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Liberal professor warns that Obama's actions are unconstitutional

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Where was all of this Constitutional outrage from GOPbaggers when Bush ordered torture, NSA spying, illegal preemptive war over lies, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
Looks like some dyed-in-the-wool liberals are starting to worry about Obama's unprecedented power grab. This professor, like most liberals, doesn't have any problem with what Obama is doing, but doesn't like the way he is doing it. Our constitution is in danger and we know now that Obama wasn't kidding about the fundamental changes he intended to make to our country. While all presidents have used executive orders, they respected the limits placed on them. Obama is trying to legislate through force, without the involvement of congress. The parties have always battled over the right things to do for the country, but Obama has decided that he isn't interested in debate, explaining his position or even including congress in the process. He's going to do as he wishes whether there is support from either side or not. That makes him dangerous because our constitution means nothing to him.

On top of all that, Turley makes a solid point that just because he might agree with much of the work Obama is doing doesn't mean he should tolerate the President's unconstitutional means of doing so:

"The fact that I happen to think the president is right on many of these policies does not alter the fact that I believe the means he is doing is wrong, and that this can be a dangerous change in our system. And our system is changing in a very fundamental way. And it's changing without a whimper of regret or opposition."

Liberal Professor Warns that Obama Administration Taking Us to 'Constitutional Tipping Point'

Liberal Professor Warns that Obama Administration Taking Us to 'Constitutional Tipping Point' | Independent Journal Review

what would you like to bet that there is not one damn liberal on USMB that will agree with the "Liberal professor" :up:

"Obama has decided that he isn't interested in debate"

does any hard left liberal slopehead want to debate ? HELL NO !! it's their way or no way, e.g., U.S. Senate and good ol "Whore House Harry" (interesting story there.)

"...our constitution means nothing to him."

nor does any of his minions, many of whom are right here on USMB ! :up:
How is a President who has issued fewer Executive Orders than any recent President and has yet to use his Veto overstepping his executive powers?

when are dumbasses like you going to understand that it isn't the NUMBER of EO's .., it's the damaging effect of those "fewer" EO's :up:

why do you :suck: up to a traitor who wants to wype his filthy Kenyan ass with this and other patriots CONSTITUTION !! :up:
Murdering Americans with drones, warrantless wiretaps, rewriting laws unilaterally, obstructing Congressional investigations, refusing to enforce immigration laws.....All unconstitutional.
Bullshit. This president has done nothing to give any of you an inch of rope in your 6 year long quest to end his political career.

He has not trampled, shredded, spit on, usurped, ignored, sidestepped, pissed on, thrown away, or otherwise disobeyed the US Constitution.

You fucking assholes.

Well, besides being ignorant...you are a fool.

Clearly, there has been overstepping of authority in the administration of Obamacare. Or have you missed that entire conversation.

I'd say that last three line comment is a pretty good self-portrait.
Where was all of this Constitutional outrage from GOPbaggers when Bush ordered torture, NSA spying, illegal preemptive war over lies, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
Where is the outrage from commie liberals NOW, that was there 5 years ago?
Where was all of this Constitutional outrage from GOPbaggers when Bush ordered torture, NSA spying, illegal preemptive war over lies, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

Buck Fush!

We are talking about the house being on fire NOW!

What are we going to do to save the house NOW???!!!

Not a decade ago, you childish loon.
Where was all of this Constitutional outrage from GOPbaggers when Bush ordered torture, NSA spying, illegal preemptive war over lies, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

Buck Fush!

We are talking about the house being on fire NOW!

What are we going to do to save the house NOW???!!!

Not a decade ago, you childish loon.
Yeah, NOW! The house is burning NOW! Don't bother wondering when or how the fire started! NOW isn't the time to point fingers! A black Dimocrap is using Bush's augmented Executive authority to destroy America!

Just face it. You'll be okay with everything that you're mad at Obama for doing if a white Republican gets back into office.
Where was all of this Constitutional outrage from GOPbaggers when Bush ordered torture, NSA spying, illegal preemptive war over lies, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

Buck Fush!

We are talking about the house being on fire NOW!

What are we going to do to save the house NOW???!!!

Not a decade ago, you childish loon.
Yeah, NOW! The house is burning NOW! Don't bother wondering when or how the fire started! NOW isn't the time to point fingers! A black Dimocrap is using Bush's augmented Executive authority to destroy America!

