Liberal Militias

In 2000 republicans sent a violent mob to Florida to stop the recount and it worked.

Which recount? The third? The fourth?
Should they have allowed endless recounts until enough Gore votes were manufactured to give him the win?
The first and only recount.

So you riot if you don't like the process?

The first and only recount.

Your math is off.

The first recount was done by November 10th.
Then Gore wanted a manual recount in 4 counties.

The "Brooks Brothers Rebellion" wasn't until Nov 22nd.
In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.

The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, “Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed,” by reporter Dennis Cauchon:

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes -- more than triple his official 537-vote margin -- if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election....

New York Times headline clearly stated, "Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote,

EXAMINING THE VOTE: THE OVERVIEW; Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote (Published 2001)

An exhaustive review of last year's disputed presidential election in Florida indicates that George W. Bush still would have defeated Al Gore even if Mr. Gore had been granted the limited vote recounts he was seeking. Several U.S. news organizations consider the study the final word on the 2000 presidential election.

The study found that even if Al Gore had won the right to limited recounts in Florida, he still would have lost to Mr. Bush by at least 200 votes. The official results gave Mr. Bush a 537 vote victory.
Another example of how Trump didn't drive the moonbats loony, he revealed their lunacy.
I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Are we supposed to be held to a higher standard?

Did you hear some of the rioters proposed having guns on a ferry they could quickly bring in if it was necessary? It didn’t happen but maybe next time they don’t like the results they will get triggered enough.

Shouldnt us liberals be prepared to take the country back from the coup? Or should we think about it after it’s too late?

I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Which recount?
Florida 2000. Brooks brother riots. Google it.

Roger stone was involved. Didn’t trump pardon him?
A few guys banging on doors and windows -didn't even break in- is now a "riot"....ROFLMFAO!!



That’s the logic of smellybozo for you.Lunatic indeed.:up: He also is such a lunatic he calls the dem funded antifa breaking windows which trump supporters tried to stop,as being the fault of trump supporters and if thst is not comical and retarded enough for ya,he also blames trump supporters for antifa and BLM attacking trump supporters that were kids and the elderly, you just can’t make this shit up.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: This child indeed trolls for reaction,he is an attention seeker same as his lover banker.he is as much childish as banker,this moron ignores it was the democrat terrorist funded antifa that behaved and started riots,what a total lying asswipe who is desperate fir attention same as banker.
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We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
Because it points out how poorly republicans behave. Rioting. Forming armed militias.

Why shouldnt us liberals do the same? Seems like you’re playing chess and we’re playing checkers. Time for us to learn chess.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.

Ummmmm, YOU are the loons that did billions in dollars in damages and murdered dozens of people.

Seems like we need to start defending our communities from YOU.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread,the understatement of the year.:up: He loves cops who shoot unarmed protesters,He lives in Michigan but he should live in China,he is a shill for them and he has shown the whole world he hates America.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
Because it points out how poorly republicans behave. Rioting. Forming armed militias.

Why shouldnt us liberals do the same? Seems like you’re playing chess and we’re playing checkers. Time for us to learn chess.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.

Ummmmm, YOU are the loons that did billions in dollars in damages and murdered dozens of people.

Seems like we need to start defending our communities from YOU.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread,the understatement of the year.:up: He loves cops who shoot unarmed protesters,He lives in Michigan but he should live in China,he is a shill for them and he has shown the whole world he hates America.
Again, I now believe you are a paid shill of the rnc.
We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented.

Hahahahahaha! Automatic eyeliner pens? Automatic sex toys?

No. Automatic vagina hats.
Know your shit before you respond!
So you can’t intelligently speak about the thread title but you can post that?

Fact is you know if us liberals did the shit you republicans do during elections, it would be a blood bath. So maybe you republicans need to accept the results and respect the process.

This is the second time you republicans have thrown a wrench into the process. In 2000 it worked. This year it did not. Wasn’t close enough for you to steal. We know the next election is going to be close. Are you going to riot again? Then maybe us liberals need to be prepared.

If this subject doesn’t interest you leave. My guess is you got nothing good to come back with. Or you miss the point. I doubt that. I think you just cant respond because it’d make you sound like a hypocrite
You are aware, I am sure, that you can make up facts, but if all you can do is recite them without proof, they are not facts.

