Liberal Groups to Protest July 4 Celebrations

but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I'm sure there are plenty of bed wetters who lament our revolution and would love to exist under the regressive laws of the declining shit hole known as the United Kingdom.

Rather than move there of course, they'll fuck this country up instead.

Every time a conservative hack categorizes all the left as bedwetters, regressives and unpatriotic, a "Russian patriot" gets his wings.
Criticizing the socialist left is pro Russian?

No, patriotic
but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I never said it was all one side or the other, did I?
Taking a stance before being willing to listen pretty much means you want it done YOUR way. Or that you've been successfully brainwashed into believing that those who disagree with you politically are the ENEMY.
That is not how each side is speaking to each other anymore, is it?
Now instead of pointing out reasonable positions, the right is calling us commies and we are enemies of the country and we are homicidal maniacs and we are fascist.....posters here celebrate when the left is upset and revel in it.
It's not healthy but it is becoming the norm and it is everywhere, not just on USMB. That's a problem.

I would say the opposition is finally responding in kind.

When I found interest in politics, I was a moonbat. Back in those days my "friends" and I HATED "conservatives". We were so well programmed we believed Tipper Gore was a religious republicrat trying to censor music.

No, she was just another bed wetting liberal who pushed an issue no one really cared about, just like her dumbass husband.

The fact is, even 25 years ago, liberals called republicrats murderers, bigots, rapists, nazi, fascist Et Al. Looking back on it, I would say I have NEVER seen liberals act "civil" or merely politely disagree.

It's only recently that I have seen "conservatives" or basically anyone who opposes global collectivism become as vitriolic, libelous and slanderous as the left has been all my life. We are sick of these psuedo-intellectual elitist assbags and their mindless dependent minions. Liberals are getting back what they've given for decades, and now they don't like it.

Take the Buckley Vs. Vidal Debates in the 1968 election. Through the entire debate Gore Vidal laced his arguments with personal insults, ad homenim attacks and non sequiturs. He hardly discussed the issues at all. His mission was to destroy Buckley PERSONALLY, not professionally.

Then when Buckley finally had enough, he called him a queer and just about beat the shit out of that fuckin faggot right on live TV. However THAT is the only part of the debate anyone seems to remember.

That is not how each side is speaking to each other anymore, is it?
Now instead of pointing out reasonable positions, the right is calling us commies and we are enemies of the country and we are homicidal maniacs and we are fascist.....posters here celebrate when the left is upset and revel in it.
It's not healthy but it is becoming the norm and it is everywhere, not just on USMB. That's a problem.

I would say the opposition is finally responding in kind.

When I found interest in politics, I was a moonbat. Back in those days my "friends" and I HATED "conservatives". We were so well programmed we believed Tipper Gore was a religious republicrat trying to censor music.

No, she was just another bed wetting liberal who pushed an issue no one really cared about, just like her dumbass husband.

The fact is, even 25 years ago, liberals called republicrats murderers, bigots, rapists, nazi, fascist Et Al. Looking back on it, I would say I have NEVER seen liberals act "civil" or merely politely disagree.

It's only recently that I have seen "conservatives" or basically anyone who opposes global collectivism become as vitriolic, libelous and slanderous as the left has been all my life. We are sick of these psuedo-intellectual elitist assbags and their mindless dependent minions. Liberals are getting back what they've given for decades, and now they don't like it.

Take the Buckley Vs. Vidal Debates in the 1968 election. Through the entire debate Gore Vidal laced his arguments with personal insults, ad homenim attacks and non sequiturs. He hardly discussed the issues at all. His mission was to destroy Buckley PERSONALLY, not professionally.

Then when Buckley finally had enough, he called him a queer and just about beat the shit out of that fuckin faggot right on live TV. However THAT is the only part of the debate anyone seems to remember.
You've got me beat on following politics Pete. I never heard stuff like that before from either side, but I guess it's who you hang out with and how long you've been on social media, maybe? I'm still a newbie.

I think you're blaming the left for everything that's wrong and that's part of my point.
but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I never said it was all one side or the other, did I?
Taking a stance before being willing to listen pretty much means you want it done YOUR way. Or that you've been successfully brainwashed into believing that those who disagree with you politically are the ENEMY.

The Left is my political enemy in that I totally disagree with their platform as set forth by Obama. His Socialist views; his so-called leading from behind; the expansion of entitlements; appointment of Liberal activist judges that believe the Constitution is a living document, rule through emotion and public opinion instead of steadfast concrete laws, use foreign cases to decide US law... Christ, I could go on all day.

It hasn't help that with the past Presidency Democrats shut out Republicans until the first midterm. After they lost they became obstructionists to the Nth degree.

They still complain that Republicans treated Obama badly while at the same they forget how they blocked W. Remember posting photos if Chimpanzees and called him Chimp, Boooosh and Shrub? How after coming together after 9/11 they blocked much of W's agenda?

Gimme a break. Democrats view the Right as their political enemies. As far as being foreign enemies, the Socialist views of many on the Left and their cradle to grave beliefs make them appear to side with Soviets more than our historical values of self-determination and liberty.
You've got me beat on following politics Pete. I never heard stuff like that before from either side, but I guess it's who you hang out with and how long you've been on social media, maybe? I'm still a newbie.

