Liberal friends, if we regain power

Your "links" are not proof on anything. You have a clear pattern of posting false, unproven accusations and downright lies. We as a society have really been taking stupid pills if we think a "link" is proof of something. Most "links" would not hold up in court.
Then prove it, instead of more mouth shooting.

As far as what would not hold up in court, a judge wouldn't even let you comment on what I said, without you first providing evidence that what I said was false. Judges don't allow people objecting just for the sake of objecting.
All one need do is go back and read your posts where you say Trump did this and Trump did that. Never any solid proof, just media he said she said crap. As far as me providing you with proof that you are a liar, you and I both know that would be an exercise in futility. All providing any liberal with any proof does is make them spin and lie and smoke more. Seen it a million times and you are no different.
y'all were in power 8 years n didnt do this

The Great Recession kinda was more important at the time. You know, that huge mess that W made of the economy by cutting taxes and starting wars.
like i said - always an excuse. now trump is cleaning up obama's mess...

Trump isn't cleaning up anything. He's riding Obama's coat tails on job creation and healthcare, and about to destroy both. He's cutting taxes for the rich which didn't work when Reagan did it, or W, and won't work now.

As far as infrastructure goes, he's planning on letting businesses build infrastructure and get big tax credits for doing so. Economists who have studied the plan say it gives tax credits equal to double the costs of infrastructure projects by letting the corporation write off their labour and materials AND giving them an additional tax credit = to 85% of the value of the work.

Additionally, the corporations get to choose which projects THEY wish to complete as opposed to being assigned projects by municipalities. So necessary projects like bridges and roads won't get built unless it's to someone corporate advantage.

It would be cheaper for the government to build the needed infrastructure than to give control and tax breaks to corporations which inflates the costs and doesn't necessarily do work that is desperately needed.
y'all were in power 8 years n didnt do this

The Great Recession kinda was more important at the time. You know, that huge mess that W made of the economy by cutting taxes and starting wars.
like i said - always an excuse. now trump is cleaning up obama's mess...

Trump isn't cleaning up anything. He's riding Obama's coat tails on job creation and healthcare, and about to destroy both. He's cutting taxes for the rich which didn't work when Reagan did it, or W, and won't work now.

As far as infrastructure goes, he's planning on letting businesses build infrastructure and get big tax credits for doing so. Economists who have studied the plan say it gives tax credits equal to double the costs of infrastructure projects by letting the corporation write off their labour and materials AND giving them an additional tax credit = to 85% of the value of the work.

Additionally, the corporations get to choose which projects THEY wish to complete as opposed to being assigned projects by municipalities. So necessary projects like bridges and roads won't get built unless it's to someone corporate advantage.

It would be cheaper for the government to build the needed infrastructure than to give control and tax breaks to corporations which inflates the costs and doesn't necessarily do work that is desperately needed.
seldom is it cheaper for the gov to do anything.
He didn't get any big legislation done after 2012 because conservatives refused to pass anything ACA repeals. They especially refused to pass immigration reform. They wouldn't even discuss it.

Why should they have? There is nothing wrong with our immigration system now except the illegals getting in. What is immigration reform? It's amnesty-lite.

The reason we only let a million people in per year is so they can assimilate. Now that we are being bombarded with people from other countries, they are changing our country instead. Muslims are suing businesses that don't meet their religious expectations. Signs are now written in two languages, and that includes ballots at the polls.

That's what we didn't want in this country. If you want to work, live here, or become a citizen, you're supposed to change for us, not the other way around.

Close the borders.

The left wanted the GOP to pass immigration reform and that is like asking the left to cut taxes on the one percent which would never happen.

Some never learn...

Add to that what does immigration reform mean? It means that some don't like our laws, break our laws, so we should rewrite the laws to THEIR satisfaction.
y'all were in power 8 years n didnt do this

The Great Recession kinda was more important at the time. You know, that huge mess that W made of the economy by cutting taxes and starting wars.
like i said - always an excuse. now trump is cleaning up obama's mess...

Trump isn't cleaning up anything. He's riding Obama's coat tails on job creation and healthcare, and about to destroy both. He's cutting taxes for the rich which didn't work when Reagan did it, or W, and won't work now.

As far as infrastructure goes, he's planning on letting businesses build infrastructure and get big tax credits for doing so. Economists who have studied the plan say it gives tax credits equal to double the costs of infrastructure projects by letting the corporation write off their labour and materials AND giving them an additional tax credit = to 85% of the value of the work.

Additionally, the corporations get to choose which projects THEY wish to complete as opposed to being assigned projects by municipalities. So necessary projects like bridges and roads won't get built unless it's to someone corporate advantage.

It would be cheaper for the government to build the needed infrastructure than to give control and tax breaks to corporations which inflates the costs and doesn't necessarily do work that is desperately needed.
You are mental.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
Sorry, we're good, had enough of liberal shenanigans. So don't get hot and bothered and count your chickens and all that.
There is no such thing as a crime against any liberal.

