Liberal Preacher Thinks He Know Jesus, Says Jesus was a Socialist


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart
Yea, Jesus is a socialist. And remember, He is also the King, which He refuses tax money. And He gives out free healthcare to those who accept him to be their King.
But the devil's has its own socialist program. That this program drains everyone from their funds. Once it has drained everything. It moves on to the next country.
But right now, this socialist program is ruled by Soros (The devil). But it will be a day, When Jesus will reign and bring in His socialist program, that will make everyone to become rich. But under Soros', that we will always have the poor.
Matthew was hated by the Jews, because he was the tax collector for Caesar. But when Jesus came. He stopped collecting taxes.
In the Bible, taxes was considered evil. But under Jesus' reign. We will not be paying taxes.
And so will Big Pharma will start handing out free meds so that we don't have to pay high taxes?

Matthew 26:11 The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.

Matthew 17:26
“From others,” Peter answered. “Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him.

Luke 22:53 Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.”

2 Corinthians 11:7 Was it a sin for me to lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching the gospel of God to you free of charge?

Yahweh is not God, was never God, just a disgusting middle east war deity. Don't get me started on why the Bible is total bullshit. And yes you zionist folks are insane. Sorry. :p
Jesus preached above all else that material wealth was of no real value and that helping the least among us was paramount. Seems kinda opposite here now where material wealth is goal #1 in america. Just saying. Hmmm I
Jesus preached above all else that material wealth was of no real value and that helping the least among us was paramount. Seems kinda opposite here now where material wealth is goal #1 in america. Just saying. Hmmm I
He put it on YOU.

He never put it on Ceasar to confiscate all your wealth and redistribute it.

It's all on you bud.
I try to do my share. As a nation we've moved to blaming the poor for financial problems. We call them drags on society and that nobody should be poor in America. I don't buy that. Whatsoever.
Jesus said WE are supposed to care for the sick, poor, hungry because we want to and we love God.
Not because the government says we have to. He's a leftist fraud.
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children. And he never wanted to help the sick because he could get sick himself. There was only one group of people Jesus ever wanted to help and love and that was the very wealthy because they’re the only ones that deserve it.
That’s the new modern day up to date GOP Jesus.
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children
He didn't kill them in the womb.

He did tell us "the poor will ALWAYS be among you."

Do you know why that is? I'll leave it to you to figure out
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children. And he never wanted to help the sick because he could get sick himself. There was only one group of people Jesus ever wanted to help and love and that was the very wealthy because they’re the only ones that deserve it.
That’s the new modern day up to date GOP Jesus.
I love it when SOCIALISTS preach Jesus! What could possibly go wrong?
That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Jesus hated poor people. He despised children. And he never wanted to help the sick because he could get sick himself. There was only one group of people Jesus ever wanted to help and love and that was the very wealthy because they’re the only ones that deserve it.
That’s the new modern day up to date GOP Jesus.
Wow! "Clever". You tried so hard...bless your heart.

Actually reality shows that the right has been trying for years to farm out aid to the hungry and homeless to religious based charities (religious as in we love Jesus) but the democrats have blocked every attempt.

You guys are hypocrites and idiots. Get your act together and stop pretending that the party that loves abortion and fears the very word "God" (on money, in pledges, on buildings, etc,) is the least bit interested in what Jesus thought and said.
Socialism is an ersatz religion that attempts to deny Jesus.
Is this the Dem strategy for the 2020 campaign? Looks like 4 more years of Trump.

<<During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, network regular Rev. William Barber said that if caring for the sick and poor is socialism then “Jesus is a socialist,” which echoes comments he made at a Democratic National Committee meeting in August.>>

Rev. William Barber: 'Jesus Is a Socialist' | Breitbart

Caring for the poor is charity. STEALING FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR to help the poor is socialism.
Jesus wants you to help the poor because that's what your heart, who wants to honor God, tells you to do.

Not because Bernie Sanders or Charles Schumer tells you to do it.
Not only was Jesus a Socialist.......he was a Liberal

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