Liberal media demands trump prove claim millions voted illegally. Here it is.

Yeah it's possible millions of illegals voted it's possible Jill Stein is right about hacking it's also possible the aliens who crashed at Roswell and are being held at area 51 escaped contacted their mother ship and had them use there mind control technology to make people vote for Trump. Lots of things are possible but I wouldn't put any money on them being true.
that mind control thing sounds fairly reasonable.
Yeah it's possible millions of illegals voted it's possible Jill Stein is right about hacking it's also possible the aliens who crashed at Roswell and are being held at area 51 escaped contacted their mother ship and had them use there mind control technology to make people vote for Trump. Lots of things are possible but I wouldn't put any money on them being true.

Well then, you're an idiot. Any president that gives illegals certificates to break our laws is going to also let them vote.
The proof is obama's TWO amnesties. Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the proof that obozo is enforcing NONE of our immigration laws including the law that says illegals can't vote.

That isn't proof, tard.
Yeah it's possible millions of illegals voted it's possible Jill Stein is right about hacking it's also possible the aliens who crashed at Roswell and are being held at area 51 escaped contacted their mother ship and had them use there mind control technology to make people vote for Trump. Lots of things are possible but I wouldn't put any money on them being true.

Well then, you're an idiot. Any president that gives illegals certificates to break our laws is going to also let them vote.
No I'm simply not a paranoid partisan.
I think the first thing the liberal media should do is try to understand a fairly simple fact about voting for president.
And that fact is that your individual vote is not actually a vote in a federal election, your vote is a vote in a state election. People basically vote for who they want their state electors to vote for. Then those electors vote at the federal level. not the individual.
So, having had enough fun with the butt hurts for a while here is the unhappy (for them)fact about this. the only way it can be claimed that hillary should win because she won more of the popular vote is if a states electors went totally against what the people voted for. Lets say california, 55 electoral votes, most likely where those extra million votes will be found. California popular vote went to hillary at the state level, at the federal level all of Californias electoral votes went to hillary, the system worked as planned.
Now we do have some Electors that have claimed they would not vote for Trump even though their state election dictates that they will, thats where the problem with mis representation will come in.
When you look at it as you should, state by state, Donald Trump won the election fair according to the way it was set up to be done.
Im surprised the intellectuals on the left didnt know this.
Now carry your butt hurts to another country where their superior medical care might have some type of cure for it.
Silly me....I thought I would find actual proof in a speeders thread
The proof is obama's TWO amnesties. Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the proof that obozo is enforcing NONE of our immigration laws including the law that says illegals can't vote.

Obama didn't give illegals citizenship. You have to be a citizen to vote.
The proof is obama's TWO amnesties. Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the proof that obozo is enforcing NONE of our immigration laws including the law that says illegals can't vote.

Obama didn't give illegals citizenship. You have to be a citizen to vote.
but he did tell them that nothing bad would happen to them if they did vote.
pretty much an ok to vote illegally. and you are worried about President Trump doing something wrong? violating our elections is as bad as it gets. But then I guess when you have a president that just flat out hates white people, its only reasonable to expect him to try and undermine them every chance he gets.
The proof is obama's TWO amnesties. Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the proof that obozo is enforcing NONE of our immigration laws including the law that says illegals can't vote.

Poor little racist.

Can't even tell what proof is.
Obama didn't give illegals citizenship. You have to be a citizen to vote.

HAHAHA. You don't even understand the issue. Everyone agrees illegals are not allowed to vote. But that law has to be enforced and obozo won't do it. Like he won't enforce any immigration laws.
But then I guess when you have a president that just flat out hates white people, its only reasonable to expect him to try and undermine them every chance he gets.

Got that right. In fact all blacks hate white people and it's because they need whites to take care of them. Blacks know that without welfare and affirmative action, american blacks would be living like african blacks. Dependency always leads to hatred of the provider.
They know it can't be proven. Our Government will not prosecute voting crimes on a mass scale. It either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's a combination of both. Obama told Illegals to go out and vote. He assured them there would be 'no repercussions.' And he was 100% correct.

Local and Federal Government will not pursue Illegal Voter prosecutions. It just isn't gonna happen. Our Government has no idea where most of the Illegals are for God's sake. So how would it locate and prosecute millions of them? It's impossible. So i have no doubt thousands, possibly millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But are any of them gonna be held accountable? Don't hold your breath.
The proof is obama's TWO amnesties. Obozo gave millions of illegals a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can do neither.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the proof that obozo is enforcing NONE of our immigration laws including the law that says illegals can't vote.

Obama didn't give illegals citizenship. You have to be a citizen to vote.
but he did tell them that nothing bad would happen to them if they did vote.
pretty much an ok to vote illegally. and you are worried about President Trump doing something wrong? violating our elections is as bad as it gets. But then I guess when you have a president that just flat out hates white people, its only reasonable to expect him to try and undermine them every chance he gets.

The President did no such thing. Is your whole life a lie?
Claiming Obama didn't tell illegals to vote is REAL iffy considering peoples attention spans, and the DNC damn well knows it, so does everyone in the country. Really the only folks who /don't/ think this shit was a carefully crafted speech are partisan hacks

( I hope it was worth it Dem's cause you trashed a /lot/ of peoples faith in your party pulling this stunt. - I got quite a few texts from my minions [the rabid Sander's fan ones] who were flaming pissed that he told illegals to vote because in their eyes it was more proof of how dishonest and rigged the DNC was - even more so from those who saw the start up of this interview with Obama and the gal gushing about having the first woman president. )

I'll also note that it's /very/ difficult to find this /entire/ interview, 90% of what you can find out there is cropped and edited (by all sides):

[blah blah blah voter suppression]

Obama @2:57: "If you want to vote, and you show up at your polling place, they can't stop you from voting. They can't stop you from voting. "

[blah blah blah go to - you should go vote]

Interviewer @3:20: "Many of the millennials, dreamers, and undocumented citizens... and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country, are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?"

Obama @3:35: "Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for, if you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote."

Interviewer @4:05: "There's been (sic quiet) a huge fear presented, especially during this election."

Obama @4:10: "And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard because you're not just speaking for yourself, you're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice, [@4:32] who can't legally vote, but they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard."

[yada yada yada don't be afraid of racism/segregation then the interviewer takes a [staged] phone call - (Obama steals a page from the Clinton hot sauce playbook)]

HAHAHA. You don't even understand the issue. Everyone agrees illegals are not allowed to vote. But that law has to be enforced and obozo won't do it. Like he won't enforce any immigration laws.

Isn't that a State responsibility?

Yup - but obama told each state that if they prevent illegals from voting, then he will cut the funding the state gets from the feds.
Local and Federal Government will not pursue Illegal Voter prosecutions. It just isn't gonna happen. Our Government has no idea where most of the Illegals are for God's sake. So how would it locate and prosecute millions of them? It's impossible. So i have no doubt thousands, possibly millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But are any of them gonna be held accountable? Don't hold your breath.

If we had voter photo ID, this wouldn't even be an issue.

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