Liberal Militias

We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.
We are reading the insurrectionists social media posts. They were going to load a ferry with guns so if needed they could quickly bring them in.

Link or LIE.

As per their SOP, foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa reportedly pre-positioned weapons around DC / the Capitol prior to the 6 Jan violence, as they have done in other violent terrorist events in other Democrat-run cities all over the US.

The insurrection was ugly but could have been much uglier. Maybe this one was just a test run.

This was not an insurrection - it was a pre-coordinated, pre-planned set-up by Pelosi / Democrats, an excuse to attempt to brand all conservatives and Trump-supporters as terrorists and insurrectionists. It was political theater staged so Democrats could declare anyone who mentioned their stolen election of who opposed their liberal agenda in the future to be 'terrorists' and 'insurrectionists'.

It was not coincidence or 'chance' that a known violent Antifa member, who has said about govt numerous times, 'Burn it all down', was in the Capitol, ILLEGALLY, FILMING the violence, that he was arrested, and was SET FREE, and that later Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had in her possession and the Democrats used THAT EXACT SAME VIDEO FILMED BY THE ANTIFA MEMBER (Sullivan) from inside the Cap[itol in Pelosi's failed 2nd Impeachment attempt.

In 2016 Barryand the Democrats colluded and paid Russians / a foreign ex-spy for Russian-authored propaganda to attempt a failed coup attempt against trump. In 2021, Pelosi and proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Swalwell collaborated with Antifa touse Antifa's film from illegally inside the Captiol in Pelosi's 2nd failed Impeachment attempt.
Link or lie
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.
by promoting mob rule and shooting unarmed people,,,

I think youre confused,,

OH and we are a republic not a democracy,,

By doing what patriotic Republicans are doing? Arming themselves, and attacking the Capital? And when a right winger trots out that "republic not a democracy" line, you know they've got NOTHING.

If it's OK for Republicans to think the election was rigged, and attack the Capital and injured and kill people without evidence, why shouldn't Democrats do the same thing? You've cheered the attack on the Capital when right wingers did it.

You've said that "militias" are necessary to secure the liberties set out in the Constitution, so Democrats SHOULD have militias.

If militias are necessary to secure democracy in the Republic, it's time for Democrats to arm themselves and organize, because right wingers have already tried to overthrow a legal and valid election. The nation must be defended against the right's attempt at an authoritarian take-over which Republicans have refused to condemn.

What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.
beings youre not an american your opinion on what is or isnt patriotic is the ramblings of a foreign troll and only needs mocked and ridiculed,,,

so please save your opinions of our country for your knitting circles,,
amen to that.Dragonidiot runs off when she is taken to school that the election was rigged and that
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.
by promoting mob rule and shooting unarmed people,,,

I think youre confused,,

OH and we are a republic not a democracy,,

By doing what patriotic Republicans are doing? Arming themselves, and attacking the Capital? And when a right winger trots out that "republic not a democracy" line, you know they've got NOTHING.

If it's OK for Republicans to think the election was rigged, and attack the Capital and injured and kill people without evidence, why shouldn't Democrats do the same thing? You've cheered the attack on the Capital when right wingers did it.

You've said that "militias" are necessary to secure the liberties set out in the Constitution, so Democrats SHOULD have militias.

If militias are necessary to secure democracy in the Republic, it's time for Democrats to arm themselves and organize, because right wingers have already tried to overthrow a legal and valid election. The nation must be defended against the right's attempt at an authoritarian take-over which Republicans have refused to condemn.

What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.
Someone gets it.

yeah fellow lying trolls like Dragonidiot get the trolling and lies you post cause she does the same,everyone laughs at her same as they do you.
Of course you think the election was rigged. You also think the nfl is as fake as big time wrestling
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.

How's your pussyhat army coming along? You girls ready for a fight?
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.
What did he do wrong?

The only thing he did as far as I can tell was being guilty of carrying guns while black.

You can carry a rifle or don't carry rifle. I don't care. Just don't tell me what I can or cannot carry.


(By the way, an "assault rifle," by definition, must be capable of firing semi-auto and full-auto. The semi-auto versions are sporting rifles. Stop fucking up the vernacular.)
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.