I think you're blaming the left for everything that's wrong and that's part of my point.

I blame the left for EVERYTHING that's wrong.

Now don't get me wrong, SOME of the things "progressives" did in the 1900-1920 era improved the quality of life, standards of living, and the working conditions.

Instead of finding a problem and solving it, regressives as they became decided to use government to enrich and empower themselves and their elitist comrades to rule over people as opposed to governing in the interest of national sovereignty within the confines of the Constitution and with minimal expense to the governed. Marxism, which is the root of leftist philosophy, is the perfect vehicle for oligarchs and despots to rule with impunity. So instead of solving a few problems and leaving people alone, government incrementally encroaches on our lives to the point where these assholes get to dictate how big a fuckin cup 7-Eleven can sell?

If being opposed to that much goddamned government is "extreme", where do you draw the line?

but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I never said it was all one side or the other, did I?
Taking a stance before being willing to listen pretty much means you want it done YOUR way. Or that you've been successfully brainwashed into believing that those who disagree with you politically are the ENEMY.

The Left is my political enemy in that I totally disagree with their platform as set forth by Obama. His Socialist views; his so-called leading from behind; the expansion of entitlements; appointment of Liberal activist judges that believe the Constitution is a living document, rule through emotion and public opinion instead of steadfast concrete laws, use foreign cases to decide US law... Christ, I could go on all day.

It hasn't help that with the past Presidency Democrats shut out Republicans until the first midterm. After they lost they became obstructionists to the Nth degree.

They still complain that Republicans treated Obama badly while at the same they forget how they blocked W. Remember posting photos if Chimpanzees and called him Chimp, Boooosh and Shrub? How after coming together after 9/11 they blocked much of W's agenda?

Gimme a break. Democrats view the Right as their political enemies. As far as being foreign enemies, the Socialist views of many on the Left and their cradle to grave beliefs make them appear to side with Soviets more than our historical values of self-determination and liberty.
If you can get over the demonization and absolutist views of the "enemy" party you might see that both sides have many similar common goals. Different methods in how to get there but they are closer than you think
but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I never said it was all one side or the other, did I?
Taking a stance before being willing to listen pretty much means you want it done YOUR way. Or that you've been successfully brainwashed into believing that those who disagree with you politically are the ENEMY.

The Left is my political enemy in that I totally disagree with their platform as set forth by Obama. His Socialist views; his so-called leading from behind; the expansion of entitlements; appointment of Liberal activist judges that believe the Constitution is a living document, rule through emotion and public opinion instead of steadfast concrete laws, use foreign cases to decide US law... Christ, I could go on all day.

It hasn't help that with the past Presidency Democrats shut out Republicans until the first midterm. After they lost they became obstructionists to the Nth degree.

They still complain that Republicans treated Obama badly while at the same they forget how they blocked W. Remember posting photos if Chimpanzees and called him Chimp, Boooosh and Shrub? How after coming together after 9/11 they blocked much of W's agenda?

Gimme a break. Democrats view the Right as their political enemies. As far as being foreign enemies, the Socialist views of many on the Left and their cradle to grave beliefs make them appear to side with Soviets more than our historical values of self-determination and liberty.
If you can get over the demonization and absolutist views of the "enemy" party you might see that both sides have many similar common goals. Different methods in how to get there but they are closer than you think
Not really. The left's answer for everything is tax and spend. As programs fail they think doing more of the same will fix it.
America! Fuck yeah!
but they used to be able to compromise and come to some kind of agreement to address problems

Sounds all peaches n cream, but to the modern Democrat compromise means "do it their way". It's been that way for years.
I never said it was all one side or the other, did I?
Taking a stance before being willing to listen pretty much means you want it done YOUR way. Or that you've been successfully brainwashed into believing that those who disagree with you politically are the ENEMY.

The Left is my political enemy in that I totally disagree with their platform as set forth by Obama. His Socialist views; his so-called leading from behind; the expansion of entitlements; appointment of Liberal activist judges that believe the Constitution is a living document, rule through emotion and public opinion instead of steadfast concrete laws, use foreign cases to decide US law... Christ, I could go on all day.

It hasn't help that with the past Presidency Democrats shut out Republicans until the first midterm. After they lost they became obstructionists to the Nth degree.

They still complain that Republicans treated Obama badly while at the same they forget how they blocked W. Remember posting photos if Chimpanzees and called him Chimp, Boooosh and Shrub? How after coming together after 9/11 they blocked much of W's agenda?

Gimme a break. Democrats view the Right as their political enemies. As far as being foreign enemies, the Socialist views of many on the Left and their cradle to grave beliefs make them appear to side with Soviets more than our historical values of self-determination and liberty.
If you can get over the demonization and absolutist views of the "enemy" party you might see that both sides have many similar common goals. Different methods in how to get there but they are closer than you think
Not really. The left's answer for everything is tax and spend. As programs fail they think doing more of the same will fix it.
That's simple generalizations. They do nothing to progress productive debate. I get called a lefty libtard all the time and that's not at all how I feel. Seriously just take a step back and think about it. Do you really think that all Dems just love paying a ton of money in taxes? Of course they dont
Fake news. But would you be shocked?
After all, they wouldn't want to appear hypocritical, right?

Big Celebration right here in Liberal Central tomorrow.

Come for the fireworks- stay for the fog!

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