I know you know that, but I am not sure why you ignore that.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap: Smellybozo excels at making up facts and recite them without proof SC Patriot
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
You guys will be ready to steal another election through fraud.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Ugh. I hate this. The last thing we need is more guns, more violence, and more militias. Admittedly, the difference between people getting tear gassed for kneeling in a street and being able to invade and occupy federal buildings for weeks without violence seems to be whether or not the mob has guns. And we know a lot of people with BLM saw that and got the message loud and clear. Kneel in a street? Gassed and beaten. Block major highways into large cities? Taking smiling selfies on Facebook. The difference? Skin color and guns, but i have to wonder if 'guns' isn't the bigger factor.

The capitol protesters were unarmed. Even the one who was shot dead by the cops while you cheered.
And angry mob caused 4 innocent people to die that day. Fuck you.

Did you get your group of armed pussyhats together yet, faggot?
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
Because it points out how poorly republicans behave. Rioting. Forming armed militias.

Why shouldnt us liberals do the same? Seems like you’re playing chess and we’re playing checkers. Time for us to learn chess.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.

Ummmmm, YOU are the loons that did billions in dollars in damages and murdered dozens of people.

Seems like we need to start defending our communities from YOU.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread,the understatement of the year.:up: He loves cops who shoot unarmed protesters,He lives in Michigan but he should live in China,he is a shill for them and he has shown the whole world he hates America.
Again, I now believe you are a paid shill of the rnc.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
Because it points out how poorly republicans behave. Rioting. Forming armed militias.

Why shouldnt us liberals do the same? Seems like you’re playing chess and we’re playing checkers. Time for us to learn chess.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.

Ummmmm, YOU are the loons that did billions in dollars in damages and murdered dozens of people.

Seems like we need to start defending our communities from YOU.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread,the understatement of the year.:up: He loves cops who shoot unarmed protesters,He lives in Michigan but he should live in China,he is a shill for them and he has shown the whole world he hates America.
Again, I now believe you are a paid shill of the rnc.
you are embarrassing yourself paid shill for dnc,I would be posting the same kind of lies and bullshit about bush how he was a good president the way you do about Obama if that were true.god you are stuck on stupid.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Ugh. I hate this. The last thing we need is more guns, more violence, and more militias. Admittedly, the difference between people getting tear gassed for kneeling in a street and being able to invade and occupy federal buildings for weeks without violence seems to be whether or not the mob has guns. And we know a lot of people with BLM saw that and got the message loud and clear. Kneel in a street? Gassed and beaten. Block major highways into large cities? Taking smiling selfies on Facebook. The difference? Skin color and guns, but i have to wonder if 'guns' isn't the bigger factor.

The capitol protesters were unarmed. Even the one who was shot dead by the cops while you cheered.
And angry mob caused 4 innocent people to die that day. Fuck you.

Did you get your group of armed pussyhats together yet, faggot?
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.
they didnt have guns,,, and didnt shoot unarmed people,,

and didnt shoot unarmed people,,

Only one to do that was a Capital cop
Yea, a mob coming at him. Not a nice mob. Not coming peacefully

he didn't shoot a mob.

He shot ONE unarmed woman.
(if a Republican did it, you would call it murder)
He shot one of the first few heads breaking through. She was an ex military what does her being a woman have to do with anything?

No I would not call shooting those insurrectionists murder. It’s not like they opened fire on people running around. She was breaking through a barricade have you seen the video?

I bet they stopped after she got shot. Shit got real

We already know you support cops shooting unarmed protesters, no need to reiterate your position.
You support insurrectionist lunitics murdering 4 people at the capitol trying to pull a coup.

You mean the dem funded antifa that did that,that’s you that supports that as well as supporting antifa for beating up trump supporters that are children and elderly America hater,

Oddball so much nailed it about you,that you are an openly violent lunatic
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I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.
they didnt have guns,,, and didnt shoot unarmed people,,
They sent armed militias to the polls to intimidate. We will have our guys do that too, wearing blue. You wear red.
why would I wear red???

and youre changing the subject,,
The insurrectionists thought about bringing guns or having them close by just in case.