How's your pussyhat army coming along? You girls ready for a fight?
Not yet. We got our guns but no one hads ammo. Lol
Easy you top yourself in every post,every post of yours is more informative and more constructive than your previous ones.You would have made an excellent lawyer,you really know your stuff.:thup:

These two posts #204 and #214 on page 11 here totally checkmated smellybozo and gave him a major ass beating he will suffer from for years that he will never recover from.:dance::banana: sure am glad you are on our side.:thup:

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists looted, pillaged, burned, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in Democrat-run communities all over the US, destroying lives and minority-owned businesses that will never reopen again, causing BILLIONS f dollars in damage. These terrorists attempted to BURN FEDERAL AGENTS ALIVE IN FEDERAL BUILDINGS THEY TORCHED....Democrat surrogate fake news media reported their violence consisted of 'MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS' as buildings LITERALLY burned behind them. They did not call this domestic terrorism an 'INSURRECTION', despite Antifa calling for the US govt to be 'burned down' or while they attempted to burn federal agents alive.

Democrat leaders provided them with Porta-Potties, hardened barricades rto replace their flimsy make-shift barricades used to hold entire city blocks hostage while they extorted businesses, torched others, murdered residents and allowed them to die by refusing to allow 1st responders in their 'hostage zones' to save the people. They brought in food to the domestic terrorists, and cheered them on, declaring these hostage takers and terrorists had ushered in a 'summer of love'.

Former President Obama bailed out of jail two prominent lawyers who had been arrested after throwing Molotov cocktails at policemen during one of these terrorist events. Our current VP helped bail out of jail during these violent terrorist events, putting back on the streets to add to the BILLIONS in damage they caused. Harris encouraged these domestic terrorists to continue their violence after the election, and so far they have complied.

A teen vogue editor was fired for comments she made when she was 17 - years ago - but Harris gets a pass for calling for CONTINUED INSURRECTION by foreign-funded Democrats-supported domestic terrorists?

The FBI warned the Capitol Police and Pelosi this violence was going to happen, and neither one did anything to protect or prevent! The Capitol Police are on camera moving barriers for the violent rioters, allowing them to break windows and ented the Captiol, and on camera guiding them through the Capitol. Pelosi facilitated the event because she used it for her 2nd failed impeachment attempt.

Democrats have proven they are threats to the nation and to citizens, as are the propaganda-pushing,, indoctrinated 'Jonathon Gruber' sheep like you who continue to push their already debunked lies.

You want to talk about 'Insurrections' but want to AVOID talking about the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorist group - the group that has and continued to call for this nation's government to bve 'burnt down' - that has attempted to burn federal agents aliuve while surrogate fake news media and snowflakes like yourself has defended them and refused to call their actions what theyhave been - terrorism and a very REAL 'Insurrection'.

You want to ignore the fact that former President Obama, as he did with foreign terrorists, helped facilitate this domestic terrorists by standing with the terrorists instead of the American people by bailing out a couple of prominent liberal extremist lawyers who threw Molotov cocktails at policemen during these terrorist attacks.

You want to ignore the fact that our current VP helped pay for the bail to get these terrorists released from jail and back on the streets to commit more acts of terrorism against American businesses and American people.

You want to ignore the fact that the current VP called on these domestic terrorists to continue their 'Insurrection' after the election was over...which they have done.

You want to ignore that the current Speaker of the House refused to take action to prevent a 'war' that was coming to DC, according to the FBI, yet later turned DC into the Baghdad Iraq 'Green Zone' during the Biden Inauguration when there was ZERO Intel of any possible violence (which there was none).

You want to ignore that Pelosi and the Democrats collaborated with the proven terrorists Antifa, specifically Sullivan, to acquire the video footage he filmed while illegally in the Capitol on 6 Jan and used it as 'evidence' against Trump in Pelosi's failed 2nd impeachment attempt.

- WHY did a known violent Antifa member illegally break into the Capitol to only FILM footage of the event? He said later all he was there to do was to FILM the event..... (I would bet this thug was in the Capitol filming that day FOR PELOSI / DEMOCRATS.....A FILM PELOSIAND DEMOCRATS USED IN HER FAILED 2ND IMPEACHMENT ATTEMPT)

- HOW did this known violent Antifa member who was illegally in the Capitol get arrested yet was released, unlike the others arrested / hunted down and arrested (which they deserved)?

- HOW did Pelosi, Fang Fang Swalwell, and Democrats get their hands on the film taken by Sullivan / Antifa while in the Capitol illegally and use it against Trump n the 2nd failed Impeachment attempt.

WHY bring up BLM / Violent riots?

Because THEY were cases of REAL domestic terrorism and Insurrection.

Because Democrats have supported, supplied, defended, protected, facilitated, bailed them out, and inspired these domestic terrorists who were involved on 6 January and who Democrats collaborated with, getting their help in the Democrats' failed 2nd impeachment attempt.
Last edited:
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Thank you
They don’t get the point I’m trying to make. If it’s ok for republicans to act this way during elections why shouldn’t democrats arm and organize and plot what we will do if republicans try to steal another election?

