Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Brian Williams, Anchor and Managing Editor, "NBC Nightly News":

Brian Williams is seen by more U.S. television viewers on a daily basis than any other individual. Since taking over as anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News in 2004, he has strengthened the broadcast's position as the most-watched newscast in all of television and has become the most highly decorated evening news anchor of the modern era. He has received eleven Edward R. Murrow Awards, twelve Emmy Awards, the duPont-Columbia University Award, the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism and the industry’s highest honor, the George Foster Peabody Award....

Brian Williams - NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams - About Us NBC News

This sure looks like they think he's a News Guy, not a Commentator or Entertainer.

Nah. He's a Face. Whether he's a commentator or entertainer, like Hannity et al mentioned above, would depend on the content. But if he was just a "news guy" they wouldn't need a Face. They'd just plunk down whatever (real) news guy was available. There's a reason they package it as "NBC News With Brian Williams" (or whoever, plug in name). They're selling Illusion. If they were selling straight news they could put text up.
I was the one that introduced the study of Logic Fallacies into this Message Board.

He thinks he's Play-Doh.
STILL more.... this is Bourbon Street, which is completely inside the French Quarter:


A woman crosses flooded Bourbon Street in the French Quarter August 31, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Scott Morgan/Getty Images)
from here

In order for a body to "float by" there has to be a current....few streets develop a current because the water is going into sewer holes....this pic shows no bodies "floating by" nor have any others....this woman in ankle deep water.....FAIL!

I didn't say anything about anything "floating by" -- and pictures tend not to move unless they're videos.
What I did say, and document, was that this idea that "there was no flooding in the Quarter" -- was bullshit. And still is.

Once again, that's "flooding". Not "floating". And for those who claim to have gone through life with no clue how a flood works-- a still picture tells us only what the water level was at that moment. Doesn't tell us what it was an hour before or a day before or hence. Water levels in places that are not designed to be underwater tend to uh, vary wildly. And as for "currents", well that water that wasn't there had to come in (which means it's moving) and then has to recede (which means it's moving again). Moreover that's Bourbon Street, nowhere near the Ritz Carlton. But very much IN the French Quarter.

Ay caramba it's like teaching first grade.....

However here's a thought -- this pic is dated August 31. The first one I linked in this thread is dated September 1st. That means there was enough water to flood in the Quarter for at least two days -- unless it flooded once, receded, and then flooded again. Either way the "no Quarter flooding" mythology is bullshit. Likely it grew out of the fact that some places in the FQ didn't flood, or that it wasn't as bad as the rest of town (80% underwater). But pictures don't lie. Speaking of which I also linked a page full of bodies both floating and beached. Including at least one on Canal Street. (here it is again - don't say I never gave ya nothin')

Trivia: one of the bodies, I doubt he's pictured there, was that of Barry Cowsill of the '60s family music group. They could only identify him by dental records. As noted before, a lot of bodies, well over a thousand, and it took quite some time to get to them all. That's one reason we residents weren't even allowed back into the city until October.

In a side story I did describe my GF's neighbors waking up to find themselves floating in their bed. But that's floating "in", not "by". They didn't need a current; the point was they noticed their ceiling was closer than usual.
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To your second point-
the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" (with Brian Williams) to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found. your first point-

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Still no objective, documented proof from the right that the media are 'liberal,' that Williams is a 'liberal,' or that a single individual is 'representative' of the entire group to which he belongs.
The report isn't from UCLA, it's from Tim Groseclose (nice name!) He's a Right-Wing hack. Here's the first paragraph from your link:

While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than the New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

OK, does ANYBODY believe that the Drudge Report leans left? Bueller?...Bueller?



FoxNews guy.

Oh, and look! He's written a wingnut book!


And look! He blows the whistle on Liberal UCLA!

Tim Groseclose Blows the Whistle on UCLA


Now, if anyone is interested in the debunking of Tim Groseclose's wingnut study, here ya go:

The problems with the Groseclose Milyo study of media bias - Brendan Nyhan
The political slant of almost every major main stream media news outlet in this Republic is decidedly left of center.
Instead of just regurgitating this claim, why don't you give us an example of a news report or newspaper report being Liberal?

Every time this 'Liberal Media' bullshit is tossed around I ask this question, and NO ONE has ever come up with one.

Maybe you'll be the first, counselor.
To your second point-
the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" (with Brian Williams) to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found. your first point-

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

This is kind of a moot point here. IIRC neither the Katrina story nor the helicopter story was part of a newscast.

And no part of anything Brian Williams has ever said about his work as a reporter has ANYTHING to do with his alleged "credibility."


