Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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I think it's time you woke up from your long, long sleep, cupcake. The NYT exposed it as a fake last night. Are they MSM enough for you? More to the point are you ever going to get it through your thick skull that the MSM led by the clinton news network and other progressive sites are posting nothing but shit in a never ending propaganda campaign. Are you intelligent enough to figure that out? Or are you merely a brainless parrot?
We find these truths to be self-evident...

I love that all the rubes cite pathetically obvious Fake News sites to try and discredit U.S. Intelligence agencies. How desperate are you fools?

That wasn't an Intelligence Report you dumbazz... MY GAWD, where do they dig up you dingbat lefty fossils??
You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence.

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.
Once The DNC server is forced from The Dimscum possession and can actually be examined, both Fake News and The Fake Democratic Party will be DOA.

CNN is almost as disgusting as Their Owners, THE DNC.
You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence.

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥
You corporate state media is all about profit and noting more. You watch and wail? That's all they need.
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

Yes, we despise fake vets, such as yourself. Real veterans, on the other hand, are honored because they are HONORABLE. A way of life you flee from.

~1% of the population serves pard, get fuggin' real for once.
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

Yes, we despise fake vets, such as yourself. Real veterans, on the other hand, are honored because they are HONORABLE. A way of life you flee from.

I know for a fact Bode is a vet. Would you like to debate me personally on that?
Trump is wiping the floor with the's about time someone did. A bunch of liberal arts majors thinking they know better how the world and human life is suppose to be...either go back to reporting the news in a fair manner or go under forever...
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

Yes, we despise fake vets, such as yourself. Real veterans, on the other hand, are honored because they are HONORABLE. A way of life you flee from.

I know for a fact Bode is a vet. Would you like to debate me personally on that?

There are many real vets who then lie about what they did in the service. That makes them fake vets too.
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

Yes, we despise fake vets, such as yourself. Real veterans, on the other hand, are honored because they are HONORABLE. A way of life you flee from.

I know for a fact Bode is a vet. Would you like to debate me personally on that?

There are many real vets who then lie about what they did in the service. That makes them fake vets too.

Everyone's fake unless you say they ain't, we got it.
Lefties like Coyote, STUCK ON STUPID, still can't accept it was a FAKE even after it's proven it was..

These people are certifiable.
Thank you to ALL who served - I don't think we need to disparage anyone's service here...let's move on to fake golden showers.
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

Shaddap flake, the adults are having a conversation.
well, maybe under Herr Drumplethinskin, you can silence the Opposition thru violent means. That would be a Win for you Alt-Righties.
silence the opposition? really, did you


just say that? really? all the garbage fakery that goes on daily and you think someone's shutting it down? Really
Yes.....we know how you feel about Veterans....and POWs.

I'm a veteran. A combat veteran with a CIB. And I can't stand McCain.

I don't know what happened to him in the Hanoi Hilton, but he needs to retire while he still has a little dignity left.

My Father and one of my two brothers are combat vets. My other brother is a vet but never saw combat.

They respect McCain's service but think he's a lousy human being and this last little fiasco shows just how lousy he is.
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