The next time liberal militias should surround the capitol and it’d be a turkey shoot or like shooting fish in a barrel.

Let’s see if I can shoot the broad side of a barn
View attachment 469657
And spend the rest of your short life in prison.
Marvin and bootney you screwed it up.had you not posted smellybozo would have farted in his thread four times in a rowmhe already had three,could have had four stinking farts.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Smellybozo if you had any brains you would go into hiding now from this thread and not show your face again after Easy humiliated you on page 11 in his posts 201 and 214,he so much checkmated your sorry lying ass. :thup: :2up: your bosses in china sure pay you an awful lot of money to troll here,no way would you do it for free for all the constant ass beatings you get here all the time from people like me and this excellent Intellectual Easy.:abgg2q.jpg:

He said it BEAUTIFULLY about you,what i have been saying for over ten years about you,that you are a propaganda pushing gruber who always posts DEBUNKED lies.:2up::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Thank you
They don’t get the point I’m trying to make. If it’s ok for republicans to act this way during elections why shouldn’t democrats arm and organize and plot what we will do if republicans try to steal another election?

The next time liberal militias should surround the capitol and it’d be a turkey shoot or like shooting fish in a barrel.

Let’s see if I can shoot the broad side of a barn
View attachment 469657
And spend the rest of your short life in prison.
No, it would be the white wing insurrectionists going to prison. Again.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Thank you
They don’t get the point I’m trying to make. If it’s ok for republicans to act this way during elections why shouldn’t democrats arm and organize and plot what we will do if republicans try to steal another election?

The next time liberal militias should surround the capitol and it’d be a turkey shoot or like shooting fish in a barrel.

Let’s see if I can shoot the broad side of a barn
View attachment 469657
And spend the rest of your short life in prison.
No, it would be the white wing insurrectionists going to prison. Again.
Shoot one of them and you go too. Maybe you'd even share a cell with a few of them. Like I said, the rest of your short life.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Ugh. I hate this. The last thing we need is more guns, more violence, and more militias. Admittedly, the difference between people getting tear gassed for kneeling in a street and being able to invade and occupy federal buildings for weeks without violence seems to be whether or not the mob has guns. And we know a lot of people with BLM saw that and got the message loud and clear. Kneel in a street? Gassed and beaten. Block major highways into large cities? Taking smiling selfies on Facebook. The difference? Skin color and guns, but i have to wonder if 'guns' isn't the bigger factor.

The capitol protesters were unarmed. Even the one who was shot dead by the cops while you cheered.
And angry mob caused 4 innocent people to die that day. Fuck you.

you sure get angry when you are getting your sorry ass owned and taken to school that the dem funded Antifa caused the riots and murdered an unarmed woman. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Must suck to be you,to have to face reality reality that both parties hate trump cause he is not part of the corrupt washington establishment two party system and that is why romney and bush hate him and voted for lying biden. :itsok: :itsok:

Must suck to have to get out of your fantasyland you live in that the democrats are the party to vote for after suffering the constant ass beatings from me over the years that there is no difference in the two parties and that Obama lied to the people about reversing Bushs policys and EXPANDED them and was a clone of him. :itsok:

what really sucks for you though is having to deal with reality that they are the best of buds and are bed buddies and do a three some with clinton, photos dont lie that they are bed buddies with each other smellybozo :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:
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We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.

How's your pussyhat army coming along? You girls ready for a fight?
Not yet. We got our guns but no one hads ammo. Lol

Has anyone taught you the difference between your rifle and your gun? This will be important for the trannies in your platoon...
could not have said it any better myself Easy. :thup: :dance: :banana: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::thankusmile::yes_text12:

Thank you for proving you are a complete LIAR and have no credibility. On 6 Jan the President declared / urged his supporters to 'WALK PEACEFULLY TO THE CAPITOL' AND 'CHEER ON' politicians.

If you want to cherry-pick quotes in an attempt to try to substantiate your lies, go for it.

If you want to compare histories / events between Trump and Democrats, let's do it.

Democrats openly encouraged the violent altercations and harassment of GOP politicians and their staff.

Democrats' violent rhetoric inspired a failed assassination attempt on GOP politicians in a public park.

Democrats like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and more threatened the President with violence.

Democrats protected, defended, supplied, fed, and facilitated liberal extremist terrorists as they perpetrated acts of violence and terrorism.