No idea what that means. But I'll use it as a segue anyway.

As I noted waaaaay back in this thread, Brian Williams isn't a "reporter" or "journalist", regardless what he or his employer or his competitors call it. These aren't "reporters"-- they're actors. Their job is to look pretty, look credible, and deliver the script in a clear cadence in perfect sync with the broadcast clock. The actual journalists, we never even get to see them. They're the workers, not the Queen.

The TV news talking head no more represents the work of reporting than the CEO of EnormoCorp represents the piecework his 11-year old Vietnamese girl does making his clothes products. You can see that as soon as he takes the screen -- he's in a SUIT. Why is he wearing a suit? You don't need a suit to tell a story... :dunno:

This is exactly why: because they're not selling "news"; they're selling illusion. That is after all what TV is entirely made of: illusion. And part of that illusion -- a BIG part -- is credibility, the second element mentioned above. That's why Brian Williams is a liability for NBC right now-- not because he made up or embellished some anecdotes (those are after all not part of the news) but because his illusion of credibility is in question. And when you're selling illusion, that means money.

CLEARLY the issue here isn't ethical journalism. These stories after all didn't come from journalism but from personal anecdotes, one or both of which was self-inflated. The issue is illusion. If the issue was actual ethics in journalism, I wouldn't be the only one taking the Advocate to task for trying to sell the bullshit that "the French Quarter never flooded". That actually IS falsifying the news. Where's the outrage?

Not important. Because it's all about illusion.

Pfft. You know EXACTLY what it means.

When it suits you and your ilk to DENY that Brian Williams has been considered a "reporter," you blithely deny it.

When it suits you to label him a "reporter," he gets bestowed with that honorific title even if that term has become largely meaningless.

The political slant of almost every major main stream media news outlet in this Republic is decidedly left of center.

And when the "reporter" known as Brian Williams was discussing this stolen valor stuff, he was DISCUSSING what happened to him in his role as a reporter. So it doesn't matter if he said it on Letterman or repeated it later in a news broadcast designed to honor actual servicemen and women.

It does undercut any hope of his to laying a claim to integrity.

The big question, really, is: given what we already know, why hasn't that lummox been summarily dismissed from NBC?

Gee. I wonder.

The other Big Question is "how many people in positions of power at NBC knew he was lying, but covered it up"?
If one of the suits knew, wouldn't they take him aside and tell him to stop telling that story? Especially since they have so much money invested in him?

I would tell you to use your brain, but...
This is kind of a moot point here. IIRC neither the Katrina story nor the helicopter story was part of a newscast.

And no part of anything Brian Williams has ever said about his work as a reporter has ANYTHING to do with his alleged "credibility."


No idea what that means. But I'll use it as a segue anyway.

As I noted waaaaay back in this thread, Brian Williams isn't a "reporter" or "journalist", regardless what he or his employer or his competitors call it. These aren't "reporters"-- they're actors. Their job is to look pretty, look credible, and deliver the script in a clear cadence in perfect sync with the broadcast clock. The actual journalists, we never even get to see them. They're the workers, not the Queen.

The TV news talking head no more represents the work of reporting than the CEO of EnormoCorp represents the piecework his 11-year old Vietnamese girl does making his clothes products. You can see that as soon as he takes the screen -- he's in a SUIT. Why is he wearing a suit? You don't need a suit to tell a story... :dunno:

This is exactly why: because they're not selling "news"; they're selling illusion. That is after all what TV is entirely made of: illusion. And part of that illusion -- a BIG part -- is credibility, the second element mentioned above. That's why Brian Williams is a liability for NBC right now-- not because he made up or embellished some anecdotes (those are after all not part of the news) but because his illusion of credibility is in question. And when you're selling illusion, that means money.

CLEARLY the issue here isn't ethical journalism. These stories after all didn't come from journalism but from personal anecdotes, one or both of which was self-inflated. The issue is illusion. If the issue was actual ethics in journalism, I wouldn't be the only one taking the Advocate to task for trying to sell the bullshit that "the French Quarter never flooded". That actually IS falsifying the news. Where's the outrage?

Not important. Because it's all about illusion.

Pfft. You know EXACTLY what it means.

When it suits you and your ilk to DENY that Brian Williams has been considered a "reporter," you blithely deny it.

When it suits you to label him a "reporter," he gets bestowed with that honorific title even if that term has become largely meaningless.

The political slant of almost every major main stream media news outlet in this Republic is decidedly left of center.