Whatever might be done to or against one it's simply fair retribution for what they did to America in eight years of incompetence, apology and bumbling stupidity.

Wow, this just shows what people think about Human Rights and freedoms. They don't think there are any.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

Sounds good to me.
All one need do is go back and read your posts where you say Trump did this and Trump did that. Never any solid proof, just media he said she said crap. As far as me providing you with proof that you are a liar, you and I both know that would be an exercise in futility. All providing any liberal with any proof does is make them spin and lie and smoke more. Seen it a million times and you are no different.
Doesn't change the fact if you make a claim, you have to back it up. You made a claim and you haven't backed it up. And you and I both know why?
No, because big pharma sells drugs legally and under the supervision of a licensed doctor. When the street drug dealers graduate medical school, then they can push all the drugs they want.
Big Pharma's drugs kill people. Are they at fault for that?

No, they are not. The physician may be, but that's a decision that has to be made by the court. A drug company provides the drugs to physicians and they distribute the drugs. They also provide a lengthy pamphlet containing all the possible known side effects. Does a drug pusher do those things?
No, they are not. The physician may be, but that's a decision that has to be made by the court. A drug company provides the drugs to physicians and they distribute the drugs. They also provide a lengthy pamphlet containing all the possible known side effects. Does a drug pusher do those things?
You're a hypocrite.
No, they are not. The physician may be, but that's a decision that has to be made by the court. A drug company provides the drugs to physicians and they distribute the drugs. They also provide a lengthy pamphlet containing all the possible known side effects. Does a drug pusher do those things?
You're a hypocrite.
You are kinda stupid there in general eh bitch?
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

1. Kill every inmate who has been on death row for a year or more.

2. Legalize pot, but double the penalties on drug dealers and make the death penalty a sentencing option for people like El Chapo. Make prison actually suck again.

3. Well, I can't say for anyone else, but I'm thinking many people will freak the hell out when their premiums go up that extra 40% extra everyone will be having to pay for insurance that really is only okay in principle, but in reality they are having a hard time getting Dr.s.

4. Agree. The democrat party was the worst thing to happen to public education since its existed.

5. Fuck Puerto Rico. Useless territory only useful to shooting huge naval guns and missiles at. They would be just what the US needs, a bunch more prideful latinos on food stamps. No thanks, let those free loaders do their thing and be their own country.

6. Yeah, if it's such a good idea, why are iPhones still built by slaves in China, and Star bucks only pays like $8.00 an hour. Until you libtards start making businesses like those two innovate and implement the minimum wage hike of shut the fuck up. Then the $11.00 or hour. That wage is almost doable if you live with your mom, but you will be only surviving and a person would not likely be able to afforded healthcare on $11 bucks an hour.

Mwanna see democrat leadership? Look at all the old steel giants out east. Look at all our derelict foundries and our auto production facilities, then our last presidant. All he did was be black. Y'all will have to do better then just being democrat.

We don't shoot missiles and guns at Puerto Rico.

Typical public educator . Just because you got a degree in underwater basket weaving and get paid to fuck up our kids minds doesn't mean you know everything.

United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

The Navy did anshit ton of missile shooting, bomb dropping and about any kind of dumping there for years until fairly recently. Vieques on the shit hole of all shitholes, Puerto Rico, the trash can of the North Atlantic. That's why the Navy shot it so much. Just the type place that could use a public educator of your caliber.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

1. Kill every inmate who has been on death row for a year or more.

2. Legalize pot, but double the penalties on drug dealers and make the death penalty a sentencing option for people like El Chapo. Make prison actually suck again.

3. Well, I can't say for anyone else, but I'm thinking many people will freak the hell out when their premiums go up that extra 40% extra everyone will be having to pay for insurance that really is only okay in principle, but in reality they are having a hard time getting Dr.s.

4. Agree. The democrat party was the worst thing to happen to public education since its existed.

5. Fuck Puerto Rico. Useless territory only useful to shooting huge naval guns and missiles at. They would be just what the US needs, a bunch more prideful latinos on food stamps. No thanks, let those free loaders do their thing and be their own country.

6. Yeah, if it's such a good idea, why are iPhones still built by slaves in China, and Star bucks only pays like $8.00 an hour. Until you libtards start making businesses like those two innovate and implement the minimum wage hike of shut the fuck up. Then the $11.00 or hour. That wage is almost doable if you live with your mom, but you will be only surviving and a person would not likely be able to afforded healthcare on $11 bucks an hour.

Mwanna see democrat leadership? Look at all the old steel giants out east. Look at all our derelict foundries and our auto production facilities, then our last presidant. All he did was be black. Y'all will have to do better then just being democrat.

We don't shoot missiles and guns at Puerto Rico.