Just face it. You'll be okay with everything that you're mad at Obama for doing if a white Republican gets back into office.

Is this how people like you really process information?

Facing the most serious and long lasting and long-term damaging "breaker-upper" in our Nation's history in the WH and you look to assign blame????


Please tell me you aren't employed as a first responder and that no one depends on you doing the right at the appropriate time.

Because frankly, you suck at it.

This is a criminal administration, and it's not going to end well. He is pushing us toward a civil war, leaving us with only two choices, submit to tyranny or revolt.

Ha. Yer a funny one. What the fuck are you waiting for?

what the fuck do you think we are waiting for ? read the history of the American Revolutionary War, 1764-1781, if you can read rather than shoot off your mouth about what we are waiting for, the British started coming down hard on the patriots in 1764, it took 11 (eleven) years of bullshit to get the patriots to take armed action..., and do you know why ?
How is a President who has issued fewer Executive Orders than any recent President and has yet to use his Veto overstepping his executive powers?

It's not the number you use it's the way in which you use them every President uses Executive Orders but I can recall none Democrat or Republican who has tried to expand there size and scope the way Obama has. On a side note Obama still has just under three years to go as President so that Executive Orders number can and likely will go up.
Bullshit. This president has done nothing to give any of you an inch of rope in your 6 year long quest to end his political career.

He has not trampled, shredded, spit on, usurped, ignored, sidestepped, pissed on, thrown away, or otherwise disobeyed the US Constitution.

You fucking assholes.

you can not be that fucking ignorant, soooo, i am suspecting a huge wave of stupidity bowled you over, you are caught in the undertow and are grasping for anything to stay afloat, unfortunately, you grabbed on to the Obamafagot anchor. :up: ... :lmao:
While I disagree with many of Jonathan's political views, the man is a patriot that believes in upholding the constitution, even if it curtails what he would like to see America become.

I have seen many predictions that the Republicans are going to gain in the House and take back the senate. Many of the conservative posters in here will not like what I have to post, but I believe these predictions are wrong. I predict not only will the Republicans lose more seats in the senate, I also believe the Democrats will also regain control of the house as well.

When a person like Turley who has leftist politics is dismayed at how not only passive congress is, but how inert they are as well, that does not bode well for the Republican Party. When a leftist is asking where is the fight from the Republican Party in defending the constitution, that is not a good sign.

The Republican Party is completely worthless. They are nothing more than the Democrat party's rubber stamp. Establishment RINOs like Karl Rove, Boehner, Graham, McCain, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConjob, and others like them who are nothing more than deep blue jackasses in elephants clothing have turned the Republican Party into the party of "surrender before the battle has begun", the party of "The Democrats rubber stamp". When a leftist like Turley is urging Republicans to fight, why would any conservative or libertarian waste their time voting for a spineless coward socialist Republican? I have a motto: "I usually vote 3rd party, sometimes I will vote Republican, but I will never....ever vote for a Democrat".

I can clearly differentiate between the TEA party Republican vs deep blue jackasses in elephants clothing like Graham, Boehner and many other Republicans, and while I don't completely agree with the TEA party movement, I will vote for them simply because at this point in time they are the only hope in completely reversing this country in going in a drastically wrong direction.

In the area I live, there are no real Republican running, they are like Jake the fake Starkey and JoeB131, people who lie about being Republicans. For 2014, I will not be voting for any Republicans, I refuse to support the party of that America-hating traitor Karl Rove. I believe there are many other voters libertarian and conservative alike who feel the same way. Seriously, what ideas has the party of Karl Rove come up with? NONE!

In conclusion, I believe the establishment RINOs will lose ground to the TEA party within the Republican Party, however, the like of Rove, Graham, Boehner and such have so destroyed the Republican Party, I don't believe enough people will come out to vote republican to keep them in power in the house or to keep their current seats in the senate. The best thing that can happen to the Republican Party for the future is after the 2014 election is to hear the word, "former senator" Lyndsey Graham, Mitch McConjob, and former representative John Boehner. And the words I would love to hear, "Karl Rove has been indicted."

Any time a leftist it trying to do the fighting for the Republican Party is a not a good sign going into an election.
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