And when the "reporter" known as Brian Williams was discussing this stolen valor stuff, he was DISCUSSING what happened to him in his role as a reporter. So it doesn't matter if he said it on Letterman or repeated it later in a news broadcast designed to honor actual servicemen and women.

It does undercut any hope of his to laying a claim to integrity.

The big question, really, is: given what we already know, why hasn't that lummox been summarily dismissed from NBC?

Gee. I wonder.

The other Big Question is "how many people in positions of power at NBC knew he was lying, but covered it up"?
If one of the suits knew, wouldn't they take him aside and tell him to stop telling that story? Especially since they have so much money invested in him?

I would tell you to use your brain, but...

Clearly your brain operates only at the lower brain stem level. Williams changed his version of his helicopter story over the years. If you think that nobody at NBC noticed, you're incredibly gullible.
Did O'Lielly indeed lie about combat duty? Pretty simple question - will you punt?

We know he lied about growing up in Levittown. What else has he lied about?

O'Reilly never said he served in the military. He said he was exposed to combat fire when in South America. The latter may have been a lie, but it isn't one about serving in the military.
For him to be considered credible on his news program
There is no requirement for him to be credible when introducing news reports from reporters. He didn't report it, he didn't write it, it's not his credibility.

He's a traffic cop.

Dan Rather is the only true reporter I can think of to transition to anchor, in the modern era. Peter Jennings was an anchor, then realized he had no gravitas at 26 years old, and requested a transfer to Europe to actually become a reporter. I don't remember Tom Brokaw being a reporter in the field prior to getting the 'Today' show gig.
When it suits you and your ilk to DENY that Brian Williams has been considered a "reporter," you blithely deny it.

When it suits you to label him a "reporter," he gets bestowed with that honorific title even if that term has become largely meaningless.

Horseshit. Where have I ever called ANY TV talking head a "reporter"? More to the point, who on this website has railed against TV and the bullshit illusion it represents more than I?

OK then. Don't start something you can't finish.

Shut the fuck up, you dickless idiot. I don't care if you personally called Brian Williams a "reporter." I SAID you "and your ilk." And lots of you brain dead babbling bullshit artists on the left have indeed called him a reporter and defended him AS a reporter.
Then it should take you no time at all to find an example.
Hannity's show isn't a news show and Hannity is a commentator, not a news reporter.

Ditto that (no pun intended) for Rush and Mark Levin And the same goes for Bill O'Reilly.
How about the three morons on Fox & Friends?
When it suits you and your ilk to DENY that Brian Williams has been considered a "reporter," you blithely deny it.

When it suits you to label him a "reporter," he gets bestowed with that honorific title even if that term has become largely meaningless.

Horseshit. Where have I ever called ANY TV talking head a "reporter"? More to the point, who on this website has railed against TV and the bullshit illusion it represents more than I?

OK then. Don't start something you can't finish.

Shut the fuck up, you dickless idiot. I don't care if you personally called Brian Williams a "reporter." I SAID you "and your ilk." And lots of you brain dead babbling bullshit artists on the left have indeed called him a reporter and defended him AS a reporter.
Then it should take you no time at all to find an example.

His bio at cites the NEW YORK TIMES' and Vanity Fair's praise of his "reporting":

Williams’ coverage of world events has earned him high praise and several citations for journalistic excellence, many of which were awarded for his work covering Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. The New York Times said his reporting of Katrina was “a defining moment,” and Vanity Fair later called his work “Murrow-worthy” and reported that during the crisis he became “a nation’s anchor.” He has covered numerous presidential campaigns, nominating conventions, and elections, and has moderated eight presidential debates. ...

Brian Williams - NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams - About Us NBC News
No, you are wrong. This is the link I posted-
Media bias is real finds UCLA political scientist UCLA

and here is a link to the full study rather than just the synopsis

To your second point-
the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" (with Brian Williams) to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found. your first point-

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Still no objective, documented proof from the right that the media are 'liberal,' that Williams is a 'liberal,' or that a single individual is 'representative' of the entire group to which he belongs.
The report isn't from UCLA, it's from Tim Groseclose (nice name!) He's a Right-Wing hack. Here's the first paragraph from your link:

While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than the New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

OK, does ANYBODY believe that the Drudge Report leans left? Bueller?...Bueller?



FoxNews guy.

Oh, and look! He's written a wingnut book!


And look! He blows the whistle on Liberal UCLA!

Tim Groseclose Blows the Whistle on UCLA


Now, if anyone is interested in the debunking of Tim Groseclose's wingnut study, here ya go:

The problems with the Groseclose Milyo study of media bias - Brendan Nyhan

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