This is just you downplaying what they attempted. A fucking coup. We can not let something like this happen again.
it takes a special kind of stupid to think that was an insurrection,,,
You guys don't even believe it was Trump supporters at the insurrection. Or you believe the only ones who got violent were antifa. You're all conspiracy theorist nuts. Because one right wing radio host pontificated what if it was antifa, you guys ran with it. You believe what you want to believe not based on facts. Look at global warming. Everything is political. Crazy
Just cause we took you to school that it was not trump supporters that started the insurrection you are butthurt and try to convince yourself it was.there you go lying again saying we believe it because it was a radio show host,no we believe it because we are not stupid like you trump haters and know how antifa disguises themselves as trump supporters,trump supporters don’t go around wearing masks like they did you stupid fuck. Trump supporters also don’t go around beating up fellow trump supporters attacking the elderly and children you stupid fuck lying troll.

Oh my the irony,that is comedy you call us conspiracy theorists when you swallowed the most laughable conspiracy theory ever invented by the media that trump got elected by russia collusion,talk about a conspiracy theorist. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl: :rofl:
OP: "Should we stop attacking the defenseless such as old women, windows and statues and get some guns cuz hundreds of "Trump Supporters" "stormed" an undermanned (COUGH!) capitol after we Demonicrats STOLE and ELECTION?"
But we didn't steal an election. Starting a riot that day was part of the process Republicans employed trying to steal this election. They wanted it to go to the Supreme Court. Or have it sent to the House where each state just gets one vote. Or they wanted a redo in the 5 states Trump lost.

The riots were step 1. Pense ruined it by not doing something Trump wanted him to try. But Pense wouldn't do it. What was it? It was all part of the steal.

We won 5 swing states. Wasn't even close. Facts don't matter to Republicans.

God I'm seriously thinking about putting every Republican who things the election was rigged on ignore. Not worth talking to.
You want to put every trump supporter on ignore because you cannot counter our facts that antifa funded by dems started the insurrection and have fallen flat miserably on your face to refute facts that Biden is an illegitimate president and this election was stolen from trump and the election was rigged.oh my the irony,facts don’t matter to YOU,not to trump supporters.

You really did it this time getting shit on your face an embarrassment putting your foot in your mouth lying babbling that this election was not rigged,yet you show your double standards and prove to the entire board what a class A hypocrite you are thst Bush stole the election both times even though there was 10 times far less evidence of that than there is for trumps election being stolen.

don’t you ever get tired of proving to the entire board what a stupid fuck lying hypocrite paid troll you are?
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I love the fucked up logic smellybozo has tha
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond...other than responding with:

Trolling for reaction.

Childish and not worth the time of anyone with intelligence to respond
Because it points out how poorly republicans behave. Rioting. Forming armed militias.

Why shouldnt us liberals do the same? Seems like you’re playing chess and we’re playing checkers. Time for us to learn chess.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.

Ummmmm, YOU are the loons that did billions in dollars in damages and murdered dozens of people.

Seems like we need to start defending our communities from YOU.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread,the understatement of the year.:up: He loves cops who shoot unarmed protesters,He lives in Michigan but he should live in China,he is a shill for them and he has shown the whole world he hates America.
Again, I now believe you are a paid shill of the rnc.
DNC paid shill and commie loving America hater,you got me mixed up with political chic. SHE is the one that loves those criminals the Bush family and Reagan not me dumbass.:cuckoo:You prove to the whole world you have Alzheimer’s diseace as well,How many hundreds of times when Obama was president did you see me posting about 9/11 being an inside job and the major role Bush had in it you stupid ass troll?:cuckoo:

She does the same with Bush thst you do with Obama ignoring that Obama was a clone of Bush and they were two peas in a pod and the best of THAT would be someone who is a paid shill for the Rnc ignoring the corruption of bush and evading facts about how evil he was same as you do with Obama you dumbass idiot.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Also before Trump got elected,the last Republican president America had thst I thought was worth a shit who served the people instead of the Washington establishment was Calvin Coolidge yet you are trying to convince yourself I am a shill for the RNC? Grow up kid and layoff the crack.:cuckoo: Go tell pc she is a shill for the RNC,now THAT be the speaking the truth idiot.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.

After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show I doubt you Dems will have to worry about an election as none of you will get elected for anything.

