the government too much and wasteful spending as usual.

But let you dream of those eight years of Obama and please remember it was perfect and no one will tell you otherwise!

It's always an either/or with cons. Either you think like this or you believe Obama was perfect and you're just waiting for a handout.

That kind of thinking is both bizarre and and false. No one has ever said Obama was or is perfect. But given the piece of crumbling shit that was the economy in freefall that he was handed when he took office, he did a remarkable job.

He didn't get any big legislation done after 2012 because conservatives refused to pass anything ACA repeals. They especially refused to pass immigration reform. They wouldn't even discuss it.

This is how stupid you are to think the GOP would pass any form of Immigration Reform.

Also I find it amazing how Democrats had the House and Senate from 2006 until 2010 and they were never part of the damn problem and all it was Bush fault but nothing was ever Obama fault to those like you!

It is partisan nutters like you that make it clear that only the other side is at fault and if anyone that does not agree with you is the enemy.

So tell me when Kennedy was alive why didn't Obama and the Democrat leadership pass some form of Immigration Reform?

Answer is it was not important but those like you will disagree and claim the GOP should have done what your political party refuse to do!

Also like I have written many times before the GOP was elected to obstruct but fools like you believe the GOP should do as you want and not what those elected them want and how stupid are you?

I mean it would be like someone on the right demanding the left to cut taxes for the rich and I would call those on the right retarded for wanting that because those that voted for the Democrat leadership would not want it.

So stop with the damn partisan nonsense or don't and show how close minded you are because the truth is no Republican is worthy of your vote but you were willing to vote for a good friend of Donald John Trump just because Hillary Clinton is a Democrat!

Edit Note:

Democrats took Control of the Senate and House after the 2006 elections and lost control of the House in 2010 and Senate in 2014.

So during that period from 2006 to 2010 they ( Democrats ) could have brought a Bill for Immigration reform to Bush or Obama and they did not.

So let cut the fucking shit and admit the truth or don't!
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Yes by all means lets adopt a bankrupt puerto rican welfare dependency.....

Where do these shit for brains imbeciles come up with this crap ??? Lol
He didn't get any big legislation done after 2012 because conservatives refused to pass anything ACA repeals. They especially refused to pass immigration reform. They wouldn't even discuss it.

Why should they have? There is nothing wrong with our immigration system now except the illegals getting in. What is immigration reform? It's amnesty-lite.

The reason we only let a million people in per year is so they can assimilate. Now that we are being bombarded with people from other countries, they are changing our country instead. Muslims are suing businesses that don't meet their religious expectations. Signs are now written in two languages, and that includes ballots at the polls.

That's what we didn't want in this country. If you want to work, live here, or become a citizen, you're supposed to change for us, not the other way around.

Close the borders.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
What you fucking need to do is tell us how you will finance your Christmas list or is 100 trillion in debt okay?

If you reduce the amount of people in prisons and spend it on education, how much extra money will the US have?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

The US has an incarceration rate of 693 per 100,000. Compare this to England and Wales with 143.

That's about 2.3 million people.

With a UK rate the US would have 480,000 people in prison, not 2.3 million

What Are America’s Prisons Costing Taxpayers?

Average cost per inmate is $31,286 a year.

That's 1.82 million people at a cost of $31,286 a year, that's $56 billion a year.

Pump $56 billion a year into education, and you'll work wonders. Also, the amount of tax that 1.8 million people would be generating for the govt would also add significantly to this. If you pump this money into dealing with mental illness, it would have a significant impact on the country too.

All your statistics show is that we have more criminals than other countries. What does that prove?

The US already spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world. How did it get that way? Because liberals kept telling us our education system would be better if we pumped more money into it. Never happened. In fact, we have mediocre results to show for all the money we put in.
Ayn Rand Quotes. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.

There are plenty of people not in jail, and do you know why? Because we don't break any laws.

If you are referring to drug dealers, sorry, but that's breaking the law. We are reaching overdose deaths in this country in epidemic proportions. Over 50,000 Americans a year die because those bastards are selling them deadly narcotics.
The Democratic party is finished by their own doing: they threw away their largest demographic, the white working class. Due to Obama's glaring, race-obsessed, chip-on-shoulder against whites (Ever read his early writings? It's an exercise in hatred against whites.). The Democratic party has turned into an anti-white-male, anti-American, anti-free-speech, sadistic hate-sewer whose only language is violence, death threats and a diet of muslim semen. It has become so anti-social and destructive, it makes the Jerry Springer show look like a Mensa meeting. I'm blue-collar white and I wouldn't vote for that abomination of mindless-animal liberal filth again if I lived long enough to see the sun's red giant stage.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
You need to wake up. The last truly liberal president was LBJ and after the McGovern fiasco, the Democratic Party took steps to prevent another true liberal from ever getting the nomination again. We saw this process at work during the recent primaries when the leadership of the Party conspired to prevent Sanders from gaining the nomination because he was too liberal for them. You complain about the prison population, but Clinton who was supposed to be a liberal played a major role in creating it, and Obama, who quacked like a liberal, had nothing but pointless political gestures to offer.

What you call liberalism was just a phase former communists and socialists of the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's went through as they lost their commitment to Marxism and today all that is left of that old liberalism is a handle of slogans no one will act on. The Democrats may again but they won't be liberals if they do.
Still lying.
I provided my link. All you do, is shoot off your fucking mouth!
Your "links" are not proof on anything. You have a clear pattern of posting false, unproven accusations and downright lies. We as a society have really been taking stupid pills if we think a "link" is proof of something. Most "links" would not hold up in court.
He didn't get any big legislation done after 2012 because conservatives refused to pass anything ACA repeals. They especially refused to pass immigration reform. They wouldn't even discuss it.

Why should they have? There is nothing wrong with our immigration system now except the illegals getting in. What is immigration reform? It's amnesty-lite.

The reason we only let a million people in per year is so they can assimilate. Now that we are being bombarded with people from other countries, they are changing our country instead. Muslims are suing businesses that don't meet their religious expectations. Signs are now written in two languages, and that includes ballots at the polls.

That's what we didn't want in this country. If you want to work, live here, or become a citizen, you're supposed to change for us, not the other way around.

Close the borders.

The left wanted the GOP to pass immigration reform and that is like asking the left to cut taxes on the one percent which would never happen.

Some never learn...
Your "links" are not proof on anything. You have a clear pattern of posting false, unproven accusations and downright lies. We as a society have really been taking stupid pills if we think a "link" is proof of something. Most "links" would not hold up in court.
Then prove it, instead of more mouth shooting.

As far as what would not hold up in court, a judge wouldn't even let you comment on what I said, without you first providing evidence that what I said was false. Judges don't allow people objecting just for the sake of objecting.

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