Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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It was broken, turnip. Learn how to internet perhaps?

But glad to see you went out of your way to share a screenshot from 4Chan. That settles everything!

4chan! Hahahahahahahaahah
Turn on the television, you imbecile. EVERY ONE OF THEM is talking about this as the fakery that it is.

Fucking fool.
Yesterday the board Psychopaths were demanding Donald J Trump resign before ever taking office over a FAKE PUNKED REPORT

LMAO Hhahahahahahahahahahaha
CNN has thoroughly disgraced itself once again by publishing fake news, and this was the most despicable fake news ever published. When will the leftwing presstitutes ever learn? CNN may as well declare bankruptcy right now. And notice all the forum cockroaches who couldn't wait to run with this trash!

With just ten days to go before he is sworn in as America's forty-fifth president, the political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed.The documents contain explosive, but unverified, opposition research that alleges intel ties between Russia and Trump and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama.Now this… Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, and...

Does the classified document cite Rick Wilson as the source?
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD

McCain was part of the Keating Five. That tells you all you need to know about his level of character....which is very, very low.....
It's just like watching a slow motion train wreck. They even pulled their own spikes from the rail bed to facilitate enhanced speed. Damn, those people are stupid.
It was broken, turnip. Learn how to internet perhaps?

But glad to see you went out of your way to share a screenshot from 4Chan. That settles everything!

4chan! Hahahahahahahaahah
Turn on the television, you imbecile. EVERY ONE OF THEM is talking about this as the fakery that it is.

Fucking fool.

Some of us have jobs and don't sit at home in our trailers flipping between Fox and Maury.
oh it's soooo far fetched considering what we know about Donald .

Really!!! I love the Golden Showers story. Karma is such a bitch!

Trump claimed for years that Obama wasn't born in the US and was not the legitimate President of the United States, despite all evidence to the contrary, and 30% of Republicans believe it still, even though Trump has said that Obama was born in Hawaii and he was qualified to run.

Trump's Presidency will never be "legitimate". He will always be your "Golden Showers" President, because you know how much he loves gold. Putin helped him win the White House with a campaign of lies and disinformation. Obama wouldn't bow down to Putin, but Donald has a fresh set of knee pads and he will do it willingly. Trump is what many of you claimed Obama was, the Manchurian Candidate.

Maybe I missed it, but when did the White House, DNC and Clinton campaign disavow the authenticity of leaked emails? To my knowledge, like or dislike Wikileaks, nobody has ever disproved anything they have released in the last 10 years!

The leaked emails are authentic and embarrassing to the DNC because it shows how ugly and corrupt they are.
This is why they came up with the fake news of Russian Hacking, and why Obama is going out on a limb to rescue what is left of his putrid legacy and going along with it.

When The DNC is forced to give up their server which they refuse to let anyone look at, The MSM and THE DNC will be burnt to the ground and lose the last ounce of credibility they have left....if there is any left, that is.

How embarrassing is it that THE CIA Political Flunkies, RUSHED TO JUDGEMENT with this FAKE GOLDEN SHOWERS STORY.
Just rewards for a broken and politicized agency.

How do you know the story is fake? Maybe the fake story was done as a cover in order to denigrate the truth.
It was funny watching the trumpster tell the lying POS in the front row to shut up and sit down. Classic trump!
Does the classified document cite Rick Wilson as the source?
Oh, fuck me running!

The guy who handed it to Rick Wilson has come out and taken the credit!

I'd ask how goddamn stupid you could be, if I didn't think you'd look at the question as a challenge!

It's just like watching a slow motion train wreck. They even pulled their own spikes from the rail bed to facilitate enhanced speed. Damn, those people are stupid.

They've lost over 1900 seats in Federal and State elections since Obozo took office.. Lowest level of power since 1929 LOL
Then they do this for an encore.. FUCKING BRILLIANT... not.
It was funny watching the trumpster tell the lying POS in the front row to shut up and sit down. Classic trump!

IKR.. I love this man.. He doesn't cower nor does he back down... He gives as good as he gets..
oh it's soooo far fetched considering what we know about Donald .

Really!!! I love the Golden Showers story. Karma is such a bitch!

Trump claimed for years that Obama wasn't born in the US and was not the legitimate President of the United States, despite all evidence to the contrary, and 30% of Republicans believe it still, even though Trump has said that Obama was born in Hawaii and he was qualified to run.

Trump's Presidency will never be "legitimate". He will always be your "Golden Showers" President, because you know how much he loves gold. Putin helped him win the White House with a campaign of lies and disinformation. Obama wouldn't bow down to Putin, but Donald has a fresh set of knee pads and he will do it willingly. Trump is what many of you claimed Obama was, the Manchurian Candidate.

Maybe I missed it, but when did the White House, DNC and Clinton campaign disavow the authenticity of leaked emails? To my knowledge, like or dislike Wikileaks, nobody has ever disproved anything they have released in the last 10 years!

The leaked emails are authentic and embarrassing to the DNC because it shows how ugly and corrupt they are.
This is why they came up with the fake news of Russian Hacking, and why Obama is going out on a limb to rescue what is left of his putrid legacy and going along with it.

When The DNC is forced to give up their server which they refuse to let anyone look at, The MSM and THE DNC will be burnt to the ground and lose the last ounce of credibility they have left....if there is any left, that is.

How embarrassing is it that THE CIA Political Flunkies, RUSHED TO JUDGEMENT with this FAKE GOLDEN SHOWERS STORY.
Just rewards for a broken and politicized agency.

How do you know the story is fake? Maybe the fake story was done as a cover in order to denigrate the truth.

Mental gymnastics at it's best.
Does the classified document cite Rick Wilson as the source?
Oh, fuck me running!

The guy who handed it to Rick Wilson has come out and taken the credit!

I'd ask how goddamn stupid you could be, if I didn't think you'd look at the question as a challenge!

View attachment 106261

And everyone knows that 4Chan is only full of honesty and people who only tell the truth.

Are you really this gullible?

Don't answer, we both know the answer.
Does the classified document cite Rick Wilson as the source?
Oh, fuck me running!

The guy who handed it to Rick Wilson has come out and taken the credit!

I'd ask how goddamn stupid you could be, if I didn't think you'd look at the question as a challenge!

View attachment 106261

Sure he can take the credit. Did US intelligence put this in the classified document?

You've seen the classified document, I take it. lol
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