Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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If the piss story was real you could be damn sure the snake Hillary would have used it to her advantage.
It's hilarious except when by bribing those in the intel community to include it in, and leak it, just shows how deep the corruption in our own govt goes.
And you can be sure that it will help to delegitimize the new President.
When the other didn't do it for them, this suddenly leaks out, when there is nothing to confirm it and actual denial of it coming from those that started the rumor to begin with. I never thought I would see such crap coming from within our govt. It is a sad, sad day.
And you can bet retractions will not be forthcoming any time soon from the msm.
4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax

A hoax fabricated by a member of a chatboard as "fan fiction"
In a story that is getting more surreal by the minute, a post on 4Chan now claims that the infamous “golden showers” scene in the unverified 35-page dossier, allegedly compiled by a British intelligence officer, was a hoax and fabricated by a member of the chatboard as “fanfiction”, then sent to Rick Wilson, who proceeded to send it to the CIA, which then put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election.



What can we expect from a low IQ society.
So in summary. We have a bunch of people who believe Russia more than U.S. Intelligence and consider 4chan a credible source.
So how many parents are going to have to explain to their kids what golden showers are, thanks to these cretins?
CNN has thoroughly disgraced itself once again by publishing fake news, and this was the most despicable fake news ever published. When will the leftwing presstitutes ever learn? CNN may as well declare bankruptcy right now. And notice all the forum cockroaches who couldn't wait to run with this trash!

With just ten days to go before he is sworn in as America's forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed.The documents contain explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleges intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama.Now this… Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, and...

A lot of Donald Trump’s supporters believe fake news and trust him more than real news: poll

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Liberals DUPED, find out they were duped, then continue to spread it as fact anyway....


Stupid, stupid liberals.

You get egg all over your face again. You are so desperate to "get Trump" you never bother to find out if it's really true.

How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump's Golden Showers
How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump's Golden Showers | Zero Hedge

It's too complicated to post here. But the report documents the "paper trail" of how this sad sordid story started.

Sorry libs, it's false and another example of how liberals are really the source of fake news.

But MAN, this has left egg on a lot of faces.

I think John McCain is done. He has REALLY disgraced himself!

Trump's nemesis John McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal by handing dossier to FBI | Daily Mail Online
With all of the fools caught up in this, you'd think that there would be a big run on brown paper sacks around the Beltway.




Russia slams 'nonsense' claims about perverted hooker romp...

Pulp Fiction...

Mistaken identity in BuzzFeed memos? It was a different Michael Cohen who was in Prague, says CNN

Intel chiefs did not brief Trump on supposed compromising material, saw it as “disinformation

NARRATIVE BUSTED - Reports place Michael Cohen in L.A. at the time unsubstantiated memo had him in Prague

'Not Even Reportable' - Liberal Reporters Are CRUSHING BuzzFeed For Publishing Unconfirmed Trump Doc

NBC News -- Of All Places -- Derails The 'Russia Compromised Trump' Narrative

Donald Trump Blasts ‘Fake News’ — ‘I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA’
-- FBI has already issued a report declaring 'No Link' Between Trump and Russia - snowflakes ignore

Gaffney: BuzzFeed Dossier a 'Deliberate, Purposeful' Attempt 'to Subvert the Trump Presidency’



- Rigging their Primary to
- Engaging in voter fraud in their Primary to
- Feeding Hillary debate questions early to
- Hiring thugs to firebomb GOP HQs and hiring thugs to intimidate/beat/bloody Trump supporters to
- Declaring not accepting the election results would undermine our democracy to
- Attempting to claim the WH based on irrelevant Popular Votes to
- Demanding recounts to
- Attempting to flip Electoral Vote voters to


They have become the world's pathetic laughing stock.

2016 is going to make 2000 and 'Florida' seem like nothing, as this election has driven snowflakes infinitely more bat-shit crazy than ever before.

They can not / will not accept that they ran the worst candidate in US history. For every bad thing they say about Trump they make Hillary look worse because SHE COULD NOT / DID NOT defeat Trump.

Snowflakes / Democrats need to take solace in the words of their beloved DNC President, Barak Obama:

- 'Elections have consequences.'

- 'I won'.

- 'You can come along but you have to get in the back of the bus.'

- 'If you want something different, WIN SOME ELECTION'.

Hillary LOST....grow up....get over it.

We all know, though, the bitter, butt-hurt will not, and the continued Fake News attacks wil lcontinue.

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