Democrats, to include a former President and the current VP have bailed out domestic terrorists, putting them back on the streets to continue committing crimes and acts of violence.
- This VP has called on these terrorists to continue to engage in violence and terrorism after the last election, which they have done.

In 2016 Hillary's team confessed on videoto hiring thugs to beat and bloody Trump-supporters at Trump rallies.

President Trump held hundreds of events attended by hundreds of thousands of supporters with ZERO act of violence...until Known violent Antifa terrorists who showed up on 6 Jan and were seen committing illegals acts.
- Pelosi and Democrats were given the video filmed by a known violent Antifa terrorist who was in the Capitol illegally on 6 Jan, the video gootage he was filming FOR Pelosi, the Antifa video footage Pelosi used as evidence against Trump in her 2nd failed Impeachment attempt.

YOU have to twist quotes and manufacture insinuated / claimed crimes, while there is a mountain of existing evidence of Democrats, collusion, crimes, and treason. Nothing has to be 'spun' - it speaks for iutself without the need of snowflake translation.

We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.

Democracy in it's purest form is mob rule.
Well we need the pentagon to be in on it. Trump screwed up he didn’t have the generals. He was smarter than the generals
just like you think you are smaerter than them and want to shoot unarmed people
Stop. No one wants to shoot unarmed people. What other arguments do you have? That ones been debunked.
thats what youve been calling for in this thread,,,

and nothings been debunked,, its was proven no one on jan 6 was armed,,
No I just want to storm the capitol with zip ties and shit on McConnells desk. And hit a police with a fire extinguisher which led to his death. That’s murder. Suddenly you aren’t so pro police.

Actually the current information is the zip tie guy found them at the capitol, and just took them to prevent their use by the officers in the building.
Found them? Are you fucking kidding me? We’re they just laying around? He took them from a capitol police.

Sorry if you don’t like what the investigation is finding out. Sorry no antifa were involved.

The original story was he brought them himself, as evidence that they intended to take people hostage.

That's what lefty cuck bois like you were bleating at the start of it.
Ok fine but it sure looked that way. You have to admit it didn't look good.

Anyways, I see a fine line between the capitol insurrection and the time when conservatives stormed Lansing with their assault rifles. Would you like it if liberals were acting this way? Maybe we should. I know a lot of USMB Republicans want a civil war.

We can't be intimidated. That's what these gun toting cons are doing. It's a tactic. What, do you guys suddenly not trust the election process? You don't remember Trump was going to claim 2016 was rigged until he found out he won? So he had already planned to say the election was rigged if he lost. If it was close. And it wasn't even close yet he still tried. And one of your guys arguments is no way Biden got more votes than Trump? You forget what an asshole he was to everyone except Trump supporters for 4 years? And Biden wasn't Hillary. Hell, even Hated Hillary almost beat Trump.

Throw in absentee ballots for everyone because of the pandemic? Ya lost. Get over it.

Man, what a pathetic soi boi lefty rant.

You guys couldn't resist a 2 mph wind.
Well you are making us want to arm ourselves as you arm yourselves. Why wait until it's too late. I bet the Jews wish they had guns in 1939.

Next time you come to riot this is what you will see

View attachment 469705
So, we all agree that gun control is fucking bullshit, right?

No. Here is a gun control we all agree on. No bringing your guns to the capitol. Right?

Wrong. Fuck those arrogant ass wipes.

I suppose you think this is ok?

Heavily Armed Man In Body Armor Arrested After Walking Into Atlanta Grocery Store

Officers saw the man leave the bathroom and quickly held him for questioning. According to police, his weapons included two long guns and three pistols, all of which were concealed.

The Taliban is watching us and thinking boy it would be easy to take these gun nuts out.

Yea yea, we should all carry assault rifles. Got it.

The number of shootings in Toronto increased around 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and numbers rose sharply in 2017 as well. But Canada's rise in gun violence still pales in comparison with the U.S., where 189 mass shooting incidents have claimed 195 lives and wounded over 700 so far in 2018.

How's your pussyhat army coming along? You girls ready for a fight?
Not yet. We got our guns but no one hads ammo. Lol

Has anyone taught you the difference between your rifle and your gun? This will be important for the trannies in your platoon...
One is for shooting raccoons for the cousin-children for dinner, and the other is for beating the cousin-wife over the head after dinner?
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
so you want to shoot unarmed people,,

I just want to protect democracy. Not mob rules.
Democracy is mob rules, silly
this is smellybozo after Easy handed his ass to him on a platter OWNING his sorry ass checkmating him and dragonIdiot in every post of his.:auiqs.jpg:


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