Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Liberals / snowflakes have de-evolved into McCarthy-ites, seeing Russians everywhere, especially where there are none.
What a pleasure it was to see the president elect fire back at the fake news media. Bush would have cringed and stuttered. Hooah for Trump and it's about time.
You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence.

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.

It is not Tabloid... This is serious and the source isn't some right wight crackpot, it is ex MI6... These are the types of allegations that have to be addresses....

Lets put it this way, there is 10 to 20 times more proof of this than the allegations you nuts had against Clinton on Benghazi... isn't is some ex intelligence officer doing oppo research for anti Trumpers......get real...
oh it's soooo far fetched considering what we know about Donald .

Really!!! I love the Golden Showers story. Karma is such a bitch!

Trump claimed for years that Obama wasn't born in the US and was not the legitimate President of the United States, despite all evidence to the contrary, and 30% of Republicans believe it still, even though Trump has said that Obama was born in Hawaii and he was qualified to run.

Trump's Presidency will never be "legitimate". He will always be your "Golden Showers" President, because you know how much he loves gold. Putin helped him win the White House with a campaign of lies and disinformation. Obama wouldn't bow down to Putin, but Donald has a fresh set of knee pads and he will do it willingly. Trump is what many of you claimed Obama was, the Manchurian Candidate.

Maybe I missed it, but when did the White House, DNC and Clinton campaign disavow the authenticity of leaked emails? To my knowledge, like or dislike Wikileaks, nobody has ever disproved anything they have released in the last 10 years!

The leaked emails are authentic and embarrassing to the DNC because it shows how ugly and corrupt they are.
This is why they came up with the fake news of Russian Hacking, and why Obama is going out on a limb to rescue what is left of his putrid legacy and going along with it.

When The DNC is forced to give up their server which they refuse to let anyone look at, The MSM and THE DNC will be burnt to the ground and lose the last ounce of credibility they have left....if there is any left, that is.

How embarrassing is it that THE CIA Political Flunkies, RUSHED TO JUDGEMENT with this FAKE GOLDEN SHOWERS STORY.
Just rewards for a broken and politicized agency.
NBC calls the story B.S....

NBC: Senior Intel Official Says Trump Not Briefed on Russia Addendum, Was Example of 'Unvetted Disinformation' - Breitbart

McFadden said, “[A] senior US intelligence official who was involved in the preparation for the meeting tells NBC that the president-elect was not briefed on this so-called two-page addendum of these allegations against him, that it was part of the briefing materials available to the briefers, but it was not included because they believed it to be true. I

t was included for a different reason. It was included should they feel they needed to explain to Mr. Trump the difference between analyzed intelligence, and what they’re calling unvetted disinformation, that it was available for that purpose, and that it never came up.

Importantly, documents were never presented to Mr. Trump or his team. This was an oral briefing. One reason is that Trump’s — at Trump Tower there’s no place to contain top-secret documents.

This was an oral briefing, and we’re told definitively that this was not told to Mr. Trump at the time.

And I just want to say one other thing, according to a high-ranking senior US intelligence official, and I’m quoting, ‘Intel and law enforcement officials agree that none of the investigations have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government, period.'”
I believe our U.S. Intelligence agencies. Show me your credible news source.
How about the source of the hoax, dude?

What a pleasure it was to see the president elect fire back at the fake news media. Bush would have cringed and stuttered. Hooah for Trump and it's about time.
I caught the tail end and will have to see it in its' entirety. He hasn't backed off a bit and was hammering the corrupt press with even more vigor. I could hear the abject frustration from them.
Snowflake failure #2005 :woohoo:

LMAO!!!! Have you ever seen a group of morons make complete and utter fools of themselves before the entire world?? Welcome to the BIG LEAGUE!!!!!!

The credibility of msm deteriorates every time one of their fake news stories is debunked. Some new (and credible) sources for reliable information are bound to emerge over the next 4 years as CNN and the rest of the liberal media are reduced to the status of "Fake News Outlets". They'll be selling tabloids in the grocery store checkout lines.
What a pleasure it was to see the president elect fire back at the fake news media. Bush would have cringed and stuttered. Hooah for Trump and it's about time.
I caught the tail end and will have to see it in its' entirety. He hasn't backed off a bit and was hammering the corrupt press with even more vigor. I could hear the abject frustration from them.
Hearing the leftist tards gasp for air during that conference was entertaining
Tired of winning.........................................----------------------------------> President Trump Rock N Roll
View attachment 106257
I believe our U.S. Intelligence agencies. Show me your credible news source.
How about the source of the hoax, dude?

How about posting something I can see, dude.
Not my fault you're too fucking lazy to click on the attachment. But I fixed it just for you.

View attachment 106258

It was broken, turnip. Learn how to internet perhaps?

But glad to see you went out of your way to share a screenshot from 4Chan. That settles everything!

4chan! Hahahahahahahaahah
millennials are snowflakes

Trumpbots are shitflakes


What I can hardly believe are the freaks, here an elsewhere, STILL acting as though the hoax is true, no matter how much clear evidence there is to show that they've been had.

The level of political autism is astonishing!
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