Typical public educator . Just because you got a degree in underwater basket weaving and get paid to fuck up our kids minds doesn't mean you know everything.

United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

The Navy did anshit ton of missile shooting, bomb dropping and about any kind of dumping there for years until fairly recently. Vieques on the shit hole of all shitholes, Puerto Rico, the trash can of the North Atlantic. That's why the Navy shot it so much. Just the type place that could use a public educator of your caliber.

Vieques is considered part of Puerto Rico, but we are not shooting missiles and guns at Puerto Rico. That all ended in 2001.

My statement is true.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

1. Kill every inmate who has been on death row for a year or more.

2. Legalize pot, but double the penalties on drug dealers and make the death penalty a sentencing option for people like El Chapo. Make prison actually suck again.

3. Well, I can't say for anyone else, but I'm thinking many people will freak the hell out when their premiums go up that extra 40% extra everyone will be having to pay for insurance that really is only okay in principle, but in reality they are having a hard time getting Dr.s.

4. Agree. The democrat party was the worst thing to happen to public education since its existed.

5. Fuck Puerto Rico. Useless territory only useful to shooting huge naval guns and missiles at. They would be just what the US needs, a bunch more prideful latinos on food stamps. No thanks, let those free loaders do their thing and be their own country.

6. Yeah, if it's such a good idea, why are iPhones still built by slaves in China, and Star bucks only pays like $8.00 an hour. Until you libtards start making businesses like those two innovate and implement the minimum wage hike of shut the fuck up. Then the $11.00 or hour. That wage is almost doable if you live with your mom, but you will be only surviving and a person would not likely be able to afforded healthcare on $11 bucks an hour.

Mwanna see democrat leadership? Look at all the old steel giants out east. Look at all our derelict foundries and our auto production facilities, then our last presidant. All he did was be black. Y'all will have to do better then just being democrat.

We don't shoot missiles and guns at Puerto Rico.

Typical public educator . Just because you got a degree in underwater basket weaving and get paid to fuck up our kids minds doesn't mean you know everything.

United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

The Navy did anshit ton of missile shooting, bomb dropping and about any kind of dumping there for years until fairly recently. Vieques on the shit hole of all shitholes, Puerto Rico, the trash can of the North Atlantic. That's why the Navy shot it so much. Just the type place that could use a public educator of your caliber.

Vieques is considered part of Puerto Rico, but we are not shooting missiles and guns at Puerto Rico. That all ended in 2001.

My statement is true.

Three stupid. Lot more to it then you know. Read more asshole. Or join the navy, oh wait, you are also anTSA agent so you are to stupid and fat to join. You don't know shit.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!

1. Kill every inmate who has been on death row for a year or more.

2. Legalize pot, but double the penalties on drug dealers and make the death penalty a sentencing option for people like El Chapo. Make prison actually suck again.

3. Well, I can't say for anyone else, but I'm thinking many people will freak the hell out when their premiums go up that extra 40% extra everyone will be having to pay for insurance that really is only okay in principle, but in reality they are having a hard time getting Dr.s.

4. Agree. The democrat party was the worst thing to happen to public education since its existed.

5. Fuck Puerto Rico. Useless territory only useful to shooting huge naval guns and missiles at. They would be just what the US needs, a bunch more prideful latinos on food stamps. No thanks, let those free loaders do their thing and be their own country.

6. Yeah, if it's such a good idea, why are iPhones still built by slaves in China, and Star bucks only pays like $8.00 an hour. Until you libtards start making businesses like those two innovate and implement the minimum wage hike of shut the fuck up. Then the $11.00 or hour. That wage is almost doable if you live with your mom, but you will be only surviving and a person would not likely be able to afforded healthcare on $11 bucks an hour.

Mwanna see democrat leadership? Look at all the old steel giants out east. Look at all our derelict foundries and our auto production facilities, then our last presidant. All he did was be black. Y'all will have to do better then just being democrat.

We don't shoot missiles and guns at Puerto Rico.

Typical public educator . Just because you got a degree in underwater basket weaving and get paid to fuck up our kids minds doesn't mean you know everything.

United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Wikipedia

The Navy did anshit ton of missile shooting, bomb dropping and about any kind of dumping there for years until fairly recently. Vieques on the shit hole of all shitholes, Puerto Rico, the trash can of the North Atlantic. That's why the Navy shot it so much. Just the type place that could use a public educator of your caliber.

Vieques is considered part of Puerto Rico, but we are not shooting missiles and guns at Puerto Rico. That all ended in 2001.

My statement is true.

Three stupid. Lot more to it then you know. Read more asshole. Or join the navy, oh wait, you are also anTSA agent so you are to stupid and fat to join. You don't know shit.

At least I know the proper use of the word "than". I was never a TSA agent. You are confused. Let's compare levels of education and see hoe your GED (if you made it that far, as evidence by your poor grammar) compares to mine.

You are pissed because you lied and got corrected.

Have a great day!

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