Right now we are being over run by illegals at the southern border. Your boy Biden stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and invited all those illegals to come to the US.

Guess he didn't care that most Americans want all illegals out of the country. His immigration policy won't earn him any votes.

Oh and once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.
Except they control the voting machines ,. There is zero chance that 80 million people voted for dementia Joe Biden. So until someone does something about that, it's over. Hell, it is probably over now.
You are making far too much sense for his drugged up mind to comprehend Whodatsaywhodat. :up:
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.
by promoting mob rule and shooting unarmed people,,,

I think youre confused,,

OH and we are a republic not a democracy,,

By doing what patriotic Republicans are doing? Arming themselves, and attacking the Capital? And when a right winger trots out that "republic not a democracy" line, you know they've got NOTHING.

If it's OK for Republicans to think the election was rigged, and attack the Capital and injured and kill people without evidence, why shouldn't Democrats do the same thing? You've cheered the attack on the Capital when right wingers did it.

You've said that "militias" are necessary to secure the liberties set out in the Constitution, so Democrats SHOULD have militias.

If militias are necessary to secure democracy in the Republic, it's time for Democrats to arm themselves and organize, because right wingers have already tried to overthrow a legal and valid election. The nation must be defended against the right's attempt at an authoritarian take-over which Republicans have refused to condemn.

What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.
beings youre not an american your opinion on what is or isnt patriotic is the ramblings of a foreign troll and only needs mocked and ridiculed,,,

so please save your opinions of our country for your knitting circles,,
amen to that.Dragonidiot runs off when she is taken to school that the election was rigged and that
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.
by promoting mob rule and shooting unarmed people,,,

I think youre confused,,

OH and we are a republic not a democracy,,

By doing what patriotic Republicans are doing? Arming themselves, and attacking the Capital? And when a right winger trots out that "republic not a democracy" line, you know they've got NOTHING.

If it's OK for Republicans to think the election was rigged, and attack the Capital and injured and kill people without evidence, why shouldn't Democrats do the same thing? You've cheered the attack on the Capital when right wingers did it.

You've said that "militias" are necessary to secure the liberties set out in the Constitution, so Democrats SHOULD have militias.

If militias are necessary to secure democracy in the Republic, it's time for Democrats to arm themselves and organize, because right wingers have already tried to overthrow a legal and valid election. The nation must be defended against the right's attempt at an authoritarian take-over which Republicans have refused to condemn.

What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.
Someone gets it.

yeah fellow lying trolls like Dragonidiot get the trolling and lies you post cause she does the same,everyone laughs at her same as they do you.
We are reading the insurrectionists social media posts. They were going to load a ferry with guns so if needed they could quickly bring them in.

Link or LIE.

As per their SOP, foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa reportedly pre-positioned weapons around DC / the Capitol prior to the 6 Jan violence, as they have done in other violent terrorist events in other Democrat-run cities all over the US.

The insurrection was ugly but could have been much uglier. Maybe this one was just a test run.

This was not an insurrection - it was a pre-coordinated, pre-planned set-up by Pelosi / Democrats, an excuse to attempt to brand all conservatives and Trump-supporters as terrorists and insurrectionists. It was political theater staged so Democrats could declare anyone who mentioned their stolen election of who opposed their liberal agenda in the future to be 'terrorists' and 'insurrectionists'.

It was not coincidence or 'chance' that a known violent Antifa member, who has said about govt numerous times, 'Burn it all down', was in the Capitol, ILLEGALLY, FILMING the violence, that he was arrested, and was SET FREE, and that later Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had in her possession and the Democrats used THAT EXACT SAME VIDEO FILMED BY THE ANTIFA MEMBER (Sullivan) from inside the Cap[itol in Pelosi's failed 2nd Impeachment attempt.

In 2016 Barryand the Democrats colluded and paid Russians / a foreign ex-spy for Russian-authored propaganda to attempt a failed coup attempt against trump. In 2021, Pelosi and proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Swalwell collaborated with Antifa touse Antifa's film from illegally inside the Captiol in Pelosi's 2nd failed Impeachment attempt.

you win first prize for best damn post on this thread sir.:thankusmile:

well done easyt65 the trump haters can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you just checkmated their lying asses.:2up:

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